The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Feminism Is a Totalitarian Movement to Destroy Civilization as We Know It

Posted on | September 9, 2017 | 3 Comments

FITCHBURG, Massachusetts
Today I will be speaking in Leominster at an event hosted by Da Tech Guy blog, the Worcester Tea Party and Granite Grok. Friday, I had the honor to give a 10-minute presentation to the Friday Morning Group in Lexington, and Pete Da Tech Guy got this video of my speech:



I’m still hoping all my friends in the New England area will attend today’s luncheon event at Tang Dynasty restaurant, but if you can’t make it, you might want to chip in to the Shoe Leather Fund, because I’ll be visiting institutes of higher learning in the region, just to see what kind of lunacy is being promulgated on campus this fall. Please remember the Five Most Important Words in the English Language:




In The Mailbox: 09.08.17

Posted on | September 8, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 09.08.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

RIP Jerry Pournelle – scientist, soldier, science & SF & computer writer.
He did a lot of things so we didn’t have to.

EBL: Hurricane Irma Is Coming, And She Is Very Bad
Twitchy: Kamala Harris Shames DOJ For Siding With Baker, Gets Fact-Checked By First Amendment
Louder With Crowder: Hillary Once Declared “DREAMers Have To Go Back” (VIDEO)
According To Hoyt: Where Have All The Heroes Gone?
Monster Hunter Nation: Back From DragonCon!
Vox Popoli: A Good Man Is Gone

Adam Piggott: The Friday Links & Hawt Chick Of The Week – There’s A Storm Out There Edition
American Power: The Rotting Soulless Moral Abomination That Is Ben Rhodes, also, Harry Turtledove, In The Balance
American Thinker: How To Dry Up Hollywood Funding For Democrats
Animal Magnetism: Lena Dunham, Nutcase, also, Rule Five Social Media Stupidity Friday
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For September 8
BLACKFIVE: J.T. Ellison, Lie To Me
Da Tech Guy: I’d Rather be Thinking About Curtains, also, Democrat Outed As Furry Resigns
Don Surber: Under Trump, The Crime Rate Falls
Dustbury: Pretty Much Petered Out
The Geller Report: EU Court Rules Eastern European Nations Must Accept Refugees
Hogewash: Blogsmoke, also, Qapla’!
Jammie Wearing Fools: WFAN’s Craig Carton Arrested In $2M Ticket Fraud Scheme
Joe For America: EXTREME VOTER FRAUD! Over 5000 Illegal Out-Of-State Democrat Voters May Have Stolen New Hampshire From Trump
JustOneMinute: Gays, Bayes, And AI
Power Line: On The Cover Of Time Magazine
Shark Tank: Rubio Misses Key Hurricane Relief Funding Vote
Shot In The Dark: What’s The Only Thing…
The Political Hat: California’s Capitol City To Pay Danegeld
This Ain’t Hell: Vets Sue SC Lawyers For Bilking Them Out Of Pensions, also, Post-Combat Drunken Orgies Approved
Weasel Zippers: Talcum X Calls For Complete Boycott Of NFL Over Has-Been QB, also, Fox News To Part Ways With Eric Bolling After Harassment Investigation
Megan McArdle: Here’s Why Silicon Valley Loves Big Government
Mark Steyn: America’s Worst Nightmare, also, Hurricane Hosting

Today’s Digital Deals
Amazon Warehouse Deals
Amazon Renewed Deals

Remembering 9/11: Friday Fiction Special

Posted on | September 8, 2017 | Comments Off on Remembering 9/11: Friday Fiction Special

by Smitty

“Samantha?” she asked into the darkness.
“Mother?” answered the raw voice of her sophomore daughter.
“School?” she inquired, wondering why only the lamp was on in the living room.
“Tell me.”
“My Political Science professor went on a rant about 9/11. He said that capitalism is evil and that that ‘freedom fighters’ had courageously held America accountable for all the sins–he said ‘sins!’–we have committed and that, rather than get the message, we made things worse in Iraq and Afghanistan.”
“Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore. I screamed ‘My dad died there that day, you sick bastard!'”

via Darleen

VIDEO: Kent Haeffner, President of Harvard University College Republicans

Posted on | September 8, 2017 | 2 Comments

FITCHBURG, Massachusetts
Thursday, Pete Da Tech Guy and I traveled to Harvard University, where we met with Kent Haeffner, president of Harvard’s College Republicans, and got this 18-minute video interview on Harvard Yard.


Kent was very gracious and joined us for dinner at El Jefe’s Taqueria on Harvard Square. I’ll have more about my Harvard visit later, including proof — proof! — that not all Harvard girls are ugly feminists.



In The Mailbox: 09.07.17

Posted on | September 7, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 09.07.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Is Pushing Budget Issues Off Three Months Really A Defeat For GOP?
Twitchy: Stay WOKE! Facebook Post Claiming Trump Administration Creates Hurricanes Gets Even Funnier
Louder With Crowder: Kid Rock Gives His First Fiery “Campaign Speech” In Detroit

Adam Piggott: Ferris Bueller And The Feminine Imperative
American Power: Danielle Gersh’s Sunny & Mild Forecast
American Thinker: 1913 – The Turning Point
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Vaccination News
BattleSwarm: Did Israel Just Bomb A Syrian Chemical Weapons Plant? (Update: Yes)
BLACKFIVE: Kyle Mills, Vince Flynn’s Enemy Of The State
Bring The HEAT: The Northrup F-5A
Da Tech Guy: Much Ado About DACA, But My Mind Is Elsewhere, also, Make Or Break It
Don Surber: A Deal Made Possible By Antifa’s Collapse
Dustbury: The Latest And Greatest Buzz
Fred On Everything: DACA Dies, Sort Of – Right Wing Flaps Wildly – Our Precious Bodily Fluids Safe
The Geller Report: Pinterest Bans Pamela Geller
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: Former Hillary Fundraiser Says “The Best Thing She Could Do Is Disappear”
Joe For America: Actress Martha Plimpton Refers To First Abortion As “Best” Abortion
JustOneMinute: My Guess? The SPLC Is Sheltering Assets Overseas
Power Line: Are You Now Or Have You Ever Been? also, Amazon Tells Seattle “Drop Dead”
Shark Tank: Climate Change Alarmists Prepare For Post-Hurricane Hysteria
Shot In The Dark: A Good Guy With An Ugly Black Gun And A Thirty-Round Magazine
The Political Hat: Political Correctness, Opposing Incorrectness, Out With The Incorrect, Celebrating The Correct
This Ain’t Hell: Thirteen Ft. Hood Soldiers Busted In Prostitution Sting, also, Navy Changes Uniforms Again
Weasel Zippers: ISIS Supporters Threaten Harvey Relief Centers In Houston, also, Wassermann-Schultz Aide Who Fled US Strikes Deal To Return, Facing Charges
Megan McArdle: Southern Poverty Law Center Gets Creative To Label “Hate Groups”
Mark Steyn: Dreams Delusions And Duplicity, also, Everybody’s Out To Get Her

Today’s Digital Deals
Amazon Warehouse Deals
Amazon Outlet Deals

Report From Family Fleeing Florida

Posted on | September 7, 2017 | Comments Off on Report From Family Fleeing Florida


My daughter is eight months pregnant and lives in South Florida. She, her husband and their dog Max are among the mass exodus fleeing the state ahead of Hurricane Irma, expected to hit somewhere near Miami this weekend. They left Thursday morning and by 10 p.m. had reached the vicinity of Savannah, Georgia. Media reports indicate that many gas stations are already out of fuel, long lines are forming at the stations that still have fuel, and highways are beginning to become jammed as hundreds of thousands of vehicles head north.

Traffic was “slow, but we are moving,” my daughter reported late Thursday from Savannah. “We haven’t had too hard of a time so far. Anyone trying to leave south Florida now will be totally screwed.”

Earlier this week, veteran meteorologist Bryan Norcross predicted “an epic movement of people through the State of Florida.” Simply put, with a storm the size and strength of Irma, there is no safe place to be in Florida. Although the current forecast is that Irma will hit the east coast of the peninsula, it might wobble off that path:

“The west coast of Florida — including the Ft. Myers/Cape Coral/Naples area and Tampa Bay — are spectacularly vulnerable to storm surge. Much more so than the east coast, which still has many threatened areas,” Norcross wrote during a lengthy Facebook post Wednesday morning. “If the storm looks like it could go up the west coast, evacuations are going to be required there, which will create an epic movement of people through the State of Florida.
“If this happens, and you are in an evacuated area, do not dawdle. Do not even think about dawdling. Immediate action will be required,” Norcross wrote.

Think about this: If fuel shortages are already being reported on Thursday — three days before the storm is expected to make landfall — what’s the situation going to be like Friday and Saturday? We’re talking about the possibility of a zombie apocalypse type of situation, with people stranded and desperate to get out of Florida. We can expect reports of looting and carjacking. Then think of the many elderly people in Florida’s hospitals and nursing homes who are too frail to travel.

A worst-case scenario is likely to be very bad indeed.


Heading to Harvard Yard

Posted on | September 7, 2017 | Comments Off on Heading to Harvard Yard

“What these male feminists fail to realize is that, as men, they will always be oppressors. . . . Men, as a class, are culpable for misogyny, and male allies are no different . . . Feminism does not need men. . . . Feminism is not supposed to be palatable to men; it is supposed to be threatening.”
Nian Hu, Harvard Crimson

FITCHBURG, Massachusetts
My friend Pete Da Tech Guy will be taking the train down to Cambridge this afternoon, and my first stop will be Harvard’s Department of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies. Honestly, I just want to see what Hell on Earth looks like at close range. Pray for my safety.

On the other hand, notorious Thought Criminal Charles Murray managed to speak at Harvard without causing a riot Wednesday night:

Harvard University students braved a light drizzle Wednesday night to protest a speech by Charles Murray, dubbing the conservative intellectual a “white nationalist.”
Murray is best-known for his 1994 book, The Bell Curve, in which he and co-author Richard Herrnstein argue that hereditary factors, in addition to environmental ones, influence an individual’s intelligence.
Murray had been invited by the Harvard College Open Campus Initiative (HCOCI) — known as the “free speech club” on campus — which invited him to talk about his most recent book, By the People: Rebuilding Liberty Without Permission, but the announcement sparked outrage among the student body, according to The Harvard Crimson.
“Inviting [Dr. Murray] to campus in an uncritical and stubbornly evasive way is deeply harmful, and giving him an unchecked platform to spread white nationalism is antithetical to a true commitment to free speech,” said Nicholas Whittaker, a junior at the school. “We ask any interested to join us to assert our dissatisfaction with Murray and HCOCI.”
Outside of the venue, protesters gathered and chanted, “Don’t give into racist fear/everyone is welcome here!”

Well, if everybody is welcome at Harvard, probably they won’t mind me wandering around campus checking out the student scene. My plan is to meet up with Republican students on campus — believe it or not, there are at least two — and maybe grab a pizza and a few cold beverages.

* * * * *

Readers can come hear me speak, and get a copy of my book Sex Trouble, this Saturday, Sept. 9, in Leominster, Massachusetts, at an event hosted by Da Tech Guy blog, the Worcester Tea Party and Granite Grok.

Tickets for this buffet luncheon event are available online, and I hope all my friends in the New England area will attend.

If you can’t make it to Saturday’s luncheon, however, you might want to chip in to the Shoe Leather Fund, because I’ll be spending five days visiting institutes of higher learning in the region, just to see what kind of lunacy is being promulgated on campus this fall. Please remember the Five Most Important Words in the English Language:




Social Justice and Fake Hate Crimes

Posted on | September 7, 2017 | 2 Comments


Michael Kee committed an anti-Muslim hate crime — against himself.

Police in Wisconsin say that Kee, a student at Beloit College who identifies as Muslim, spray-painted crude anti-Muslim slogans on the door of his own dorm room in February. The incident occurred days after a Jewish student at Beloit was targeted by anti-Semitic note slipped under his dorm-room door. Police say the motive for Kee’s hoax was that he “wanted the same attention the campus was giving the other student.”

Beloit is a private liberal arts college that is expensive ($55,206 a year, including room and board), but not what you’d call “elite” — a school for kids who didn’t have the SATs to get into Amherst or Oberlin, really. Rich parents send their kids to Beloit for a four-year vacation from reality, and the decadent youth keep themselves busy learning about social justice:

Beloit College recently published a “#GetWoke” syllabus in an effort to encourage students to familiarize themselves with the anti-Trump resistance movement.
The syllabus, called “#GetWoke: Activism and Organizing During 45 Syllabus,” was created by the school’s diversity office for its upcoming “#GetWoke lecture series,” providing a “general overview of white supremacy, fascism, race and racism, and nation-state.” . . .
The syllabus then suggests that protesting is “at the heart of what it means to demand the state sees you when you sit at the margins of society,” encouraging students to listen to protest songs such as KRS One’s “Sound of Da Police,” or read texts like “Social Justice Organizing” for inspiration. . . .
Among the resources included in the syllabus are related syllabi on similar topics, such as a “Syllabus for White People to Educate Themselves,” and another on how “All Monuments Must Fall.” . . .
Additionally, the college plans to host at least four #GetWoke panels during the upcoming school year, the first of which will be delivered later this month by Moya Bailey, a feminist academic who coined misogynoir, a term derived from intersectional feminist theory to describe the misogynistic experiences of black women in particular.

According to Wikipedia, “Moya Bailey is a black queer feminist scholar, writer, and activist . . . Bailey attended Spelman College for her undergraduate degree. She pursued graduate studies at Emory University in the department of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. She is currently a Dean’s Post-Doctoral Fellow at Northeastern University.” In other words, she is a professional victim, someone whose raison d’être is victimhood, and who has never done anything in her life except denounce “society” for its racism, sexism and homophobia.

Beloit’s Office of Academic Diversity and Inclusiveness (OADI) used its “Scholar in Residency” program to bring Bailey to their campus, in order to teach these rich kids . . . what? How to be pathetic crybabies the rest of their lives? How to manufacture social-justice slogans? How to get a Ph.D. in Gender Studies and thereby avoid doing any actual work?

What kind of parents would actually pay to send their kid to a school like Beloit? This is one of the great inexplicable mysteries of the 21st century, like how Texas A&M blew that 34-point lead against UCLA . . .

Isn’t it the case that colleges, by promoting “social justice” ideology, are teaching kids that victimhood is an achievement? And isn’t the case of Beloit’s Michael Kee a predictable consequence?


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