The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Transgender Victimhood Narrative Encounters Inevitable Difficulties

Posted on | August 5, 2017 | 2 Comments

Police led a handcuffed Zachary McClimans out of court after a hearing.

A few days before the election last November, police say, Zachary McClimans stole his grandfather’s pistol and went to the Wal-Mart in Hermitage, Pennsylvania, where he shot Jayson Hall four times.

The motive, according to police, was that McClimans (a/k/a “Claire Wolfever”) had recently revealed to his co-workers at Wal-Mart his intent to undergo gender reassignment, and didn’t like Hall’s reaction to this news. McClimans, 22, claimed to feel “threatened” by Hall, and had filed a complaint with Wal-Mart management, which was under investigation at the time of the November shooting. McClimans was charged with attempted murder and is awaiting trial.

In January 2017, two months after McClimans shot Hall, another transgender employee of the same Wal-Mart had an encounter with police. A domestic violence call came into 911 from a woman who said her daughter (who was transitioning from female to male) had held a knife to her throat. When police officers responded to the scene, Sean Marie Hake (a/k/a Sean Ryan) was wielding a razor box-cutter:

A police officer was justified in fatally shooting a man who had a utility knife and told officers he would kill them or they would have to kill him, a prosecutor said [Jan. 17].
“This was a life-and-death circumstance right from the very beginning,” Mercer County District Attorney Miles Karson Jr. said in announcing that the officer would not be charged in the Jan. 6 shooting of Sean Ryan Hake.
Hake’s mother, Cynthia Loya, had called 911 to report her 23-year-old son was out of control and had held a razor blade to her throat. By the time three Sharon police officers arrived, Hake’s mother had left and her son was sitting in a car with self-inflicted cuts to his wrist and throat, Karson said.
An officer called for an ambulance and tried to speak to Hake, but he got out of the car and started moving quickly toward the officer, Karson said. Hake, armed with a utility knife, didn’t comply and ignored the similar commands of two other officers who arrived seconds later, Karson said.
Instead, Hake moved quickly toward the first officer saying, “You are going to have to kill me or I am going to kill you,” Karson said.
That prompted the third officer to yell to get Hake’s attention, and Hake then moved toward that officer, who fired two shots, both of which hit Hake in the torso, the prosecutor said. When Hake continued toward the third officer he fired a shot that stopped Hake, Karson said. Hake died a short time later at hospital in Youngstown, Ohio.

Hake’s death was clearly a “suicide-by-cop” scenario. But what were the odds that two employees of the same Wal-Mart in western Pennsylvania would both be transgender, and both be involved in incidents of fatal violence? In McClimans’ case, the claim that Hall had harassed him/“her” made transgenderism a central issue of the story, but Hake was just an ordinary domestic violence case that escalated.

Mercer County, Pennsylvania, is not a major urban area. It’s across the border from Youngstown, Ohio, and the county’s largest town, Hermitage, has a population of less than 17,000. Yet twice in a two-month span, local law enforcement was forced to deal with “Trannies Gone Wild” situations. This relates to a fact cited by the feminist site 4th Wave Now, which points out, “gender dysphoria occurs with troubling frequency in concert with a range of other mental disturbances, including personality disorders, depression, anxiety, and autism.”

The preferred media narrative, of course, portrays transgender people as victims of oppression, but how often are other people actually the victims of crimes committed by transgender people? Given what we know about the dangerous prevalence of mental illness in the transgender population, isn’t a certain level of “transphobia” warranted? Zachary McClimans claimed to feel “threatened” by Jayson Hall, but who was it that got shot four times? And what about Sean Hake’s mother, who said her daughter/“son” had held a knife to her throat? The media ignore this angle, however, and focus on the social-justice victimhood narrative.

Tim Teeman of the Daily Beast is strictly following the victimhood narrative in asking, “Why Are So Many Transgender Women of Color Being Killed in America?” He leads with the case of Troy “TeeTee” Dangerfield, who was shot to death in the southside Atlanta suburb of College Park. If you know anything at all about the Atlanta area, murder in College Park isn’t usually a national headline kind of story. The population of College Park is about 80% black, and 75% of residents live in rental properties. The FBI has identified College Park as “statistically the region’s most unsafe community.” Getting murdered in College Park isn’t particularly difficult, and most of the crime victims there are “people of color,” so it’s unlikely “TeeTee” Dangerfield was killed because of his/“her” transgender status. However, the difference between a hate crime and, say, a drug deal gone bad doesn’t matter when liberal journalists are promoting a social-justice crusade narrative.

TeeTee Dangerfield Is 16th Known
Trans Woman Killed In U.S. This Year

Huffington Post, Aug. 2

TeeTee Dangerfield, the 16th
Trans Woman of Color Killed This Year

Out, Aug. 2

At Least 16 Transgender Women
Have Been Murdered This Year

Refinery 29, Aug. 3

Who Was Troy “TeeTee” Dangerfield?
Transgender Women Face
Horrific Rates Of Violence

Bustle, Aug. 3

Transgender woman’s family seeks
justice after deadly shooting

Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Aug. 4

Do you suppose that this sudden media interest in transgender murders is a coincidence? Did all these journalists last week just happen to notice the death of “TeeTee” Dangerfield, decide to do some research and discover the total number of transgender homicides this year? Don’t be silly. This is part of an orchestrated publicity campaign, the motives and goals of which are political in nature. The San Diego Gay and Lesbian News article on Dangerfield’s murder includes this sentence: “The death comes just two days after a Midtown rally in support of transgender men and women following President Trump’s tweets proclaiming a ban on trans military servicemembers.” An article at Rolling Stone headlined “LGBTQ Suicide Hotline Calls from Transgender Youth Spike Under Trump” includes this sentence: “Transgender individuals have been the target of an alarming 16 homicides this year alone, with a transgender woman identified as Tee Tee Dangerfield most recently shot and killed in her car in College Park, Georgia, on Monday.” And in his Daily Beast article about Dangerfield’s death, Tim Teeman included some blame-Trump suggestions from LGBT activists:

The Trump administration’s various anti-transgender moves — most dramatically, the president’s hugely criticized tweets foreshadowing a ban on trans people serving in the military — have collectively “made it more dangerous for our community whether in rural or urban Georgia. We feel that people who are against us feel justified because this administration supports them,” said [Chanel] Haley [of Georgia Equality].
“The discrimination is pretty blatant. People are not trying to hide it as much as they were before. The Trump administration has given them a license to discriminate.” . . .
[Raffi Freedman-Gurspan of the National Center for Transgender Equality said] President Trump’s pronouncements had been alarming and led to “a heightened sense of vulnerability among trans people. We in the trans community are as diverse as any community: there are transgender Muslims, transgender military folks, transgender folks wanting access to reproductive services. We time and again see transgender lives dismissed as essentially disposable, especially for transgender black women out there who are very, very scared.”

So, the reader is expected to conclude, “TeeTee” Dangerfield and 15 other transgender murder victims are dead because President Trump “made it more dangerous” by giving haters a “license,” which is why “transgender black women . . . are very, very scared.” This is the narrative, you see, and the actual facts about these crimes don’t really matter.

As to those troublesome facts, let’s just say that it is extremely unlikely any Republicans were hanging around the neighborhood in College Park the night that “TeeTee” Dangerfield was killed. While police detectives say they’ve got no leads in the case, I think “GOP Death Squads” can be safely ruled out among potential suspects in this particular homicide.

Meanwhile, in Chicago, 385 people have been shot to death so far this year, and another 1,848 people have been wounded, and I’m not sure if any of the victims were transgender, but 80% of them were black.

When the media are trying to sell a politically convenient narrative — e.g., blaming Republicans for the deaths of “transgender women of color” — facts tend to get twisted around or simply ignored. If you start asking questions about who is perpetrating these crimes, and whether the cause-and-effect bears any resemblance to the social-justice narrative, liberals will accuse you of transphobia, and probably also racism.

The media reserve to themselves the authority to determine which patterns of crime are newsworthy. If you look at the odd coincidence of two transgender Wal-Mart employees in Pennsylvania both being involved in violent incidents, and suggest that this might signify something about the connection between transgenderism and mental illness, you’re obviously a bigot. But when the media imply that Donald Trump is to blame for the death of “TeeTee” Dangerfield in College Park, you’re not allowed to question this farfetched claim. Only professional journalists are authorized to make assessments about the causes of crime, and nobody’s offering to hire you at the Daily Beast, are they? No, because you’re a transphobic racist who voted for Donald Trump, and are therefore disqualified for employment as a professional journalist.

Americans’ Trust in Mass Media Sinks to New Low
Gallup, Sept. 14, 2016

Poll: Majority says mainstream media publishes fake news
The Hill, May 24, 2017

New Poll Shows More Americans
Trust the White House Than the Media

Fox News, July 5, 2017

In 21st-century America, crazy men who think they’re women and crazy women who think they’re men are both subjects of fake news by the fake media, which refuse to employ any sane or honest people.


In The Mailbox: 08.04.17

Posted on | August 4, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 08.04.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

If you linked to The Other McCain in a blog post, we’d like to give you credit for it by linking back. Send me an e-mail listing the posts and relevant links by noon tomorrow and I’ll list you in the FMJRA. Got some Rule 5 posts you want to share with us? Send those to Rule 5 Wombat by noon on Sunday. Thanks in advance!

First Street Journal: The Lost Decade
EBL: Yeah, I Want To See The New Death Wish
Twitchy: Keep Deleting, Morons – Everyone Who Thinks Dana Loesch Says “Fist” Owes Her An Apology
Louder With Crowder: Dave Chapelle Tells “Transphobic” Jokes, Liberals Rage
According To Hoyt: Sin Eaters
Vox Popoli: Reminder – Don’t Talk To The Media

Adam Piggott: Podcast #51 – The Holland Episode, also, Hawt Chicks And Links, Diversity Points Edition
American Power: Because It’s Never Been Tried!, also, Robert Graves, I, Claudius
American Thinker: Jeff Flake’s In Denial About Jeff Flake, also, Time For Trump To Get Rid Of McMaster
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Self-Defense Myths Friday
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For August 4
Da Tech Guy: This Ain’t The Summer Of Love, also, Tried And Tried Again
Don Surber: Ban Opioids, also, A Jobs Report Obama Would Envy
Dustbury: Here We Go Loop De Loop, also, By Decree Of The Remix Queen
The Geller Report: DC Comics TV Show’s New Muslim Superheroine Declares, “I Am ISIS!”, also, Review of Obama’s Refugee Resettlement Program
Hogewash: Blogsmoke, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: Venezuelan Opposition Leaders Dragged From Homes As Socialist “Paradise” Heads Toward Civil War
Joe For America: Hungary’s New Border Wall Called “A Spectacular Success”, also, Broward County Comes Clean, Admits Many Illegals & Felons Voted In 2016 Election
JustOneMinute: No Summer Recess For Our Hard-Working Senators, also, That Pesky Stock Market (Don’t Credit Trump!)
Power Line: Comey’s FBI Lied About Clinton-Lynch Meeting, also, Thoughts From The Ammo Line
Shark Tank: Wasserman-Schultz Finally Talks About Awad, also, Rep. DeSantis Wants House IT Fraudster’s Assets Frozen
Shot In The Dark: When I Think Back On All The Crap…, also, Princess Pander
STUMP: Public Pension Assets – Divestments For Everybody!
The Political Hat: The Wiltshire Police War On Doubleplusungood Utterances
This Ain’t Hell: Happy Birthday Puddle Pirates!, also, VBA Says Vet Employment Improves
Weasel Zippers: Wasserman-Schultz Says Laptop She Fought To Keep From Cops Was Awan’s, Not Hers, also, FBI Email Dump Reveals Collusion Between Media, DOJ To Squash News About 2016 Clinton-Lynch Meeting
Megan McArdle: States Have Some Bad Ideas For Keeping Insurers
Mark Steyn: Boom And Bust, also, Remembering The Forgotten Man

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Michigan ‘Antifa’ Group Vows to ‘Shut Down’ Catholic Group’s Conference

Posted on | August 4, 2017 | 2 Comments


The Church Militant is an independent Catholic online media group led by Michael Voris, and since 2015, they have sponsored an annual conference for Catholic men called “Strength and Honor.” Last week, an “antifa” (anti-fascist) group calling itself Michigan Peoples Defense Network (MPDN) announced their plans to “shut down” the conference at a hotel in the Detroit suburb of Sterling Heights:

A local “antifascist” group is trying to crush free speech and silence dissent by protesting Church Militant’s upcoming men’s conference. The group is also smearing Church Militant as “anti-woman” and “hateful.” . . .
“As the radical Christian right rises in America, having supported Donald Trump’s campaign of hatred against the most marginalized,” MPDN’s announcement reads, “it is more vital than ever that the community stands against hate draped in a cross.”
MPDN falsely characterizes Church Militant’s Strength and Honor Conference as a “men’s rights” event, condemning the alleged “hateful messages” spread at this “anti-woman” event.
“[T]he claim that the conference is about ‘men’s rights’ is a deliberate distortion,” stated Church Militant’s official press release Monday. “The conference is about men’s obligations, not ‘rights.'” . . .
MPDN, only formed in December, employs a logo that includes two crossed baseball bats, as well as fists raised in defiance, and claims it’s necessary “to respond with more than messages of unity and solidarity” to what it calls the rise of the far right. MPDN goes on to state it is “prepared to physically defend” victims of alleged racist attacks.

MPDN calls The Church Militant “a radical religious hate group working to suppress women’s rights and promote a theocratic Christian agenda.” It would be more accurate to describe MPDN as a radical anti-religious hate group promoting an anarchist anti-Christian agenda. And the possibility of “antifa” violence cannot be ignored:

Christine Niles, a Vietnamese immigrant who helps run a parachurch organization in Michigan that promotes Roman Catholic teaching, expected to spend this week preparing theological materials and getting ready for the group’s annual conference for men.
Instead, Niles, who is editor-in-chief of Church Militant, has been in consultations with local law enforcement after learning that a left-wing group is drumming up support to shut down the conference, which will take place on Aug. 4-6 at locations in Ferndale and Sterling Heights, Mich.
“Police have reached out to both sides and will have patrol cars observing,” Niles told Fox News. “But we don’t know who the activists are associated with and we don’t know what will happen.” . . .
Niles, who has degrees from Notre Dame University and Oxford University, and her colleagues at Church Militant contend that this could not be further from the truth.
“The real bone of contention that MPDN has with Church Militant is not the spurious claims and lies it’s telling, but the positions we take on morality and decency,” the Catholic group said in a statement. “Church Militant is not a hate group; MPDN is the real hate group, trying to intimidate religious organizations into silence and shut down a conference meant to help men by fostering the virtues of humility, charity and sacrifice.” . . .
Dan Gainor, vice president of business and culture at the Media Research Center, concurred that the religious outfit is hardly the “radical” one in this matter.
“The radical left is following the lead of the liberal media and attacking Church Militant. Now, even having a men’s conference on how to be good husbands and fathers generates liberal protests,” he said.

The Left is against marriage, against fatherhood, against Christianity. Everything good and decent in life, the Left is determined to destroy.




In The Mailbox: 08.03.17

Posted on | August 3, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 08.03.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Thanks to everyone that clicked the Amazon links and bought stuff in July! Very much appreciated!

EBL: Celebrate National Watermelon Day
Twitchy: Lena Dunham Overhears “Transphobic” Talk At Airport, Helps Track Down Attendants Who Aren’t Woke
Louder With Crowder: Sanctuary Cities Flipped The Bird To ICE – Now Jeff Sessions Is Blocking Their Funds
Sarah Hoyt: Mr. Acosta, Can You Hear Me Now?

Adam Piggott: The False Dawn of The Australian Conservatives
American Power: America’s Car Culture Will Never Die, also, Bruce Catton, The Civil War
American Thinker: Cooler Heads And Chaos
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Overthrow News
BattleSwarm: White Working Class To Democrats – Die In A Fire
Da Tech Guy: How Great Was Austin Jackson’s Catch At Fenway?, also, The Message Missing From Last Week’s Short Form Gospel
Don Surber: I Don’t Want Jim Justice In Our Party, Mr. President
Dustbury: Can’t Read My Pony Face
Fred On Everything: Milk Bar Clausewitzes, Bean Curd Napoleons – In The Reign Of Kaiser Don
The Geller Report: McMaster Fires Another Top Counter-Jihad Official At NSC
Hogewash: LOLSuit VIII News, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: Trump Finally Getting His White House In Order
Joe For America: Ravens Owner Makes Desperate Plea To Angry Fans About Hiring Kaepernick
JustOneMinute: Always In The News – We’re Dieting Again
Power Line: The AP Leaves Venezuela, also, McMaster Purges Pro-Israel/Anti-Iran Deal Trump Loyalists
Shark Tank: Trump Looks To Cut Both Illegal And Legal Immigration
Shot In The Dark: Slip
STUMP: Public Pension Assets – It’s Not Your Money To Play With, Trustees
The Political Hat: Sexist Penitents, Sexist Athletes & Veterans, Sexist Robots
This Ain’t Hell: New GI Bill Goes To President Trump, also, Brian Hawkins Canned At VA
Weasel Zippers: WV Governor Switches From Democrats To GOP At Trump Rally, also, Abedin Emails Reveal Transmission Of Classified Info With Clinton Foundation Donors Getting Special Treatment From State Dept
Megan McArdle: Defining Success Or Failure For Obamacare
Mark Steyn: Press One To Sixty For English, also, Bad Poems Make Verse Law

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Snitch Culture: @LenaDunham Auditions for PC Thought Police Commissar

Posted on | August 3, 2017 | Comments Off on Snitch Culture: @LenaDunham Auditions for PC Thought Police Commissar


Progressivism (noun) — A political ideology typified by a desire to destroy other people’s lives and call the result “progress.”

If you’re a show-business multimillionaire, what do you do for fun? In the case of feminist TV performer Lena Dunham, you try to ruin the lives of people who have to actually work for a living:

Lena Dunham is calling out American Airlines after the actress claimed to have overheard two apparent employees engaged in “transphobic talk.”
The “Girls” creator said her flight on another airline was delayed for hours Wednesday at New York City’s John F. Kennedy International Airport.
Dunham, 31, wrote that the “worst part of this night” waiting at the airport came when she overheard two American Airlines’ “attendants having a transphobic talk.”
“At this moment in history we should be teaching our employees about love and inclusivity @AmericanAir,” she added in a subsequent tweet. “That was worst part of this night.”
Dunham then seemingly posted a screenshot of a direct message conversation she said she’d had with the airline.
n the message, the actress goes into further detail about what she claims to have overheard, writing that they were “talking about how trans kids are a trend they’d never accept a trans child and transness is gross.”
“I think it reflects badly on uniformed employees of your company to have that kind of dialogue going on,” Dunham continued. “What if a trans teen was walking behind them? Awareness starts at home but jobs can set standards of practice. Thanks for your consideration!”

Dunham claimed she overheard this conversation “in the arrivals hall coming from gate B30 to baggage … By the Hudson news across from the wine bar.” In other words, wherever she goes nowadays, Dunham is ready to snitch out anyone expressing an opinion she dislikes.

The social justice warrior (SJW) mentality is that of a third-grade tattletale, running to tell the teacher that the other kids aren’t playing nice. We all hated those spiteful brats when we were kids, and we don’t like them any better as grownups. Whatever happened to “mind your own business”? What sort of Stalinist impulse leads to this snitch culture, with self-appointed commissars acting as informers against those suspected of deviation from correct thought? Who does Lena Dunham think she’s “helping” by trying to get a couple of otherwise anonymous airline employees fired for the crime of having a private conversation near the Hudson News stand at JFK airport? But we know Lena Dunham is a liar, and perhaps she just made up this “transphobic” incident.


PURGE? The Firing of Rich Higgins Is a Dangerous Omen at the White House

Posted on | August 3, 2017 | 1 Comment

Rich Higgins is an experienced national-security specialist.

For months, I’ve been deliberately ignoring the “White House chaos” stories about the Trump administration, which I discounted as (a) the usual shakedown-cruise stuff of a new team in office, (b) typical staff infighting, and (c) hyped-up scandal-bait produced by the anti-Trump Beltway media. However, I cannot ignore the ill omens surrounding today’s news about the ouster of Rich Higgins:

A top official on the National Security Council was fired last month by National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster reportedly after he argued in a memo that President Trump’s administration is under sustained attack from globalists and Islamists.
Rich Higgins, a former Pentagon official who served in the NSC’s strategic-planning office as a director for strategic planning was fired on July 21, The Atlantic first reported.
The memo, written in late May, described threats to the administration by globalists, bankers, the “deep state,” and Islamists.
“Globalists and Islamists recognize that for their visions to succeed, America, both as an ideal and as a national and political identity, must be destroyed,” it said.
Higgins was called into the White House counsel’s office two weeks ago and asked about the memo. Later that week, he was told by McMaster’s deputy that he was losing his job.

Now, I don’t know Rich Higgins personally, but he’s a friend of several of my friends, and a guy with solid national-security credentials. While his “deep state” memo was widely ridiculed, many of the main points Higgins made are actually more mainstream in the conservative movement than his Republican critics are willing to admit, e.g.:

Globalists and Islamists recognize that for their visions to succeed, America, both as an ideal and as a national and political identity, must be destroyed. … Islamists ally with cultural Marxists because, as far back as the 1980s, they properly assessed that the left has a strong chance of reducing Western civilization to its benefit. Having co-opted post-modern narratives as critical points, Islamists will co-opt the movement in its entirety at some future point.

This is basically the point that David Horowitz made in his 2004 book Unholy Alliance: Radical Islam And the American Left. This is not any kind of “alt-right” or “white nationalist” argument, but rather a geopolitical explanation for why the Left, which claims to stand for “progressive values,” including feminism and gay rights, so often functions as a de facto ally of Islamic fundamentalism, an ideology antithetical to progressivism. If making such an argument it now grounds for termination within a Republican administration, what hope is there that Trump can win his political fight against the Left? And the firing of Rich Higgins isn’t an isolated event. Adam Kredo at the Free Beacon:

An ongoing staffing purge being conducted by White House National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster has thrown the West Wing into chaos, according to more than half a dozen Trump administration insiders who told the Washington Free Beacon that McMaster has been targeting long-time Trump loyalists who were clashing with career government staffers and holdovers from the Obama administration. . . .
More purges are said to be on the way, according to multiple insiders who described a list of at least four other senior NSC officials McMaster intends to target. Other sources confirmed the likelihood of more purges, but disputed some details on that list. . . .
The latest victim of this purge is Ezra Cohen-Watnick, a senior NSC official originally hired by ousted National Security Adviser Michael Flynn. The White House acknowledged in a statement late Wednesday evening on Cohen-Watnick’s departure that McMaster viewed him as in conflict with his vision for the NSC.
A second senior official, Rich Higgins, who worked in the NSC’s strategic-planning office as a director for strategic planning, was fired last month. The president was not informed of the move until after Higgins was fired, according to one source who is in regular contact with senior NSC figures.
Published reports described Higgins’ firing as a “lasting victory” for McMaster over longtime Trump officials who helped get the president into office.

Michael Warren at the Weekly Standard analyzes the firing of Higgins as part of a White House purge whose ultimate target is Steve Bannon.

This is serious enough that I have broken my long silence about the “White House chaos” narrative. It is certainly time to take alarm when an experienced staffer like Higgins is fired for speaking the truth.


Everybody’s ‘Far Right’ Now

Posted on | August 2, 2017 | 1 Comment

Jake Tapper is Hitler, because everybody’s Hitler now.

As a notorious right-wing extremist banned from Twitter, I’d like to welcome the latecomers to our (alleged) fascist movement. Frankly, it’s getting overcrowded. There’s hardly enough room here for a guy to goose-step and sieg-heil without bumping into another crypto-Nazi.

CNN’s Jake Tapper, for example.

You probably didn’t realize Jake was a fascist, and neither did he, until he had the temerity to take issue with the Women’s March celebrating fugitive murderer JoAnne Chesimard a/k/a “Assata Shakur.”


This is not a matter of allegation, it’s a fact: JoAnne Chesimard was convicted of murdering a New Jersey state trooper, escaped prison and fled to Cuba. She was a member of the Black Liberation Army, “a splinter group comprised of the most radical members of the Black Panthers,” and “was the leader of a notorious New York City BLA cell that hunted down police officers for brutal assassinations.” She was on the FBI’s Most Wanted List at the time she killed state trooper Werner Foerster:

At about 12:45 a.m. on the morning of May 2, 1973, the fugitive Shakur was being driven to a new hideout in Philadelphia by BPP Information Minister Zayd Malik Shakur (Assata’s brother-in-law) and BLA member Sundiata Acoli, when their car was pulled over by state trooper James Harper for a tail-light violation on the New Jersey Turnpike. Fellow trooper Werner Foerster provided backup for Harper. While the lawmen conducted routine questioning of the vehicle’s occupants, Shakur (who was in the front passenger’s seat) and her companions suddenly fired upon them with semi-automatic pistols. As Foerster grappled with the driver, Shakur shot the trooper twice before her gun apparently jammed. With Foerster on the ground wounded and helpless, Shakur grabbed the trooper’s own firearm and blasted two fatal shots into his head, execution-style. (Zayd Malik Shakur was also killed in the melee.)
Assata Shakur fled the scene but was apprehended by police a short time later, about five miles away. . . . Shakur was found guilty of first-degree murder and seven additional felonies, resulting in a prison sentence of life plus 33 years.
Shakur escaped from prison on November 2, 1979 — probably with the help of Cuban or Cuban-trained terrorists posing as visitors.

Anyone wishing “happy birthday” to this terrorist is, in effect, endorsing murder. As Vox Day says, however, “SJWs Always Double Down,” and the Women’s March blamed their critics as “the far right”:


So (a) the Women’s March invoked “solidarity” as justification for praising the “revolutionary” murderer, (b) it is an “attack” to tell the truth about who Assata Shakur actually is, and (c) Jake Tapper is “far right” for wondering whether progressives should be celebrating cop-killers.

Women’s March founder Linda Sarsour accused Tapper of “joining the ranks of the alt-right to target me online” despite the fact that, as the Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported, Tapper “was named one of the Jewish journalists most frequently harassed by the alt-right online during the 2016 election campaign.” Even feminists like Bari Weiss rejected the rhetoric of the Women’s March: “Since when did criticizing a domestic terrorist become a signal issue of the far right? Last I checked, that position was a matter of basic decency and patriotism.”


The characterization of Tapper as “far right” or “alt-right” is intended to imply that anyone who criticizes a “revolutionary” cop-killer is sympathetic to Nazis and engaged in “hate speech.” This tendency of the Left to label all opposition as “extremist” leads to the problem identified by Mark Steyn: “When Everyone’s Hitler, Nobody’s Hitler.”

What the Left is doing is “working the refs,” trying to make the mainstream media even more liberal than it already is, by making conservative viewpoints politically radioactive. This tactic is why you can’t condemn a cop-killer without being “far right,” and why you cannot defend Christians without being labeled a “hate group.”

“Time and again, I see the SPLC using the reputation it gained decades ago fighting the Klan as a tool to bludgeon mainstream politically conservative opponents. For groups that do not threaten violence, the use of SPLC ‘hate group’ or ‘extremist’ designations frequently are exploited as an excuse to silence speech and speakers.”
Professor William Jacobson, June 28, 2017

Your right to free speech is being targeted by the same intolerant forces of the Left that got me banned from Twitter. How do totalitarian enemies of the First Amendment dare label others “extremists”?



In The Mailbox: 08.02.2017

Posted on | August 2, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 08.02.2017

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Happy Birthday, Rush Limbaugh!
Michelle Malkin: Procter & Gamble’s Identity Politics Pandering
Twitchy: To Avoid Reality, Socialist Party Claims Soviet Union Had WHAT System Of Government?
Louder With Crowder: Chesapeake Bay Mayor Smacks Down Al Gore On Global Warming
Kurt Schlichter: The 2018 Military Coup Against Donald Trump, Part I, also, Part II

Adam Piggott: Breaking The Boundaries Of Civilization
American Power: Is Germany A Normal Country?, also, Robert Leckie, None Died In Vain
American Thinker: The Identity Crisis Of The American Left
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
BattleSwarm: Dukes Plea Deal Expires, Case Headed For Trial
Bring The HEAT: World Of Warships – Seven Kill Kraken
Da Tech Guy: Atheists In London Braver Than American Counterparts
Don Surber: Sanders Is The Voice Trump Needs
Dustbury: Report From The Crust Inspector
The Geller Report: Inflatable Mosques Appear On French Beaches
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: Clinton Confidant Blumenthal Back Under Microscope Amid Trump Scrutiny
Joe For America: California City Demands Churches Stop Providing Counseling, Teaching Music
JustOneMinute: Is This Really In The Failing NY Times?
Power Line: The Administrative State Declares Independence, also, Stocks Shatter Records, BUT DON’T GIVE TRUMP CREDIT!
Shark Tank: National Republicans Target Curbelo’s Democratic Challenger
Shot In The Dark: The Man Without A Party
STUMP: Public Pension Assets – Our Funds Were In Alternatives, And All We Got Were These Lousy High Fees
The Political Hat: The Othering Of Cis-Normative Unpersons
This Ain’t Hell: Coast Guard Commandant Says He Won’t Break Faith With Trannies, also, Mack Cole Jr. Convicted Of Defrauding VA
Weasel Zippers: Al Gore’s Home Devours 34% More Electricity Than Average U.S. Household, also, Insurers Seek Huge Hikes On Obamacare Plan Premiums
Megan McArdle: How Dodd-Frank Hurts The Poor
Mark Steyn: Question Mark, also, Zip-A-Dee Akbar!

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