The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 09.06.17

Posted on | September 6, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 09.06.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Why Does The Media Keep Lying About Houston Development And Flooding?
Michelle Malkin: There Is No Such Thing As A “Deserving DREAMer”
Twitchy: Illegal Immigrant Shows Off Doctored Social Security Card He’s Used To Pay Thousands In Taxes
Louder With Crowder: Jimmy Kimmel Freakout – “Trump Dismantled DACA To Distract Us From Russia Probe!”

Adam Piggott: Podcast #55 – The Anecdote Episode
American Power: The Cold Civil War
American Thinker: DACA Was Only One Part Of Obama’s Seizure Of Congressional Power
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
BattleSwarm: Federal Appeals Court Lifts Voter ID Law Injunction
BLACKFIVE: Karen Rose, Monster In The Closet
Bring The HEAT: THIS Is How You Give A Weekend Safety Brief
Da Tech Guy: Tangled Web Of Dictators With Nukes, also, Irony Overload From NY Gov Cuomo On DACA
Don Surber: 2,139 DACA “Kids” Convicted Of Other Crimes, also, Guy Who Never Served Calls Four-Star General Disgrace To The Uniform, also also, Joe Thomas Makes Sense Of The College Football Racket
Dustbury: As Aspirational As It Gets
The Geller Report: Crowd Throws Tomatoes At Angela Merkel During Rally, also, 47 Nonprofit Leaders Denounce SPLC And Urge Media To Cut Ties With Hate Group
Hogewash: Prevarication Du Jour, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: Ray Lewis Says Ravens Were Going To Sign Kaepernick Until His Idiot GF Went On Twitter
Joe For America: Rahm Emanuel Bans Trump From Chicago
JustOneMinute: What Must Democratic Polling Look Like? also, Schadenfreude Overload, or, “RESIST!”
Power Line: That Was Then, This Is Now, also, Worst Trump Tweet Ever?
Shark Tank: DACA Divas Bend Truth About Trump’s Plan To Deport Children
Shot In The Dark: The Real Concern
STUMP: Insurance Notes – Flood Insurance
The Jawa Report: Where’s Dr. Rusty? Whose Taco Bell? OUR Taco Bell! Edition
The Political Hat: Venezuela’s Maduro Formalizes His Dictatorship
This Ain’t Hell: SSA And VA Can’t Talk, And It Costs Taxpayers Millions, also, Leaflets Offensive To Afghans
Weasel Zippers: NYC Mayor DiBlasio Argues Against Private Property, also, Civil Rights Group Wants Kid Rock’s Detroit Concerts Canceled Because He Said Mean Things About Colin Kaepernick
Mark Steyn: The Last Picture Show, also, Abie’s Non-Irish Rose

Today’s Digital Deals
Amazon Warehouse Deals
Amazon Outlet Deals

Fear and Loathing at BWI

Posted on | September 6, 2017 | Comments Off on Fear and Loathing at BWI

The Flying Dog Tap House near Gate A8 doesn’t have WiFi, but they do have Ralph Steadman’s art on the walls, so that’s probably a good omen for this Gonzo adventure. My flight to Boston’s Logan International boards at 9:10, which gives me just about half an hour to write . . . what?

With no WiFi, I can’t link the news until I’m out in the Food Court (“right down the hall,” says my waitress, LaDawna) and right now I’m having breakfast. Two eggs over medium, sausage, hash-browns and a Bloody Mary. “Self-medicating,” they say. It’s a mighty early hour for a Bloody Mary but (a) I’ve been up since before 5 a.m. when my wife woke me up to pack, and (b) obviously I need something to counteract the effects of three cups of coffee. My nerves are jangled, and there’s always this frenzied rush whenever I have to fly anywhere.

Packing up the car and driving seems to me the much more relaxing way to travel, because if you get behind schedule you just drive faster, and I enjoy driving fast. Our nation’s law enforcement establishment tends to take a different view of the matter, and the joy of doing 90 mph is tempered by the need to avoid detection. But I digress . . .

Harvard University is all upset about President Trump’s threat to end DACA, because there are about 65 illegal aliens at Harvard — the illegal elite, as it were. Harvard is America’s leading anti-American university. They love foreigners and hate anybody who was actually born here, unless maybe you’re gay or something. Yet it seems Harvard has accidentally admitted a few Republican students, and I got an email from one of them Tuesday night, offering to guide me across campus.

There’s no time now to explain more, however, because that plane’s about to start boarding and I’ve got to rush out, jam this thing online as quickly as possible and then get in line. Wish me luck. Damn, there was too much pepper in that Bloody Mary . . .

* * * * *

Readers can come hear me speak, and get a copy of my book Sex Trouble, this Saturday, Sept. 9, in Leominster, Massachusetts, at an event hosted by Da Tech Guy blog, the Worcester Tea Party and Granite Grok.

Tickets for this buffet luncheon event are available online, and I hope all my friends in the New England area will attend.

If you can’t make it to Saturday’s luncheon, however, you might want to chip in to the Shoe Leather Fund, because I’ll be spending five days up there and hope to visit Harvard University and other institutes of higher learning in the region, just to see what kind of lunacy the Gender Studies crowd is promulgating on campus this fall. Please remember the Five Most Important Words in the English Language:




In The Mailbox: 09.05.17

Posted on | September 6, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 09.05.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho


Proof Positive: A Modest Proposal Regarding Antifa
Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #2
EBL: Walter Becker RIP
Twitchy: Alyssa Milano Wants Obama To Show “What Leadership Looks Like” On DACA; Jon Gabriel DELIVERS
Louder With Crowder: YouTube, Blogger Censor Black Woman For Having Wrong Opinion

Adam Piggott: Why The NO Vote Must And Will Win This Month’s Gay Marriage Plebiscite
American Power: Trump Administration To “Weaponize” DACA Data, also, Robert Silverberg, Roma Eterna
American Thinker: Toxic Femininity Hides Jealousy And Corruption
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Labor Day News, also, Goodbye, Blue…Tuesday?
BattleSwarm: Daesh War Update, also, Why Sh0e On Head Got Banned From Buzzfeed
BLACKFIVE: J.A. Jance, Proof Of Life
Bring The HEAT: “God Is With Us All This Day”
Da Tech Guy: Yardsticks, also, Report From Louisiana – When Do The Book Burnings Begin?
Don Surber: NYT Refuses To Call A Democrat On Trial A Democrat, also, Welcome Back, Barack. Republicans Need You
Dustbury: Strange Search Engine Queries, also, Legend Repeats Itself
The Geller Report: British Muslim Girl Raped, Tortured And Killed By Own Family For An Innocent Kiss
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, Legal LULZ Du Jour
Jammie Wearing Fools: Leftwing Rag New York Daily News Sold For A Dollar
Joe For America: Watch This Angry Driver Give Cop-Hating, Traffic-Blocking Fatass A Nasty Surprise
JustOneMinute: Back To The DNC Hack, also, More Ranting From Hillary
Power Line: The Ultimate Photo-Op For President Trump, also, Trump Expected To End DACA – And Should
Shark Tank: Florida Braces For Another Hurricane, State Of Emergency Declared
Shot In The Dark: Minnesota Progressive Derangement
STUMP: Sunday Silliness – Cook County Soda Tax Keeps Limping Along
The Jawa Report: What Climate Change Means After Houston
The Political Hat: I Put On My Robe And Wizard Hat, also, A Fighting Proposal
This Ain’t Hell: MDMA Deemed “Breakthrough Therapy” For PTSD, also, Antifa, The Domestic Terrorists
Weasel Zippers: CNN Promotes People Drinking Cockroach Milk – It’s High In Protein! also, Anti-Trump “Resistance” Groups Spreading Nork Propaganda
Mark Steyn: Calling Madness To The Regeneration Of The World, also, Candle In The Wind

Today’s Digital Deals
Amazon Warehouse Deals
Amazon Outlet Deals

‘The Least Worthwhile People’ and @The_Moviebob’s Darwinian Inversion

Posted on | September 6, 2017 | 1 Comment


If you don’t know who Bob Chipman is, it’s not your fault. He’s an untalented nobody with a YouTube channel who was a movie critic or something for a site called The Escapist until (a) in 2014 he became obsessed with ranting against #GamerGate and (b) in 2015 was laid off from The Escapist, and although (c) it would be a post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy to suppose (a) and (b) were related, (d) most people do.

Anyway, I never heard of the guy until Tuesday, when Ian Miles Cheong tweeted about “Bob Chipman and the Unhealthy Preoccupation with The Superior Future,” which turns out to be one of Chipman’s stock phrases.


You see that, to Bob Chipman, the kind of people who vote Republican do not belong in the “superior future.” Another of his stock phrases is “properly evolved,” signifying the supposed genetic inferiority of — you guessed it — the kind of people who vote Republican.


One might think that Bob Chipman, being so superior as to be able to discern who amongst us is “properly evolved,” must be a total babe magnet, because all the chicks want to swing with the Alpha Male, right? Rather ironically, however, Bob Chipman is a bloated endomorph whose lifetime total number of female partners is zero, as far as anyone on the Internet knows. And, just by the way, Bob has been diagnosed with Type II diabetes, which doesn’t seem like a “superior future” kind of thing.

If “the personal is political,” as feminists say, isn’t it fair to suspect that Bob Chipman is projecting his own manifest inferiority on others? He is obsessed with “societal evolution,” and the idea that people he doesn’t like (i.e., Republicans) are unevolved and therefore unworthy of the “superior future.” Yet whatever the future may be, in 30 or 40 years, will there be any of Bob Chipman’s offspring there? This doesn’t seem likely and so, in the Darwinian sense, it is he who is faced with evolutionary failure, his evident inability to find a mate and reproduce having rendered him unfit for any future, superior or otherwise.

“The future belongs to those who show up for it,” as Mark Steyn says. Strange how the Darwinist fanatics so often prove to be dinosaurs . . .


A Tattoo-Covered, Mentally Ill Ex-Stripper Whose Real Name Is Chelsea Van Valkenburg Publishes Dishonest Book

Posted on | September 5, 2017 | 1 Comment


Today is the official publication date of a dishonest book by the woman who caused #GamerGate, whose story I explained last year:

“Zoe Quinn” was Patient Zero of the #GamerGate controversy. A tattoo-covered, mentally ill ex-stripper whose real name is Chelsea Van Valkenburg, Quinn was the creator of a tediously dull game called “Depression Quest.” She broke up with her boyfriend, a software geek named Eron Gjoni, and allegedly became intimate with a videogame journalist named Nathan Grayson. In August 2014, Gjoni published a nearly 10,000-word article exposing Quinn’s alleged misconduct.

It was Quinn’s alleged relationship with Grayson that exposed the dubious ethics of online videogame journalism and, in the process, called attention to the self-described “social justice warriors” (SJWs) who were trying to take over the lucrative videogame industry. After the controversy erupted in August 2014, it awakened gamers — a geek subculture that was not previously active in politics — to the threat to their freedom posed by intolerant advocates of political correctness.

What gamers discovered is that it doesn’t matter what your beliefs about economics or foreign policy may be, all you have to do is to exercise your right to express your own uncensored opinions, and you thereby become a target for the repressive forces of the cultural Left.

Zoe Quinn is not an innocent victim of “harassment.” She deserves everything bad anyone might ever say about her. She is an enemy of the First Amendment, as are her feminist allies, who are intent upon imposing a totalitarian regime in which anyone who disagrees with their ideology can be declared guilty of “hate speech” and silenced.

As Ethan Ralph says, Zoe Quinn is a fraud, who couldn’t program her way out of a wet paper sack, and whose status as a “game developer” is as fictional as the “blame-the-patriarchy” narrative she has created to depict herself as a saintly martyr for the feminist cause. Speaking of phony victims with new books, Hillary Clinton wants to sell you one.


‘Too Cute to Be Straight’: Canadian Taxpayers Fund LGBT Message for Kids

Posted on | September 5, 2017 | 4 Comments


Heterosexuality is only for ugly people — that’s the message promoted at taxpayer expense in Canadian schools, where “Too Cute to Be Straight” is among the slogans on buttons distributed to students in public schools by the Alberta GSA Network. These anti-heterosexual messages were posted to the Instagram account of the government-backed group that promotes homosexuality and transgenderism to children.

“The network is organized by the Provincial GSA Coordinator, a position within the Institute for Sexual Minority Studies and Services (iSMSS) at the University of Alberta,” according to the group’s web site, which “was funded in part by the Government of Alberta.”

Alberta’s education minister, David Eggen, recently said he “will consider strengthening gender diversity legislation this fall as LGBTQ advocates ask for more support in schools.” Eggen is a member of the socialist New Democratic Party that controls Alberta’s provincial government. In 2015, Eggens imposed “gender diversity guidelines to support LGBTQ youth in Alberta schools,” including secrecy policies that effectively prohibit parents from knowing whether their children are participating in such school-based programs. Parents in Alberta have protested these policies, and have criticized Alberta GSA Network for promoting sexually graphic images to children from a site called “Fruit Loop”:

The Institute for Sexual Minority Studies and Services (iSMSS) is paid by the Alberta Government to organize the Alberta GSA Network, intended to support a target audience that includes children ages 5 to 17 years old.
Dr. Kristopher Wells, who is a Faculty Director with iSMSS and the “driving force” behind the creation of the Alberta GSA Network, has publicly shared posts from Fruit Loop on his own social media, including a “fast-paced ad” featuring naked young people who “share an erotic kiss on a tennis court” and “are often seen embracing, rolling around on the ground together.”
Clearly he is not ignorant of the sexually graphic content of their posts. . . .
K-12 children who access GSAs are often already struggling and vulnerable. Exposure to the sexually graphic content made available through the Alberta GSA Network website puts these children at further risk of harm and victimization.
It is obvious the Ministry of Education is trusting the wrong people with the role of supporting 5 to 17-year-olds and creating “safe and caring” schools.

Former teacher Theresa Ng’s Informed Albertans blog has accused Wells of using “his social media to compare Christians to Nazis, share pictures of naked youth and publicly post private messages from concerned parents so they can be mocked by his Facebook friends.”

(Hat-tip: @jpaulson49 on Twitter.)


Unintended Consequences or Not?

Posted on | September 5, 2017 | Comments Off on Unintended Consequences or Not?

The media’s relentless promotion of feminist propaganda has deleterious results, and the “girls in tech” crusade is no exception:

A professor at Georgetown University has found that STEM recruitment efforts actually “backfire” when targeted at women.
Adriana Kugler, who teaches economics at Georgetown, recently published her research on the gender-gap in STEM fields. She found that STEM recruitment efforts that stress the gender-gap in STEM actually serves to discourage women.
“Society keeps telling us that STEM fields are masculine fields, that we need to increase the participation of women in STEM fields, but that kind of sends a signal that it’s not a field for women, and it kind of works against keeping women in these fields,” Kugler says.
Many of the common explanations for the lack of women in STEM don’t hold up under investigation, Kugler explained to Campus Reform. While previous research suggests women are less “resilient,” or more negatively impacted by “bad grades,” Kugler says there’s “no evidence” to support that.
Likewise, the claim that women do poorly in STEM solely because it’s male dominated isn’t supported by evidence either, Kugler says, noting that an aspiring female computer scientist won’t necessarily be turned away from knowing that the field is male dominated.
The trouble begins when the media and recruitment efforts capitalize on that preponderance of men, since it “sends an additional message to women that they don’t fit into those fields, and that they don’t belong there.”
“With the media, women are getting multiple signals that they don’t belong in the STEM field, that they won’t fit into the field. That’s what we find,” Kugler told Campus Reform. “It’s very well intentioned, but it may be backfiring.”

(Hat-tip: Instapundit.) This is by no means the only way women are harmed by the media’s mindless parroting of feminist rhetoric, teaching women that (a) all women are victims of oppression, (b) all males participate in and benefit from oppression, and therefore (c) men are the enemy, to be treated with contempt and hatred. Feminist rhetoric demonizes males as undeserving of respect, trust or admiration. This fosters an irrational attitude of paranoid hostility which makes it impossible for feminists to have happy relationships with men.

We may infer the intentions of feminist leaders from the results of their “success.” A woman who wishes to exemplify feminist ideals should never have any relationship with a man, as the movement’s radical ideology rests on the belief that heterosexuality is “a cornerstone of male supremacy,” as Professor Charlotte Bunch declared: “Therefore, women interested in destroying male supremacy, patriarchy, and capitalism must, equally with lesbians, fight heterosexual domination — or we will never end female oppression.” Once we recognize that the basic goals of feminism are entirely destructive, it follows that every ostensibly “positive” goal advocated by the movement (e.g., encouraging more women to pursue STEM careers) is calculated as a step toward that ultimate destruction. It does not matter, to the leaders of the feminist movement, whether your daughter is successful in her career or happy in her life; what matters to feminists is that your daughter learns to hate men, and to do all in her power to harm men, since whatever success a man might achieve in life is the unjust product of “patriarchy.”

More hatred, less happiness — that’s the goal of feminism.


Taking Out The Laundry

Posted on | September 5, 2017 | Comments Off on Taking Out The Laundry

— by Wombat-socho

Welcome to another all-too-infrequent book post at The Other McCain. As you might have guessed from the post title, this post is mostly going to be about Charles Stross’ Laundry novels, which are about the adventures of “Bob Howard”, a rising star in the British agency tasked with defending Her Majesty’s realms against occult and extradimensional threats. An obscure survival of the Second World War’s Special Operations Executive, the Laundry is forever contending with not just horrors from beyond time and space, but the bureaucratic regulations afflicting the civil servants of Her Majesty’s Government, and as Bob rises in rank, it seems that he’s been spending almost as much time fighting the waves of paperwork as he has been dealing with things like the Sleeper in the Pyramid.

With The Rhesus Chart, Stross takes the focus off Howard and also stops writing pastiches of famous British spy novels, and in my arrogant opinion, the next four Laundry novels are a lot better for it. Most of the focus of The Rhesus Chart is on Bob’s former girlfriend Mhari and the unfortunate mathematical discovery that puts her and her (surviving) fellow bankers on the Laundry’s org chart, to say nothing of a duel that has lethal consequences for quite a few Laundry staffers we’ve come to know. This is followed by The Annihilation Score, wherein Bob has to pick up the workload of a certain Deputy Senior Secretary (or is it Deeply Scary Sorcerer?) and is mostly out of the picture; the protagonist of The Annihilation Score is his now-estranged wife and Laundry comrade Dr. Dominique (“Mo”) O’Brien, keeper of a certain very lethal violin – and new head of an office tasked with dealing with a sudden increase in superheroes (and supervillians) in England’s green and pleasant land. Just to add to her stress levels, the aforementioned Mhari is assigned as her executive assistant, and Ramona Random (formerly of the U.S. Black Chamber, last seen in The Jennifer Morgue), shows up as her liaison to the Deep Ones, and as if all that weren’t enough, her violin seems to be developing a nasty habit of showing up in her dreams…

Which brings us to The Nightmare Stacks. The Laundry’s senior staff has been decimated, their headquarters destroyed, and so it falls to new recruits Alex Schwartz and Dr. Peter Russell, D. Theology (the latter guiltily worrying about his parish while he’s on Laundry duty) to scope out a new location in Leeds, which unfortunately for poor Alex, is his hometown that he’s been avoiding like the plague. Little does he know that he’s about to meet a girl who finds his condition fascinating, because she’s not from around here…and from “around here”, I mean Earth. Great for Alex. Not so great for Leeds. Everything comes to a head in the latest book, The Delirium Brief, and we’re reunited with all our favorite characters from the previous books (to say nothing of a few villains) as the unthinkable happens – having survived PLAN RED RABBIT, Her Majesty’s Government needs a scapegoat, and what better way to sweep everything under the rug than by firing everyone at the Laundry and privatising the remains? Unfortunately, the PM and his crew haven’t realized that the Laundry is responsible to a higher authority, and with people like Bob, Mo, Mhari, Alex, Cassie, and the legendary BASHFUL INCENDIARY against them, HMG has definitely bitten off more than they can chew.

All in all, I like the last four Laundry novels a lot. They’re very different than the first four, and while they’re operating in the same urban fantasy space as Delta Green, the Dresden Files, and the Monster Hunter International series, having them set in the UK instead of the US gives them a very different flavor, quite aside from the middle-aged punk aesthetic that helps bring Bob and Mo together. Very much worth reading, all of them.

Also on my Kindle was Mark Wandrey’s Cartwright’s Cavaliers, a coming-of-age novel in which the protagonist has to rebuild the legendary mercenary company is mother drove into the ground. Fortunately, young Jim Cartwright has a few friends with some old but useful hardware, and with a little guts, a little moxie, and a lot of luck, he just might make a go of things. Nominated for a Dragon Award this year, and definitely recommended.

Also also, The LawDog Files comes recommended by The International Lord Of Hate himself, and rightly so, because this collection of tales about enforcing the law in the West Texas town of Bugscuffle is full of weirdness and hilarity, including the famous Case of the Pink Gorilla Suit. Well worth your time if borrowed through Kindle Unlimited or your money if you buy it straight up.

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