The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Arizona Border Violence Growing; VIDEO: Simcox Supports Hayworth

Posted on | March 30, 2010 | 21 Comments

PHOENIX, Arizona — Chris Simcox, who founded the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps and was previously a candidate in the GOP Senate primary, explains why he decided to switch to supporting J.D. Hayworth’s campaign:

Those of you who read Michelle Malkin know that an Arizona rancher was killed Saturday near the border in Cochise County:

Cochise County Sheriff’s Office deputies and detectives responded to an area northeast of Douglas on Saturday after searchers found the body of 58-year-old Robert Krentz inside his all terrain vehicle on his property. Detectives were able to determine that Krentz apparently came upon one person when he was fatally shot and his dog was wounded.
Cochise County investigators said Monday that Krentz likely was killed by an illegal immigrant, but there’s no evidence to suggest there was any confrontation that led to the shooting. . . .

The irony is that the man killed was known for his willingness to help immigrants, as William La Jeunesse of Fox News reports:

Robert Krentz was known among fellow ranchers as a good Samaritan who often helped injured illegal immigrants trying to cross the boiling desert border into Arizona. But the 58-year-old was gunned down while tending to his ranch Saturday morning, and police suspect an illegal immigrant was to blame. . . .
Police say Krentz, whose family has been ranching in southern Arizona since 1907, was gunned down early Saturday morning by an illegal immigrant while out on his ATV tending to fences and water lines on the family’s 34,000-acre cattle ranch.
Reached by phone early Tuesday at his family’s ranch, Andy Krentz, Krentz’s oldest son, said his father was a churchgoing man who routinely went out of his way to help those in need.
“My father was a very good family man,” Krentz told “He supported his kids, supported his family. He went out of his way to help anybody we could without regarding to who they were. It didn’t matter who they were.” . . .

The Hayworth campaign issued this e-mail statement:

JD Hayworth offers his prayers and condolences to the wife, family and friends of Cochise County rancher Rob Krentz, who was found shot to death after calling into his brother that he was giving aid to an apparent illegal alien he found at one of his cattle watering holes.
Krentz was a third generation rancher on the border of Southeastern Arizona. Conservative blogs the Sonoran Alliance and report that in the past the Krentz family had received threats from illegal aliens. In 2002, the family was physically threatened when one of them stumbled upon a group of 39 illegals.
Hayworth said, “We need the federal government to act now and step up its efforts to secure our borders. Border security is national security and it is time that we enforce the law. For thousands of Arizonans, border security is also quite literally a matter of personal security.”
Mr. Hayworth also supports Arizona SB1070 which empowers local law enforcement officers to identify, detain, and help deport those within the borders of Arizona illegally.
Hayworth is challenging U.S. Senator John McCain in the Arizona Republican primary August 24 2010. One of the reasons Hayworth is challenging John McCain, is because of McCain’s past sponsorship of legislation that would grant amnesty to illegal aliens.
Hayworth sponsored the anti-amnesty “Enforcement First Act” during his tenure in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Arizona residents say their current U.S. Senator has done nothing to address the growing violence on the border, as one local source told the Tucson Weekly that John McCain “worries about getting his patent leather shoes dirty when he’s down here.”

Tonight, having delayed my return flight to D.C., I’ll be hanging out with Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who knows a thing or two about immigration and law enforcement.



21 Responses to “Arizona Border Violence Growing; VIDEO: Simcox Supports Hayworth”

  1. Joe
    March 30th, 2010 @ 5:38 pm

    We do not know who killed that rancher, but it was probably drug criminals or coyote smugglers, not just run of the mill illegal workers. That said, the only solution to the illegal worker problem is to punish employers who hire them with fines sufficient to make them stop hiring illegals. You do that and then the Border Patrol can focus on the real meanance which is these narco-criminal gangs operating amongst the schools of poor Mexican workers.

    The status quo has to end.

  2. Joe
    March 30th, 2010 @ 12:38 pm

    We do not know who killed that rancher, but it was probably drug criminals or coyote smugglers, not just run of the mill illegal workers. That said, the only solution to the illegal worker problem is to punish employers who hire them with fines sufficient to make them stop hiring illegals. You do that and then the Border Patrol can focus on the real meanance which is these narco-criminal gangs operating amongst the schools of poor Mexican workers.

    The status quo has to end.

  3. Joe
    March 30th, 2010 @ 7:21 pm

    Off topic (just partially), this may be a parody but it is funny.

    If real it is a good argument for private and parochial schools. And of course for not allowing criminals to immigrate into the country.

    H/T to Glenn Reynolds for finding this nugget of fun.

  4. Joe
    March 30th, 2010 @ 2:21 pm

    Off topic (just partially), this may be a parody but it is funny.

    If real it is a good argument for private and parochial schools. And of course for not allowing criminals to immigrate into the country.

    H/T to Glenn Reynolds for finding this nugget of fun.

  5. Thomas L. Knapp
    March 30th, 2010 @ 7:31 pm

    Wow. Hard to figure out who’s more evil — Hayworth for exploiting this guy’s death before his blood has even cooled in the ground, or you for helping him do so.

  6. Thomas L. Knapp
    March 30th, 2010 @ 2:31 pm

    Wow. Hard to figure out who’s more evil — Hayworth for exploiting this guy’s death before his blood has even cooled in the ground, or you for helping him do so.

  7. Where's the Outrage from the Left Over the Slain Arizona Rancher? | The Lonely Conservative
    March 30th, 2010 @ 4:14 pm

    […] The Other McCain points out that Arizona residents complain that the federal government has done nothing to secure the border, and John McCain doesn’t want to get his shoes dirty when he goes home. Also, the founder of the Minutemen supports the campaign of JD Hayworth. If John McCain and his progressive friends have their way, Mr. Krentz’s killer will be living here legally, suckling off the welfare system and signing up for subsidized medical insurance. […]

  8. cobra
    March 31st, 2010 @ 12:49 am

    Where is the outrage from the slimy lizard(s)?
    Shouldn’t we cry “racism” because a white rancher was murdered by a mexican (very likely)?
    We all know this type of rage is for us on the conservative side.
    Go to hell CJ!

  9. cobra
    March 30th, 2010 @ 7:49 pm

    Where is the outrage from the slimy lizard(s)?
    Shouldn’t we cry “racism” because a white rancher was murdered by a mexican (very likely)?
    We all know this type of rage is for us on the conservative side.
    Go to hell CJ!

  10. Cousin John Suddenly Decides to Get in Touch With His Inner Tom Tancredo : The Other McCain
    March 30th, 2010 @ 9:19 pm

    […] xenophobes – just kiddin’ guys, hahaha.J.D. HAYWORTH FOR U.S. SENATEPREVIOUSLY:Arizona Border Violence Growing; VIDEO: Simcox Supports HayworthVIDEO: J.D. Hayworth HQ TourUpdate: Insta-lanche! var addthis_pub='smitty1e';var […]

  11. Estragon
    March 31st, 2010 @ 8:03 am

    Thomas L. Knapp ~ Of course, we have no evidence at all, only what LE “suspects” – let’s get a rope! Or maybe McCain himself shot the rancher?

    Some people just don’t understand that the proper time for an ideological purge is when you are comfortably in control of both House and Senate, NOT when you are fighting from a large deficit in both. But then, for some personal vendettas are more important than the fate of the country, so let’s axe the guy who’s repeatedly angered us, even if his record remains what any objective reckoning must conclude is “conservative,” and go with the guy who filled out the questionnaire with a few more “right” answers, even if he is prone to stupid statements and has a recorded history of extreme nuttiness.

    Sure, we’ll support the guy who lost a safe seat, no matter how wacky he is – that’ll show McCain! And if the Democrats manage to beat the buffoon, and that proves the seat which saves a Senate majority for them – so what? We’ll have taught McCain a lesson he’ll never forget BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

    No insanity here, uh-uh, no way . . .

  12. Estragon
    March 31st, 2010 @ 3:03 am

    Thomas L. Knapp ~ Of course, we have no evidence at all, only what LE “suspects” – let’s get a rope! Or maybe McCain himself shot the rancher?

    Some people just don’t understand that the proper time for an ideological purge is when you are comfortably in control of both House and Senate, NOT when you are fighting from a large deficit in both. But then, for some personal vendettas are more important than the fate of the country, so let’s axe the guy who’s repeatedly angered us, even if his record remains what any objective reckoning must conclude is “conservative,” and go with the guy who filled out the questionnaire with a few more “right” answers, even if he is prone to stupid statements and has a recorded history of extreme nuttiness.

    Sure, we’ll support the guy who lost a safe seat, no matter how wacky he is – that’ll show McCain! And if the Democrats manage to beat the buffoon, and that proves the seat which saves a Senate majority for them – so what? We’ll have taught McCain a lesson he’ll never forget BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

    No insanity here, uh-uh, no way . . .

  13. Arizona Border Violence Growing; VIDEO: Simcox Supports Hayworth … | Toss Congress
    March 31st, 2010 @ 3:24 am

    […] the original post here: Arizona Border Violence Growing; VIDEO: Simcox Supports Hayworth … Related Reading: Congress Reconsidered Interest Groups And Congress: Lobbying, Contributions And […]

  14. Melissa
    March 31st, 2010 @ 4:48 pm

    There is no question in my mind that McCain will win this election. JD does not have what it takes to work with and work against this administration. We are in crucial times in so many areas in Washington and JD’s corrupt past is too entangled in his everyday life. JD the blowhard has a history of earmarks. McCain was just awarded the third most fiscally conservative member in Senate. There is no comparison of these two and who is better for our Nation and our State!

  15. Melissa
    March 31st, 2010 @ 11:48 am

    There is no question in my mind that McCain will win this election. JD does not have what it takes to work with and work against this administration. We are in crucial times in so many areas in Washington and JD’s corrupt past is too entangled in his everyday life. JD the blowhard has a history of earmarks. McCain was just awarded the third most fiscally conservative member in Senate. There is no comparison of these two and who is better for our Nation and our State!

  16. Smorgasbord: Arizona, Abortion, Socialised Medicine, and “Social Justice” at Haemet
    March 31st, 2010 @ 3:06 pm

    […] Fedora-wearing Stacy McCain reports live from Arizona on the Hayworth-McCain contest and the increase in violence in the state, mostly due to illegal aliens.  As the economy continues to die and no one talks about how these people do the jobs that Americans won’t do, this blogger wonders about the political viability of amnesty. […]

  17. Andrew
    March 31st, 2010 @ 10:49 pm

    Ten bucks says the NG arrives on the border in AZ, and shortly after milquetoast McCain wins re-election, they disappear.

    I can see this coming from miles away.

  18. Andrew
    March 31st, 2010 @ 5:49 pm

    Ten bucks says the NG arrives on the border in AZ, and shortly after milquetoast McCain wins re-election, they disappear.

    I can see this coming from miles away.

  19. Bob Belvedere
    March 31st, 2010 @ 11:02 pm
  20. Bob Belvedere
    March 31st, 2010 @ 6:02 pm
  21. Around the NOVA TownHall Blogroll, March 2010 | novatownhall blog
    March 31st, 2010 @ 9:28 pm

    […] answer is yes. If you were not following Stacy’s recent travels, you missed something. Click here and here for starters. If all this compels you to do some good in the world, by all means help pay […]
