The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 11.16.17

Posted on | November 16, 2017 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Leeann Tweeden – Groped And Molested By Al Franken (D-MN) But Fighting Back
Twitchy: Norm McDonald Busts Stephen King For His Failed Swipe At Trump
Louder With Crowder: Federal Court Rules Womens’ Boobs Not Free Speech

Adam Piggott: Australia Votes For State Sanctioned Sodomy
American Power: Why Do Fewer And Fewer Americans Trust The Mainstream Media? also, William Gairdner, The Great Divide
American Thinker: Who Are The Real Fascists In American Politics?
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Zimbabwe News
BattleSwarm: Venezuela Officially Bankrupt
Bring The HEAT: SNC Dreamchaser Drop Test
Da Tech Guy: What If Roy Moore Was A Democrat Like David Alcon – Or Al Franken?
Don Surber: No, Democrats, You Don’t Get Your Virginity Back
Dustbury: Firefox And Friends
Fred On Everything: Mexico, As It Is And Wasn’t – Some Stuff Worth Knowing
The Geller Report: Facebook Jihad In Hungary – Counter-Jihad Site Gets Shut Down By Muslims, also, Muslim Rape Gang Survivors Say Gangs Still Abusing Girls In Rotherham
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: Former Comedian Chelsea Handler Now Agrees Bill Clinton Is A Rapist
Joe For America: Congress Has Paid Out $15 Million From “Sexual Harassment Slush Fund” To Quiet Victims?
JustOneMinute: Al Franken’s Turn In The Dunk Tub
Legal Insurrection: News Anchor Accuses Al Franken Of Sexual Harassment In 2006, also, Chuck Grassley Rips Up “Blue Slips”
Power Line: Shocker! Al Franken Doesn’t Know What He’s Talking About, also, “Al Franken Groped Me” (With Update)
Shot In The Dark: Hero Takes A Fall
The Jawa Report: Where’s Mrs. Vinnie?
The Political Hat: Hex-O-Rama – Witchy Pagan Students, Witchy Trans Makeup Artists, and Witchy Black Lesbians
This Ain’t Hell: Milley Restores Army Recruiting Standards, also, Fake News And Guns
Weasel Zippers: Reed College Special Snowflakes Triggered By Steve Martin’s “King Tut” On SNL, also, Miss Iraq & Miss Israel Take Selfie Together, Muslims Lose Their Minds
Megan McArdle: How Do You Take Your Keurig? With A Shot Of Crazy
Mark Steyn: Primary Of Geezers

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Violence Against Women Update: Illegal Immigrant Charged With Raping Girl

Posted on | November 16, 2017 | 2 Comments

Police say Horacio Alvarado, 32, began raping his stepdaughter when she was 14.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports:

As an undocumented immigrant, Horacio Alvarado thought if he could show he was the father of a newborn American citizen, he would be allowed to remain in the United States himself.
But the paternity test ultimately resulted in more severe charges for Alvarado because the mother of the child was only 15 and was his stepdaughter, according to a criminal complaint.
Alvarado, 32, now faces three felonies for what investigators say were several years of sustained sexual assaults, assaults his wife later knew about yet did nothing to prevent, according to the complaint.
Alvarado is charged with first-degree sexual assault, resulting in pregnancy, repeated sexual assault of a child and incest. He pleaded not guilty at a court appearance last week and is being held on $20,000 bail but has a bail hearing next week.
His wife is charged with child neglect, a misdemeanor.
The criminal complaint says the victim came forward last month to report the offenses, which she said began when she was 14 and continued for four years. . . .
The assaults continued after the victim became pregnant at 15 and later delivered the child, the complaint says.
When she was 17, the victim told police, her mother walked in on Alvarado sexually assaulting her in their home. . . .
The complaint doesn’t indicate when, but at some point, the girl told her mother that Alvarado was the father of her child, and his paternity was established in court in 2015, and there appeared to be a dispute between the victim and Alvarado regarding custody of the child earlier this year. . . .
Alvarado apparently believed in the so-called anchor baby myth, that having a child born in the U.S. might protect illegal immigrants from deportation.

This is the latest entry in our Violence Against Women series, highlighting crimes that feminists never mention, for some reason.





3 Arrested for Gang Rape: More Violence Against Women Feminists Won’t Notice

Posted on | November 16, 2017 | 2 Comments

Left to right: Jason Tyquan Hammonds, James Haywood III, Brandon McKenzie

WNCN-TV in North Carolina reports:

A woman who said she was sexually assaulted turned to Facebook Live to tell her story, which resulted in the arrest of a man and two teen suspects, Cumberland County authorities said Monday.
The incident took place on Nov. 2 after the woman posted an “ad for companionship” online, according to a news release from the Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office.
The victim was later contacted by one of the three suspects asking her for a date, officials said.
The woman went to a residence in the 2200 block of Carbine Street where she encountered the three men, deputies said.
“The suspects displayed handguns and demanded the victim’s money. After emptying her pockets, the victim was told to remove all of her clothes,” deputies said in the release. “The three suspects then made the victim perform sexual acts.”
Authorities said the victim “was not sure where else to turn” about a week after the incident, so she “told her story to Facebook Live.”
Detectives said they were able to corroborate the victim’s account and arrested the trio Sunday. . . .
James Haywood III, 21, of the 2100 block of Ladyslipper Drive was charged with first-degree forcible rape, robbery with a dangerous weapon, first-degree kidnapping, and felony conspiracy.
Jason Tyquan Hammonds, 18, of the 2200 block of Carbine Street was charged with first-degree forcible rape, robbery with a dangerous weapon, first-degree kidnapping, felony conspiracy, first-degree forcible sex offense and possession of a firearm by a felon.
Brandon McKenzie, 17, of the 5600 block of Hardwick Lane was charged with first-degree forcible rape, robbery with a dangerous weapon, first-degree kidnapping, felony conspiracy and first-degree forcible sex offense.

Police say they are investigating the possibility that the men have victimized other women. Feminists have said nothing, for some reason.


In The Mailbox: 11.15.17

Posted on | November 15, 2017 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Zimbabwe Coup – Mugabe Out
Twitchy: In Revisiting Bill Clinton, Liberals Argue He Paid For His, Um, “Indiscretions”
Louder With Crowder: Narrative Busted – Northern California Shooter Obtained Guns Illegally

Adam Piggott: Feminist Imperative Implodes Due To Russian Makeup Hack
American Power: Brutal, also, Katarina Bivald, The Readers Of Broken Wheel Recommend
American Thinker: Advertisers Shoot Themselves In The Foot When They Take Sides, also, The Media That Cried Wolf
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
BattleSwarm: Mistrial Declared In First Waco Biker Shootout Case
Bring The HEAT: Of The Sixteen Million Who Served In WW2, Only Half A Million Will Be Alive At The End Of 2017
CDR Salamander: “Add Salt To Taste,” Said No Engineer Ever
Da Tech Guy: Good Guys With Guns Do Save Lives, also, Menendez, The Unmentioned Scandal
Don Surber: Trump’s Asian Success Has Washington Worried
Dustbury: They Don’t Want To Go On The Cart
Fred On Everything:
The Geller Report: Jew-Hater Nasreen Khan Resigns From UK Labour Party, also, New Barbie Modeled After Failed American Olympian – Who Wears A Hijab
Hogewash: Why I Blog, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: Star of Ass Planet and Hot Tub Hotties Announces Presidential Run With Rapper Coolio
Joe For America: Volunteers Shocked By What VP Pence Does At Memorial
JustOneMinute: If You’re Having Trouble Despising The NFL Owners…
Legal Insurrection: Roy Moore “Handwriting Analyses” Prove Trial By Twitter Is No Way To Determine Guilt Or Innocence, also, Papa John’s Surrenders To NFL’s National Anthem Kneelers
Michelle Malkin: Silence On Sleaze-Bob Menendez
Power Line: The Shame Of America’s Public High Schools, also, The Farce Of Bill Clinton’s “Reckoning”
Shark Tank: Israel’s Version Of The House Freedom Caucus Visits D.C.
Shot In The Dark: For Future Reference
The Jawa Report: This Isn’t The Coup We’re Looking For
The Political Hat: California Est Omnis Divisa In Partes Tres
This Ain’t Hell: Active Duty Tranny Gets Reassignment Surgery, also, Fake Marine Tony Gambino Sentenced
Weasel Zippers: Police Body Cameras Reportedly Can Threaten Civil Rights Of Black, Brown People, also, NYT Reporter Claims Videos Of Joe Biden Touching Girls Is “New Alt-Right Meme”
Megan McArdle: People Are Questioning Your Sacred Cows? Listen Up
Mark Steyn: Butcher Bob Out Of His Job?

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In The Mailbox: 11.14.17

Posted on | November 14, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 11.14.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #75
EBL: Capucine
Twitchy: Senator John Thune Drops The Mic On Democrat Objections To Adding Obamacare Mandate Repeal To Tax Bill
Louder With Crowder: Real Life Welfare Queen Mocks Taxpayers…With Lobster Tails

Adam Piggott: The Modern Christian Fear Of Life, The Universe, And Everything
American Power: Roy Moore
American Thinker: Attacking Judge Moore’s Morality Is A Dirty Leftist Trick
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily WTF News
BattleSwarm: BREAKING – Military Coup In Zimbabwe?
BLACKFIVE: David Baldacci, End Game
Bring The HEAT: The Naval Battle For Guadalcanal, Part II
CDR Salamander: You Know What Our Army Needs? More Mannings And Bergdahls
Da Tech Guy: Death Of The NSA, also, Report From Louisiana – Early Prison Release Fail
Don Surber: The Real High Ground In The Moore Case
Dustbury: Pockets Of Incompetence
The Geller Report: Glamour Magazine’s New Standard Of Beauty – Ugly, Bigoted, Anti-Semite, And Hater Linda Sarsour
Hogewash: Karma Is A Bitch, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: Finally, “Anti-Trump” Hotel Coming To DC
Joe For America: Former Assistant FBI Director Unloads On Hillary – “Crimes Twenty Times Worse Than Watergate”
JustOneMinute: Under Siege
Legal Insurrection: Marie Claire Magazine Demands Taylor Swift Explain Why She Takes No Public Political Stance, also, How The Attack On Hannity Advertiser Keurig Backfired On Media Matters
Power Line: The Dirtiest Trick, also, Will AG Sessions Appoint Another Special Prosecutor?
Shark Tank: Sean Hannity Calls For “Cease-Fire” In Keurig Coffeemaker-Smashing Campaign
Shot In The Dark: Unintended Consequences
STUMP: Kentucky Pension Battle – Just Throw Out Everything
The Political Hat: The Ultimate In Social Justice – Genocide
This Ain’t Hell: Airman Takes A Knee During Ceremony, also, America’s Warrior Monk – Right Man In The Right Place At The Right Time
Weasel Zippers: FBI Says Anti-White Hate Crimes Fastest Growing Racial Hate Crimes In America, also, Since Trump’s Election, Violence Against His Supporters Has Become Routine
Megan McArdle: Outsiders Can’t Transform A Bureaucracy
Mark Steyn: Dancing With The Sauds, also, Many A Slip ‘Twixt K-Cup And Lip

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Tumblr Feminism: So Stupid It Hurts

Posted on | November 14, 2017 | Comments Off on Tumblr Feminism: So Stupid It Hurts

Tumblr Feminist 1:

The way some of these people defend gender reveal parties, they talk like it’s a centuries long tradition and not something made up in the last decade in reaction against gay + trans people gaining positive social visibility

Tumblr Feminist 2:

it’s absurd how quickly it’s been normalized!

Ask yourself, what gave rise to “gender reveal parties”?

Answer: Prenatal ultrasound, which since the 1980s has become a routine method of determining the sex (not “gender”) of children (not “fetuses”) before they are born. It was impossible to have a “gender reveal” party prior to the widespread use of ultrasound technology, because parents didn’t know whether it was a boy or a girl until it was born.

Where do these Tumblr feminists get the idea that “gender reveal parties” were “made up . . . in reaction against” LGBT “social visibility”? What kind of warped self-referential paranoia does this express?


The Poisonous Fruit of ‘Social Justice’

Posted on | November 14, 2017 | 1 Comment


Everyone is commenting on this New York Times column in which a black professor offers an argument that could be reduced to a syllogism:

Premise A: Donald Trump got elected.
Premise B: Donald Trump is racist;


Conclusion: Black children can’t be friends with white children.

Really, this is the essence of his argument, a bizarre non sequitur rooted in a profound sense of racial paranoia derived from the identity-politics calculations of Democrat Party “social justice” propaganda. Although he tries to marshal evidence in support of his anti-white attitude, the entire argument of his 1,500-word screed is built upon a simple foundation: Democrats, good. Republicans, racist.

Claiming that racism is so pervasive in American society as to be ubiquitous, and then making Republicans the scapegoats for this problem, has been a basic strategy of Democrats for more than 30 years. This reached its apogee during the months leading up to the 2016 presidential election, simply because Democrat operatives feared that Hillary Clinton would not get the strong black support that helped Obama win two terms in office. Anyone who analyzes the 2016 election result must admit that there was good reason for Democrats to be worried about this problem, and it seems obvious that the Black Lives Matter movement (which Hillary endorsed and which George Soros funded) was part of the Democrats’ plan to motivate and mobilize black voters. In other words, it was pure, partisan power politics.

Why should anyone believe that Trump’s victory owes more to white “racism” than to other factors? It will not do to answer this with anecdotes or social-science research demonstrating the mere fact that racism exists. No one denies this. But there is no reason to believe that racism is more prevalent in 2017 than it was in 2007 or 1997 or any other previous year. So why would a law school professor decide that Trump’s election justifies abandoning all hope of racial peace in America?

Because he’s a Democrat, that’s why.

The “social justice” gospel preached by Democrats is believed with pious devotion in academia. Republicans are effectively prohibited from employment in our universities, which have been turned into cult compounds where no one is permitted to question progressive beliefs. Professor Ekow Yankah’s bizarre arguments are representative of the ideology propagated on campuses where dissent is forbidden as “hate.” What happens when these ideas are applied in the real world?

Look no further than Baltimore, where Mayor Catherine Pugh admits that violence is “out of control” since the 2015 “Black Lives Matter” anti-police riots. Michael Walsh at PJ Media comments:

In the aftermath of the Ferguson riots in Missouri and the Freddie Gray fiasco in Baltimore, the decriminalization of crime in the name of “social justice” — long a goal of the cultural-Marxist Left — got fully underway. The result was exactly what anyone not fully invested in Critical Theory would have expected. . . .
Baltimore, a city whose best years ended more than a century ago, is a prime example of what happens when citizens are categorized by skin color or cultural background, and then have differing standards of behavior applied to them by what should be an impartial justice system. Instead of “social justice,” the outcome is social disruption, mistrust, resentment, lawlessness and, if left unchecked, anarchy and civil war.

“Social justice” is an attack on society itself. It is a wholly destructive ideology that incites conflict and unleashes the very worst impulses in human beings. No one’s life and property are safe in cities like Baltimore, yet the identity-politics formula of the Democrat Party (which is taught as gospel at our universities) leads black people who suffer under these policies to blame white people — and especially Republicans — for their problems. So the worse life becomes for black people, the more militantly anti-white the Democrat rhetoric becomes. This is how you arrive at the point where a hatemonger like Ekow Yankah is employed as a university law professor, using his faculty pulpit to preach racial hostility, and the New York Times is willing to publish his work.


Democrats should be ashamed of themselves, but if they had any sense of shame, they wouldn’t be Democrats, would they?


Late Night With Rule 5 Monday:
Twin Peaks

Posted on | November 14, 2017 | 3 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

For reasons best known to their marketing departments, some of the restaurants offering free food to veterans put off actually doing so until today, and one of those was Twin Peaks, one of a number of contenders in the “breastaurant” category of sports bar franchises that includes Hooters, Tilted Kilt, and probably some others I’m not aware of. The ladies at the local Twin Peaks above Planet Hollywood had eschewed their usual plaid tops for some urban camo tops, and I wish I’d had the presence of mind to take some pics. Since I didn’t, here’s one of their waitresses in more traditional uniform.
As usual, most of the following links are to pics generally considered NSFW, and the management is not responsible for any spilled beer, mushy fries, underdone/overdone burgers, wilted lettuce in your salad, or other unfortunate consequences of your failure to click with discretion.

“Civilization means being able to enjoy a decent beer in comfortable surroundings. Luxury is having a pretty girl to serve it to you.” – Robert Heinlein

Ninety Miles From Tyranny leads off with Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #69, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns; Animal Magnetism brings us Rule 5 Stupid Lyrics Friday and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL’s heifers this week include Orin Julie, Hope Hicks, Ola Jordan, female Marines, Contessa Bourbon, Cinema Paradiso, Veterans Day Pin-Up, and Melania Pandamonium.

A View From The Beach brings us The Adkins Diet – Niamh AdkinsStuff Found on the InternetChesapeake War on Nutria in AbeyanceWeird Even by Hollywood StandardsI Eagerly Await the Law and Order SVU EpisodeYou Call That Cold?Gone FishingJuliana Margulies Beat Off Weinstein and Seagal and A Porn Star Takes on the President…

Proof Positive’s Friday Babe is Brandi Brandt, his Vintage Babe is Angela Scoular, and Sex in Advertising is covered by Kelly Le Brock. Also, the Schadenfreude/49ers Report and Women of NCIS! At Dustbury, it’s Size 8 and Alison Doody.

Thanks to everyone for their linkagery!

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