For Massachusetts, Journalism Reinforcement Arrives
Posted on | January 16, 2010 | 17 Comments
by Smitty
That was Stacy’s FMJRA title. I had suggested something noticeably more pretentious: “From Massachusetts, Journalism Re-emerges, Agamemnon-esque”. Then again, I registered “The McCain Mutiny” as a title for the blog, just in case we couldn’t spring TheOtherMcCain from in time for our rollout a fortnight and a lifetime ago.
Those who’ve linked us late Friday will be queued for our 23Jan offering. I’m staging this and Rule 5 Sunday and hitting the road Friday afternoon. Stacy is doing real work; I’m flaking off in Western Pennsylvania for the weekend.
On a technical note, the power of WordPress to support these FMJRAs is astounding. Since the O-Dough never came through (though we’re still waiting, of course) all we can afford to hire to work on these things are marginally competent clone bots. Two points: we should have gone to the WordPress platform sooner, and people still in the Blogger ghetto should consider switching to a WordPress site, if only for the joy of better trackback/pingback coverage. My, don’t we sound just a tad bit uppity now that we’ve got our own domain and stuff?
Posts That Don’t Refer to The Brown/(Whoever) Race
When the Eddying Tide Retreats, Along the Rocky Shoreline…
Crimson Tide Heading Back to Sweet Home Alabama
Donald Douglas linked Stacy’s departure clip of the Tide in a post that’s really about the Brown race over at Right Wing News. Sorry.
The View Out My Window
Piece of Work in Progress noted Stacy’s couch surfing.
Roll Tide: The Universal Greeting
Instapundit mistook Stacy’s picture for a GrEaT sAtAn”S gIrLfRiEnD reference, or something.
Rhetorican offered a review of meeting with Stacy and Joe Klein.
The Ubervu tweets.
Some Stranger in San Francisco Now Has Tucker Carlson’s Cell-Phone Number
Usually my trip disasters involve leaving stuff at home. I shudder to consider losing the cel phone. In fact, let’s synchronize those number Right Now. The question is whether Stacy McCain is more of a learner from than a repeater of history. Can we train him to back up the digits to his PC? Promises to be fun.
Da Tech Guy linked this post while discussing preps to support Stacy’s then-impending arrival.
That’s Right linked us while reviewing The Daily Caller.
The Ubervu tweets.
A Grab Bag
Charles Johnson: ‘A Fat, Bloated, Beady-Eyed Jerkoff’
At The Pirate’s Cove, Teach was kind enough to stomach Charles’ writing and summarize it.
Michael Steele Must Go
Troglopundit: “Oh, the hate! The hate!”
Was Harry Reid Wrong?
Patterico offered a friendly poke, which I initially took perhaps too seriously, but it all resolved smoothly. Mellow blogging is good blogging. Download the ammunition in the direction of the real opposition.
Ron Paul’s site also linked this one and Patterico.
Da Tech Guy links the Reid post and opines that, as tortured as modern discourse is, Brit Hume should have advised Tiger to become a liberal Democrat. Ow.
Bits Blog links Patterico and us: “This Isn’t Reid’s First Racial Rodeo”
The Daley Gator:
Yes, he should step down as Senate Majority Leader, he should resign as senator, and should likely move to a country like Cuba if he loathes America so damned much. But, his removal from office, which his long-ignored constituents will surely make happen soon, should have nothing to do with his remarks about President Obama. They should do with his complete lack of charcter!
Republican John Colbert on ‘Congressional Terrorism’ in California
Without Adjectives noted Stacy’s post on “the one thing that our government does with brilliant efficiency: creating expensive problems.” One man’s problem is another man’s business opportunity.
Hometown Pasedena offers a correction: “McCain doesn’t seem to know that Altadena isn’t in the San Fernando Valley, tho'”. To paraphrase VodkaPundit on The Week in Blogs: “Geography is hard“.
Allen West on Harry Reid: A Black Republican on ‘Negro Talk’May Fortune favor Allen West. He’ll continue to belie all of this Lefty claptrap about racism.
The Lonely Conservative linked Stacy and rounded it up nicely.
Frugal Cafe rounded us up with the SNL MacGruber racism clip. Yeah, it might have humor content, but raaaaacism just kills the funny, even when mocking it.
Right of Course picked us up, by way of noting that his pet lizard has better approval ratings than Harry Reid.
The Ubervu tweets
Celebrity Update: Lesbian vs. Gay Sleazeball Twitter Catfight Edition
The Daley Gator: “Well, looks like the Gay egomaniac wins!”
The Ubervu tweets
Philip Klein: An Elitist RINO Who Doesn’t Understand Sarah Palin’s Appeal to Real Americans
American Spectator published an RSM meditation on “Elitists, RINOs, Palin and Brown”
The Daley Gator linked and went on about crazy elitist RINOs. I never said Rick Moran was crazy.
Little Miss Attila: “The elitist RINOs are the ones who disagree with me.” While I haven’t always understood LMA, I’ve managed to keep serious disagreement to a minimum.
Cynthai Yockey: “Sarah Palin’s debut at Fox News is Intelligent and Eloquent”. Nice gig at Newsreal, Cynthia!
We May Redo The Blog In Earth Tones To Celebrate The Brown (As Opposed To Yellow) Journalism
As If The Leadup Wasn’t Enough…
I Wonder If Gergen Realizes That Was The Election
American Glob has half a million hits on YouTube for his clip. Rock on!
The Tiger on Politics concurred that it was totally scripted. Maybe Gergen hadn’t thought it through. Much of Gergen seems that way.
Nice Deb liked: “Brown was obviously laying in wait for Gergen to serve that up so he could crush it like so many dynastic dreams.”
Moe Lane and Red State and WTF?! Obama linked us, though really Aliester deserves the credit.
Da Tech Guy linked Stacy’s NTCNews roundup.
Smash Mouth Politics went to the Mary Jo well.
More Evidence That Scott Brown’s Surge Has Democrats Spooked
That’s Right features a great roundup, and quotes Stacy: “Win, lose or draw, the mere fact that Democrats are having to go all-out to hold onto Ted Kennedy’s seat is a conservative victory.”
A Conservative Shemale hat tips us, as well as the ineffable Legal Insurrection.
Republican Redefined rounded up the story. A fine blog, new to me.
The Ubervu tweets
Scott Brown’s Money-Bomb Racks Up $1.3 Million in One Day
Broke a million every day of the week, they say.
Fausta noted us, the money, and Browns Cosmo spread. Possible pattern there, but let’s not explore.
Hub Politics links us in a roundup.
VIDEO: Scott Brown Reponds to Coakley Attack Ad
Da Tech Guy notes the irony of the teachers union endorsement on the same day that Coakley misspells Massachusetts in an ad.
Right of Course linked our Scott Brown post while riffing Reid about his lizard, again.
Scared Monkeys links us in a roundup.
Is Martha Coakley Even Sleazier Than Tila Tequila? BUMPED: Reporter Hassled
Da Tech Guy links us and plays The Untouchables card.
The Ubervu tweets
Scott Brown: Taking Sexy Back
Little Miss Attila: “I guess they aren’t getting over to HillBuzz very often. Crackers . . . please.”
Dustbury linked it, with some pointers to related work.
The Ubervu tweets
Iraq Veterans for Congress: ‘Pulling Down Tyrants’
The Daley Gator had related thoughts.
Massachusetts’ Chief Law Enforcement Official Ignores Political Assault; UPDATE: DSCC’s Meehan Apologizes
Piece of Work in Progress had a good summary.
Republican Redefined had us again.
Old Hardhead broke it down thoroughly. And the P.J. O’Rourke quote is great.
The Ubervu tweets
Kos Spins Mass. Senate Campaign: ‘Teabaggers’ Doom Scott Brown?
The Ubervu tweets
…Stacy Mustered the Shoe Leather
Just Bought My Ticket to Boston
POWIP links.
Rhetorican echos: “We’re all teabaggers now!” Americans, that is.
Nathan Cossey is a supporter.
TxSkirt (Dustbury, you can’t follow this URL, the spurred high heels are too dangerous) frets of the homeschooling of Stacy’s kids.
Da Tech Guy stood by to pick up Stacy on the train.
Liber Ex Machina has Stacy’s next trip lined up.
The Ubervu tweets
MrTweet looks like an Ubervu competitor.
Scott Brown Meets the Press
Ah, Press the Meat. A fine American tradition.
Da Tech Guy has the exciting update, including a car chase and a Hooker.
American Glob had press conference notes and some pictures.
In Mala Fide links us, but is really crowing over the Taki linkage.
The Lonely Conservative rounds it up.
The Ubervu tweets
VIDEO: New Scott Brown Ad Hits Martha Coakley for Ties to Lobbyists
Da Tech Guy:
Today in my travels with Stacy McCain I made it a point to ask people about the Senate Race, were they talking about it? Was it a topic of conversation?
As a rule the answer was people knew little about the race, but people did know who Martha Coakley was and NOBODY likes her. In fact not only did people not like her, teenagers who weren’t following the race only knew their parents didn’t like her.
Nice Deb has a quote on which Obamaturism will hurt Coakley the most.
Other FMJRA Roundups:
Send updates to, and please have patience with, Smitty. I know I’m remiss on a number of readers who’re not using WordPress, where I can automate collecting URLs. We cannot forget No Sheeples Here, regret the inconvenience, and will return to regular service next weekend, or Smitty gets it!
17 Responses to “For Massachusetts, Journalism Reinforcement Arrives”
January 16th, 2010 @ 2:48 pm
Hmmm … second week in a row I’ve been missed.
Smitty: I haven’t put the bug in your ear these two weeks because I wanted to see if the vaunted new WordPress link tracking mojo was all it was cracked up to be.
So, is it not, or am I just blacklisted
January 16th, 2010 @ 9:48 am
Hmmm … second week in a row I’ve been missed.
Smitty: I haven’t put the bug in your ear these two weeks because I wanted to see if the vaunted new WordPress link tracking mojo was all it was cracked up to be.
So, is it not, or am I just blacklisted
January 16th, 2010 @ 3:15 pm
Don’t blame Smitty — blame his clonebots!
January 16th, 2010 @ 10:15 am
Don’t blame Smitty — blame his clonebots!
January 16th, 2010 @ 3:26 pm
I’ll forgive you missing the late Friday post (you were probably already on the road), but this gem was Wednesday.
January 16th, 2010 @ 10:26 am
I’ll forgive you missing the late Friday post (you were probably already on the road), but this gem was Wednesday.
January 16th, 2010 @ 3:59 pm
Hell, I’m not “blaming” anyone — just trying to get the straight scoop.
If the link-tracking gizmos are imperfect, I’d like to help perfect them, or set myself up with an automated reminder (“It’s Friday — tell Smitty how much link love you sent TOM this week!”).
On the other hand, if I’m blacklisted because, well, we’re at odds quite a bit, that’s fine too — but knowing it would be nice so that I could alter my behavior. Maybe I’d try to become more ingratiating and agreeable. Or maybe I’d stop bothering with link love since there’s no FMJRA in it for me. Or whatever.
On the other hand, not knowing could get me in a snit, and a snit could drive up BOTH our traffics … hmmm …
January 16th, 2010 @ 10:59 am
Hell, I’m not “blaming” anyone — just trying to get the straight scoop.
If the link-tracking gizmos are imperfect, I’d like to help perfect them, or set myself up with an automated reminder (“It’s Friday — tell Smitty how much link love you sent TOM this week!”).
On the other hand, if I’m blacklisted because, well, we’re at odds quite a bit, that’s fine too — but knowing it would be nice so that I could alter my behavior. Maybe I’d try to become more ingratiating and agreeable. Or maybe I’d stop bothering with link love since there’s no FMJRA in it for me. Or whatever.
On the other hand, not knowing could get me in a snit, and a snit could drive up BOTH our traffics … hmmm …
January 16th, 2010 @ 5:54 pm
Meh, he’s too good to link to me anymore.
Next thing you know, they’ll go all Malkin and act like they’re too good to accept your damned trackbacks.
January 16th, 2010 @ 12:54 pm
Meh, he’s too good to link to me anymore.
Next thing you know, they’ll go all Malkin and act like they’re too good to accept your damned trackbacks.
January 16th, 2010 @ 6:40 pm
Two weeks in a row for me too, Knappster.
I think our beloved Smitty has something against bourbon drinkers [ie: red-blooded American Men].
January 16th, 2010 @ 1:40 pm
Two weeks in a row for me too, Knappster.
I think our beloved Smitty has something against bourbon drinkers [ie: red-blooded American Men].
January 16th, 2010 @ 2:13 pm
[…] The Other McCain linked – Thanks! AKPC_IDS += "15019,";Popularity: 3% [?]Possibly Related PostsJanuary 15, 2010 — Pragmatism (7)January 15, 2010 — It’s Not Looking Good For Coakley (10)January 14, 2010 — Obama Message to Massachusetts: Vote for Change! (1)January 13, 2010 — Classy: Schumer Calls Scott Brown a ‘Far Right Teabagger’ (6) Categories : Politics […]
January 16th, 2010 @ 7:57 pm
I have also sent a few links to be loved on…to no avail.
January 16th, 2010 @ 2:57 pm
I have also sent a few links to be loved on…to no avail.
January 16th, 2010 @ 8:44 pm
Speaking of Red-Blooded American Men…
I’ve issued Appeal To The Red-Blooded Men Of Massachusetts.
January 16th, 2010 @ 3:44 pm
Speaking of Red-Blooded American Men…
I’ve issued Appeal To The Red-Blooded Men Of Massachusetts.