The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

If the Tea Party Had Started With 40 People at Panera in West Palm Beach . . .

Posted on | March 14, 2010 | 4 Comments

. . . I’m pretty sure we never would have heard the end of the media guffawing. And I’m damn sure the Palm Beach Post never could have been bothered to notice.

The Post is owned by degenerate heirs of the Cox family, who have notoriously plundered and ruined the Atlanta papers. Those treacherous elitist bastards did all they could to elect President Obama, and now they’re doing everything they can to help him ram his agenda down America’s throats. The Cox newspapers are decadent and disreputable, a disgrace to any fish so unfortunate as to be wrapped in one, and we should pity any honest journalist compelled by utter desperation to seek employment there. I’d sooner go back to driving a forklift than toil to enrich those contemptible swine.

UPDATE: Speaking of contemptible swine . . .

I stopped by one of the Washington D.C. area gatherings Saturday morning at Peregrine Espresso in the Eastern Market area — only to find a small gathering of five activists huddled at a small table.
Kathleen Frydl, a professor on sabbatical from Berkeley, led the discussion . . .

In the words of Seth and Jerry: Really? I mean, really?


4 Responses to “If the Tea Party Had Started With 40 People at Panera in West Palm Beach . . .”

  1. Rick Caird
    March 14th, 2010 @ 5:29 pm

    Actually, Stacy, that is my local paper and I have had running email battles with Randy Schultz who is editor of the editorial page. Basically, he invariably ducks or responds to a straw man of his own creation.

    However, George Bennett, who wrote the story on the coffee party, has played the tea parties straight up. In fact, I wrote an email to him thanking him for the fair reporting. He wrote back to tell me he was getting lots of evil email on the story. I suspect the story went national.

    For the most part, though, the PB Post is a far left paper, but I have had some good email exchanges with a couple other of their reporters. By contrast, don’t bother to offer an alternative opinion to Cynthia Tucker, editorial page editor at the AJS. She is truly evil and not comfortable in her own skin.

  2. Rick Caird
    March 14th, 2010 @ 5:29 pm

    Actually, Stacy, that is my local paper and I have had running email battles with Randy Schultz who is editor of the editorial page. Basically, he invariably ducks or responds to a straw man of his own creation.

    However, George Bennett, who wrote the story on the coffee party, has played the tea parties straight up. In fact, I wrote an email to him thanking him for the fair reporting. He wrote back to tell me he was getting lots of evil email on the story. I suspect the story went national.

    For the most part, though, the PB Post is a far left paper, but I have had some good email exchanges with a couple other of their reporters. By contrast, don’t bother to offer an alternative opinion to Cynthia Tucker, editorial page editor at the AJS. She is truly evil and not comfortable in her own skin.

  3. Rick Caird
    March 14th, 2010 @ 12:29 pm

    Actually, Stacy, that is my local paper and I have had running email battles with Randy Schultz who is editor of the editorial page. Basically, he invariably ducks or responds to a straw man of his own creation.

    However, George Bennett, who wrote the story on the coffee party, has played the tea parties straight up. In fact, I wrote an email to him thanking him for the fair reporting. He wrote back to tell me he was getting lots of evil email on the story. I suspect the story went national.

    For the most part, though, the PB Post is a far left paper, but I have had some good email exchanges with a couple other of their reporters. By contrast, don’t bother to offer an alternative opinion to Cynthia Tucker, editorial page editor at the AJS. She is truly evil and not comfortable in her own skin.

  4. The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : Some Grudges Are Strictly Personal
    March 14th, 2010 @ 1:05 pm

    […] on the launch of the "coffee party" (a weak imitation of the Tea Party movement) inspired me to rant passionately about the Cox newspaper chain, which owns the Post as well as my hometown paper, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. That […]
