The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

James Carville Trashes Herman Cain

Posted on | October 26, 2011 | 54 Comments

Herman Cain “is not going to be the president of anything,” says Corporal Cueball. “He’s just trying to get some attention. He’s not going to get the nomination.” Yeah. Tell it to the voters:

Herman Cain takes the lead in the Republican presidential nomination contest as GOP voters continue to deny Mitt Romney clear front-runner status.
A Fox News poll released Wednesday shows support for Cain has quadrupled among GOP primary voters since late August. At that time, he stood at 6 percent. After three September debates, he jumped to 17 percent. And now Cain leads the pack at 24 percent.

The numbers:

Herman Cain …………………….. 24%
Mitt Romney …………………….. 20%
Newt Gingrich …………………… 12%
Rick Perry ………………………… 10%
Ron Paul ………………………….. 9%
Rick Santorum ………………….. 3%
Michele Bachmann ……………. 3%

Wonderful fact about our two-party system: When it’s time to choose the GOP nominee, James Carville doesn’t get a vote.

UPDATE: Herman Cain was on Sean Hannity’s show tonight:


54 Responses to “James Carville Trashes Herman Cain”

  1. Joe
    October 27th, 2011 @ 11:46 am

    Yes I enjoy the beclownment before the deletion. 

  2. DaveO
    October 27th, 2011 @ 4:10 pm

    Has to suck to be Carville. His Progressive Messiah abandoned Louisiana to fend for itself once BP’s cheque to Obama’s 2012 campaign cleared. And Carville knows this.

    Jindal, and conservatism is on the march in Louisiana, and Carville can’t dress them up in white robes or union cards.

    The farmers in northern Louisiana won’t be on the oil rigs again this winter, and the oilmen in southern LA won’t be bringing in cash from the Gulf either.

    Truly, it sucks to have to be Obama’s b*tch.

  3. Rick
    October 27th, 2011 @ 4:56 pm

    I am getting less and less enthusiastic about Cain. His “explanation” of his abortion comments to Morgan is non-responsive. He clearly said it was the family’s right to choose. Then, in another venue he said abortions should not be legal. Hannity continues to be unimpressive as an interviewer because he didn’t ask the obvious question: WHAT DID YOU MEAN WHEN YOU SAID IT WAS THE FAMILY’S CHOICE? Allowing Cain to get off the hook by simply saying he is and has always been pro-life is irresponsible. I think Hannity is just protecting him in case he ultimately becomes the nominee. But, Obama and the Democrats won’t coddle him like that. I’m sorry to say that Obama will DESTROY Cain in the general election. Of all the Republicans running for the nomination, Cain does the WORST at thinkiing on his feet. I think Gingrich will probably make that even more clear in their Lincoln/Douglas style debates that are upcoming. I am not a Gingrich supporter, but he is much more intelligent and quick on his intellectual feet than Cain.

  4. Cain HQ: ‘Crazy, Hectic, But Fine’ : The Other McCain
    October 28th, 2011 @ 5:34 pm

    […] 28: Herman Cain = AuH2O?Oct. 26: James Carville Trashes Herman CainOct. 26: Cain Leads New Ohio Poll; Close to Romney in Nevada; Perry Fading AwayOct. 26: Cain Debuts […]
