The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Happy “Can’t Be Happy” Day, Feminiskis

Posted on | May 14, 2017 | 1 Comment

by Smitty

FMJRA 2.0: On The Road Again

Posted on | May 13, 2017 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

FMJRA 2.0: Policy Of Truth
The Pirate’s Cove

Rule 5 Sunday: Cinco De Mayo
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 05.08.17
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 05.09.17
Proof Positive

Liberal Paranoia in the Trump Age

Bob Owens, R.I.P.

In The Mailbox: 05.10.17
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 05.11.17
Proof Positive

Typical Canadians, IYKWIMAITYD

In The Mailbox: 05.12.17
Proof Positive

Demonic Feminist Rants at Movement’s Male Allies: ‘Know Your Place!’

Top linkers this week:

  1.  EBL (8)
  2.  Proof Positive (6)

Thanks to everyone for their linkagery!

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Demonic Feminist Rants at Movement’s Male Allies: ‘Know Your Place!’

Posted on | May 12, 2017 | 3 Comments


The First Rule of Feminism is SHUT UP!

“I want to address all the men in this audience. . . .
I want to talk to all the men today, who made
placards and banners of pro-choice. . . .
I am saying to all those men:
Know your place! This is a women’s movement!”

Men have no right to speak about feminism. Men have no right to speak to a feminist. Men have no rights at all, according to feminists.

Last week, Heat Street writer Ian Miles Cheong tweeted this video of a demon-possessed woman ranting at a pro-abortion rally:


Do not assume that my description of this woman as “demon-possessed” is a joke. Maybe you’re an atheist, and do not believe demons exist. Believe what you want to believe, but I know evil when I see it.

This is the spirit of Satan. This is the face of totalitarian hatred. This is Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Mengistu and every other murderous dictator who ever claimed the right to kill in the name of “the people.”


This is the face of feminism, a satanic Death Cult.

When I saw this video, I immediately wondered who this woman was, where and when she was speaking. Her name is Amanda, and this speech was at an August 2014 rally in Dublin, Ireland. The inspiration for this rally was a case in which an 18-year-old immigrant was denied an abortion. The girl said she had been raped in her home country — “In my culture it is a great shame to be pregnant if not married” — and after arriving in Ireland, learned she was eight weeks pregnant. An Irish law passed in 2013 permits abortion under certain conditions, one of which is the risk of suicide, and when he pregnancy advanced, the girl became suicidal. She told reporters she was examined by several psychiatrists, but eventually was forced to deliver her baby by caesarean section at 25 weeks gestation, about three months premature.

“Hard cases make bad law,” and no matter what the law is — not just on abortion, but on anything — there will always be exceptional cases where some atrocity makes law enforcement seem inhumane. Anyone who has studied the history of Communism know very well how adept Marxist radicals were at exploiting atrocities for propaganda purposes, and what we have witnessed in the West in the post-Cold War era is a continuation of this Communist tactic by so-called “progressives,” including feminists.

Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it, and in the demoniac rage of Amanda’s rant at this pro-abortion rally, we behold an omen of the murderous evil that lurks behind the rhetoric of “women’s rights.” Feminism is a movement organized by mentally deranged women with sadistic tendencies. Feminists take pride in their cruelty, motivated by revenge fantasies, a hateful desire to humiliate men.


“Know your place!”

Amanda shouts this at men who are there to support the pro-abortion movement in Ireland. With the same kind of totalitarian logic that inspired the blood-soaked nightmares of 20th-century Communism, she insists that members of the oppressed class (women) possess an exclusive right to speak, whereas the oppressors (men) have no rights at all.

Identity politics must ultimately produce totalitarianism. The claim that oppression confers a special status upon members of the oppressed group, who are entitled to seek “social justice” by any means necessary has a blood-soaked pedigree as old as the French Revolution. Having once obtained power, the radicals do not mean to relinquish it, and so they must persecute their enemies (real or imagined), to make examples of them, in order to intimidate any rival who might depose them. Dissenters are denounced as “enemies of the people” — vrag naroda — and woe unto anyone who speaks in defense of the accused.


“Know your place! This is a women’s movement!”

Amanda said a lot of interesting things during her tirade. She was speaking on behalf of the Antiracist Network, and wow, does she hate Ireland. Referencing the case of a woman who died after a miscarriage in 2012, she said, “I’m really f–king sorry that you had to face the sh– that you did in this f–king country.” She also apologized to people “who have to die in our own house because the hospitals in this racist country give her disgusting disservice. I am sorry to the women who are still having to go through this sh– in this country because of a cowardly government.”

OK, so if Ireland is such a racist country with a cowardly government, why is Amanda even there? Couldn’t she go back to whatever country she came from? Judging from her comments, Amanda’s homeland must be a much better place to live than Ireland. But no, she’s there, and she’s angry:

“Any woman who is trying to speak about their experience — you know nothing of it, and you must support them! You must listen to them! You must never tell them of any Women’s Studies or international development course that you decided of your own free choice to participate in, because your debate is not my life! . . . Know your place! Because in the patriarchal world, you are guaranteed to always have a platform, so give the world’s sole platform women have to themselves!”

Well, ma’am, you can have your platform to yourself. And my guess is that you persuaded a lot of Irish men to stay as far away as possible from any platform where you’re speaking. Probably some of the men at that Dublin rally went home, had a couple of pints and said to themselves, “Hey, maybe the Pope was right about this abortion thing.”

Once you’ve seen Satan in the flesh, you know you need Jesus.


In The Mailbox: 05.12.17

Posted on | May 12, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 05.12.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

First Street Journal: NIMBY!
BattleSwarm: Friday LinkSwarm!
EBL: White House, GOP Should Shun Mika & Morning Joe
Twitchy: FALSE! FOUR PINOCCHIOS! Brit Hume Truth Bombs Kamala Harris And Her Pre-Existing Conditions Lie
Louder With Crowder: Patriotic Dad Not Having Any Of San Diego Schools’ Pro-Islam Curriculum
According To Hoyt: The Warning Bells
Monster Hunter Nation: Iron Fist Rates A Solid Meh
Vox Popoli: “Barbaric Terrorist Acts”

Adam Piggott: Holy Kek! It’s The Hawt Chick And Links!, also, Podcast #47 – The Vegetarian Episode
American Power: Teaching Racism In K-12 Classrooms
American Thinker: Five Benefits Of Trump’s Economic Policies
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Third Annual Commencement Speech Friday
Da Tech Guy: Fausta – A Week Of Pearl-Clutching
Don Surber: Democrat Corrine Brown’s “Charity” Gave Only .01% To Charity
Dustbury: Dumbass Lacks Remorse
The Geller Report: ACLU Lawyer Says Travel Ban “Could Be Constitutional” If Enacted By Hillary
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, Hunting a Supermassive Black Hole
Jammie Wearing Fools: Trump Keeps Adding To The “Collusion” Smoke, But There’s Still No Fire
Joe For America: Mexico Angry At The Immigrants Ruining Their Country
JustOneMinute: Comey Out! And What Does It Mean?
Power Line: Senate Dems – Appoint A Special Prosecutor Or We’ll Hold Our Breath Until We Turn Blue
Shark Tank: Trump Calls Democrats “Phony Hypocrites”
Shot In The Dark: The Problem With Being Goliath
STUMP: Multi-Employer Pension Plans – Critical Plans Treading Water, Waiting To Drown
The Jawa Report: Sandcrawler PSA – Noah Almost There, also, Minnesota Student Hates Herself
The Political Hat: The Age Of Synthetic Catgirls Is Nyaa-igh, also, Academic Thought-Criminal Runs Afoul Of MiniTru
This Ain’t Hell: Navy’s “Supply Officer Of The Year” Sentenced
Weasel Zippers: Media Freaking Out That Trump Got Two Scoops Of Ice Cream. Really., also, California Democrat Refers To Middle America As “Podunk USA”
Mark Steyn: The Hundred Per Cent Ally

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Typical Canadians, IYKWIMAITYD

Posted on | May 11, 2017 | Comments Off on Typical Canadians, IYKWIMAITYD

Suresh Patel, 49; Muhammad Jaffer, 22; Muhammad Sarchami, 31; Hernando Carvajal, 29; Intekhab Shaikh, 42; Sakhi Alekozai, 29; Shamim Abowath, 54; Ruchir Shah, 34; Nima Latifpour, 25; Sanjay Ninan, 42; Jaipal Sidhu, 26; Adeniran Adekola, 33; Ming Wong, 39; Zan He, 33; Segundo Fernandez, 54; Anpalagan Kanapathipillai, 39; Navaneetharan Packianathan, 25; Rajorshi Bhaumik, 34; Miguel Feliciano, 38; Virushan Premanathan, 25; Suhayl Rajan, 24; Sivanesan Veerasingam, 50; Jamshid Jalilian, 25; Zhi Situ, 22; Tejash Patel, 33; Quang Tran, 37; Ravikumar Ghandhi, 31; Ahmad Hassan, 21; Anshu Manocha, 33; Sivaratnam Sinnappillai, 39; Naidu Matas, 54; Paramjit Sandhi, 35; Hari Bhaskar, 55; Ramy Kawar, 39; Zu Liang Xiao, 28; Ali Mansourinajand, 24; Ramiz Multani, 25 — what do these men have in common? They were among more than 100 suspects arrested in a Canadian sex crime investigation:

Police have arrested 104 men for attempting to have sex with children forced into prostitution, following a four-year undercover human trafficking investigation in which 85 underage victims were found and 49 pimps charged in York Region since 2012.
York Regional Police Det.-Sgt. Thai Truong said 104 men were arrested as first time offenders in the investigation from 2014 to April 2017 for negotiating “the purchase of a prostituted child between the ages of 13 and 16 years old.” . . .
Human trafficking investigators launched Project Raphael in 2014, which Truong said was a three-pronged approach to combating the issue in the region. . . .
Police targetted pimps, focused on rescuing victims and connecting them with community support workers and attempted to stop the demand for prostituted children.
“We essentially put up advertisements online when men were looking to purchase sex they were told that they were communicating with a child, with a prostituted child,” Truong told reporters during a press conference [April 21]. . . .
Of the 104 arrests, 32 of the suspects had pleaded guilty with sentences ranging from three to seven months.
“Almost all of these men are first time offenders … they had stable jobs, and families and not the type of people who usually see in the criminal justice system,” Susan Orlando, of the Attorney General’s human trafficking prosecution team, said.

The list of men arrested in this sex-trafficking investigation was posted online. I’ve chosen from the list the most typical Canadian names. Do the math and you find that these typical Canadians comprise 36% of the suspects arrested. Check the list yourself — Page One, Page Two, Page Three — and you’ll see I’ve omitted names like Richard Kwok, Steve Ko and Milton Sanchez-Guevera that didn’t seem quite Canadian enough.

Far be it from me to generalize on the basis of this limited sample. There are nearly 36 million people in Canada, and the fact that a few dozen typical Canadians were arrested on child-sex charges does not mean that all Canadians are pedophiles. It would be wrong — perhaps even racist — to allow a small number of criminals to tarnish the reputation of an entire country. Ontario is home to lots of excellent law-abiding people with typical Canadian names like Muhammad, Miguel, Ahmad, Sanjay, Quang and Ming, and it would be wrong to cast them all under the shadow of suspicion, merely because of these criminals. However . . .


Meghan Murphy is editor of Feminist Current, Canada’s leading feminist website, and notice how she employs generalization:

According to York Regional Police Det.-Sgt. Thai Truong, many of the men arrested were married, disrupting the oft-repeated lie that johns are simply lonely or “socially awkward” men who need company and affection.
Susan Orlando, of the Attorney General’s human trafficking prosecution team, reaffirmed this at a press conference on Friday, saying the men arrested “had stable jobs and families, and [were] not the type of people who [we] usually see in the criminal justice system.”
Truong added that the men came from “all walks of life” . . .
We know that it is very common for prostituted women to report having entered into the industry during adolescence, which tells us there is an enormous market for girls. It also tells us that there is no clear line between the prostituted women labelled “consenting adults” by advocates of legalization, and exploited underage girls in the industry. These exploited girls become exploited adults, in other words. . . .
To evidence how common it is for men to seek out prostituted girls, the police reported that in just three days of the investigation in 2017, officers arrested 19 men who believed that they were purchasing sex from either a 13-year-old or a 14-year-old.

Do you see how Meghan Murphy is playing a game here? Is it really “very common . . . for men to seek out prostituted girls”? No, of course not. The vast majority of men have never sought out a prostitute of any age, and would never do so. Most men abhor prostitution as a loathsome crime, and would oppose any measure to legalize prostitution, no matter what arguments are made by Canadian “advocates of legalization.”

Is there “an enormous market for girls” in Canada? Well, among those Canadian men who are in the habit of seeking out prostitutes, perhaps. But while Meghan Murphy is correct in suggesting that law-enforcement leniency toward prostitution tends to have the effect of increasing the number of teenage girls who will be lured or coerced into prostitution, she is wrong to suggest that Canadian men in general constitute an “enormous market” for teenage sex slaves. You see how feminism permits negative generalizations about men — demonizing half the human race — in ways that would be impermissible were such generalizations used to smear ethnic minorities. You can generalize about white men, but not about men named Miguel, Ming or Muhammad.

This is exactly what feminists do in the name of “intersectionality.” Because they are part of a left-wing political coalition seeking to unite every crank, kook and moocher with a grievance against Western civilization, feminists have gone to great lengths to argue that racism, sexism and homophobia are all part of an interlocking system of oppression — “capitalist imperialist white supremacist cisheteronormative patriarchy,” to quote the executive director of USC Women’s Student Assembly. One notices in feminist discourse how often the phrase “white heterosexual male” is employed as an all-purpose epithet. White guys are the cause of all evil in the world, according to feminists like Boston College Professor Janet Helms, who saw the sinister influence of White Heterosexual Male Privilege in last year’s presidential election. “The current cost of tuition, fees and room and board at Boston College is $65,644 for a single year,” as Eric Owens pointed out. Females are a majority (54%) of Boston College undergraduates, and only 62% of their students are white. “White Heterosexual Male Privilege” could only apply to 30% of Boston College’s enrollment, unless you add in those 33% of white female students enjoying the benefits of Daddy’s money.

Oh, but this is what feminism is really about, see? Rich college girls full of self-pity, claiming to be victims of sexist oppression. And because they don’t want to be suspected of racism, these rich white girls invented “intersectionality” so they could expiate their White Guilt by claiming that somehow being female atones for their sin in being white.

All of this is just Cultural Marxist nonsense, “critical theory” developed by a lot of overpaid professors based on the writings of a bunch of decadent European intellectuals like Foucault and Derrida. Thirty years into the takeover of academia by post-structuralism, there is now scarcely anyone on an American university campus who has the intelligence or courage necessary to denounce critical theory as a delusion, a paranoid persecution fantasy of the progressive Left. But I digress . . .

What if I seized upon this list of Ontario sex-trafficking suspects to claim that guys named Muhammad are particularly prone to pedophilia, and thus largely responsible for child prostitution? Of course, feminists would begin shrieking “Racism!” and “Islamophobia!” But why is it OK for Meghan Murphy to insinuate that Canadian males in general are such perverts that an “enormous market for girls” exists north of the border, where it is “common . . . for men to seek out prostituted girls”?


Oh, that’s acceptable, because when a feminist reads a headline that more than 100 men were arrested in a sex-trafficking investigation, she just assumes that these Canadian perverts were white, and every feminist knows that white men are the lowest form of life on the planet.

This kind of left-wing groupthink — collective victimhood and collective guilt — is antithetical to individual responsibility. It is hate propaganda to describe a category (e.g., “men in Toronto” or “men named Muhammad”) and to attribute to them a heinous behavior (e.g., “seeking child prostitutes”) as a way of implying collective guilt. For some reason, the Left objects when we call attention to Muslims who shout “Allahu akbar!” while killing Americans, but the Left expects us to ignore the way feminists collectively demonize white males.

By the way, who is advocating legalized prostitution? Meghan Murphy seems to spend a lot of time attacking such arguments, and I don’t know much about Canadian politics, but I’m pretty sure right-wingers aren’t the ones engaged in this advocacy. Prostitution is reportedly rampant in Vancouver, where thousands of hookers and call girls ply their trade with the tacit approval of the left-wing municipal government.

Who is responsible for all this prostitution in Canada? Not me.

See, this is how individual responsibility works. It doesn’t matter if your name is Muhammad or Miguel, you are responsible for what you do, and you can’t blame your problems on somebody else. You got caught trying to hook up with a teenage girl who turned out to be an undercover cop? Don’t tell me you’re a victim of systemic oppression, because there are guys named Muhammad and Miguel who didn’t do what you did. And if you are a member of an ethnic group with a bad reputation — for example, Canadians — don’t blame this on the “prejudice” of others. Try to be a decent law-abiding person, and most people will be willing to give you a chance in life, despite the fact that you’re Canadian.

There are at least two or three Canadians who aren’t half-bad, but in general, I stay as far away from Canadians as possible. I’ve never forgiven Canada for inflicting Neil Young on the world, and for the same cursed nation to unleash Meghan Murphy to terrorize humanity — well, you’ll be a long time living that one down, collectively speaking.

“They’re not even a real country anyway.”


In The Mailbox: 05.11.17

Posted on | May 11, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 05.11.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

BattleSwarm: ComeyComeyComeyComeyChameleon
Proof Positive: Th-th-th-th-That’s All Folks!
EBL: Asshat And Hypocrite-Brit John Oliver
Twitchy: Michelle Malkin Hammers Sanctuary City Cheerleaders With Maddening Reality
Louder With Crowder: ABC Cancels Successful, Conservative Last Man Standing Despite Good Ratings

Adam Piggott: The Cost-Benefit Analysis On Vaccinations
American Power: Eric Hinderaker, At The Edge Of Empire
American Thinker: Comey Fired – Now Indict Hillary
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Testicle Transplant News
Bring The HEAT: It’s A Reason, Not An Excuse
Da Tech Guy: Pavlov’s Dog Answers Bell, Colbert And Stewart Hardest Hit
Don Surber: Garrison Keillor’s Stark Admission
Dustbury: We Are But Empty Vessels
Fred On Everything: Sally Cone Hits The Dating Scene
The Geller Report: Poland Refuses Migrants, Terror Map Shows Shocking Results
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: The “Resistance” Tells GOP Congressman “This Is How We’re Going To Kill Your Wife”
Joe For America: Harvard University Welcomes Segregation With “Blacks Only” Graduation Ceremony
Power Line: The AP Goes Around The Bend On Comey
Shark Tank: Trump Highlights Democrats’ Hypocrisy On Comey Firing
Shot In The Dark: For The Millennial In Your Life
STUMP: “Rights” Vs. Reality – When Will They Ever Learn
The Jawa Report: At Last, Trump To Arm Kurds!, also, That Other FBI Director Firing
The Political Hat: A Venerable Privilege
This Ain’t Hell: Maxine Waters, As Clear As Mud
War Is Boring: Foreign Soldiers Built The French Army
Weasel Zippers: NYC Bomber Claims Cops Shot Him Too Many Times, Wants Reduced Sentence For Pain & Suffering, also, Bangladesh PM Says Hillary Pressured Her To Help Clinton Foundation Donor
Megan McArdle: Trump Confirms His Autocratic Instincts, And His Ineptitude
Mark Steyn: Tomorrow By The Numbers

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Feminist Web Site Endangered by Systemic Oppression and a Lack of Cash

Posted on | May 11, 2017 | Comments Off on Feminist Web Site Endangered by Systemic Oppression and a Lack of Cash

But mainly, it’s the lack of cash:

Over the last five years, the Everyday Feminism team has built an incredible network of intersectional feminists. In 2016 alone, we had more than 40 million viewers in over 140 countries.
We offer an unique, educational, inside-out approach to fighting everyday oppression. And with the Trump administration in the White House, and the political climate as dangerous as it is, we know our work is especially critical now.
We’re facing scary financial trouble that’s threatening to put a halt to our work — maybe even as soon as the end of May.
We’ve realized that we’re just not going to be able to continue without some support from our community.
We’re not the only site struggling like this, and there’s a reason for that. It’s quite a challenge, to say the least, to create independent, intersectional feminist media in a financially sustainable way, especially in a world that doesn’t value what we do.


Before discussing the kind of “independent, intersectional feminist media” being created by “the Everyday Feminism team,” let’s ask:

  1. How have they managed to keep their site going since 2012?
  2. Why has the cash-crunch hit their site now?

There are no advertisements on Everyday Feminism, and I once spent several fruitless hours looking through their site to try to locate information about their funding. Is it a 501(c)3? Is there some major foundation giving them grants? Did somebody win the Powerball? Your guess is as good as mine, but my hunch is that the founders of Everyday Feminism must have had a connection to a deep-pockets liberal donor who didn’t mind cutting a check every year for, say, a quarter-million bucks in order to promote a certain kind of feminism.

And that kind feminism is decidedly queer. What? You think “queer” is a slur? No, it’s commonly used in Everyday Feminism headlines:

I Know I’m Queer — Now What?
Erin Tatum, Aug. 27, 2014

3 Ways to Stand Up to Toxic Messages
and Accept Yourself as a Queer Person

Jarune Uwujaren, Dec. 15, 2014

How Stereotypes About What Queer Women
Look Like Erases Femmes

Joy Young, Jan. 9, 2015

11 Common Assumptions About
Being a Queer Femme — Debunked

Rhea Ewing, Feb. 10, 2016

5 Ways to Maintain Your Queer Identity
in a Relationship People Read as Straight

Miri Mogilevsky, March 29, 2016

7 Practical Ways Straight Parent
Can Support Their Queer Children

Sian Ferguson, Aug. 29, 2016

3 Reasons We Need to Be Critical
of Sex Positivity in Queer Spaces

Caleb Luna, Oct. 11, 2016

Those are just a few of the dozens of queer headlines at Everyday Feminism, a site that is “inclusive” of everything except heterosexuality. Everyday Feminism’s managing editor, Melissa Fabello, is a self-described “queer woman” who has a degree in Human Sexuality, and who is also infected with HPV, a sexually transmitted disease.



“Right now, today, as of writing this, I identify as queer. But I didn’t always. And no, I’m not referring to that awkward, uncomfortable time in my life where I knew that something felt ‘off,’ but I couldn’t quite place it, and so I paraded around in the charade of ‘straight.’ I mean that a few years ago, I identified as homoflexible. And before that, a lesbian. And even before that, bisexual.”
Melissa Fabello

Everyday Feminism is a site that consistently conveys the message that heterosexuality is wrong, almost as wrong as voting Republican.

This is what “intersectional feminism” means in 21st-century America:

  1. Identify as queer;
  2. Vote Democrat!

Well, that message got 40 million page-views at Everyday Feminism last year, but it wasn’t enough to elect Hillary Clinton. In fact, if you were the kind of deep-pockets Democrat donor who might have been cutting checks to fund Everyday Feminism, maybe you woke up one day last November and wondered why all those blue-collar voters in Pennsylvania and Michigan voted for Donald Trump. And possibly, it could have occurred to you that maybe promoting queer feminism as the agenda of the Democrat Party wasn’t really such a clever idea after all.


“We have no money!” Melissa Fabello pleads on Twitter. She doesn’t understand why her anti-male hate propaganda site isn’t profitable. Did I mention how much Melissa Fabello hates white heterosexual men?










Feminism is a hate movement, and Melissa Fabello and her colleagues at Everyday Feminism have spent five years demonstrating why no sane or honest person would associate themselves with feminism.

David Thompson is so overwrought with grief about the financial crisis at Everyday Feminism that he shares some of their, uh, greatest hits, my favorite of which is from radical queer witch Kris Nelson:

As a follower of Diana; as a worshipper of the sun, the moon, and the earth; and as a witch, it is my responsibility to engage in radical politics. . . .
As a witch and a radical, I see the revolutionary potential in knowing the healing qualities of items that are much more accessible than a lot of modern medications… This is especially salient in a world that inflicts so much emotional damage through systemic oppression. . . .
As a non-binary trans person who rejects marriage, nuclear family structure, division of community, and Christian imperialism, I identify with “witch” as an outsider.

This lunatic gibberish was published by Everyday Feminism, where “intersectional” is a synonym for crazy. What’s scary is how close these kooks came to electing Hillary Clinton president. Yeah, that was the political goal of Everyday Feminism, a site that was launched in June 2012 and which just coincidentally now finds itself in a cash crunch.

Strange how these coincidences happen . . .

ADDENDUM: Adding to the curiosity about Everyday Feminism’s finances, their fundraising appeal lists an address in Tallahassee, Florida, to which checks can be mailed. That address (75 N. Woodward Ave) is the Student Mail Center at Florida State University. So it seems whoever is in charge of the money at Everyday Feminism is an FSU student.

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers!



In The Mailbox: 05.10.17

Posted on | May 10, 2017 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

BattleSwarm: Venezuela Boils
EBL: Hypocrisy, Hysteria, And Histrionics Over Comey Firing
Michelle Malkin: Can Cops Get A Fair Trial In America?
Twitchy: Audience Reaction To Comey Firing NOT What Colbert Wanted
Louder With Crowder: Maryland’s Legal Immigrants OPPOSE Sanctuary Cities, Democrats Shocked!

American Power: Actor Antonio Sabato Jr. To Run For Congress
American Thinker: New Obama Bio Not Just Exhausting, It’s Insulting
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Da Tech Guy: Fausta – NYC To Honor Convicted Terrorist As “National Freedom Hero”
Don Surber: Canning Comey Is America’s Rorschach Test
Dustbury: Healthier Meth!
The Geller Report: Czech Girl Scout Says “If I Get Raped By Migrants, I’ll Get Over It”
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: Democrats React Calmly To Firing Of Guy They Wanted Fired – “A Dark And Dangerous Moment In History”
Joe For America: Miley Cyrus Says “Hip Hop Is Too Sexual. I Want To Produce More Wholesome Music.”
JustOneMinute: The Unions Come To Campus – Stand Back!
Power Line: 15% Of Terror Investigations Are Of Refugees
Shark Tank: Lt. Gov. Lopez-Cantera To Run For Ros-Lehtinen’s Congressional Seat?
Shot In The Dark: “I Hate You,” She Explained
STUMP: Catch-Up Week – Dallas And Houston Doings, Still A-Roar
The Jawa Report: Opening! Great Opportunity! Travel, Good Pay, Great Benefits!, also, Interfaith Conference Muslim Informs Infidels They Have A Choice – Convert Or Die
The Political Hat: Is There Any City City In England NOT Infested With Rape Gangs?
This Ain’t Hell: Trump Calls Out Valor Thief Blumenthal
War Is Boring: The American Way Of War Is A Budget Breaker, also, Chicago’s Gang Wars Have Become Battles Of Attrition
Weasel Zippers: Anti-Gun Ghouls Use Bob Owens’ Suicide As Political Prop, also, Kaepernick May Quit Football, Do Social Justice Work Full Time
Megan McArdle: France Has A Leader, But Not An Opposition Yet
Mark Steyn: Posse Comey Tantrum

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