The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Terry Rathbun: Grassroots Revolution

Posted on | July 20, 2010 | Comments Off on Terry Rathbun: Grassroots Revolution

Our friend JSF at Valley of the Shadows calls attention to California conservative who needs your support:

If you live in Los Angeles, the term “People’s Republic of Santa Monica,” comes up a lot in conversation. Heck, one of my favorite films, Southland Tales has Justin Timberlake protecting the Santa Monica Pier (and doing a great version of The Killers “All the Things that I’ve done,”).
As a political activist, I don’t just think in theory, but in practicality: How do we win back the People’s Republic of Santa Monica? Simple, raise money and support a great candidate for the 41st Assembly District of California . . .
Let me introduce to you Mr. Terry Rathbun, candidate for the 41st AD.
Here is his biography:
Terry was born and raised in Los Angeles County and currently lives in Encino. In 1990, Terry left to join the U.S. Navy and served on active duty until 1999. During his time in the military, he served in theater in support of Operations Desert Storm and Desert Shield. In the year 2000, Terry returned home to Los Angeles where he attended college and currently owns and manages his own IT consulting business. Terry is actively involved in the Kiwanis Club of Northridge and coaches youth baseball.

Military veteran running for a state legislative seat in a district where Democrats don’t think a Republican can compete. But if Terry Rathbun can get a nationwide online fundraising effort — $5, $10, $20 at a time — this could be a shocker.

Read more at Valley of the Shadows.


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