The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

A Cover-Up in Connecticut?

Posted on | September 26, 2017 | Comments Off on A Cover-Up in Connecticut?

Tommy Stuart (left); Hal Yocher (right).

In the pre-dawn hours of a Wednesday morning, 39-year-old James Thomas “Tommy” Stuart III was hanging out with a friend named Renee in his third-floor apartment in Waterbury, Connecticut. They had a few drinks and were talking when suddenly an armed man kicked in the apartment door. Brandishing a pistol, the gunman shouted at Renee: “Leave now!” She ran for her life and scrambled down the stairway.

Before she reached the ground floor, Renee heard multiple gunshots from the apartment. Tommy Stuart was shot in the abdomen and then in the face, killed instantly. The gunman then went down to the yard behind the apartment on Marion Avenue and shot himself in the head.

He was an off-duty Waterbury policeman.

Officer Hallock “Hal” Yocher, 37, was an Iraq war veteran who had been on the Waterbury police force for 10 years. He had been diagnosed with cancer in 2013 and, according to a source familiar with the July 2016 murder-suicide case, Yocher had threatened suicide just weeks earlier.

More importantly, however, Yocher had a history of domestic violence. He lived in Naugatuck, the town next to Waterbury, and his neighbors there had reportedly called police about disturbances at the home where Yocher lived with his wife and children. Yet it appears that Yocher’s status as a policeman protected him from being arrested. And under a Connecticut law, passed just two months before the murder of Tommy Stuart, police were required to seize any firearms in the possession of a domestic abuse suspect. Yocher still had his guns, however, including the semiautomatic pistol he used to kill Tommy Stuart before killing himself.

The motive for Yocher’s crime? Jealousy.

Before their 2006 marriage, Yocher’s wife had once dated Stuart, according to a source familiar with the case. Three months before the murder-suicide, Kathleen “Katie” Yocher had reached out to Stuart for advice and sympathy in dealing with her troubled husband. The cause of Yocher’s murderous rage in the early morning of July 20, 2016, was his discovery of communications with Stuart on his wife’s cell phone.

More than a year after Stuart and Yocher’s deaths — which police at the time called “an isolated incident” — Stuart’s family has been unable to obtain police reports about his death. The Connecticut State Police are in charge of the investigation, which for unknown reasons is still uncompleted, and local news organizations have failed to report on the circumstances that led to the deaths of Stuart and Yocher.

What is most startling about this story is the seeming indifference by the Hartford Courant, a newspaper that has twice won Pulitzer Prizes. Here is a tragedy involving two issues — domestic violence and firearms laws — that should be of interest to the Courant’s readership. The mysterious delays in the State Police investigation, and the possibility that police in Naugatuck and Waterbury shielded Yocher from the consequences of his alleged domestic violence, has the distinct aroma of a cover-up.

Two men are dead because Hal Yocher still had his guns that morning in July 2016, and much of the same information that I have shared here has also been sent to the Hartford Courant and other news organizations in Connecticut, as well as to various officials, including U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal, who for 20 years was the state’s Attorney General.

So why is this story being reported on my blog, and not by the journalists at the Pulitzer-winning Courant? It beats me. Maybe readers could contact Andrew Julien ([email protected]) editor-in-chief of the Courant or the newspaper’s investigative editor John Ferraro ([email protected]) and ask them why they haven’t followed up on this story. You might think that the murder of a civilian by an off-duty cop, under circumstances that could give rise to accusations of obstruction of justice, would be considered newsworthy. Certainly, the family of the murdered man would be willing to talk to reporters in Connecticut who were trying to find out why the State Police haven’t finished their investigation of this case.

Tommy Stuart left behind two young children, a son and a daughter. They might become plaintiffs in a wrongful death lawsuit against Waterbury officials, but the failure of State Police to complete their investigation, and the refusal of Waterbury police to release their records related to the case, make it difficult for Tommy’s children to seek justice.

This could be a big story, and it astonishes me that local reporters in Connecticut aren’t pursuing it. One of my sources in Waterbury said: “Everybody knew Tommy. Everybody loved Tommy. He was just one of those wild guys with a heart of gold.” If readers will share this on Facebook and Twitter, maybe we can get some justice for him.


In The Mailbox: 09.25.17

Posted on | September 25, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 09.25.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box – Episode #25
EBL: Did Trump Bait Goodell And The NFL?
Twitchy: Mad Dog Mattis Shuts Down Journalist Asking For Comment On NFL
Louder With Crowder: Steelers Coach Disses Player Who Saluted National Anthem
Kurt Schlichter: Conservative, Inc. Is Being Replaced By Us Militant Normals (h/t Loyal Reader NeoWayland)

Adam Piggott: Welcome To The Pleasuredome
American Power: Michelle Malkin Blasts NFL Kneelers, also, Neal Stephenson, Reamde
American Thinker: It Was The Deep State That Colluded With The Russians, Not Trump
Animal Magnetism: Bad Prophecies, also, Goodbye Blue Monday
BattleSwarm: Merkel Wins – Sort Of
BLACKFIVE: Alison Brennan, Shattered
Bring The HEAT: The Patriots Lost On Sunday
CDR Salamander: Five Days After Maria – Time To Up Our Game
Da Tech Guy: It’s A Trump Trap, And The NFL/NBA/Democrats Walked Right In, also, Let’s Not Forget The Real Issues
Don Surber: Trump – The Warriors Are Not Invited To The White House, also, Why Trump Picked On The NFL
Dustbury: Strange Search-Engine Queries, also, It Has Come To This
The Geller Report: Minnesota Authorities Claim Motives Of Muslim Who Shouted “Allahu Akbar” While Stabbing People Are Unclear, also, My Story, Fatwa – Hunted In America
Hogewash: Programming Announcement, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: Democrat Loser Anthony Weiner Gets Just 21 Months In Jail
Joe For America: Susan Rice Slams Trump’s UN Speech – Then France’s Macron Steps In
JustOneMinute: About Face At Facebook
Legal Insurrection: NFL Picked A Side In The Culture War, And Now It Has To Live With The Consequences
Power Line: Stephen Curry Wants To Have It Both Ways
Shark Tank: Black Farmer Denied Membership In Black Farmers’ Group, Files Suit Against Medical Marijuana Law
Shot In The Dark: The North Loop Is Burning! Part V – You Broke It, Strib, You Fix It
STUMP: Kentucky Pension Blues – Let’s Get This Fire Started
The Political Hat: Yes, It Was Real Communism
This Ain’t Hell: Manning Denied Entry To Canada, also, Happy Birthday TAH!
Weasel Zippers: Ravens, Jaguars Players Kneel For National Anthem In London, But Stand For “God Save The Queen”, also, Tennessee Church Killer Was Sudanese “Dreamer” Who Posted Black Nationalist, Anti-Police Posts On Social Media
Megan McArdle: The NFL Can’t Afford To Become A Battleground
Mark Steyn: The Matter That Matters, also, Alternative Reality

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Thank You, ‘Far-Right’ Lesbian!

Posted on | September 25, 2017 | 1 Comment


That’s a very interesting headline:

Xenophobic populism has returned to German national politics with a bang, this time in the guise of a 38-year-old lesbian investment-banking economist. Alice Weidel is the unusual figure who has come to symbolize the far-right Alternative for Germany’s (AfD) goal-line run into the Bundestag. The AfD’s astounding 13.4 percent finish makes it the first openly chauvinistic, illiberal party to capture seats in Germany’s foremost democratic institution since the early postwar years. . . .
In part, the AfD owes its promotion into prime-time German politics to Weidel, its unlikely public face. A complete unknown in Germany until she, in tandem with Alexander Gauland, was tapped to lead the party’s national campaign. Gauland more or less fits the stereotype of the Willie Stark-style populist rabble-rouser, but its Weidel — a self-confident, dressed-for-success expatriate financial consultant who on the surface seems to be the sort of “globalist” that nationalist populists typically claim to despise — who has earned the higher public profile. . . .

Notice here the use of words like “xenophobic,” “chauvinistic” and “nationalist,” intended to suggest that this “far-right” party is essentially neo-Nazi in its political orientation. This deliberate smear is an attempt to conceal the reality of what is actually happening in Germany.

The “far-right” is, in fact, attempting to defend Germany’s democratic institutions and liberal culture against a foreign threat — radical Islam — which has been aggravated by an influx of “refugees.” There has been an epidemic of sexual violence against women and girls in Germany committed by these Muslim immigrants, and Prime Minister Angela Merkel’s party has enabled this invasion of foreign predators.

In the “intersectional” identity-politics calculus of American liberalism, of course, a lesbian like Alice Weidel is expected to be an ally of the foreign invaders, but Germany is not America, and Weidel is shrewd enough to recognize her own self-interest as more important than the slogans of multiculturalism. Islamic culture is both misogynistic  and homophobic, and why shouldn’t a German lesbian oppose a Muslim invasion?

The rhetoric of multiculturalism, just like the smears used against Weidel’s “far-right” party, is deceptive in its purposes, intended to lull us into a state of somnambulance, so that we sleepwalk into a future organized according to the plans of an intellectual elite. Evidence that these plans are dangerous — e.g., the “Muslim rape frenzy” in Germany — must be suppressed, so that the citizenry surrenders without protest.

Alice Weidel ain’t playing that game, see? We are witnessing the Götterdämmerung of elite liberalism, and the news from Germany is confirmation that people everywhere are finally waking up.


Rule 5 Sunday: A Different Demi

Posted on | September 24, 2017 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

I’m greatly indebted to EBL for bringing Demi Rose Mawby to my attention this week, because otherwise y’all would have gotten Demi Lovato as an appetizer, and I personally think Ms. Mawby looks considerably better than Ms. Lovato. (Cue screams of OUTRAGE!!!) So, instead of mentally unstable ex-Disney Girl – but I repeat myself – we get a fun-size lingerie model who’s become the Queen of Instagram.
As usual, many of the following links are to pics generally considered NSFW, and the management is not responsible for any consequences stemming from your failure to exercise discretion in your clicking.

Good things come in small packages.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny leads off with Hot Pick of the Late Night, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns, followed by Animal Magnetism’s Rule 5 GMO Nutballery Friday and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL’s thundering herd this week includes Juggalo Women, Dorothy Malone, National Cheeseburger Day, Madame Nhu, Hurricanes Maria and Rita, Voices In His Head, Demi Rose Mawby, Valerie Plame, Janine Turner, Autumn Rule 5, and Oktoberfest Rule 5.

A View From The Beach graces us with 2017 Girl of the Summer – Bella HadidGone Fishin’Non-Fish Pic Friday – Spiny LobsterTanlines ThursdayA Last Gasp of Obamacare Schadenfreude?Way Back WednesdayToken Conservative Canned for Questioning ClintonShad Refuse Virginia InvitationInsane Clowns Congregate in DC to Protest Gang Designation, and Caprice #24.

Proof Positive’s Friday Night Babe is Katrina Law, his Vintage Babe is Rose La Rose, and Sex in Advertising is covered by Sela Ward. At Dustbury, it’s Kamala Harris and Heidi el Tabakh.

Thanks to everyone for their linkagery!

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Ivy League Butt Sex and Journalism

Posted on | September 23, 2017 | Comments Off on Ivy League Butt Sex and Journalism


When I worked at The Washington Times, our editor was Wes Pruden, son of a Southern Baptist minister, who believed that a newspaper should be sufficiently wholesome to be read by the entire family. There were certain words you simply did not use in The Times, and references to sexual behavior had to be phrased with discretion. Enforcing these standards of journalistic decency was quite challenging during the Lewinsky scandal, which broke two months after I arrived at The Times, and in my subsequent years as the editor of the “Culture, Etc.” page, I often became frustrated with the fact that I could not use direct quotes from some of the shockingly obscene materials that were funded by federal taxpayers in the name of “health” and “education.”

Well, now I’m my own editor and can use the phrase “Butt Sex” in a headline, because let’s face it, this is the Internet, OK? If your children have access to the Internet, reading that phrase isn’t likely to shock them. They’ve probably already seen it — not just in words, but video.


One of the real wake-up calls for me was the 2014 “Belle Knox” scandal, when Duke University freshman Miriam Weeks was exposed as a porn performer. In interviews, she said she started watching porn when she was only 11 or 12 years old. How many exclamation points does that deserve? How can I possibly express the absolute horror that grips the mind of any parent at the thought that this girl, the daughter of a devout Catholic parents, whose father was a physician and an Army officer, was watching hard-core porn when she was in sixth grade?

One of the impediments facing conservatives in the Culture Wars is that, in defending standards of decency and morality, we are unable (or perhaps unwilling) to speak bluntly about what it is we are critiquing. When I was in Massachusetts earlier this month, I was interviewed by Molly Finn on her WCCA-TV program Close to Home and, when she talked about my book Sex Trouble, she was obliged to warn viewers that it is “an R-rated book” because I quote radical feminists in their own words, including words that begin with “c” and “f.”

These problems in fighting the Culture War came to mind this morning when I read about the latest controversy from the Ivy League:

Leaders of the student newspaper at Princeton University have disbanded the publication’s independent editorial board, a move that comes after the group put forth a string of right-leaning opinions, including denouncing the women’s center for its radical feminist agenda and arguing in favor of due process.
“The top editors of the Prince have no involvement in what we write,” said Jack Whelan, a member of the dissolved editorial board, in an interview with The College Fix. “The reason why were we were destroyed is the opinions we published on a regular basis were more conservative than the opinions published on a daily basis in the Princetonian as a whole.”

(Hat-tip: Instapundit.) It so happens that my great-grandfather’s brigade was led by a Princeton alumnus, Brig. Gen. J.J. Archer, who was captured (along with my ancestor Pvt. Winston Wood Bolt) by the Union’s Iron Brigade in the opening clash of the Battle of Gettysburg. Thus you might say I have an inherited affection for Princeton, and what are they teaching kids there nowadays? Let’s read the “controversial” editorial:

Since women first enrolled as full-time undergraduates at the University in 1969, female students have made tremendous contributions to our community. As women continually strive to improve their standing on campus, the Board finds the Women’s Center deficient in its role in this effort, because we believe the Center is neither as inclusive nor as effective as it could be. The Board urges the Women’s Center to refocus its programming to emphasize core issues directly affecting the undergraduate experience that are more inclusive of a politically diverse female student body, as well as of all genders. We further propose the Women’s Center solicit greater input from students in order to facilitate more representative programming.
The Women’s Center must have clearer, more appropriate priorities that better correlate with the student experience. The third full week of classes alone featured extensive Women’s Center programming on sex: “Developing a Self-Pleasure Practice” (Oct. 5), three separate sessions titled “Sex with the Lights On” (Oct. 4-6), and “Yoga for Better Sex” (Oct. 6). These events were advertised with posters that included questions like “Where is the male g-spot?” and “Anal is his favorite thing — what’s yours?” . . .

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot! Ivy League sodomy lessons? What would General Archer say to that? And what would Wes Pruden say? How can you get readers to understand what’s going on at elite universities without quoting these posters advertising butt sex as “his favorite thing”?

It costs $62,750 a year for parents to send their kid to Princeton, where the Women’s Center quotes lesbian feminist Audre Lorde on its website, and the program coordinator is a self-described “queer, anti-racist white woman” named Jordan Dixon (“pronouns she/her”). How much is Jordan Dixon being paid to promote butt sex at Princeton?


How much federal aid does Princeton University receive annually? Why is it now impermissible for student journalists at Princeton to criticize the Women’s Center? Is anyone on campus at Princeton even allowed to say that butt sex is (a) nasty and (b) specifically forbidden by Judeo-Christian morality? Or would it now be considered an intolerable expression of “homophobia” to quote the Bible at Princeton?

Ladies of Princeton! Wake up! If your boyfriend wants butt sex, you need to ask yourself a simple question: Why? Where did he get the idea that this unsanitary and painful activity was something you should try?

Back when I was in school, aspiring journalists were taught to ask questions and report the facts, rather than to ignore whatever unpleasant truths did not fit within some kind of official institutional ideology. Yet it is apparent that ideology (“Anal sex is awesome!”) is now more important than facts (“Ouch! That hurts! Stop!”) at Princeton, and the student newspaper has become corrupted — “Decadent and Depraved” — by the identity-politics dogma of The Cult of Social Justice.

The situation at Princeton illustrates how far our culture has gone down a slippery slope lubricated with intellectual Astroglide, as I said in 2013. Where will this Weimar decadence lead? “We have weighed anchor, sailed off into uncharted waters without a compass, and are now badly adrift in those regions of the ancient maps marked ‘Here Be Dragons.'”

Wes Pruden would never approve “Butt Sex” in a headline, but I think he would agree with me that Princeton was better in General Archer’s day. Of course, that’s something no one at Princeton now would be allowed to say, for reasons having nothing to do with pro-sodomy feminism.

Floyd Lee Corkins could not be reached for comment.



FMJRA 2.0: Silent Running

Posted on | September 23, 2017 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Rule 5 Sunday: Not All That Obscure
Animal Magnetism
A View From The Beach
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
Proof Positive

Feminist ‘Comes Out’ and Nobody Cares
Welcome To My Playpen
The DaleyGator
Adam Piggott

The Wisdom of the Crapper
Updated: Important Announcement


FMJRA 2.0: The Valley Road
The Pirate’s Cove
A View From The Beach

Transgender Bullies Make Worldwide News After Attack in London’s Hyde Park
A View From The Beach

Crazy People Are Dangerous: ‘Non-Binary’ LGBT Student Activist Shot Dead
A View From The Beach

Anti-White Radicals Terrorize Republican Students at the University of Minnesota
A View From The Beach
Adam Piggott

In The Mailbox: 09.18.17
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 09.19.17
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

University of North Carolina Continues Promoting Anti-Male Hate Propaganda
Ninety Miles From Tyranny

In The Mailbox: 09.20.17
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

When Feminism ‘Succeeds’

In The Mailbox: 09.21.17
Proof Positive

Let’s Put It This Way: Maybe @DDLovato Isn’t a Lesbian (But Her Girlfriend Is)
Welcome To My Playpen

In The Mailbox: 09.22.17

Top linkers this week:

  1. EBL (14)
  2. A View From The Beach (8)
  3. Proof Positive (5)

Thanks to everyone for their linkagery!

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News Flash: Boys and Girls Are Different

Posted on | September 23, 2017 | 2 Comments

The World Health Organization wastes money on gender theory studies:

Girls are weak and boys are strong — that’s the crushing finding of a comprehensive new study of children and their parents around the world.
The groundbreaking global study, released by the World Health Organization and Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, reveals that it makes no difference whether a child is raised in Baltimore, Beijing or New Delhi — the universal stereotype surrounding what it means to be a girl or a boy prevails.
“We found children at a very early age — from the most conservative to the most liberal societies — quickly internalize this myth that girls are vulnerable and boys are strong and independent,” said Robert Blum, director of the Global Early Adolescent Study, based at Johns Hopkins University. “And this message is being constantly reinforced at almost every turn, by siblings, classmates, teachers, parents, guardians, relatives, clergy and coaches.”
The six-year study of gender expectations around the world saw researchers speak to 450 children aged 10 to 14 with a parent or guardian, from 15 different countries of varying degrees of wealth and development.

As Sarah Hoyt observes, these alleged “stereotypes” aren’t so much harmful as they are realistic. And these “gender expectations” are associated with success and happiness. That is to say, if you want your son to grow up to be a successful man, he must learn to be strong. Women like strong men, and while it sounds insulting to call women “weak” or “vulnerable,” parents of girls have to protect their daughters, and girls must learn to protect themselves, to avoid dangerous situations.

Much of the epidemic of anxiety and depression among young women is, I believe, caused by the unrealistic rhetoric of “empowerment” that schools, media and parents are drumming into girls’ heads. The expectation that every girl will grow up to be a fiercely independent success story — a Yale graduate with a Harvard law degree, or a Stanford-educated software engineer — is preached like gospel in suburban public schools. All the programs on TV portray women having high-powered careers and also, of course, having romantic adventures in glamorous settings. This Hollywood imagery of “empowerment,” reinforced in schools and by parental ambitions, is driving girls crazy.

Y’know what? Bring back home economics. Teach girls it’s OK to enjoy doing girl stuff — cooking, fashion, interior design, child care. There are actually career opportunities in these fields, and if educators would stop insisting that every girl has to go to college, maybe they could find some kind of job where they’d be happy. But oh, no, the feminists wouldn’t allow schools teaching girls to make sandwiches . . .


In The Mailbox: 09.22.17

Posted on | September 22, 2017 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: A Mendoucheous Dotard Probably Doomed Graham-Cassidy Obamacare Repeal
Twitchy: MSNBC’s Ari melber Gets Roundly Fact-Checked Over “Nonpartisan” Jimmy Kimmel Claim
Louder With Crowder: The Legendary Mel Brooks – “Political Correctness Will Be The Death Of Comedy”
According To Hoyt: When The Mask Slips
Monster Hunter Nation: Monster Hunter Files Hits #1 In Its Category On Amazon
Vox Popoli: George R.R. Martin On Jerry Pournelle, also, SJW-Converged Comics

Adam Piggott: Podcast #57 – The Principles Episode, also, Friday Links & Hawt Chicks – The “Keep ‘Er Moving” Edition
American Power: The Mexico Earthquake – Scenes Of Devastation & Hope, also, Herta Mueller, The Hunger Angel
American Thinker: Master Of The Twitter Universe
Animal Magnetism: Rule 5 GMO Nutballery Friday
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For September 22
Bring The HEAT: 79 Years Ago – The Deadly 1938 Hurricane
CDR Salamander: Diversity Thursday, also, Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: Couldn’t Be Done, also, Nolan Ryan & The Conventional Wisdom Of Experts
Don Surber: Jim Acosta, White House Tool
Dustbury: Hoplophobe Express
The Geller Report: Iranian President Rouhani Says Security For Israel “Not Possible”
Hogewash: Blogsmoke, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: It’s Now Indisputable – That Cop-Hating John Jay Jerk Has To Go
Joe For America: Here’s Why Trump’s New “Beast” Limo Sports Weird Camo Pattern
JustOneMinute: Manafort Surveillance RE-STARTED After He Left Trump Campaign
Legal Insurrection: Stacy’s Crazy Cousin John “Cannot In Good Conscience” Vote For Graham-Cassidy
Power Line: The FBI – Still Stonewalling
Shark Tank: South Florida Councilman/Attorney Files Questionable Suit Against FP&L
Shot In The Dark: Don’t Try This Yourself (Unless You’re Suitably “Progressive”)
STUMP: On Full Public Pension Funding – A Followup
The Jawa Report: Swiss Imams Charged With Jihadtube Activities
The Political Hat: Decolonizing The Cannibal
This Ain’t Hell: Fake NEO Order In Korea, also, Army Says Botched Repair Caused Tennessee Crash
Weasel Zippers: It’s Shocking How Empty The Stadium Was For Thursday Night Football, also, #blacklivesmatter Whines That WWI Symbol At Oklahoma Museum Is Offensive
Megan McArdle: Trump Slams The Brakes On Self-Driving Cars
Mark Steyn: The Lies Of James Clapper

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