The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

FMJRA 2.0: For The Turnstiles

Posted on | February 11, 2018 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Rule 5 Sunday: Eagles With Elbows
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
Proof Positive
A View From The Beach

#TheMemo: Worse Than Watergate?
Nebraska Energy Observer
A View From The Beach

FMJRA 2.0: Day Late & A Dollar Short
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 02.05.18
Proof Positive

You’re Wrong, @RKyleSmith: Why #MeToo Will Continue Destroying Men
Pushing Rubber Downhill

In The Mailbox: 02.06.18
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 02.07.18
Proof Positive

A Cheaper Date Than Peterson: 12 Rules

In The Mailbox: 02.08.18
Proof Positive
A View From The Beach

How About $3 for a Rant?
Pushing Rubber Downhill

Teenager Uses Gay Dating App to Meet Cute Strangers, and Bad Things Happen

In The Mailbox: 02.09.18
Proof Positive

Top linkers this week:

  1. EBL (10)
  2. Proof Positive (6)
  3. A View From The Beach (4)

Thanks to everyone for all the links!

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JP Isn’t JC & The Critics Aren’t Pharisees

Posted on | February 10, 2018 | Comments Off on JP Isn’t JC & The Critics Aren’t Pharisees

by Smitty

As was the case a couple thousand years back, the Establishment isn’t keen on being disrupted.

Many of Peterson’s haters on the right have been toiling in the fields these long years, equally worried about, writing about, the treatment of men, especially young men; about the erosion of freedoms, etc.
Where, they are wondering, are their rewards? So they are bitter. It’s a feeling I’m familiar with.
But if they can’t be happy for Peterson, they also don’t seem capable of summoning up any happiness for the others they claimed to care about all this time — our young men and women being brainwashed, who have finally found someone to deprogram them.
So we see that these critics on the right were never really concerned with real change all along, since their attitude towards its advent is so negative.

If we’re going to be humble and serve the Truth, we have to relax and support other people doing the same. We can offer constructive criticism on matters of substance, and quietly endure matters of style that differ from our own approach.
I, for one, think Peterson needs a voice coach in a bad way. But I’m too busy cheering his courage to crucify him on the point.

via Ed Driscoll at Instapundit

In The Mailbox: 02.09.18

Posted on | February 10, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 02.09.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: There’s A Bear In The Market
Twitchy: “Mad Dog” Mattis Blisters Media For Asking If He Has “Misgivings” About Trump’s Parade Proposal
Louder With Crowder: Meghan McCain Shuts Down Joy Behar Being “Offended By Republicans”
Intellectual Takeout: Let Us Eradicate Poverty, Not Demolish Wealth (h/t NeoWayland)
According To Hoyt: Sex, Gender, And Marx, Oh My
Monster Hunter Nation: February Update Post
Vox Popoli: GDC Rescinds Award To Nolan Bushnell

Adam Piggott: Killing Women, also, Friday Hawt Chicks & Links – The Rocketman Edition
American Power: Emotional Support Hamster Flushed Down The Toilet
American Thinker: Hillary’s Uranium One Reaching Critical Mass
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Rockin’ Friday
Baldilocks: Fear Will Cause You To Screw Up
BattleSwarm: Twitter Suspends PolitiBunny, also, LinkSwarm For February 9
CDR Salamander: Bad Liberty, But Good Location, also, Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: Nancy {Hearts} Antonio
Don Surber: “Donald Trump Saved The Parade”
Dustbury: No More Need Be Said
Fred On Everything: God’s Knights Of The Pen & The Bottle – The Noble Reporter In His Splendor
The Geller Report: Muslim Rapes 13-Year-Old German Schoolgirl After Being Released From Prison For Attempted Rape, also, Bataclan Mass Murder Refuses To Attend Trial, Seeks Dismissal
Hogewash: Blogsmoke, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Joe For America: Tony Dungy Catches Flak For Mentioning Nick Foles’ Christian Beliefs
JustOneMinute: Resistance Economics
Legal Insurrection: Confirmed – Hillary Op Sid Blumenthal Helped Spread Russia Collusion Fever Before Election, also, Leading #MeToo California Assemblywoman Accused Of Sexual Misconduct
Power Line: When Schumer & DiBlasio Wanted A Military Parade, also, An Ellison/Farrakhan Reunion
Shark Tank: Pelosi Puts Colleagues & The Nation To Sleep With DACA Speech
Shot In The Dark: Words Will Never Harm Me
STUMP: Friday Foolery – Stockton Tries Universal Basic Income…Maybe
The Jawa Report: Banned From Twitter – The Foo, Allowed On Twitter – The Taliban
The Political Hat: Challenging Men To Create Fembots
This Ain’t Hell: Shannon Watts Compares Troops To White Supremacists, also, Mattis Moves To Protect Military Dreamers
Victory Girls: ISIS “Beatles” Terrorists Who Beheaded James Foley Captured In Syria By Kurds
Weasel Zippers: Guess Where That $1.7 Billion Obama Gave Iran Went? also, McCarthy – Trump Can’t Be Found To Have Obstructed Russia Investigation
Megan McArdle: We Need Everyone At The Immigration Table
Mark Steyn: Among The Empathizers, also, Romancing The Stone

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Teenager Uses Gay Dating App to Meet Cute Strangers, and Bad Things Happen

Posted on | February 9, 2018 | 1 Comment

As I’ve often explained, online dating is for losers. The very fact that somebody is trying to hook up via an Internet site or smartphone app tells you that nobody they actually know in real life is willing to date them. Guys who engage in online dating are a bunch of desperate creeps, sorting through a discount bargain-basement selection of lonely women with personality flaws and psychiatric issues. If you ever see a good-looking person on a dating site, ask yourself: Why has this person been unable to find a stable, healthy and enduring relationship? There must be something wrong with these people, you see, and if this is true of heterosexuals in the online dating world, does anyone imagine that things are better when the LGBT community does online dating?

Left to right: Lorenco Gjegji, Joshua Blanchard, Cade Ford.

HAVERHILL, Mass. — Five teenagers are being held without bail in the case of a vicious beating in a remote area of Haverhill.
According to a police report, a teen victim said he was lured into the violent ambush by one of the suspects he had met on the popular dating-app Grindr.
19-year-old Lorenco Gjegji, of Haverhill, reportedly picked up the victim with one of the other suspects, 18-year-old Joshua Blanchard, of Haverhill.
Police say the victim told officers he thought he was being taken to the Millvale Reservoir to smoke marijuana.
It wasn’t long before the encounter took an unexpected turn. Shortly after parking by the woods, two additional cars pulled up behind them.
Several more teens, ages 18 and 19, got out of those vehicles and things escalated quickly.
Court documents describe the victim being dragged out the car and beaten with a baton. He was also repeatedly punched and kicked.
The two teens who had picked him up earlier in the evening are alleged to have been involved in setting up the calculated and vicious attack.
Those suspects reportedly stole the victim’s Air Jordan sneakers, $140 in cash as well as his cell phone. They then allegedly kidnapped the victim, driving him to Lawrence in an effort to score marijuana. . . .
Along with Gjegji and Blanchard, 18-year-old Cade Ford, of Haverhill, 19-year-old Joseph Clohisy, of Haverhill, and 18-year-old Richard Pedro, of Methuen, are also charged in the crime.
All five suspects have been arraigned on charges of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, kidnapping and armed robbery.

Was this a “hate crime”? Were the guys who beat up, robbed and kidnapped the victim also members of the LGBT community? We don’t know. This looks like a 21st-century versions of what used to be a rather common sort of crime back in the 1970s, when gay guys were known to “cruise” certain parks and other public places, and would occasionally get mugged by young hoodlums looking for an easy mark. Being a juvenile delinquent myself, I used to hear some of my dopehead hoodlum buddies laugh about how they had “rolled a queer” in Atlanta’s Piedmont Park, which was the locally notorious “cruising” area back in the day. Violence was never my thing, personally, but when you’re a teenage dopehead, you get used to the fact that many of your acquaintances are just evil.

Having been around a lot of evil people at such a young age — I was dealing dope before I was old enough to get a driver’s license — tends to make you cynical about human nature. However “civilized” we might imagine ourselves to be, we are never far away from savagery, and if you go trolling around for cheap thrills, you put yourself at risk of encountering evil people. Let’s put it this way: If Jeffrey Dahmer were alive today, he’d definitely be on Grindr, and so would his victims.

The victim of the Haverhill hoodlums is lucky to be alive, and if these thugs hadn’t been caught, how many more people would they have victimized? As it is, I’m guessing the perpetrators will spend quite a while in prison, where they are certain to have their chance to, uh, become members of the LGBT community. Probably not in a fun way, either.

Warn your kids: Don’t date online. Bad things could happen.

UPDATE: While the news item that prompted this post was about a teenager on a gay dating app, I wish to emphasize that all online dating suffers from the same basic dangers. Our tendency toward superficiality, to judge people based on appearances, is a major part of the problem. In December I wrote a lengthy article entitled “Pretty Poison” which dealt with this issue: We tend to believe that people who look good are good, and this puts us at risk in many different ways.

Don’t let your eyes deceive you. Just because someone is good-looking, don’t assume that they can’t also be evil. If you are foolish enough to date online, you might “swipe right” on a murderer.



How About $3 for a Rant?

Posted on | February 8, 2018 | Comments Off on How About $3 for a Rant?

“The most incurably frustrated — and therefore, the most vehement — among the permanent misfits are those with an unfulfilled craving for creative work.”
Eric Hoffer, The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements, 1951

Never push my “rant” button. Trying not to get angry is a daily struggle when I’m up to my eyeballs in feminist insanity. What bothers me, sometimes, is how unnecessary it all is. Most of these young women could have been saved from a life of resentment and misery, if only some teacher during all their years of education had required them to read the right books. Yet our universities are in the iron grip of “progressive” ideologues, and most students finish four years without ever encountering any well-argued criticism of their worldview.

As painful as it is to witness young men permanently ruined by “social justice” indoctrination, it’s just tragic to see an otherwise attractive young woman’s life go to waste because she has been taught nothing but bad ideas about life. Such an example crossed my radar screen yesterday when I glanced at the sidebar on Twitter and noticed that the hashtag #WhyImSingle was “trending.” Clicking over, I noticed among the various responses one that was actually funny and clever, written by a lovely 24-year-old woman who lives in North Carolina. Do I want to expose her to ridicule and harassment? No, I do not, but I was emotionally affected — both sad and angry — at the recognition that this lovely woman was wasting her life.

Rhett: “The cause of living in the past is dying right in front of us.”
Scarlett: “I never heard you talk like that.”
Rhett: “I’m angry. Waste always makes me angry, and that’s what this is, sheer waste.”

Angry. Last weekend, our whole family was together for the first time in a while. Me, my wife, six children, a son-in-law, two daughters-in-law, four grandchildren, my 19-year-old son’s girlfriend, and a few others beside — 21 people for a pasta dinner, and it was wonderful. How is it that our three oldest kids have been able to pair off, get married and begin families of their own while in their 20s, when so many of their generation can’t seem to make it happen? Why has the median age at first marriage for women, which had never been above 23 in U.S. history prior to 1984, now risen past age 27? Whatever happened to happily ever after? What happened to the kind of love that inspired teenage dreams?

Maybe if we think, and wish, and hope,
And pray, it might come true.
Baby, then there wouldn’t be
A single thing we couldn’t do.
We could be married,
And then we’d be happy.
Wouldn’t it be nice?

Perhaps nothing is more important in the lives of young people than their hope for that kind of love, and that teenage dream has been destroyed — a waste of life, which always makes me angry. The North Carolina girl is an English major who wants to be a writer, an idiotic ambition, and the reasons I say it’s idiotic is because I’ve been a professional writer for more than 30 years, and guess what? It’s about the money.


“No man but a blockhead ever wrote, except for money,” as Samuel Johnson sagely observed. If you can make a better living by some other means than writing, you should probably go do that instead. It has been my misfortune, however, that at age 26, I left a perfectly good job driving a forklift to take a $4.50-an-hour job writing for a weekly newspaper, which led eventually to a “journalism career,” as they call it.

What a silly thing to be, a “writer”! What child would ever dream of such a thing, unless they had no other hope in the world? Anyway, this English major in North Carolina pushed my “rant” button:

Feminists are always True Believers. It’s always personal for them. They’ve got an ax to grind, a grievance against the existing social order, and their writing tends to suffer from too many first-person pronouns, like Mein Kampf.
Never mind who it was that inspired this rant. Some feminist I never heard of wrote something that pissed me off, and when I went to check her background on LinkedIn, I saw she was an English major. She seems to have spent a lot of time obsessed with Marvel comics, for some reason, and thinks of herself as a writer. So, yeah, f–k you and your first-person pronouns.
It’s always about you, isn’t it? You’re just like Hitler, who saw in his “struggle” a symbolic narrative of the fate of the German people. Hitler the failed artist believed he was destined to redeem Germany in quite the same way that the feminist English major thinks she’s going to “smash patriarchy.” . . .

Read the whole thing. It’s about 2,000 words, which at a penny per word would be $20. If you like it, perhaps you might want to kick in $3 to buy me a cup of coffee, but whatever you think it’s worth, please remember the Five Most Important Words in the English Language:





In The Mailbox: 02.08.18

Posted on | February 8, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 02.08.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Why Can’t We Have A Parade?
Twitchy: Brit Hume Crushes Horde Of Lefties Over Obama’s LIES About The FBI Russia Probe
Louder With Crowder: Uranium One Informant Testifies Against Hillary And Obama
Calaire Wolfe: More On FEMA’s Latest Follies (h/t NeoWayland)

Adam Piggott: Another One of Those Darn Posts About Comments, also, Never Underestimate The Power Of Cheap
American Power: Dow Closes Down 20 Points As Volatility Remains
American Thinker: Up Schiff’s Creek Without A Paddle
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Excess Interference News
BattleSwarm: Transient HTTP/HTTPS Issue
CDR Salamander: Kissinger Has Your Answer, If You’re Willing To Listen, also, Diversity Thursday
Da Tech Guy: Thank You, Nancy, May I Please have Another?
Don Surber: Illegal Aliens Threaten To Leave If Congress Doesn’t Pass DACA Law
Dustbury: Defeating The Whole Purpose
The Geller Report: Linda Sarsour “Tired Of White Men”, also, Canadian Prime Soyboy Trudeau Proclaims Sharia Compatible With Democracy
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, A Near Miss
Joe For America: Judicial Watch’s Tom Fitton Reports Third Dossier Given To Sen. Cardin By Obama
JustOneMinute: Dream On
Legal Insurrection: Senate Reaches Trillion Dollar Budget Deal, also, Researchers Find Gender Pay Gap At Uber, but No Discrimination
Michelle Malkin: Holtzclaw Update
Power Line: Ilhan Omar Spreads A Smear, also, Less Redacted
Shark Tank: Trump’s Parade Proposal Making Democratic Heads Explode
Shot In The Dark: A Time For Calling BS
STUMP: MEP Watch – About Those  Plans To Bail Out Union Pensions
The Political Hat: Leviathan – Amish Prisoners, Authoritarian Eurocrats, Outlawed Straws
This Ain’t Hell: Homeless Man Steals HMMWV To Join Army, also, A Valor Thief And Kid Diddler
Victory Girls: Clickbait Olympics Story Tries To Stir Up Fight
Weasel Zippers: Minneapolis Muslima Who Set Fires At St. Kates Facing Federal Terrorism Charges, also, Senate Report – Obamacare & Medicaid Expansion Contributed To The Opioid Epidemic
Megan McArdle: How A Tax Cut Handed GM A $5 Billion Loss
Mark Steyn: Dumb Strzok

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A Cheaper Date Than Peterson: 12 Rules

Posted on | February 7, 2018 | Comments Off on A Cheaper Date Than Peterson: 12 Rules

by Smitty

Riffing on JP and McArdle, here are my dozen:

  1. Relax. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Makes you a big, fat, easy target.
  2. Integrity is talking about Fight Club when the World would silence you.
  3. Take the truth seriously, and guard it jealously against all foolishness.
  4. Grow up: stay sober; eschew debt; pursue knowledge and wisdom.
  5. Don’t treat your sexuality like a video game. Those naughty bits are worth 1% of your skin area, should you become a burn victim. The fact that it’s the most intense 1% of your relationship doesn’t make the number (or anything else) greater.
  6. Marry*. Cherish the blessings of spouse and children.
  7. Read Ecclesiastes 7.
  8. Everything is easy, when you know how to do it. The learning curve requires dedication.
  9. People don’t scale. Keep it small; keep your soul.
  10. Have a budget. Living paycheck to paycheck ain’t livin’. See: Ramsey.
  11. Take exercise, eat well, and guard your health, to better the extended harassment of the (grand)children.
  12. Travel, to realize that the human concerns are constant, despite differences in law, language, and culture. Travel further, if needful, to grasp that the United States is a truly rounder wheel. Those godless Commie sodomites who, in the service of Hell, seek to tear this country and Western civilization down, are to be opposed at all points.

*And that is marriage in the actual sense of the word. See Rule 3.

In The Mailbox: 02.07.18

Posted on | February 7, 2018 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #159
EBL: Adam Schiff For Brains Punked By Russian Hackers
Twitchy: Salon’s Hot Black Panther Take Is Getting Torched
Louder With Crowder: John Kelly Doubles Down On “Lazy” DACA Recipient Comment
The Stream: Young People Think They Want Socialism, But They Don’t (h/t NeoWayland)

Adam Piggott: Podcast #74 –  The Breasts Episode, also, Mandatory College At Your Own Expense
American Power: Billionaire Patrick Soon-shiong To Buy L.A. Times, also, Katie Hopkins In South Africa
American Thinker: A Big Red Wave
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
BattleSwarm: Formerly Bankrupt Stockton Lays Plans For Next Bankruptcy
BLACKFIVE: Meg Gardiner, Into The Black Nowhere
CDR Salamander: Finland Ain’t Playing Games
Da Tech Guy: 24 Hours To Lose A Narrative, also, Back On The Old Blog As GoDaddy Suspends Me
Don Surber: Obama Parades Good, Trump Parades Fascist
Dustbury: Defixed
The Geller Report: More Than 500K At Risk Of Female Genital Mutilation In US, also, Brit Who Fought Islamic State Now Facing Terror Charges
Hogewash: Hubble Takes A Look At The TRAPPIST-1 Exoplanets
Joe For America: Thousands Of New FBI Texts Released – Obama Implicated
JustOneMinute: We Hear From The First Stockpicker
Legal Insurrection: US & Argentina Team Up To Drain Hezbollah’s Terror Funding, also, NYT Reports Egypt Allowing Israeli Strikes Against Terror Targets In Sinai
Michelle Malkin: Memo To Dan Rather – Shut Up About Memos
Power Line: Inside The FBI Circle Of Love – Sources, also, A Bad Penny Turns Up Again
Shark Tank: Texts Reveal Obama Wanted To Know All [About FBI Resistance]
Shot In The Dark: Skeeze For Thee But Not For We
STUMP: Taxing Tuesday – New York To Get More In Taxes?
The Political Hat: #MeToo Vs. Victorian Art
This Ain’t Hell: Wednesday Morning Feelgood Stories, also, 1SG Nicholas Amsberry RIP
Victory Girls: Ignorance & Double Standards For The Win – Not!
Weasel Zippers: Canadian Soyboy Moonbat PM Trudeau Mansplains About “Peoplekind” To Woman, also, All Contacts On Weiner’s Laptop Leak Including Clinton, Gore, Soros
Megan McArdle: Rent Control Needs Retirement, Not A Comeback
Mark Steyn: Live Around The Planet, also, On The Same Page

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