The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Destroy #HeartProgress

Posted on | April 5, 2017 | 1 Comment

“Together we can fight for a better tomorrow. One where pedosexuals, homosexuals, and many other genders can live in a society where they can be themselves and are protected from bigotry, racism, and xenophobia.”
“Heart Progress,” on, Jan. 1, 2017

Tuesday, while I was working on a column for the American Spectator, I checked Twitter and encountered the outrage involving a hashtag, #HeartProgress, that is being used to promote pedophilia. As conservatives have long predicted, the crusade for the normalization of homosexuality (the LGBT “rights” movement) has encouraged pedophiles to make similar arguments for their own sexual “rights,” seeking to add “P” for pedophile to the acronym: LGBTP.

The people promoting #HeartProgress — including Ernst Steiner, Clive Martin and Eric Lewin — are making arguments so offensive that I almost suspect them of being trolls attempting to provoke an angry response. Yet we know that there are indeed such people in the world and I reported on the pro-pedophile activism movement before, so what arguments would we expect these freaks to make, other than the ones that Steiner, et al., are now making on Twitter? That is to say, they are claiming that hostility to pedophiles is a form of prejudice, like “racism” and “homophobia,” which must be eradicated for the sake of equality and progress.

Here’s the correct response to that argument: “Racism” and “homophobia” are not illegal. You have a right to your own opinion. No one has the authority to tell you what you are allowed to think. For many years now, I have watched conservatives foolishly attempt to defend themselves against accusations of “racism” and “homophobia” by issuing denials. However, the correct way to defeat this tactic is to answer the accusation with a question: “What do you mean by that word?”

What is “racism,” after all? What is intended by slinging this word around haphazardly, as the Left now does, so that it seems everybody and everything can be condemned as “racist”? You voted for Trump? You’re a racist — RAAAAACIST! (There Are 5 A’s in “RAAAAACIST”).

Assuming that you have not been engaging in violence or illegal discrimination against people on the basis of race, nor advocating such lawless infringement of people’s right to life and liberty, what is the justification for some stranger to accuse you of “racism”? And while we’re asking questions, let’s ask this: What is the authority of your accuser?

Who has appointed this person to go around monitoring you for evidence that you may be guilty of politically incorrect Thought Crimes?

This is really what is at issue in most accusations of “racism” — or “sexism” or “homophobia” — in the 21st century. Assuming that you haven’t joined the KKK or painted swastikas on a synagogue or committed some other overtly hateful act, why are you being targeted by this accusation, and who is the person playing Thought Crimes prosecutor?

Andrew Breitbart often responded to his critics by saying, “So?”

Some left-wing fanatic would get up in his face trying to engage in character assassination — because liberals assume that all conservatives must be Bad People — and Andrew would say: “So? What’s your point?”

This is what conservatives need to learn about rhetorical combat. The leftists love to play the role of Thought Crimes prosecutor, to scour around for some evidence that their targeted opponent is a bigot, a “hater,” so that they can discredit them through character assassination. That’s what they tried to do to Clarence Thomas, and it’s a game they keep playing because they know it puts conservatives on the defensive. And the way to fight back against this tactic is . . . don’t be defensive.

If your conscience is clean, and you know you are not a “hater” (or at least you are no more prejudiced than the person pointing the finger of accusation at you), then stop acting as if you are guilty. Turn the accusation around and question the motives of your accuser.

Cui bono? Who benefits? What advantage is your accuser seeking to gain by this unjust and slanderous accusation against you?

This is why I don’t worry about being accused of “homophobia,” because the people who make such accusations have no authority. That is to say, no one who actually knows me would think I am the kind of person who goes around insulting or attacking homosexuals, and any claim that I am afflicted with an irrational fear (which is what “phobia” means) is manifestly absurd. If by such an accusation, someone means to say that I am generally in favor of heterosexuality, well, why wouldn’t I be? And shouldn’t everybody? Whatever your own personal preferences or private behavior might be, doesn’t society have an interest in the encouragement of heterosexuality? Yet I am not here to engage in such an argument — I think no argument is necessary, as the truth of the matter seems quite self-evident — but rather to say that a common prejudice in favor of heterosexuality ought not be regarded as evidence of “homophobia.”

For many years, I have watched as gay activists have hijacked the rhetoric of the civil rights movement in a way that was clearly dangerous — and, I would add, entirely unnecessary. The claim that gay people were suffering unjust oppression prior to Lawrence v. Texas (2003) was absurd, and as a matter of public policy and constitutional law, I think everything Justice Scalia said in his dissent in that case was correct.

Here we are then, in 2017, and we find #HeartProgress flying the rainbow flag in favor of pedophile “rights.” Do you see now that conservatives were not wrong in warning against the slippery slope? We were not paranoid, or promoting slanderous stereotypes, when we warned that the arguments for the normalization of homosexuality would, as night follows day, be used to justify or excuse child molestation.

Like I keep saying: People need to wake the hell up.


In The Mailbox: 0404.17

Posted on | April 4, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 0404.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Proof Positive: Halfway There
EBL: Susan Rice Looks Good In Orange
Twitchy: Because She’s NEVER Lied In An Interview Before – Susan Rice Claims “I Leaked Nothing To Nobody”
Louder With Crowder: Marvel Exec Admits Changing Characters For Diversity Was A Bad Move

Adam Piggott: Mark Latham, Public Internet Beggar
American Power: Candice Jackson Appointed To Lead Education Dept. Office Of Civil Rights
American Thinker: Benghazi Liar Susan Rice’s Treachery Continues
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Icons Of Rock News
Bring The HEAT: H.R. McMaster Only Authorized To Stay In 3-Star Hotels For Government Travel
Da Tech Guy: The Unexpectedly Chronicles – Silence Is Suddenly Golden For Left/Media
Don Surber: Like Watergate 44 Years Ago, Obama’s Scandal Slowly Unfolds
Dustbury: It’s A Round Here Somewhere
The Geller Report: Nightclub Closed After Muslim Call To Prayer Dance Remix Sparks Outrage
Hogewash: All The President’s…Men?
Jammie Wearing Fools: Fake News Leader CNN Rushes To Susan Rice’s Defense
Joe For America: Illegal Immigrant Humiliated When She Pretends To Pay Her Taxes
Power Line: Science v. Dogma On Climate
Shark Tank: Rep. De Santis Asks Trump To Revoke Congressional Obamacare Subsidies
Shot In The Dark: The Russians Are Coming!
STUMP: Mortality Monday – How High Can Omega Go?
The Jawa Report: ISIS Attacks St. Petersburg, Russian Retribution Swift & Brutal
The Political Hat: Venezuela On A Knife Edge
This Ain’t Hell: SecVA Shulkin Wants To Fire Pr0n-Watching Employee
War Is Boring: The Bloodstained Rise Of Global Populism
Weasel Zippers: WaPo Opinion Writer Claims More Newspaper Jobs Than Coal Jobs Lost, also, Justice Department Warns U.S. Companies Not To Discriminate Against American Workers
Megan McArdle:
Mark Steyn: The Tragedy Of The Commons, also, Russian To Judgment

Today’s Digital Deals
H&R Block Tax Software With Refund Bonus Offer

New Frontiers in ‘Misogyny’

Posted on | April 3, 2017 | 1 Comment


Just yesterday, I remarked how feminists abuse language by applying the word “misogyny” to normal male attitudes and behavior. Of course, you’ll have to read through a 7,000-word article to find that remark in context, but it’s there if you look for it. One reason I keep repeating things (e.g., Feminism Is a Totalitarian Movement to Destroy Civilization as We Know It) is because repetition is necessary to learning. How many ruck marches and live-fire exercises are necessary to train a squad of soldiers for combat? How much target practice is required? We ought to train for a War of Ideas as diligently as an army trains for battle, so if anyone wonders why I keep hammering away at certain points, it’s because repetition is an effective training method. Meanwhile . . .


Rae Rosenberg is a female-to-male transgender activist pursuing a Ph.D. at York University in Toronto: “Rae is interested in the contested nature of gay urban space, specifically with housing-precarious queer and trans youth, racialized queer and trans youth, and trans-spectrum persons.”

Rae Rosenberg as a lesbian in 2009 (left) and as a “man” in 2016 (right).

She/“he” was a lesbian who decided she/“he” was actually male and has undergone hormone “treatment” and surgery since graduating from the University of Vermont in 2009. Rosenberg became enraged last week when listening to a rebroadcast of a public-radio show which interviewed a “transman” named Griffin Hansbury. The interview focused on the effects of testosterone. Griffin described an intensification of sexual interest, specifically an incident in which Griffin could not resist an urge to “check out” a woman who was wearing a “tiny” skirt. The claim that testosterone was responsible for this reaction outraged Griffin, who claimed such arguments are “used to reinforce ideas of toxic masculinity, encouraging stereotypes about men as hypersexual, aggressive, angry, emotionally stunted beasts who want to hump everything they see.”

Well? Isn’t this the anti-male/anti-heterosexual basis of feminist theory?

Feminists are women who hate men, per se, and who especially despise normal male sexual behavior. Everything men do is wrong, according to feminists, because men are evil oppressors and women are victims.

“Women are an oppressed class. Our oppression is total, affecting every facet of our lives. . . .
“We identify the agents of our oppression as men. . . . All men receive economic, sexual, and psychological benefits from male supremacy. All men have oppressed women.”

Redstockings, “Manifesto,” 1969

“We are angry because we are oppressed by male supremacy. We have been f–ked over all our lives by a system which is based on the domination of men over women. . . .
Lesbianism is not a matter of sexual preference, but rather one of political choice which every woman must make if she is to become woman-identified and thereby end male supremacy.”

Ginny Berson, “The Furies,” 1972

“In terms of the oppression of women, heterosexuality is the ideology of male supremacy.”
Margaret Small, “Lesbians and the Class Position of Women,” in Lesbianism and the Women’s Movement, edited by Nancy Myron and Charlotte Bunch (1975)

“Lesbian feminist politics is a political critique of the institution and ideology of heterosexuality as a cornerstone of male supremacy. . . . Therefore, women interested in destroying male supremacy, patriarchy, and capitalism must, equally with lesbians, fight heterosexual domination — or we will never end female oppression.”
Charlotte Bunch, speech to the Socialist Feminist Conference at Antioch College in Ohio, 1975, in Materialist Feminism: A Reader in Class, Difference, and Women’s Lives, edited by Rosemary Hennessy and Chrys Ingraham (1997)

“As those familiar with feminist theory know, feminists advocate lesbianism on a variety of grounds. . . .
“Patriarchy, although it takes different forms in different cultures, always depends on the ability of men to control women through heterosexuality.”

Joyce Trebilcot, “Taking Responsibility for Sexuality,” 1982, in Dyke Ideas: Process, Politics, Daily Life (1994)

“The first condition for escaping from forced motherhood and sexual slavery is escape from the patriarchal institution of marriage.”
Alison M. Jaggar, Feminist Politics and Human Nature (1988)

“Women and men are divided by gender, made into the sexes as we know them, by the social requirements of its dominant form, heterosexuality, which institutionalizes male sexual dominance and female sexual submission.”
Catharine MacKinnon, Toward a Feminist Theory of the State (1989)

“Men affirm male superiority through use of the penis as a weapon against the female. . . .
“Because men want women’s sexual services for themselves only . . . men make women’s heterosexuality compulsory.”

Dee Graham, Loving to Survive: Sexual Terror, Men’s Violence and Women’s Lives (1994)

“Women’s heterosexual orientation perpetuates their social, economic, emotional, and sexual dependence on and accessibility by men. Heterosexuality is thus a system of male ownership of women.”
Cheshire Calhoun, “Separating Lesbian Theory from Feminist Theory,” 1994, in Feminist Theory Reader: Local and Global Perspectives, edited by Carole McCann and Seung-kyung Kim (2013)

“The view that heterosexuality is a key site of male power is widely accepted within feminism. Within most feminist accounts, heterosexuality is seen not as an individual preference, something we are born like or gradually develop into, but as a socially constructed institution which structures and maintains male domination, in particular through the way it channels women into marriage and motherhood.”
Diane Richardson, Rethinking Sexuality (2000)

“Gender, as radical feminists have always understood it, is a term which describes the systematic oppression of women, as a subordinate group, for the advantage of the dominant group, men.”
Joan Scanlon, 2010

“There are politics in sexual relationships because they occur in the context of a society that assigns power based on gender and other systems of inequality and privilege. . . . [T]he interconnections of systems are reflected in the concept of heteropatriarchy, the dominance associated with a gender binary system that presumes heterosexuality as a social norm. . . .
“As many feminists have pointed out, heterosexuality is organized in such a way that the power men have in society gets carried into relationships and can encourage women’s subservience, sexually and emotionally.”

Susan M. Shaw and Janet Lee, Women’s Voices, Feminist Visions (fifth edition, 2012)

“[P]atriarchy is a system of male domination in which men dominate women through the control of female sexuality. The control of female sexuality through the institutions of patriarchal marriage is not incidental to patriarchy, but rather is central.”
Carol P. Christ, 2013

“Only when we recognize that ‘manhood’ and ‘womanhood’ are made-up categories, invented to control human beings and violently imposed, can we truly understand the nature of sexism.”
Laurie Penny, 2015

“Heterosexuality and masculinity . . . are made manifest through patriarchy, which normalizes men as dominant over women. . . .
“This tenet of patriarchy is thus deeply connected to acts of sexual violence, which have been theorized as a physical reaffirmation of patriarchal power by men over women.”

Sara Carrigan Wooten, The Crisis of Campus Sexual Violence: Critical Perspectives on Prevention and Response (2015)

Do I need to cite more sources? Because I certainly could, but I think 15 will do for now, considering the number of eminent academics in that stack of quotes, including Professor Charlotte Bunch (Rutgers University), Professor Joyce Trebilcot (Washington University-St. Louis), Professor Alison Jaggar (University of Colorado), Professor Catharine MacKinnon (University of Michigan), and Professor Cheshire Calhoun (Arizona State University) among them. Somewhere there might be a university Women’s Studies professor who has written a sentence or two in praise of men, or in favor of heterosexuality, and good luck to anyone who wants to try finding such a professor (or such a quote).

My point in piling up these citations is to ask: How can Rae Rosenberg claim to be shocked by someone “encouraging stereotypes about men,” considering that the entirety of feminist theory is based on negative stereotypes of men, particularly condemning male heteorsexuality?

Please, scroll back up and re-read those quotes and tell me why I should not conclude that feminist theory is fundamentally based on the belief that it is wrong for men to have sex with women. Heterosexuality is synonymous with the “oppression” of women under “male supremacy” (Berson, 1972; Small, 1975; Bunch, 1975), a system of “male sexual dominance” (MacKinnon, 1989) that enables “men to control women (Trebilcot, 1982). Because marriage imposes “sexual slavery” on women (Jaggar, 1988), it is condemned as an institution of “male domination” under “patriarchy” (Christ, 2013). Heterosexuality creates “inequality and privilege” (Shaw and Lee, 2012) and fosters “sexual violence” (Wooten, 2015), as well as the “systematic oppression” of gender (Scanlon, 2010) which is “violently imposed” (Penny, 2015). Is this clear enough?

According to feminist theory, no woman could ever want to have a husband, nor could she sincerely desire sexual intercourse with a man. Every manifestation of heterosexuality is condemned by feminists as a violent system of “oppression,” “control” and “domination” and, considering that Rae Rosenberg received a certification in Women’s Studies as part of her/“his” master’s degree, surely she/“he” knows this.

Feminists are women who exhibit a sociopathic lack of empathy toward men, who are demonized in feminist rhetoric merely for existing as males. Any man who objects to feminism’s anti-male rhetoric is accused of being a “misogynist.” In fact, misogyny is simply a word feminists use to describe the typical behavior and attitudes of heterosexual men.

Here is Rae Rosenberg slamming fellow “trans man” Griffin Hansbury:

Having been assigned female at birth does not render your misogyny complicated, nor does it excuse your misogyny or mean that you are not a misogynist. Beyond simply being incorrect, Griffin’s assertion that he cannot be misogynist follows an unfortunate habit of some trans men. When trans men claim that they can’t possibly contribute to the oppression of women because they used to identify as women or at some point experienced the world as women, that completely undermines women’s experiences of patriarchy, and silences women who try to call them out on the misogyny they reproduce.
Patriarchy, femmephobia, toxic-masculinity, and (trans)misogyny make you a misogynist. If you’re a creep to women, it’s because your misogyny has gone unchecked for most of your life, although I’m sure tons of women have actually called you out. You just haven’t listened.
When trans men argue that they can’t be misogynist because they were socialized as women, it further erases that women can also reinforce and reproduce misogyny. Of course Griffin could get away with sexualizing women at poetry readings as a butch dyke, because masculinity is prioritized in queer circles just as much as it is everywhere else. Masculine LGBTQ people can reproduce systems of power by objectifying feminine people and reducing them to sexual objects.

Is your mind reeling from the effort to comprehend that this is one “trans man” condemning another “trans man” merely for looking at a woman?

Really — that’s what this is about: Men are not allowed to look at women.

If a heterosexual male admires a woman’s beauty, he is “objectifying” her, and “sexualizing” her. A man is a “creep” if he finds enjoyment in female beauty, because he is thereby “reducing them to sexual objects.”

We have no indication that Griffin Hansbury said or did anything offensive to the woman in the “tiny” skirt, but merely turned to look at her. Yet such is the nature of feminist hostility toward male sexuality that this alone is sufficient to condemn Hansbury as a “misogynist,” despite the fact that Hansbury lived most of “his” life as a woman.

Feminists are absolutely merciless toward men, and yet complain that men don’t support “equality.” Pardon me, but why would anyone want to be equal to these deranged hate-filled sociopaths? Really, I’d rather be a “hypersexual, aggressive, angry, emotionally stunted beast” than to try being equal to a feminist lunatic like Rae Rosenberg.



In The Mailbox: 04.03.17

Posted on | April 3, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 04.03.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: I Think I Have A Crush On Tiffany Trump
EBL: How Did Mike Cernovich Beat 60 Minutes In A Rigged Game?
Michelle Malkin: Media Executive’s Questions For ABC’s 20/20
Twitchy: Ted Cruz Does Media’s Job For Them, Exposes California AG’s Link To Planned Parenthood
Louder With Crowder: College President Tells Black Lives Matter To Shove Their Racist Demands
Tom Kratman: Civic Nationalism, Part I – Magic Dirt Theory

Adam Piggott: Fake Australians Threaten Our Cultural Values
American Power: John Florio’s One Nation Under Baseball
American Thinker: Russia? No, The Pony In The Manure Is The Corruption Of Our Intelligence Officials
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Bring The HEAT: The Evolution of The Tomb Of The Unknowns
Da Tech Guy: The Massachusetts Online Tax System is Excellent, So Naturally They Ditched It
Don Surber: Hey, Jeff Bezos, How Was That Street Protest Last Night?
Dustbury: Strange Search-Engine Queries, also, The Man From Zima Junction
The Geller Report: Singapore Deports Imam For Comments About Jews, Christians
Hogewash: Programming Announcement, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: Somali “Migrant” Rapes Two Disabled German Men, Murders One of Their Wives
Joe For America: Democrat State Rep In Hot Water For Tipping Illegals To ICE Raids
Power Line: Susan Rice In Crosshairs As Potential Felon
Shark Tank: Trump’s Call For Americans To Defy House Freedom Caucus Fall Flat
Shot In The Dark: There’s No Space Safe From The Social Justice Cheka
STUMP: Let’s Make 80% Fundedness Great Again!
The Jawa Report: US Designates Anjem Choudhary As Specially Designated Global Terrorist
The Political Hat: Luna Declares War On Brianna Wu, also, California And The Death Of The Rule Of Law
This Ain’t Hell: Women’s Group Objects To Artillery, also, Fort Hood Murderer Threatens Hunger Strike
War Is Boring: Is New PRC Amphibious Assault Ship A Waste Of Time?
Weasel Zippers: Feminist Lawyer Gloria Allred Under State Bar Investigation For Possible Misconduct, also, Londonistan – 423 New Mosques, 500 Closed Churches
Megan McArdle: The Pences’ Prophylactic Approach To Infidelity
Mark Steyn: The Big Shut-Up, also, The Vertigo At The Top Of The Stick

Today’s Digital Deals
H&R Block Tax Software With Refund Bonus Offer
Deal Of The Day – Save Up To 25% On Easter Candy

Rule 5 Monday: Baseball Babes

Posted on | April 3, 2017 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

As the Washington Post baseball writer Thomas Boswell once remarked, time begins on Opening Day, and this season began on a positive note with the Rays thrashing the hated Yankees. As I write this, my Nationals are leading the Fish 2-0 in what I hope will be the first of 90+ wins and another playoff berth, and therefore this week’s appetizer is a fellow Nationals fan of fairer appearance and a great paint job.
As usual, many of the following links are to pics generally considered NSFW; the management is not responsible for any errors, misplays, muffs, short hops, foul strikes, strikeouts, force-outs, foul tips, or any other misfortunes attendant on your failure to click at an appropriate time and place.

A Nationals fan with a fine paint job.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny leads off with Hot Pick of the Late Night, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns, followed by Goodstuff with a probe of Suzanne Somers. Animal Magnetism contributes Rule Five Death & Taxes Friday and a Saturday April Fools Gingermageddon.

EBL’s herd of heifers this week includes Naomi Watts, Olivia Culpo, Helen Pluckrose, Filibuster Rule 5, Dina Habib Powell, Friday Night Frolics, Evelyn Farkas, Got Milk?, Florence Foster Jenkins, and Bill’s Babes or O’Reilly’s Angels?

A View From The Beach has Representing Canuckistan, Kate BockFish Pic Friday – It’s All About That BassMD Legislature Blocks Rape of Oyster SanctuariesReason #5496 That Trump Was ElectedCompany Makes Clothes to Take OffRide ‘Em, CowgirlsTahiti for TuesdaySure, It’s All About the DogReason #5491 That Trump Was Elected and How to Dress for Halo.

Proof Positive’s Friday Night Babe is Catrinel Marlon, his Vintage Babe is Olivia de Havilland, and Sex in Advertising is covered by Edita Vilkeviciute. At Dustbury, it’s Roberta Anastase and Jane Powell.

Thanks to everyone for their linkagery!
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Bad Ideas and Bad Decisions

Posted on | April 2, 2017 | Comments Off on Bad Ideas and Bad Decisions

Amy Graves admitted having sex with a dog.

Amy Graves, 43, was arrested in February after Mississippi police say video of her having sex with a dog was posted on social media. Last month, Graves admitted her crime and was sentenced to counseling.

In Minnesota, U.S. Postal Service employee Brian Chapman, 21, was arrested after a homeowner — suspicious as to why the mailman kept entering his garage to deliver packages — checked his home surveillance video and saw Chapman committing a sexual act with his dog, police say.

Amanda Leigh McClammy, 32, and her husband were arrested in Tempe, Arizona, after a domestic violence incident. Ms. McClammy’s husband told police that his wife had a video on her cellphone that showed her having sex with a dog. Police charged her with bestiality.

That’s three different dog-sex cases already this year, and you may recall more than a dozen such stories I recapped for 2016. Why do people do these things? What is the thought process that leads someone to say, “Hey, that dog’s looking kinda sexy”? Bad decisions begin with bad ideas, and my curiosity about the psychology of dog-sex perpetrators is related to my research into radical feminism. Scouring around the Internet the other day, I encountered this headline:


Speaking as a professional journalist with more than 30 years experience, permit me to say, that headline works. What is the purpose of a headline? To make you read the story, and with a headline like that, how could I possibly not read the story? But the question I kept asking was, why?

Why would a young woman write a story like that and put it on the Internet for everybody in the world to read? It’s like dog sex. Whatever thought process leads someone to having sex with a dog, I can’t explain, but why do so many of the dog-sex criminals record videos of their crimes? Rachael Alexis Harris and her husband, Corey Dean Harris, for example, were arrested in December for recording sex videos with their dog. Likewise, Miranda Johns, 21, was arrested last year after police found videos on her boyfriend’s cellphone of her having sex with dogs.

While I do not mean to say that sex with dogs is analogous to a young feminist deciding to explore her “bisexuality,” it is her decision to share this exploration with the entire world that gives me pause. Thank God there was no Internet or digital video during my youth. What would I have been posting online back in the day? The thought terrifies me, and what’s going on with young people now should concern everyone. The explosion of social media in recent years seems to have short-circuited some people’s instinct for self-preservation. The author of that article about bisexuality, Misha Scott, is a recent graduate of Loyola Marymount University, where the annual tuition is $44,238. You might think that someone who paid so much to be educated at a prestigious university would have enough common-sense concern for her reputation that she wouldn’t be recounting her sexual adventures at a site called However, feminism has nothing to do with common sense:

Unless a publisher is going to pay me enough money to flee the country, change my identity and live a life of luxury on the tropical island paradise of Vanuatu, I’m invoking the Fifth Amendment. In fact, I’m prepared to deny any allegation that I’ve ever had sex with anyone. Oh, sure, my wife and I have six children, but do you have a subpoena requiring me to provide a DNA sample for testing purposes? No, you don’t, and so on the advice of my attorney, Bert the Samoan Lawyer, I am going to refuse either to confirm or deny anything about my sex life, period. . . .
The Let-Me-Tell-You-About-My-Sex-Life variety of feminism strikes me as both self-indulgent and potentially self-destructive. However, because “the personal is political,” as pioneering feminist Carol Hanisch declared, the Internet is crammed full of startling confessions by young women telling us more than we want to know about their sexual preferences and activities. . . .

You can read the whole thing at The Patriarch Tree.

It’s 7,000 words long, and I regret writing at such length, but I’ve grown so sick and tired of this ridiculous Third Wave feminist lunacy that once I get started, these Gonzo rants just seem to write themselves.


Police Say Crackhead Started Fire That Destroyed I-85 Overpass in Atlanta

Posted on | April 2, 2017 | 1 Comment

Basil Eleby was inspired by crack cocaine, not Islamic jihad.

When I turned on the news and saw the raging inferno that destroyed an interstate highway overpass north of downtown Atlanta last week, my first thought was that this must be Islamic terrorism. Somehow, I was certain, radical Muslims inspired by ISIS had figured out a way to cripple a major transportation hub, probably by detonating a fuel tanker under the bridge. And if this succeeded, then we would see a wave of similar attacks on vital infrastructure in other cities.

That was my hunch, anyway. It seemed like a logical conclusion, but I guess I owe ISIS an apology, because the truth was far more mundane:

The man accused of starting the raging fire that destroyed part of Interstate 85 north of downtown Atlanta was talking about smoking crack just before the blaze began, according to his arrest affidavit.
Basil Eleby told city and federal investigators that he had discussed smoking crack cocaine with two companions under the highway overpass before deciding to do the drug alone, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported Saturday.
Jail records show Eleby has been arrested 19 times since 1995, mostly on drug charges. Accused of starting the fire below the elevated highway, Eleby now faces charges of first-degree arson and first-degree property damage.
Sophia Brauer and Barry Thomas were arrested along with Eleby on Friday, both charged with criminal trespass in the area used to store state-owned construction materials and equipment.
“We believe they were together when the fire was set and Eleby is the one who set the fire,” Deputy Insurance Commissioner Jay Florence said.

Abandon all hope. America is doomed — helplessly and irretrievably doomed. Even before the radical Muslims can kill us all, our civilization will be destroyed from within by vagabond drug addicts. The only interesting question here is, did Basil Eleby vote in any recent elections?

Because I’m thinking he’s not a Republican. That’s just a hunch. Sometimes my hunches are wrong, but this one? About a 99% certainty.


FMJRA 2.0: Damn Yankees

Posted on | April 1, 2017 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

For clarity’s sake, the reference is to the musical based on Douglas Wallop’s The Year The Yankees Lost The Pennant, not the rock group featuring Tommy Shaw and Ted Nugent.

Late Night With Rule 5 Monday
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Dear White People: Lara Witt (@Femmefeministe) Hates You
Rotten Chestnuts
The Political Hat

FMJRA 2.0: A Rare Saturday Off
The Pirate’s Cove
A View From The Beach

‘Fundamentally Unfair’: Legal Group Slams Campus Sexual Assault Policies

L.A. Mayor Vows Nullification to Defend City’s Sanctuary Policy for Illegal Aliens
Rotten Chestnuts
A View From The Beach

NY Times Admits Fake News
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 03.27.17
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 03.28.17
Proof Positive

Feminist @HannahSmothers_ Confirms the Worst Stereotypes of Feminism

In The Mailbox: 03.29.17
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

‘Equality,’ Florida-Style: Lesbian Arrested for Attacking Her Husband With Bleach

‘Diversity’ Requirement for College Faculty Enables Political Discrimination
A View From The Beach

California Prosecutes Pro-Lifers
The Pirate’s Cove

In The Mailbox: 03.30.17
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Lesbian Fitness Guru Faces Felony Charges After Driving Incident

Australian School Abolishes ‘Heteronormative’ Dress Code

In The Mailbox: 03.31.17
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

College Girls: Prostitutes and Democrats

This week’s top linkers:

  1.  EBL (20)
  2.  A View From The Beach (9)
  3.  Proof Positive (6)

Thanks to everyone for their linkagery!

Today’s Digital Deals
H&R Block Tax Software With Refund Bonus Offer

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