The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Google’s Free Speech* Code

Posted on | August 10, 2017 | Comments Off on Google’s Free Speech* Code


You either have the right to express your opinion or you don’t. Try to explain this to Susan Wojcicki, the head of Google’s YouTube division:

As a company that has long supported free expression, Google obviously stands by the right that employees have to voice, publish or tweet their opinions. But while people may have a right to express their beliefs in public, that does not mean companies cannot take action when women are subjected to comments that perpetuate negative stereotypes about them based on their gender. Every day, companies take action against employees who make unlawful statements about co-workers, or create hostile work environments.

What “unlawful statements” did James Damore make in his memo? What facts about biological and behavioral differences between men and women have now been outlawed? When was this law enacted? Did I miss something? Have words ceased to have any meaning?

Must we now put an asterisk next to the phrase “free speech,” and refer the reader to a fine-print disclaimer specifying the exceptions to the limited “right” of people to “express their beliefs in public”?

Since I’m asking rhetorical questions here, when did Google — ostensibly a profit-seeking capitalist enterprise — start hiring Stalinist commissars to enforce political conformity among its employees?

Speaking of profit-seeking capitalist enterprise, have you hit the tip jar lately? Just $5 or $10 would be appreciated, and it’s a small price to pay to encourage a notorious Thought Criminal who routinely writes stuff that would be enough to get anybody fired from Google.



SJWs Attacking Lesbian @ArielleScarcell for . . . Well, Being a Lesbian, Really

Posted on | August 10, 2017 | 3 Comments

“In the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, by George Orwell, the Thought Police (Thinkpol in Newspeak) are the secret police of the superstate, Oceania, who are charged with uncovering and punishing ‘thoughtcrime’ and thought-criminals. The Thinkpol use psychological methods and omnipresent surveillance (e.g. telescreens) to search, find, monitor, and arrest citizens of Oceania who would challenge the status quo — the authority of the Party and of Big Brother — even if only with a thought.”

The totalitarian insanity of Third Wave “queer feminism” has now escalated to hitherto unprecedented levels. Popular lesbian YouTube personality Arielle Scarcelli (@ArielleScarcell on Twitter) committed the ThoughtCrime of saying that the way she knew she was gay was that she liked . . . uh, female anatomy.

According to the social justice warrior (SJW) crowd, lesbians are not allowed to say this, because it’s transphobia. Whereas SJWs are generally OK with anybody who hates heterosexual men, all a guy’s gotta do is wear a dress and lipstick and suddenly he ceases to be a demonized enemy and becomes a sainted victim, like Nicholas “Sarah” Nyberg or Zachary Antolak a/k/a “Zinnia Jones.” Being transgender puts you at the apex of the SJW Hierarchy of Victimhood, and calling yourself a “queer, trans, nonbinary lesbian” means women are obligated to have sex with you because social justice. (The Riley Dennis Rule.)

Crazy? Yeah, but the lunatics running the “queer feminist” asylum make the rules and this means lesbians are not allowed to speak honestly about their lack of enthusiasm for men in dresses, and the usual SJW suspects who ganged up against Laci Green for dating Chris Maldonado are now ganging up against Arielle Scarcelli because of this video:


“The whole trans community went up in flames telling me I was transphobic and that I was a sexist also for degrading women and making women just about their body parts.” (3:45)

Do I personally approve of Arielle Scarcelli’s preferences? Or do I agree with everything Arielle Scarcelli has ever said? No, but it’s a free country and I can’t boss her around or prohibit her from speaking in her own defense. Our freedom to disagree with each other is just about as basic as it gets, and labeling disagreement “hate” — which is what the SJWs are doing to Arielle Scarcelli — is a threat to this freedom.

Some of my conservative friends might say, “Who cares? Let the LGBT coalition destroy itself in a circular firing squad. Serves ’em right!” The problem with that reaction is that once the SJW mobs destroy Arielle Scarcelli for being “transphobic,” they’re not going to stop there. No, next they’re going to find another target, and then another and another and another. It’s like 1938 and who cares about the Sudetenland? Except once you give Hitler that, he’s going to take the rest of Czechoslovakia next, and then it’s good-bye, Poland! SJWs are totalitarians, and as long as you keep retreating, they’ll keep advancing. You can’t let them nibble away at the edges of the First Amendment, just because the person they’re trying to silence today isn’t somebody you like. Today, they’re going after a lesbian, but tomorrow they’ll be trying to silence a Catholic or a Baptist or just somebody who cares enough about scientific truth to say to Zinnia Jones, “Hey, you’ve got a penis and that’s not female.”

Seriously, what are the SJWs saying about Arielle Scarcelli that they haven’t used to condemn heterosexual men for being heterosexual? She was accused of “objectifying” women because she was attracted to their, uh, female anatomy. As John Stossel would say, “Give me a break!”

Are you a responsible adult, or are you a helpless victim? The SJW mob habitually brandish their alleged victimhood like a badge of honor, accusing anyone who criticizes them of “hate.” This tactic is used to silence and/or marginalize dissenters from the SJW narrative. It expresses the vindictive mentality of those who seek to punish bakers and florists for refusing to participate in same-sex weddings. This is the intolerant spirit that got James Damore fired from Google. It is hostile to truth and antithetical to personal liberty. Arielle Scarcelli had the temerity to dissent from the SJW narrative, to mock their bizarre belief system, and for this she is being accused of “hate.”

SJWs have ceased to be a joke and have become a threat to our survival as a free society. Like I keep saying: People need to wake the hell up.


In The Mailbox: 08.09.17

Posted on | August 9, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 08.09.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Nagasaki – August 9, 1945
Michelle Malkin: How Did The Dems’ IT Scandal Suspects Get Here?
Twitchy: Mom Deported For Not Changing Lanes? Daily Beast Leaves Out A Few Crucial Details
Louder With Crowder: Video Expose – The Entirety Of Google’s Leadership is FAR LEFT, also, Simon Cowell Funds English Dancer’s Treatment In America Because The NHS Sucks

Adam Piggott: Dunkirk
American Power: Beer Beats Tylenol As Pain Reliever, also, Adrian Murdoch, Rome’s Greatest Defeat
American Thinker: Trump’s Unintended Consequences – The Unmasking Of The Deep State
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
BattleSwarm: Light Attack Aircraft – A Niche That Doesn’t Exist, also, More On Google’s Ritual Heretic Burning
BLACKFIVE: Hazel Gaynor, The Cottingley Secret
Bring The HEAT: The Ration Review – Canadian IMP Salmon
Da Tech Guy: Social Media Storm Chasing, Part One and Part Two, also, Movers And Dragons
Don Surber: Not Being President Exhausts Low Energy Jeb, also, Dallas Paper That Defied Trump Last Year Now Laying Off Staff
Dustbury: Always Gentle On Your Mind
The Geller Report: Thousands Of Migrants Storm Spanish Enclave With Spears, Stones, Sticks
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Joe For America: Trump Flames Stolen Valor Senator After Blumenthal Insults Him
JustOneMinute: Climate Change Policymaking – Do As I Say, Not As I Do, also, Getting Damn Close To Victory
Power Line: The Democrats’ Electoral Advantage Is Getting Worse, also, France Under Martial Law
Shark Tank: US On The Brink Of Nuclear War – Bill Clinton’s Foreign Policy Failure To Blame
Shot In The Dark: Lie First, Lie Always – Slander
STUMP: Asset Grab Bag – Whistleblower Award For Blogger, Private Equity Fees & Returns, And More!
The Jawa Report: 9/11 Terrorist Arrives In Jehannam, also, Nadeem Muhammad Found Guilty Of Carrying IED On Plane
The Political Hat: Gentlemen Fight, Thugs Brawl, Amateurs Flail
This Ain’t Hell: Merit Systems Protection Board Forces VA To Rehire Hawkins, also, French Soldiers Mowed Down In Attack
Weasel Zippers: Virginia School To Select AP Students By Skin Color, Not Intelligence, also, “Hug A Terrorist” Program Aims To Stop Spread Of Extremism
Megan McArdle: As A Woman In Tech, I Realized – These Are Not My People
Mark Steyn: Niche Demographics And The Abandoned Millions, also, I’ve Been Everywhere

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Fake News: The Media Are Lying About James Damore’s Google ‘Manifesto’

Posted on | August 9, 2017 | 3 Comments


Bre Payton at the Federalist has an excellent compilation of biased media reports about fired Google engineer James Damore’s viral memo, and the blatant dishonesty is enough to shock even those of us who have spent decades fighting liberal bias in journalism. Repeatedly, headlines mischaracterize Damore’s views as “anti-diversity” (despite his clearly stated support for diversity) and news articles falsely assert that Damore argued women were “genetically unsuited” (Washington Post) or “biologically unfit” (CNN) to work in high tech.

Are these journalists simply illiterate? Do they lack the reading comprehension skills necessary to understand what James Damore wrote? Or is it rather the case, as I believe, that feminist gender theory has attained the status of an official religion within academia and journalism, so that skeptics are excluded from employment in these fields? If all your professors are committed to Third Wave feminist ideology — the social construction of the gender binary within the heterosexual matrix — and all your college-educated peers went through the same indoctrination program, wouldn’t you just assume that these beliefs were scientific truth? And this is the situation within the elite media establishment, which is effectively off-limits to anyone who suspects that there are natural differences between men and women.

This ideological echo-chamber effect is the result of deliberate discrimination against conservatives in academia and media. We have witnessed how the American higher education system has ceded control to those who act as Stalinist commissars in enforcing political conformity. In 2005, then-Harvard President Larry Summers suggested that “innate differences” between men and women might explain the relative scarcity of women among science and engineering faculty. Summers, a liberal economist who had served in the Clinton administration, merely offered “innate differences” as one possible explanation of this disparity, but this was enough to summon a firestorm of rage from campus feminists. Within a year, Summers was forced to resign, sacrificed to the Feminist Cult of Androgyny as a warning to anyone within academia who might ever dare to imply that men and women are different.

Harvard feminist mob protesting against Larry Summers in 2005.

Totalitarian regimes do not tolerate dissent, and feminist hegemony in higher education has had the effect of disseminating this totalitarian attitude throughout those fields where college education is a prerequisite to employment, including tech companies like Google. Read more

In The Mailbox: 08.08.17

Posted on | August 8, 2017 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Double scoop of linkagery today since I was tied up at the VA (not in a fun way) yesterday and got home far too late to post.

EBL: What Is Happening With the Damond Shooting Investigation?, also, Zucchini Sneaking Time
Twitchy: NPR Says Women At Google So Upset By Memo Citing Biological Differences That They Skipped Work
Louder With Crowder: Leftists Turning To Professional Cuddlers To Cope With Trump, also, Chicago Sues Trump Admin Over Sanctuary City Funding

Adam Piggott: Yes, Michelle Carter Must Win Her Appeal, also, How To Get Fired From Google
American Power: This Vanity Fair Lionization of The Press Is Why Everyone Hates The Press, also, Howard Fast, Spartacus
American Thinker: After Six Months, A Shocking Clarity, also, Star Chamber Justice Condemns Fox News’ Eric Bolling Without A Trial
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday, also, Animal’s Daily Bad Deal News
BattleSwarm: Ann Althouse Reads The Trump Transcripts So We Don’t Have To, also, Read The Google Memo
BLACKFIVE: Gerry Schmitt, The Shadow Girl
Bring The HEAT: Thoughts On The Atomic Bombing Of Hiroshima, also, Guadalcanal At 75
Da Tech Guy: Illinois’ Bubbling Soda Tax Rebellion, also, Buzz Off, Buzzfeed!
Don Surber: The Biggest Political Story Most Reporters Are Missing, also, Manchin – I Don’t Give A **** About West Virginia
Dustbury: Outlaw To Lead Portland Police, also, Strange Search Engine Queries
Fred On Everything:
The Geller Report: Indian Muslim Beheads Wife For Not Quitting Her Job, also, British Councillors Bow Down As Imam Curses Christians And Jews In Opening Prayers
Hogewash: Programming News, also, Hoge v. Kimberlin,, News, also also Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Joe For America: Judge Jeanine Posts Epic Rant, also, Obama’s Friend & Former Congressman Chaka Fattah (D-PA) Convicted Of Racketeering, Gets Ten Years
JustOneMinute: Mark Zuckerberg For President?, also, Big Bad Chuck Todd, Bolder Than The Late Tim Russert
Power Line: The Illusion of Diversity, also, The Democrats’ Plan To Destroy Trump
Shark Tank: Meet The Obamacare Repeal & Replace “Flip-Flopping Seven”, also, Republican “Mavericks” Continue Bashing Trump
Shot In The Dark: Blast From The Past, also, Maybe If He Was Latino And Transgender?
STUMP: Sunday Dumpery – Cook County Soda Tax, Chicago Pension Funding, And More, also, Mortality Monday – When Do People Die?
The Jawa Report: Islamic State Was Fun, also, On Techy Chicks
The Political Hat: The Logic Of The Left, also, Robber Barons & Omnipotent Moral Busybodies
This Ain’t Hell: Trump Reminds Us About Valor Thief Blumenthal, also, Army Won’t Rename Streets To Suit SJWs
Weasel Zippers: Federal Court Strikes Down EPA Rule Key To Obama’s Climate Agenda, also, Did Loretta Lynch Lie Under Oath When She Denied Using Personal Email?
Megan McArdle: Aficionado Culture – Where Fun Goes To Die, also, Sick Of Slow Wage Growth? Here’s Who to Blame
Mark Steyn: War For The Planet Of The Apes, also, Coup D’Etat Profond

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Fat Feminists, Google Engineers and Why Didn’t Eric Bolling Listen to Me?

Posted on | August 7, 2017 | 3 Comments


Things have gotten busy on the feminism front lately, while I was busy elsewhere, so let’s do a bit of catch-up, starting with . . .

NEVER TALK TO A FEMINIST — how many times have I repeated that here? And why didn’t somebody warn Eric Bolling? As soon as accusations that he texted . . . uh, images of male genitalia to female colleagues at Fox News became public, Bolling was the subject of a Facebook post by notorious feminist Professor Caroline Heldman:

My only surprise is that it took this long for people to come forward about Bolling’s behavior, which has been wildly inappropriate for years.
I did hundreds of appearances on Fox and Fox Business from 2008 – 2011, and had multiple experiences with Bolling that caused grave concern to my friends and family. Bolling referred to me as “Dr. McHottie” on air on four different occasions, and called me “smart, beautiful, and wrong” on air twice. . . .
Bolling would also contact me via phone and text after shows, sometimes to apologize for his behavior (and then do it again), and sometimes just to talk. He said he wanted to fly me out to New York for in-studio hits and to have “fun.” He asked me to have meals with him on several occasions, but I found excuses not to go. Once, he took me up to his office in New York, showed me his baseball jerseys, and in the brief time I was there, let me know that his office was his favorite place to have sex. . . .

Question: Why would Eric Bolling presume Caroline Heldman was heterosexual? From my reading of her work, Professor Heldman is one of those feminists who consider “heterosexuality” a synonym for rape. She was an outspoken leader among the faculty inciting “rape culture” paranoia at Occidental College. No one familiar with Professor Heldman’s career could possibly imagine that she likes men; she might sue you for libel if you accused her of being heterosexual. So why would Eric Bolling make a move on her? Talk about barking up the wrong tree! He’d have better luck trying to score with Rachel Maddow.

Caroline Heldman calmly explains why men are evil.

Like all feminists, Caroline Heldman views men as the enemy, to be destroyed by any means necessary. The only way a man can be safe from this destruction is to avoid feminists. The minute a feminist walks into the room, a smart man immediately leaves the room. Men should stay away from any place (e.g., Occidental College) where feminists are known to congregate, and be on alert when feminists begin to infiltrate and take over a previously safe location. Next thing you know . . .

At Google, we’re regularly told that implicit (unconscious) and explicit biases are holding women back in tech and leadership. . . .
We haven’t been able to measure any effect of our Unconscious Bias training and it has the potential for overcorrecting or backlash, especially if made mandatory.

That’s from an internal memo circulated by Google engineer James Damore who now is, of course, former Google engineer James Damore, having been fired for “perpetuating gender stereotypes.” If your company starts hiring feminists, they will institute policies like “Unconscious Bias training” and, if anyone complains about these policies, their complaints will be cited as proof of their sexism — classic Kafkatrapping.

Guys are being lynched left and right to appease the feminist mobs nowadays, and why? Because successful terrorism inspires fear: “Oh, don’t say anything to upset the feminists! They’ll sue us!”

Anyone who has read A.L. Rowse’s Appeasement understands why this cowardly folly won’t work. Feminism Is a Totalitarian Movement to Destroy Civilization as We Know It, and you cannot obtain peace by surrendering to the demands of totalitarians. Meanwhile . . .


Say hello to “body-positive” feminist Megan Jayne Crabbe:

Ranting against “a f–ked up patriarchal society” and “misogynistic morons” because some men make unwelcome comments about her, Ms. Crabbe displaces onto her critics the blame for her own deliberately provocative behavior. To constantly post pictures online of yourself in your underwear — the essence of Ms. Crabbe’s “activism” –is abnormal behavior, symptomatic of narcissism. Anyone who does this is obviously seeking attention, in the form of comments, “likes,” DMs, etc. It is entirely predictable that many reactions to this type of social-media exhibitionism will be negative. Merely by declaring herself a feminist, however, Ms. Crabbe cloaks her selfish attention-seeking in the mantle of activism, a disguise achieved by blabbering a lot of rhetoric about “misogyny,” “patriarchy,” “rape culture,” blah blah blah. . . .

Read the rest at The Patriarch Tree.


Rule 5 Sunday: Tuesday Weld

Posted on | August 6, 2017 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

I am in the process of slowly replacing my once-extensive collection of electronic music, which included (and soon will again) the soundtrack to the Michael Mann movie Thief, starring James Caan and this week’s appetizer, Tuesday Weld. This pic isn’t from the movie, but it does show off Ms. Weld’s physical talents.
As usual, many of the following links are to pictures generally considered NSFW. The management is not responsible for any casualties or losses you suffer through your failure to click at appropriate times or places, to say nothing of the sapping of your precious bodily fluids.

Tuesday Weld, all grown up

Ninety Miles From Tyranny kicks off this week’s offerings with Hot Pick of the Late Night, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns, followed by Goodstuff who asks, is it safe to go back in the water? With Sharknado 5 coming out tonight, does it make any difference? (It’s free on Amazon Prime Video, if you need a Tara Reid fix.) If you want something less fishy, we have Animal Magnetism’s Rule 5 Self-Defense Myths Friday and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

Appropriately enough, EBL’s first contribution to this week’s Rule 5 is National Cheesecake Day, followed by Mary Ann Mobley, National Avocado Day, Shelly Fabares, Litigation Schadenfreude, National Watermelon Day, Elizabeth Shue in the Death Wish remake, International Beer Day, and Fight ISIS With Isis.

A View From The Beach brings us How About a Little Zoophilia?Fish Pic Friday – Gag GrouperBen Shapiro for President“700,000 Rednecks”Desnudas Doing the Dirty Work Citizens Aren’t Allowed toSweet!, and Lady Golfer Protests LPGA Dress Code.

Proof Positive’s Friday Night Babe is April Bowlby, his Vintage Babe is Anna Nicole Smith (RIP), and Sex in Advertising is covered by Guess. At Dustbury, it’s Kat Timpf and Genelia D’Souza.

Thanks to everyone for their linkagery!
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FMJRA 2.0: Thief

Posted on | August 5, 2017 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Rule 5 Sunday: Burger Girls
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
Proof Positive
A View From The Beach

College Communists Collapse
Rotten Chestnuts
A View From The Beach

FMJRA 2.0: Outskirts
The Pirate’s Cove
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 07.31.2017
Proof Positive
A View From The Beach

Can Queer Feminist Emma Lindsay Possibly Avoid a Crazy Cat Lady Future?
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 08.01.17
Proof Positive
A View From The Beach

When Your Plan To Kill Everyone At The Staff Meeting Has To Cover Aliens

Kamala Harris: Democrat ‘It Girl’

In The Mailbox: 08.02.2017
Proof Positive

Everybody’s ‘Far Right’ Now
Dark Brightness

PURGE? The Firing of Rich Higgins Is a Dangerous Omen at the White House

Snitch Culture: @LenaDunham Auditions for PC Thought Police Commissar
Adam Piggott

In The Mailbox: 08.03.17
Proof Positive

Michigan ‘Antifa’ Group Vows to ‘Shut Down’ Catholic Group’s Conference

In The Mailbox: 08.04.17
Proof Positive

Top linkers this week:

  1.  EBL (11)
  2. (tied) A View From The Beach and Proof Positive (6)

Thanks to everyone for their linkagery!

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