The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 06.15.17

Posted on | June 15, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 06.15.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Robert Mueller Is Conflicted And His Investigation Corrupt
Twitchy: WaPo Editorial Writer To NYT Editorial Board – Hold My Beer!
Louder With Crowder: Terry McAuliffe Goes Full Retard, Says Guns Kill 93 Million Americans A DAY

Adam Piggott: Taxi Drivers Rejoice! Uber Goes Up In Flames
American Power: Camille Paglia, Free Women, Free Men, also, SPLC Demonized Scalise, But Distances Itself From Shooter Who Liked Them On Facebook
American Thinker: Alexandria And The Right To Shoot Back
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Stupid Tourist News
BattleSwarm: James T. Hodgkinson, Mr. Walking Time Bomb
Da Tech Guy: Tech Knight – Through The Looking Glass In Boston
Don Surber: I Blame Tim Kaine’s Rhetoric
Dustbury: You Were Told There Would Be No Math
Fred On Everything: Oncoming Racial Doom – The Clash Of Cultures
The Geller Report: “I’m Not Afraid Of The Police, I’m A Muslim”
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: “Terminate The Republican party” Page Still Exists On Facebook
Joe For America: Billy Joel Tells Hollywood “It’s Not My Job To Tell People How To Think!”
JustOneMinute: Fake News Watch, or, Live From The Liberal Cocoon
Power Line: An Investigation Of Nothing, Graphic Version, also, Hodgkinson Was Occupy Protester, Attacked The “One Percent”
Shark Tank: Democrats, Republicans Unite (For Now) After Alexandria Shooting
Shot In The Dark: Why I’m A Second Amendment Voter
The Jawa Report: Ship Boarded In Charleston SC (False Alarm)
The Political Hat: Privileging Queerness – No Straight Chicks/Pedophiles/Secrets With Kids
This Ain’t Hell: Congress Passes VA Accountability & Whistleblower Protection Act, also, WaPo Second-Guesses Mattis
Weasel Zippers: HuffPo Writer Calls For More “Organized” Violent “Resistance”, also, ICE Arrests Nearly 200 Iraqi Criminals In Deportation Sweep
Megan McArdle: Both The Left And The Right Wink At Political Violence
Mark Steyn: The Seduction of Violence, also, The Cultural Appropriation Of Resistance

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In The Mailbox: 06.14.17

Posted on | June 14, 2017 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Flag Day
Michelle Malkin: Climate of Hate – Shooting At House GOP Baseball Practice
Twitchy: CNN Journo Tries To Stomp Trump Tweet, Steps On #FakeNews Rake Instead
Louder With Crowder: Idiot Actor Mark Ruffalo Threatens MSNBC To Stop Hiring White Conservatives

Adam Piggott: The Crucial Importance of A Group Code Word
American Power: HuffPo Scrubs Jason Fuller Article Calling For President Trump’s “Execution”, also, Noam Maggor, Brahmin Capitalism
American Thinker: Is This Treason In Time Of War?
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
BattleSwarm: Congressional Republicans Shot By Bernie Bro
Bring The HEAT: World Of Warships – Grump’s First Bismarck Kraken
Da Tech Guy: Baldilocks – The Bad Not-So-Old Days
Don Surber: NBC Stuck With Megyn Kelly
Dustbury: Still More Microfinance
The Geller Report: Shooter At Congressional Baseball Practice Is Hard-Left Bernie Supporter
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, I’m Not Making This Up, You Know
Jammie Wearing Fools: Scalise Shooter – “One Of My Favorite Shows Is Rachel Maddow”
Joe For America: Judge Kicks Gloria Allred Out Of Courtroom Twice For Bad Behavior
JustOneMinute: Too Much News, As Usual
Power Line: An Investigation of Nothing, also, Jennifer Rubin Swings And Misses At Jeff Sessions
Shark Tank: Rubio Supports Arms Deal With Saudi Arabia
Shot In The Dark: Ghouls With ELCA Hair, also, Hate Crime
STUMP: Pennsylvania Pensions – Nibbling At The Edges
The Jawa Report: Tragic Fire In West London
This Ain’t Hell: French Historian Loots National Archives, also, Happy 242nd Birthday U.S. Army
Weasel Zippers: Bernie Sanders Condemns Shooting By Former Campaign Worker, also, Senator Cotton Cets To The Heart Of The Matter, Destroys Comey Innuendos
Megan McArdle: “Born This Way”? The Answer Shouldn’t Affect Gay Rights
Mark Steyn: The Advantage Of Knowing What People Really Think, also, The New Ball Game

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Republican Congressman Shot; UPDATE: Suspect Is Illinois ‘Democrat Socialist’

Posted on | June 14, 2017 | 1 Comment

UPDATE 11:32 a.m. EDT: The suspect reportedly has been identified:

James T. Hodgkinson has been identified as the shooter who opened fire on Republican members of Congress Wednesday morning at a baseball field in Alexandria, Virginia, the Washington Post reports.
Hodgkinson, 66, is from Belleville, Illinois, the newspaper reports. A motive for the shooting is not yet known, but Hodgkinson’s Facebook page shows someone who had a high interest in politics, who supported Bernie Sanders during the presidential election and expressed anger with President Donald Trump and Republican Congressmen. . . .
Hodgkinson’s Facebook page features a banner image of Senator Bernie Sanders and a profile picture about Democratic Socialism. His profile picture says, “Democratic Socialism explained in 3 words: ‘We the People’ Since 1776.” . . .
On March 22 he wrote, “Trump is a Traitor. Trump Has Destroyed Our Democracy. It’s Time to Destroy Trump & Co.”

We expect remarks from President Trump soon.

* * * PREVIOUSLY (8:31 a.m. EDT) * * *

Rep. Steve Scalise of Louisiana, the House Majority Whip, was wounded this morning when a gunman opened fire at an Alexandria, Virginia, park where Republican congressmen were practicing for the annual congressional baseball game. Scalise is expected to recover, according to reports, and at least two other people were wounded by the gunman, who was reportedly shot by a member of the congressman’s security detail.

(Via Memorandum. More at Instapundit.)

UPDATE: As with all fast-breaking stories like this, there is a lot of confusion and contradicting reports, and I must caution readers not to believe everything you’re hearing on TV or seeing online. Especially, avoid speculating about the gunman’s motive. We don’t know who the shooter is, and until he is identified, it is impossible to know why he did this. The obvious guess is that this is some sort of terrorism, and it is being reported that congressional aides encountered a man in the parking lot who asked whether the players on the baseball field were Republican or Democrats. If this man was the shooter, and opened fire knowing that his targets were Republican members of Congress, this obviously suggests a political motive. However, it has not been confirmed that this man was indeed the shooter, and we have no idea of what the gunman’s actual motive was. Therefore, don’t let speculation run wild.

We will have the facts soon enough. Be patient.

UPDATE II: Paula Bolyard at PJ Media:

Rep. Mo Brooks credits the Capitol Police officers for their incredible bravery and shooting skills, noting that they took out the shooter at a distance of 90-100 [feet] using pistols versus a heavily armed shooter with a rifle. “But for them, we would not have had a chance,” he told Wolf Blitzer. . . ..
Brooks estimates that there may have been as many as 25-30 members at the practice this morning. In other words, a target-rich environment with very little security.
“The field was basically a killing field,” says Sen. Rand Paul. He tells CNN it would have been a massacre if not for the Capitol Police officers preventing the advance of the gunman.
Chief Michael Brown from the Alexandria Police Department told reporters that five people were transported from the scene for medical treatment. That presumably includes the gunman, the two police officers, and reportedly two congressional staffers.

We still don’t have the identity of the gunman, although some witnesses described him as a white male in his 40s or 50s.


Too Many Republicans on MSNBC?

Posted on | June 14, 2017 | Comments Off on Too Many Republicans on MSNBC?

Liberals are upset about seeing Republicans on TV:

Actor and activist Mark Ruffalo is urging fans to sign a petition demanding NBC News stop hiring white conservatives for on-air positions.
“Sign the petition: Tell @MSNBC @NBCNews to stop the white conservative hiring spree,” Mr. Ruffalo tweeted to his more 3.19 million followers over the weekend.
Ruffalo . . . specifically targets NBC News President Andy Lack in the petition.
“Lack has pushed out Black and Brown talent including Melissa Harris-Perry, Alex Wagner, Touré Neblett, Dorian Warren, Michael Eric Dyson, Adam Howard, Jamil Smith, Jose Diaz-Balart and Tamron Hall,” Ruffalo’s petition reads.
“In fact, Lack has a history of replacing Black on-air personalities wherever he goes. America needs voices like these now more than ever, and we need to make it clear to Lack that we are paying attention and there will be consequences.
“Tell NBC executives: Stop the white conservative hiring spree at MSNBC.”
The petition also notes the relatively recent hires of Megyn Kelly, Greta Van Susteren, George Will and Hugh Hewitt, who will, or already do, host their own programs. Kelly’s two programs are on and slated for NBC.

Democrats believe they have a right to all-Democrat media.


In The Mailbox: 06.13.17

Posted on | June 13, 2017 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Bill Cosby On Trial
Twitchy: Journalists In The Trump Era Certainly Have Had A Hard Time…Remembering The Obama Era
Louder With Crowder: Single Payer “Success”? UK Hospital Refuses To Treat Dying Cyclist

Adam Piggott: The Coming Indian Implosion In The Melbourne Property Market
American Power: Bruce Bawer, The Victims’ Revolution, also, The Collapse Of Political Stability In Britain
American Thinker: Obama And Holder Lied, Brian Terry Died
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Steaming Pile News
BattleSwarm: Governor Abbott Does Not Seem Pleased With Joe Straus
BLACKFIVE: Joseph Finder, The Switch
Bring The HEAT: Spoiling For A Fight – Making A Case For Aggressive Reconnaissance
Da Tech Guy: Democrats & Media Running On Watergate Nostalgia
Don Surber: Democrat Learns How To Lose Jewish Votes
Dustbury: Unhand That Brand
The Geller Report: London’s Police Chief Says “Islamophobia Is Intolerable”
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: NJ Yearbook Advisor Suspended For Altering Photos Of Kids With Trump Shirts
Joe For America: Trump Admin Gets Norks To Free Imprisoned Student
Power Line: “Tear Down This Wall” At 30, also, The Civil War On The Left, Part 40 – Too Much Pride?
Shark Tank: Democrats Cheer Appeals Court Block Of Trump’s Travel Ban
Shot In The Dark: The Pet Governor
The Jawa Report: Islamic State Of Losers Funniest Threat Yet, also, Ginger Ginger Ginger
The Political Hat: Death Cult Diversity
This Ain’t Hell: Trump Blocks VoteVets On Twitter, also, James McCloughan To Receive Medal Of Honor
Weasel Zippers: Mattis Shocked By U.S. Lack Of Military Readiness, also, Teen Vogue Declares Opposing Sharia Is “Hate Speech”
Mark Steyn: John Bull’s Other Haters

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UVA Rape Hoax: Rolling Stone to Pay $1.65 Million to Defamed Fraternity

Posted on | June 13, 2017 | Comments Off on UVA Rape Hoax: Rolling Stone to Pay $1.65 Million to Defamed Fraternity


Chuck Ross reports at the Daily Caller:

Rolling Stone has settled a lawsuit with the University of Virginia fraternity whose members were falsely accused of raping a female student in a Nov. 2014 article, The Daily Caller has learned.
A source involved at the national level with the fraternity, Phi Kappa Psi, tells TheDC that Rolling Stone will pay $1.65 million to settle the defamation suit.
The magazine’s decision follows a settlement in April with Nicole Eramo, a University of Virginia associate dean who was also smeared in the article, which was written by Sabrina Rubin Erdely.
In the piece, “A Rape on Campus,” Erdely relayed the story of Jackie Coakley, a Virginia woman who claimed she was brutally raped by a group of Phi Kappa Psi fraternity members during a party in Sept. 2012.

What is to be remembered about Rolling Stone‘s bogus story is that it was published in November 2014 as part of a widespread political propaganda campaign about a “rape culture” that feminists claimed was pandemic on U.S. university campuses. This “rape culture” hysteria began with the Obama administration, which appointed a White House Task Force to hype the fear crusade, generating a climate of sexual paranoia among young women in order to mobilize them as feminist foot soldiers in Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

Just like Jackie Coakley’s fictitious “Haven Monahan,” feminist claims of a “campus rape epidemic” were a lie from start to finish, including the easily disproven “1-in-5” statistic which was repeated by both President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden, among many other Democrats. This was a partisan enterprise — promoted with the goal of electing Clinton — which resulted not only the defamation of innocents, but which also deprived accused students of their due-process rights. The feminist movement, the Democrat Party and their dishonest accomplices in the media covered themselves with disgrace by lending their efforts to support this deliberate hoax, while those who told the truth were accused of being “rape truthers,” to borrow Amanda Marcotte’s colorful phrase.

And where are they now? Where is the feminist who will admit that truth, that there never was a “epidemic” of sexual assault on campus? Where are the journalists who will confront the evidence that, contrary to what feminists claimed, (a) the incidence of rape has significantly decline since the mid-1990s and (b) female college students are actually less likely to be raped than non-student females in the same age group?

They are all silent now. As soon as the 2016 election campaign was over, so also did the feminist “campus rape epidemic” hysteria disappear. Oh, don’t make any mistake — college students are still sometimes victims of rape, but feminists don’t actually care. For example . . .


Has any feminist mentioned Earl Leroy Thompson Jr.?

Denton resident Earl Leroy Thompson Jr. has been arrested in connection with a string of attempted and actual sexual assaults near the University of North Texas campus and Denton’s downtown square.
Scott Fletcher, deputy chief of the Denton Police Department, told the Observer on Tuesday that Thompson confessed and gave significant details to a string of burglaries and attempted sexual assaults. . . .
For weeks, Denton police have been looking for a suspect or suspects who are taller than 6 feet tall, extremely broad and dark-skinned but of unknown race and age. Thompson is 6 feet, 1 inch tall and 280 pounds.
Fletcher said police conducted a joint investigation with the University of North Texas police and dedicated significant resources to surveillance when they became aware of Thompson’s suspicious activity in close proximity to the area of the reported assaults.
“We wanted to protect the public first and foremost,” Fletcher said. “But it took a while.”
Denton is home to both Texas Woman’s University and UNT, and young students may be the targets.

Don’t expect Amanda Marcotte or Jessica Valenti to mention this case. Feminists are only interested in college rape when accusations are made against “privileged” males like the University of Virginia frat boys defamed by the Rolling Stone story. Some rapes are more important than others, in the political calculus of feminist propaganda, and if you got raped by Earl Leroy Thompson Jr., tough luck — you don’t matter.


Violence Against Women Update

Posted on | June 13, 2017 | 1 Comment

Accused serial rapist Anton Jamal Harris.

Don’t expect feminists to mention this story:

The suspect in a string of sexual assaults in the South Texas Medical Center area has confessed to multiple crimes, according to police.
Anton Jamail Harris, 18, who was arrested around 6:45 p.m. Thursday at North Star Mall, admitted during an interview with San Antonio Police Department investigators that he sexually assaulted a woman May 28 at the Mission Ranch apartment complex in the 5600 block of Babcock Road, according to his arrest warrant affidavits.
Police say Harris also told them he sexually assaulted “a couple other females dating back to 2015” and described using a gun in some of the attacks.
Harris is facing four charges of sexual assault, one charge of attempted sexual assault and one charge of aggravated robbery. Police Chief William McManus said more victims may come forward.
Jail records show Harris remained in custody late Friday on $750,000 bail.
Over the course of a two-year investigation, police tied the same DNA to six sexual attacks, according to court documents. . . .

An 18-year-old serial rapist who victimized six women? Feminists haven’t mentioned Anton Jamal Harris. This isn’t the kind of “violence against women” feminists care about, for some reason.


In The Mailbox: 06.12.17

Posted on | June 12, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 06.12.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Pushback – Sponsors Pull Out Of “Trump Assassination” Version Of Julius Caesar
Twitchy: Summer’s Here, And So Are The Annual Pieces About Giving Up Air Conditioning
Louder With Crowder: Kim Kardashian Shares Her Feels On Gun Control. Colion Noir’s Not Having Any.

Adam Piggott: A 60-Year-Old Lesson On Female Promiscuity
American Power: The Difference Between “Social Activists” And “Social Justice Warriors”, also, Richard Reeves, Dream Hoarders
American Thinker: Loretta Lynch, Swamp Thing, also, Comey Unmasked
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
BattleSwarm: U.S.-Backed Forces Enter IS Capital Of Raqqa, also, LinkSwarm
BLACKFIVE: Tom Clancy (Mike Maden), Point of Contact
Bring The HEAT: Project Yehudi, also, Welcome To The Green Machine
Da Tech Guy: JD Rucker – The President Should Tweet More, Not Less, also, Pat Austin – Report From Louisiana – The Cost Of Removing History
Don Surber: RIP, Batman, also, Advertisers Are Already Dropping Megyn Kelly
Dustbury: Strange Search-Engine Queries, also, Reptile Dysfunction
The Geller Report: London Jihadi Murderer Was On Welfare, also, “This Is For Allah, Stop Living This Life”
Hogewash: A Pair Of Lonely Dwarfs, also, Yours Truly, Johnny Atsign
Jammie Wearing Fools: Erased From History – Trump Slogans Vanish From High School Yearbooks, also, Crack Dealer Given Clemency By Obama Headed Back To Prison
Joe For America: Former AG Mukasey Says Lynch Made DOJ An Arm of The Clinton Campaign, also, Senator Feinstein (D-CA) Calls For Investigation Into Obama, Lynch, & Clinton
JustOneMinute: James, We Hardly Knew Ye
Power Line: Proof That Comey Misled The Senate Intelligence Committee, also, Anti-Fascist Fascists – A Sign Of The Times
Shark Tank: Top Democrat Forgot What Pelosi Said Regarding Obamacare’s Passage
Shot In The Dark: The “Conversation About Guns”, also, My Theory, Which Is Mine
STUMP: Puerto Rico Link Dump – World Of Pain
The Jawa Report: Dearborn Raid Linked To Hezbollah, also, Sandcrawler PSA – Islamophobe Crossing
The Political Hat: Mandatory Trans In Canada
This Ain’t Hell: Willie Pete In Mosul, also, Memphis Attorney Rips Off 19 Veterans
Weasel Zippers: Puerto Rico Votes For Statehood, also, Governor Moonbeam Still Playing Pretend President
Megan McArdle: Get Congress back To Legislating, Not Just Budgeting
Mark Steyn: Comeytose State, also, When You’re Not Anyone, Any Explanation Will Do

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