The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 02.07.18

Posted on | February 7, 2018 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #159
EBL: Adam Schiff For Brains Punked By Russian Hackers
Twitchy: Salon’s Hot Black Panther Take Is Getting Torched
Louder With Crowder: John Kelly Doubles Down On “Lazy” DACA Recipient Comment
The Stream: Young People Think They Want Socialism, But They Don’t (h/t NeoWayland)

Adam Piggott: Podcast #74 –  The Breasts Episode, also, Mandatory College At Your Own Expense
American Power: Billionaire Patrick Soon-shiong To Buy L.A. Times, also, Katie Hopkins In South Africa
American Thinker: A Big Red Wave
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
BattleSwarm: Formerly Bankrupt Stockton Lays Plans For Next Bankruptcy
BLACKFIVE: Meg Gardiner, Into The Black Nowhere
CDR Salamander: Finland Ain’t Playing Games
Da Tech Guy: 24 Hours To Lose A Narrative, also, Back On The Old Blog As GoDaddy Suspends Me
Don Surber: Obama Parades Good, Trump Parades Fascist
Dustbury: Defixed
The Geller Report: More Than 500K At Risk Of Female Genital Mutilation In US, also, Brit Who Fought Islamic State Now Facing Terror Charges
Hogewash: Hubble Takes A Look At The TRAPPIST-1 Exoplanets
Joe For America: Thousands Of New FBI Texts Released – Obama Implicated
JustOneMinute: We Hear From The First Stockpicker
Legal Insurrection: US & Argentina Team Up To Drain Hezbollah’s Terror Funding, also, NYT Reports Egypt Allowing Israeli Strikes Against Terror Targets In Sinai
Michelle Malkin: Memo To Dan Rather – Shut Up About Memos
Power Line: Inside The FBI Circle Of Love – Sources, also, A Bad Penny Turns Up Again
Shark Tank: Texts Reveal Obama Wanted To Know All [About FBI Resistance]
Shot In The Dark: Skeeze For Thee But Not For We
STUMP: Taxing Tuesday – New York To Get More In Taxes?
The Political Hat: #MeToo Vs. Victorian Art
This Ain’t Hell: Wednesday Morning Feelgood Stories, also, 1SG Nicholas Amsberry RIP
Victory Girls: Ignorance & Double Standards For The Win – Not!
Weasel Zippers: Canadian Soyboy Moonbat PM Trudeau Mansplains About “Peoplekind” To Woman, also, All Contacts On Weiner’s Laptop Leak Including Clinton, Gore, Soros
Megan McArdle: Rent Control Needs Retirement, Not A Comeback
Mark Steyn: Live Around The Planet, also, On The Same Page

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In The Mailbox: 02.06.18

Posted on | February 7, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 02.06.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: John Mahoney RIP
Twitchy: David Axelrod Tries To Steamroll Trump For “Exploiting” Death, Runs Over Obama In The Process
Louder With Crowder: Watch As CNN Claims To Be Completely Unbiased
City Journal: The Real FISA Scandal

Adam Piggott: Breast Yoga, also, Good News For Investors
American Thinker: Transgender Ideology Promotes Experimentation On Children & Youth
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Damned Bureaucrats News
BLACKFIVE: Ward Larsen, Cutting Edge
CDR Salamander: How Many Votes Do Marines Have?
Da Tech Guy: Nick Foles, The Preacher Man, also, Islamic Reality Strikes Again, This Time In Germany
Don Surber: How Trump Came To Own The Stock Market
Dustbury: No Virtue Left Unsignaled
The Geller Report: “Occupation Of The West Will Be Done Without War, But Quietly”, also, Women Around The World Burn Their Hijabs For #NoHijabDay
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, First Amendment Victory In California
Joe For America: “As You Learned To Brush Your Teeth, We Learned To Have Sex”
Legal Insurrection: Rep. Schiff Suggests Russians “Trumpeted” The Second Amendment So Americans Would “Kill Each Other”, also, After #MeToo Hysteria, Men Just Saying No To Mentoring Women
Power Line: Trump’s Parade – Greatest Troll Ever? also, Alex Acosta Protects A Left-Wing Swamp
Shark Tank: Trump’s “Anti-Immigrant” Agenda Riles Democrats
Shot In The Dark: The Shot In The Dark National Holiday
STUMP: Illinois Idiocy – Digesting The Presentation Of The Mega Pension Obligation Bond Idea
The Jawa Report: War Porn! The Bombing Was Huge!
This Ain’t Hell: Pentagon Common Sense – Stop Being Nondeployable, also, Huntington VA Dodges A Bullet
Victory Girls: Hillary Wants It Both Ways
Weasel Zippers: Normal Americans Respond To Democrats – These “Crumbs” Are Helping Us, also, CAIR Insists Only Bigots Would Say Islam Against Alcohol And Pork
Mark Steyn: A Shattered Visage Lies…, also, Agents Of Putin

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You’re Wrong, @RKyleSmith: Why #MeToo Will Continue Destroying Men

Posted on | February 6, 2018 | Comments Off on You’re Wrong, @RKyleSmith: Why #MeToo Will Continue Destroying Men


Kyle Smith is a very intelligent man, but he’s also a very sane man. He hasn’t spent the past four years diving deep into the dark waters of radical feminism, which is something only a crazy man would do. We must therefore forgive Mr. Smith for this mistaken opinion:

Men are scared, and feminists are delighted. But the urge to call out and punish male sexual transgression is bound to clash with an inescapable truth: We’re all in this together, men and women. . . .

No, you’re wrong, Mr. Smith. It’s 2018, the 50th anniversary of the rise of the modern feminist movement. Five decades of cultural destruction have undermined the rational basis of male-female cooperation. Girls and boys in America no longer dream of the kind of happily-ever-after romance that seemed possible a generation or two ago. Feminism killed that dream. Porn killed that dream. Millionaire perverts in Hollywood who produce the sewage they call “entertainment” killed the dream. The atheists who control the public education system killed the dream. Lawless immoral degenerates on the Supreme Court killed the dream.

We are not “all in this together, men and women.” Or at least, not the younger generation of Americans raised on an ethos of “equality” that turns sex into a remorseless political power struggle. The late Midge Decter prophesied where radical feminism would lead in her 1972 book The New Chastity and Other Arguments Against Women’s Liberation, and our society now has reached the gloomy destination she foretold, a cold sexual landscape of hostility and fear. How can men and women be “all in this together,” when women have joined forces to destroy the family, destroy religion, destroy everything that makes life beautiful, wholesome and happy? Feminism Is a Totalitarian Movement to Destroy Civilization as We Know It, and it has succeeded so remarkably that most young women can think of no answer to their problems except to repeat radical slogans: “No means no! Smash the patriarchy!”

The more feminism has succeeded — in a world where political power is regarded as the only measure of “success” — the more miserable women have become, and the less trust there is between men and women. “Equality” requires eternal struggle: Bellum omnium contra omnes.

Is “male transgression” a new phenomenon in world history, Mr. Smith? Of course not. But the toxic influence of “social justice” as the insuperable authority in academia, in entertainment, in journalism and politics — this is a new phenomenon, at least in America. We could compare our current cultural climate to Hungary under Bela Kun or Cambodia under Pol Pot, but such historical analogies would be inadequate, as online social media technology has empowered the most insane inmates with the most authority in running the asylum. And this is what you don’t seem to get, Mr. Smith, as you conclude your column:

Turning men and women into hostile opposing camps is not going to be good for either sex.

Feminists don’t care. Isn’t that obvious by now? It does not actually matter to feminists whether women benefit from the destruction of males. The #MeToo crusade isn’t about “equality,” it’s about revenge.

Like I keep saying, people need to wake the hell up.


In The Mailbox: 02.05.18

Posted on | February 6, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 02.05.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Markets Down Today
Twitchy: California Judge Rules Against Same-Sex Couple Suing Bakery
Louder With Crowder: Jemele Hill Says Trump Caring About National Anthem Is “Racial Pornography”
RFI: What Is Sufiism And Why Does It Bother Some Muslims? (h/t NeoWayland)

Adam Piggott: The Sudanese Belong In Sudan
American Power: The Coup Against America
American Thinker: The Constitutional Crisis Birthed By The Fourth Estate
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Bonus SHTF Memo News, also, Goodbye, Blue Monday
BattleSwarm: After The Memo – What’s Next?
BLACKFIVE: Alafair Burke, The Wife
Bring The HEAT: Worth A Thousand Words
CDR Salamander: Keeping An Eye On The Long Game, Part LXXII, also, Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: Who Runs Things? also, The West Coast’s War On Energy And Prosperity
Don Surber: Media Must Apologize To Donald Trump, also, The Rest Of The Story On Jorge Garcia’s Deportation
Dustbury: Strange Search Engine Queries, also, Before Nine
The Geller Report: Facebook Excludes Israel As Country Option But Includes Palestine, also, “Quiet” UK Muslim Who Drove Van Into Pedestrians Gets Reduced Sentence Of Four Years
Hogewash: Yours Truly–Johnny Atsign, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Joe For America: Uma Thurman Breaks Silence On Harvey Weinstein
JustOneMinute: O, Canada!
Legal Insurrection: Violence Erupts As Conservative Speaks At Colorado State U., also, Top Palestinian Negotiator Tells Nikki Haley To Shut Up
Michelle Malkin: Colts Player  Killed By Allegedly Drunk Illegal Driver With ICE Detainer Order
Power Line: More Faking Of The Surface Temperature Record, also, Schiff Goes Full Fertilizer
Shot In The Dark: The Problem With Philadelphia
STUMP: Memory Monday – Current Flu And The First Week Of February 1918
The Jawa Report: Civilization – Live Coverage!
The Political Hat: An Excuse For Perversion, also, The Fall of The Berlin Wall
This Ain’t Hell: Retired General Isn’t Democrat Enough To Run, also, CNN Finds Homeland Security Documents On Commercial Airliner
Victory Girls: Second Steele Dossier Shows Clinton, Obama State Department Involvement
Weasel Zippers: MSNBC’s Donny Deutsch – “We Need A Revolution” Against Trump, also, Flashback – CNN’s Cillizza Called Trump “Bonkers” For Saying Hillary, FBI Were Behind Dossier
Megan McArdle: Think Carefully Before Cutting Off Subsidies To Red States
Mark Steyn: Un-Candid In Camera, also, An Absence Of Mind In The Hindu Kush

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Rule 5 Sunday: Eagles With Elbows

Posted on | February 5, 2018 | 3 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

I may not be watching the Super Bowl, but I am following it on Twitter, mainly for the sweet, sweet schadenfreude. Still, no reason not to enjoy this pic of a Philadelphia Eagles cheerleader from the 2018 calendar.
Trying to get all the blogging and homework done; you know what the standard disclaimer looks like by now.

There are beautiful women everywhere, even in Philadelphia.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny leads off with Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #153, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns. Animal Magnetism checks in with Rule 5 Horse Squeeze Friday and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL brings us Elsa Pataky, Vintage Disney Mermaids, Westeros Unsafety Dance, Blondie, Natalie Wood, Margot Robbie, Julie Ertz, Marissa Van Noy, and I, Tonya.

A View From The Beach offers South of the Border with Mayra SuárezSkating into Frosty FridayThe Beltway Dinosaur TrackYou Must Be Kidding!“One Meat Ball”Trump Bringing Red Back to Virginia#HimToo: Chachi’s Turn in the Barrel#NotHerToo: Sharon Stone Thinks #MeToo Going Too Far and Blonde Finn Threatens Independence.

Proof Positive’s Friday Night Babe is Brie Larson, his Vintage Babe is Diana Mumby, Sex in Advertising is covered by Essence by Triumph, and there’s also Women of NCIS. At Dustbury, it’s Reese Witherspoon and Kim Domingo.

Thanks to everyone for all the lovely links!

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FMJRA 2.0: Day Late & A Dollar Short

Posted on | February 4, 2018 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Rule 5 Monday: Winter Pinups
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
Proof Positive
A View From The Beach

A Seattle Lesbian Awakens From ‘Woke’
Welcome To My Playpen

FMJRA 2.0: Nowhere – Now Here
A View From The Beach

SPLC Targets College Conservatives

In The Mailbox: 01.29.18
Proof Positive

Laura Dunn Is an Evil Liar
Pushing Rubber Downhill

In The Mailbox: 01.30.18
Proof Positive

Illegal Future Democrats
A View From The Beach

75% Approval: President Trump Triumphs in His First State of the Union Speech
Pushing Rubber Downhill
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 02.01.18
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 02.02.18
Proof Positive
A View From The Beach

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

#TheMemo: Worse Than Watergate?
Animal Magnetism

Top linkers this week:

  1. EBL (11)
  2. (tied) A View From The Beach & Proof Positive (5)

Thanks to everyone for all the links!

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#TheMemo: Worse Than Watergate?

Posted on | February 3, 2018 | 2 Comments

Chris Buskirk writes at American Greatness:

The FISA Abuse Memo is out and now we know why the Democrats were desperate to keep its contents hidden from the public: it confirms the worst fears not just of President Trump’s supporters but of everyone concerned about the abuse of police power, government corruption, and the sanctity of our elections.
The memo shows interference in the 2016 presidential election by hostile elements within a United States intelligence agency. It wasn’t the Russians we had to worry about — it was rogue actors at the highest levels of the FBI and Department of Justice. Left unanswered is to what extent the West Wing knew about or was complicit in this gross abuse of power. . . .
We now know that almost every accusation leveled against the president with regard to so-called “Russian collusion” actually reflects the actions of what amounts to a cabal of Democratic Party operatives working with FBI and Justice Department fellow-travellers. . . .

(Via Memeorandum.) Yesterday, I was talking to my brother and went on a rant about this: This was a set-up, an entrapment conspiracy. People associated with FusionGPS acted as agents-provocateurs to involve people associated with the Trump campaign with a make-believe Russian influence operation. There was no actual “Russian collusion” because the people who arranged the Trump Tower meeting weren’t working for the Kremlin, they were working for the Democrat Party.

It’s like what they used to say down South: If you ever go to a meeting of five Klansman, one of them will be an FBI undercover agent and at least two of the others will be confidential informants. In the case of the make-believe “Russian collusion,” it appears that practically everybody involved in trying to get the Trump campaign tangled up in this embarrassing mess was, in one way or another, working for FusionGPS, which was being bankrolled by the Clinton campaign and the DNC.

You can criticize the Trump people for having stumbled into the trap through carelessness or stupidity, and accuse them of “process crimes” in attempting to conceal their blunders, but you can’t charge them with “collusion” based on this FusionGPS hoax operation.

Underneath all the details, in other words, “Russian collusion” was as phony as the Rolling Stone gang-rape hoax.

“Haven Monahan” could not be reached for comment.

UPDATE: Roger Simon comments:

Adam Schiff, Dianne Feinstein, Nancy Pelosi, among seemingly dozens of Democrats, not to mention half the mainstream media, had been warning us for days that the release of the memo authored by Republican members of the House Intelligence Committee would place our national security at grave risk. “Sources and methods” would be revealed.
Now that we have seen the memo, it’s clear that was an absolutely bald-faced lie of the most obvious sort. Nothing in it impacts national security in the slightest. There’s no mention whatsoever of any “sources and methods.” . . .
Whatever else happened, the FBI clearly used a slanderous fictional document to get a FISA ruling to surveil Carter Page without telling the court the document was a pack of lies paid for by the Clinton campaign and written by a creepy spy with old-line Soviet connections. And they did it multiple times.

Well, of course, Democrats were lying. If they were honest, they wouldn’t be Democrats. But what bothers me is how the amateurism of the Trump campaign staff led them into a phony “Russian collusion” trap set up by Democrat operatives who then used the dossier — “a pack of lies paid for by the Clinton campaign” — to use government surveillance to catch them in this phony trap. What Democrats are angry about now is that the memo shows us how the strings were used to pull the puppets. People now have to start asking, who planned this operation?


Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Posted on | February 2, 2018 | 1 Comment

by Smitty

[Read Darleen first, as this is a continuation. And Happy Valentine’s Day!]

“Solved it,” said Steve.
“Do tell. What’s that man doing?” Kristy squirmed.
“I was in the Navy. If you interpret arm positions in the pictures as semaphore, you get: ‘WYMM’.”
Blank stare. “Yeah, maybe.”
Steve turned the camera over, revealing a ring cached beneath. Sat Kristy on a chair as he gracefully took a knee, sliding the beautiful band onto her finger, saying “Will you marry me?”
* * *
Years later: “OK, how’d you do that, Steve?”
“Do what?”
“Rig that proposal camera.”
“How did the car break down just ahead of that Yukon road trip?”
“I’m not telling you that.”

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