The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Domestic Terrorist Now Using ‘Lawfare’? Convicted Felon Kimberlin’s 501(c)3 Raised $1.8 Million in Six Years
UPDATE: ‘Convicted of Perjury’

Posted on | May 19, 2012 | 146 Comments

When terrorist Brett Kimberlin was convicted of multiple felonies in 1981,
he could have been sentenced to 230 years in federal prison.

Federal tax forms filed by convicted terrorist Brett Kimberlin’s tax-exempt non-profit Justice Through Music Project (JTMP) show that the 501(c)3 group collected $1.8 million in gifts, grants and other contributions during its first six years of operation. An analysis using database research indicates that more than $300,000 of that sum came in the form of grants from tax-exempt foundations, including the George Soros-connected Tides Foundation, the Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund, the Barbara Streisand Foundation, and the Heinz Family Foundation, connected to Democrat Sen. John Kerry’s wife.

Convicted of multiple federal felonies in connection with a string of 1978 bombings in Indiana, Kimberlin’s activities recently have come under renewed scrutiny due to his attempt to press criminal charges against attorney Aaron Walker, a blogger who says Kimberlin tried to “frame” him as part of a campaign of harassment and intimidation against conservative New Media activists.

JTMP’s 2009 IRS Form 990 (link is to PDF document) declares the “program service accomplishments” of Kimberlin’s organization: “Civil rights, social action and advocacy programs. We have created DVDs with musicians to educate youth about their voting and civil rights to get them to register and vote. We created a website to do the same, and we have held voter drives to educate youth and register them to vote.” On page four of the IRS form (question 43), the organization denied having engaged in “direct or indirect campaign activities on behalf of or in opposition to candidates for public office.”

Walker’s complaint against Kimberlin — the subject of a 28,000-word account posted Thursday morning at the blog Allergic to Bull — sparked new interest in the convicted felon’s online activities. Kimberlin’s connections to influential non-profit charities, leading progressive bloggers and Democrat Party operatives expose what many observers believe is a coordinated effort to silence conservative activists online through intimidation and harassment. Less than six months before his death, New Media enterpreneur Andrew Breitbart warned about Kimberlin’s activities.

The most recent IRS Form 990 available for Kimberlin’s JTMP (click here to view the PDF document) shows that the non-profit 501(c)3 group reported contributions of $223,739 in 2010. Combined with cumulative totals of contributions of $1,561,066 shown on the Maryland-based organization’s 2009 IRS filing, this means the Justice Through Music Project collected $1,784,805 from its founding in 2005 through 2010.

So-called “lawfare” harassment and other intimidation tactics by Kimberlin’s apparently well-funded network, including Democrat campaign consultant Neal Rauhauser, have alarmed those who see these efforts as a key component of a larger election-year strategy by liberal activists determined to dominate media coverage.

The Lonely Conservative blog has called for “an Army of Davids” to help expose Kimberlin’s activities, invoking the title of a book, An Army of Davids: How Markets and Technology Empower Ordinary People to Beat Big Media, Big Government, and Other Goliaths by Professor Glenn Reynolds, who has shown interest in the Kimberlin case at his popular Instapundit blog.

Non-Profit Cash for the ‘Speedway Bomber’

The Justice Through Music Project’s tax form lists only two officials: Kimberlin as director, with a full-time salary of $20,250 in 2009, and Bethesda, Maryland, attorney Jeffrey C. Cohen, who reported receiving no compensation for his role as the non-profit’s executive director. The tax-exempt organization’s IRS form lists its revenue for five years:

2005 — $121,450
2006 — $428,815
2007 — $255,635
2008 — $558,543
2009 — $196,623

JTMP’s tax-exempt funding, including grants from major philanthropic foundations, is remarkable considering Kimberlin’s notorious record for violent crime and drug smuggling, as well as his convictions for perjury and impersonating federal officials. His 1978 terrorism spree — which earned him the sobriquet “Speedway Bomber” for the Indiana town where Kimberlin’s violent rampage occurred — included one blast outside a high school that maimed two people. Authorities said that, while awaiting trial, Kimberlin plotted to kill both the federal prosecuting attorney and one of the witnesses against him.

According to information available through online databases, it appears that JTMP’s funding by tax-exempt foundations peaked in 2006. That was the year Kimberlin’s non-profit received a $60,000 grant from the Tides Foundation, which has become controversial because of its funding from left-wing billionaire Soros. An analysis of database records appears to show the following foundation grants to JTMP:


Farview Foundation ………………………….…… $9,000


Tides Foundation …………………………………. $60,000
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift …..…. $45,000
HKH Foundation ……………………………..……. $20,000
Heinz Family Foundation ………….……..…. $20,000
Olive Branch Foundation …………….……… $15,000
Farview Foundation …………………………… $10,000
Barbra Streisand Foundation …………………$5,000


Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift …..…. $19,000


Threshold Foundation ………………..…..… $20,000
Tides Foundation ………………………….….. $10,000
Nathan Cummings Foundation ………..… $10,000
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift …..…. $20,000
Fred Gellert Family Foundation ……………. $5,000
Silicon Valley Community Foundation ..… $5,000
Barbra Streisand Foundation ……………….. $5,000


Schwab Charitable Fund ………………………. $10,000
Silicon Valley Community Foundation .… $10,000
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift …..…. $6,000

TOTAL (2005-2009) .……………………………$304,000

Kimberlin’s infamous criminal past could scarcely have been a secret to those who funded his organization. Kimberlin became a national political celebrity during the 1988 presidential campaign because of his claim, made while he was still serving time in federal prison, that he had once sold marijuana to Dan Quayle, who was then the Republican candidate for vice president.

Kimberlin offered no proof for that unsubstantiated allegation, but it drew the attention of award-winning journalist Mark Singer. A reporter for the New Yorker, Singer was initially sympathetic to Kimberlin, and the two men split an advance for a book deal to tell Kimberlin’s story. Singer ended the co-authorship deal after he became disillusioned by Kimberlin’s habitual dishonesty. In 1996, Singer published Citizen K: The Deeply Weird American Journey of Brett Kimberlin, which exposed Kimberlin as a “world-class liar” and “first-class con man.”

In fact, according to both Singer and Indianapolis Star reporter Joseph Gelarden, prosecutors suspected a particularly sinister motive for the Speedway Bomber’s terroristic rampage: To distract law enforcement officials who were investigating the July 29, 1978, murder of Julia Scyphers, the grandmother of a pre-teen girl toward whom, Gelarden wrote in 1981, Kimberlin had “strange affection . . . questionable relationship.”

‘Things That Are Not True’

Despite abundant evidence of Kimberlin’s criminality, within five years of his release from federal prison in 2000 — after serving only 17 years of a 50-year sentence — the convicted terrorist was able to receive major funding for his 501(c) tax-exempt activities. Hundreds of thousands of dollars of contributions continued to flow into Kimberlin’s Justice Through Music Project, even after a January 2007 report by Time magazine’s Massimo Calabresi recounted Kimberlin’s past and concluded that Kimberlin was still routinely lying:

In e-mails and Web postings from Kimberlin’s two organizations, Justice Through Music and Velvet Revolution, he intersperses occasionally useful pieces of information about the problems of e-voting with a hefty portion of bunk, repeatedly asserting as fact things that are not true. Kimberlin, in short, is an unlikely candidate to affect an important issue of public policy.

Calabresi’s carefully reported account of “Kimberlin’s grandiosity” and “lack of credibility”apparently did nothing to deter progressive donors and tax-exempt charitable foundations from contributing to Kimberlin’s non-profit, for which 2008 was its best-ever year in terms of revenue. JTMP told the IRS that it was not involved in “campaign activities,” but as Calabresi recounted, Kimberlin gained fame (and attracted major donations) by claiming that Republicans “stole” the 2004 election for President George W. Bush:

The turning point for Kimberlin came with an idea to attract attention. Before the 2004 presidential election, he contacted the wealthy head of a foundation in Ohio who practiced transcendental meditation with Kimberlin’s sister. After the vote, with a pledge from the benefactor, Kimberlin posted on a $100,000 reward for any evidence that the election had been stolen. And things took off. First, the reward attracted blogger Brad Friedman, who then co-founded the netroots voting-reform website with Kimberlin and serves as his face man. The reward attracted other donors (including a politically active relative of mine who last year introduced me to Kimberlin). And it produced several people who claimed to have information on problems with electronic voting. They were prominently displayed on Friedman’s site, Leveraging his website’s popularity, Kimberlin made contact with congressional staff members and other activists, launching coordinated netroots campaigns for the cause.

In what has since become a consistent pattern in his highly partisan online activism, Kimberlin’s accusations of vote fraud by Republicans yielded no substantial result and his headline-generating $100,000 reward offer was never paid. However, Kimberlin gained credibility and prestige because of his partnership with Brad Friedman, who was one of the progressive bloggers most prominently mentioned in a 2005 New York Times article by Jonathan D. Glater, “Liberal Bloggers Reaching Out To Major Media.”

Having failed to prove their repeated assertions that Republicans “stole” the 2004 election, Friedman and Kimberlin moved on to new targets, displaying a canny eye for exploiting liberal obsessions through their claims of “exposing” criminal wrongdoing by high-profile right-wing scapgoats. After a 2009 undercover “sting” by young conservative journalists James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles showed that the left-wing group ACORN was willing to abet prostitution, the Friedman-Kimberlin non-profit Velvet Revolution called on Maryland officials to file felony charges against O’Keefe and Giles.

The Freidman-Kimberlin group’s July 2010 attack on two young reporters — whose work successfully launched Breitbart’s site in September 2009 — drew attention from another Breitbart project, In October 2010, journalist Mandy Nagy (writing as “Liberty Chick”) filed a 3,600-word account of Kimberlin’s criminal career, which concluded by asking:

While the left-wing media spends countless hours of its production time trying to create the picture of impropriety around topics like American Crossroads and Andrew Breitbart, why not spend even just one hour researching the groups accusing such impropriety?
Will anyone come out and repudiate their association with a convicted terrorist?

Nagy’s heavily-documented article evidently inspired an 1,110-word report by Ed Barnes of Fox News a week later:

Using two popular leftist blogs, the 56-year-old from Bethesda, Md., has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars from the public and left-leaning foundations by promising to put conservatives he disagrees with in jail, often with offers of large rewards. So far — without success — he has called for the arrest of Karl Rove, Andrew Breitbart, Chamber of Commerce head Tom Donohue, Massey Energy Chairman Don Blankenship and other high-profile public figures.
A review of tax filings for Kimberlin’s blogs, “Velvet Revolution” and “Justice Through Music,” raises troubling questions about whether his “nonprofit” operations are dedicated to public activism — or are just a new facade for a longtime con artist.

The reports by Nagy and Barnes, however, were evidently ignored by most major national news organizations, and even most conservative journalists — who in October 2010 were focused on the mid-term election campaign — seemed to overlook the significance of Kimberlin and Friedman’s activities. Yet several bloggers, including the Patterico site where Walker spent a year as co-blogger under the penname Aaron Worthing, continued monitoring Kimberlin’s activities, including his legal actions against conservative New Media activists.

Criminal Kimberlin and ‘Hacker’ Rauhauser

Meanwhile, Kimberlin says he became an “associate” of Rauhauser, a Democrat campaign consultant whose client list includes Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-Arizona). Rauhauser gained notoriety in 2010 after Tea Party activists say he organized an online conspiracy to harass them on the social-networking site Twitter. Rauhauser evidently recruited to his so-called “Beandogs” group a number of vicious characters using aliases to send grossly obscene Twitter messages aimed at Tea Party supporters, as I reported at the time:

A self-described Internet “hacker,” Rauhauser had nevertheless been treated as a respected member of the progressive online community, with blogging privileges at the influential Daily Kos site, which invited Rauhauser to be a featured speaker at its 2010 “Netroots Nation” conference. In July 2011, however, Rauhauser’s Daily Kos privileges were terminated after he repeatedly engaged in smear attacks against a fellow contributor, liberal journalist Ron Bryaert. Three months later, on Oct. 18, 2011, Breitbart sent a Twitter message saying that connections between Rauhauser, Friedman and “their convicted domestic terrorist pal, Brett Kimberlin need exposure.” Breitbart died of a heart attack at age 43 on March 1, less than three hours after he engaged in an extended Twitter exchange with Rauhauser, which ended with this message from Breitbart: “Are Mark Rasch or Kevin Zeese your attorneys? If so, create a better working relationship with them.”

Kimberlin continued an escalating series of attacks on conservative bloggers, including Los Angeles County deputy district attorney Patrick “Patterico” Frey, who tops a list labeled “Breitbart Crew” at a Web site, “Breitbart Unmasked,” which Frey and his former blog contributor Walker say they believe is operated and/or funded by Kimberlin, Friedman, Rauhauser or their associates.

Neither Republican Party officials nor GOP members of Congress have shown any interest in the activities of Kimberlin and his associates, despite the fact that these activities appear to be an election-year effort aimed at harassing and intimidating conservative New Media activists who are attempting to counteract what Breitbart called the “Democrat Media Complex.” No Republican elected official has yet called for an investigation of whether activities by Kimberlin, Friedman and Rauhauser — which some observers attribute to partisan political motives — are being funded through tax-exempt money obtained under the guise of 501(c)3 “civil rights” and “social action.”

Since 2005, Kimberlin’s tax-exempt organization has raked in at least $1.8 million (JTMP’s 2011 IRS forms are not yet publicly available online), a remarkable total for a convicted felon who in 1981 was sentenced to 50 years in federal prison for one of the most notorious criminal rampages in Indiana history. The fact that Kimberlin appears to be especially targeting bloggers who have reported on his infamous reputation as a violent and dishonest criminal suggests the possibility that his “progressive activism” is actually an attempt to suppress the truth about his sociopathic tendencies by silencing his critics.

Law-enforcement records and extensive reporting by a host of journalists — including Gelarden, Singer, Calabresi, Nagy and Barnes — clearly document Kimberlin’s propensity for criminal acts of deceit and violence. Now, along with his accomplices Brad Friedman and self-described computer “hacker” Neal Rauhauser, the violent terrorist Kimberlin is apparently engaged in what his targets describe as an effort to hijack the court system to destroy his chosen enemies. His critics say they suspect Kimberlin’s attacks are not merely political activism, but an attempt to prevent exposure of his own nefarious conduct through a type of “lawfare,” which is defined as “the illegitimate use of domestic or international law with the intention of damaging an opponent, winning a public relations victory, financially crippling an opponent, or tying up the opponent’s time so that they cannot pursue other ventures such as running for public office.”

Renewed public attention to Kimberlin’s activities has begun, after Aaron Walker published his shocking account of his courtroom encounter with Kimberlin. Walker has urged his readers to demand an investigation of Kimberlin’s activities, including what Walker describes as a criminal attempt to “frame” him on an assault charge.

UPDATE: Suspicion that the “Breitbart Unmasked” site is operated by Kimberlin is inspired by the site’s apparent obsession with bloggers who criticize Kimberlin. In one such post (no link, for reasons that should be obvious) “Breitbart Unmasked” makes this assertion:

Patterico and Andrew Breitbart . . . started a years long campaign to destroy Mr. Kimberlin using a 34 year old criminal case against him when he was a young man, despite Mr. Kimberlin changing his life and working for charitable causes for decades.

Kimberlin was 27 years old when he was convicted of multiple federal felonies which, as the Indianapolis Star reported at the time, carried a maximum penalty of more than 20o years in prison.

The only “charitable causes” for which Kimberlin has worked, so far as I am aware, are those in which he himself has a financial interest. As he has only been out of federal prison since 2000, the claim that Kimberlin has been engaged in “charitable causes for decades” would seem self-evidently false.

In fact, Kimberlin’s persistent penchant for falsehoods is another coincidental similarity to the “Bretibart Unmasked” site, whose Twitter account has denied being operated by Kimberlin. As Indianapolis Star reporter Joe Gelarden, who covered the “Speedway Bomber” case, told Time magazine’s Massimo Calabresi in 2007:

I remember a few things about Brett that give me great pause.
First, he was convicted of perjury — in federal court — before he got out of high school. Think about that for a moment.

A notorious criminal, who was called a “top-flight con man” by award-winning journalist Mark Singer, Kimberlin has gotten $1.8 million in tax-exempt contributions since 2005.

UPDATE II: The Lonely Conservative asks:

Why the Heck is Fidelity Investments
Giving Funds to a Convicted Felon?

Certainly an interesting question, in light of how suspected domestic terrorism is in the news again today. (Hat-tip: Memeorandum.)

UPDATE III (Smitty): welcome, Instapundit readers!



146 Responses to “Domestic Terrorist Now Using ‘Lawfare’? Convicted Felon Kimberlin’s 501(c)3 Raised $1.8 Million in Six Years
UPDATE: ‘Convicted of Perjury’”

  1. Stalking the Blogosphere – BlogBurst Friday for Free Speech
    May 23rd, 2012 @ 4:13 pm

    […] From The Other McCain: FROM AN UNDISCLOSED LOCATION Convicted terrorist Brett Kimberlin on Monday continued his effort to silence those who write about his criminal past by contacting my wife’s employer, claiming that I was “harassing” him. The resulting security concern required immediate relocation if I was to be able to continue writing about the case of Kimberlin, a violent felon, perjurer and admitted tax cheat who is employed as the director of a 501(c)3 non-profit that has collected $1.8 million in contributions since 2005. […]

  2. Brett Kimberlin — sue me, please « Absolute Moral Authority
    May 24th, 2012 @ 2:38 am

    […] is where it gets fun. Federal tax forms filed by convicted terrorist Brett Kimberlin’s tax-exempt non-profit Justice […]

  3. Datechguy's Blog » Blog Archive » “immediately recognized it as newsworthy” Why Stacy McCain matters » Datechguy's Blog
    May 24th, 2012 @ 9:16 am

    […] me however when looking at this 9th post since May 17th Stacy has written on Kimberlin, posts that have forced him to relocated both himself and his family for their […]

  4. Lying Felon Can’t Stop Lying : The Other McCain
    May 24th, 2012 @ 3:00 pm

    […] From Streisand, $20,000 from John Kerry’s WifeMay 18: Who Warned Us About Brett Kimberlin?May 19: Domestic Terrorist Now Using ‘Lawfare’? Convicted Felon Kimberlin’s 501(c)3 Raised $1.8 Millio…May 20: Deadline Loometh, and the Raven Is Croaking Brett Kimberlin’s NameMay 20: ‘Other […]

  5. Violent Convicted Terrorist Bomber Given Million$ by Progressives Now Terrorizes Bloggers | Zilla of the Resistance at
    May 24th, 2012 @ 5:41 pm

    […] May 19: Domestic Terrorist Now Using ‘Lawfare’? Convicted Felon Kimberlin’s 501(c)3 Raised $1.8 Millio… […]

  6. Stacy McCain’s Name Is Not On An Award, But Smitty’s Is : The Other McCain
    May 24th, 2012 @ 8:09 pm

    […] From Streisand, $20,000 from John Kerry’s WifeMay 18: Who Warned Us About Brett Kimberlin?May 19: Domestic Terrorist Now Using ‘Lawfare’? Convicted Felon Kimberlin’s 501(c)3 Raised $1.8 Millio…May 20: Deadline Loometh, and the Raven Is Croaking Brett Kimberlin’s NameMay 20: ‘Other […]

  7. A little story about Brett Kimberlin… « Sarahisms…
    May 24th, 2012 @ 10:53 pm

    […] thousands of dollars, mostly in the form of donations from many well-known democrat players, like Barbara Streisand, the Heinz Kerry Foundation and more.  This man has made in excess of 1.8 million dollars between 2005-2010, enough to at least make […]

  8. Free speech roundup - Overlawyered
    May 25th, 2012 @ 12:45 am

    […] a longtime Charles Schwab customer I was at first distressed to find the Schwab Charitable Fund on this list, but since the fund is billed as “donor-advised” I take it some Schwab customer rather […]

  9. Bookworm Room » Hurrah! It’s Everybody Blog About #BrettKimberlin Day
    May 25th, 2012 @ 1:13 am

    […] As McCain explains, Kimberlin is “employed as the director of a 501(c)3 non-profit that has collected $1.8 million in contributions since 2005.”  Indeed, Kimberlin has a lot of interesting contacts: Kimberlin is a known associate of […]

  10. Meet Soros-Funded Domestic Terrorist Brett Kimberlin Whose ‘Job’ Is Terrorizing Bloggers Into Silence | Being 1732
    May 25th, 2012 @ 2:31 am

    […] young people about the importance of civil rights, human rights and voting.” Since 2005, JTM collected $1.8 million in contributions from an illustrious list of donors including the George Soros-funded Tides Foundation, liberal […]

  11. The Strange Case of Brett Kimberlin and Robert Stacey McCain
    May 25th, 2012 @ 4:01 am

    […] even wrote a detailed article about why members of the Left would associate with a convicted felon and even donate money to Mr. […]

  12. Tides Foundation Funded Domestic Terrorist Brett Kimberlin Is Terrorizing Bloggers. Where Is the Outcry? |
    May 25th, 2012 @ 6:34 am

    […] young people about the importance of civil rights, human rights and voting.” Since 2005, JTM collected $1.8 million in contributions from an illustrious list of donors including the George Soros-funded Tides Foundation, liberal […]

  13. Liberals’ Money Better Spent Elsewhere « 'Cause I Said So…
    May 25th, 2012 @ 8:18 am
  14. Who Is Brett Kimberlin, Why You Need To Know and The Biggest Linkaround EVAH! | All American Blogger
    May 25th, 2012 @ 9:44 am

    […] The Other McCain: Domestic Terrorist Now Using ‘Lawfare’? Convicted Felon Kimberlin’s 501(c)3 Raised $1.8 […]

  15. Everyone Blog About Brett Kimberlin Day | The Right Sphere
    May 25th, 2012 @ 10:41 am

    […] continue to receive money from liberal funding sources like the Tides Foundation. Since 2005, JTM collected $1.8 million in contributions from an illustrious list of donors including the George Soros-funded Tides Foundation, liberal […]

  16. Today is a day we stand up for Free Speech. « Stix Blog Backup
    May 25th, 2012 @ 11:07 am

    […] 5/19/12: The Other McCain: Domestic Terrorist Now Using ‘Lawfare’? Convicted Felon Kimberlin’s 501(c)3 Raised $1.8 Million in Six Years UPDATE: ‘Convicted of Perjury’ […]

  17. Meet Soros-Funded Domestic Terrorist Brett Kimberlin Whose ‘Job’ is Terrorizing Bloggers Into Silence – John Malcolm
    May 25th, 2012 @ 11:16 am

    […] young people about the importance of civil rights, human rights and voting.” Since 2005, JTM collected $1.8 million in contributions from an illustrious list of donors including the George Soros-funded Tides Foundation, liberal […]

  18. Progressive-Backed ‘Speedway Bomber’ Brett Kimberlin Commits Legal Terrorism
    May 25th, 2012 @ 11:52 am

    […] to mention heavy emotional costs, upon detractors using a tactic sometimes referred to as “lawfare.” Among those who have been caught in his crosshairs of late are mentioned by Michelle Malkin […]

  19. SOROS and Liberal Funded Brett Kimberlin Must be Stopped….. «
    May 25th, 2012 @ 12:03 pm

    […] young people about the importance of civil rights, human rights and voting.” Since 2005, JTM collected $1.8 million in contributions from an illustrious list of donors including the George Soros-funded Tides Foundation, liberal […]

    May 25th, 2012 @ 12:05 pm

    […] young people about the importance of civil rights, human rights and voting.” Since 2005, JTM collected $1.8 million in contributions from an illustrious list of donors including the George Soros-funded Tides Foundation, liberal […]

  21. Why Does the Left Continually Support Violent Psychos Like Brett Kimberlin? « Granite State Independent
    May 25th, 2012 @ 12:55 pm

    […] McCain also has a lengthy description of this Democrat psycho Kimberlin: Kimberlin’s infamous criminal past could scarcely have been a secret to those who funded his […]

  22. Conservative Bloggers – Don’t Have a Spirit of Fear « PBN – News, Opinion, Truth & YOU!
    May 25th, 2012 @ 1:20 pm

    […] unchecked This story has never been reported on in the mainstream media Other bloggers like Robert Stacy McCain are legitimately fearful for their safety and the safety of their family members. Thus far, […]

  23. Holding Political Terrorist Brett Kimberlin Accountable « Franklin Center
    May 25th, 2012 @ 4:12 pm

    […] account of Brett Kimberlin’s destruction. Patterico is not alone: Aaron Worthing, Stacy McCain, and Liberty Chick have all been subject to attacks from Kimberlin. McCain was even forced out of […]

  24. Brett Kimberlin: Domestic terrorist? Are YOU next? | IS
    May 25th, 2012 @ 7:01 pm

    […] Domestic Terrorist Now Using ‘Lawfare’? Convicted Felon Kimberlin’s 501(c)3 Raised $1.8 Millio… UPDATE: ‘Convicted of Perjury’ […]

  25. Anonymous
    May 25th, 2012 @ 7:04 pm

    […] […]

  26. Happy “Everyone blog about Brett Kimberlin day!” at Haemet
    May 25th, 2012 @ 7:19 pm

    […] He was convicted of the bombings and sentenced to fifty years in prison, but was released after serving less than a third of the sentence. Even more inexplicably, Kimberlin is now the director of a 501(c)(3). […]

  27. Meet Soros-Funded Domestic Terrorist Brett Kimberlin Whose ‘Job’ Is Terrorizing Bloggers Into Silence | Tennesseans Watching Federal & State Government
    May 26th, 2012 @ 12:17 am

    […] young people about the importance of civil rights, human rights and voting.” Since 2005, JTM collected $1.8 million in contributions from an illustrious list of donors including the George Soros-funded Tides Foundation, liberal […]

  28. I love the smell of *Kimberlin in the morning « Absolute Moral Authority
    May 26th, 2012 @ 4:52 am

    […] convicted terrorist bomber/drug dealer turned liberal activist and recipient of millions in 501(c) money would never resort to tactics like […]

  29. Weekend Link Love – Domestic Terrorist Brett Kimberlin Edition | All American Blogger
    May 26th, 2012 @ 7:43 am

    […] The Other McCain: Domestic Terrorist Now Using ‘Lawfare’? Convicted Felon Kimberlin’s 501(c)3 Raised $1.8 […]

  30. Soros-funded Domestic Terrorist attacking Conservative Bloggers into silence! | The Right Of Way
    May 26th, 2012 @ 8:34 am

    […] young people about the importance of civil rights, human rights and voting.” Since 2005, JTM collected $1.8 million in contributions from an illustrious list of donors including the George Soros-funded Tides Foundation, liberal […]

  31. Meet Soros-Funded Domestic Terrorist Brett Kimberlin Whose ‘Job’ Is Terrorizing Bloggers Into Silence | An American Discussion
    May 26th, 2012 @ 11:59 am

    […] young people about the importance of civil rights, human rights and voting.” Since 2005, JTM collected $1.8 million in contributions from an illustrious list of donors including the George Soros-funded Tides Foundation, liberal […]

  32. Meet Soros-Funded Domestic Terrorist Brett Kimberlin Whose ‘Job’ Is Terrorizing Bloggers Into Silence | An American Discussion
    May 26th, 2012 @ 11:59 am

    […] young people about the importance of civil rights, human rights and voting.” Since 2005, JTM collected $1.8 million in contributions from an illustrious list of donors including the George Soros-funded Tides Foundation, liberal […]

  33. Kimberlin v. Walker Hearing Scheduled: 8:30 a.m. Tuesday in Rockville, Maryland : The Other McCain
    May 26th, 2012 @ 4:47 pm

    […] From Streisand, $20,000 from John Kerry’s WifeMay 18: Who Warned Us About Brett Kimberlin?May 19: Domestic Terrorist Now Using ‘Lawfare’? Convicted Felon Kimberlin’s 501(c)3 Raised $1.8 Millio…May 20: Deadline Loometh, and the Raven Is Croaking Brett Kimberlin’s NameMay 20: ‘Other […]

  34. Ugly Truths about Convicted “Speedway Bomber” & Leftwing Thug Activist Brett Kimberlin’s Efforts to Silence Conservatives (video) « Frugal Café Blog Zone
    May 26th, 2012 @ 5:27 pm

    […] Music. The most interesting thing about this non-profit is who is on the list of its donors. The Other McCain wrote about this list and is one reason he is in hiding. The list reads like a Who’s Who of […]

  35. Meet Soros-Funded Domestic Terrorist Brett Kimberlin Whose ‘Job’ Is Terrorizing Bloggers Into Silence | We Win - They Lose
    May 26th, 2012 @ 11:40 pm

    […] young people about the importance of civil rights, human rights and voting.” Since 2005, JTM collected $1.8 million in contributions from an illustrious list of donors including the George Soros-funded Tides Foundation, liberal […]

  36. Brett Kimberlin’s Heiress Aunt Helping Fund His Tax-Exempt Harassment : The Other McCain
    May 27th, 2012 @ 5:32 pm

    […] which contributed $20,000 to Kimberlin’s Justice Through Music Project in 2008, according to database research I reported May 19.The Threshold Foundation was founded by a group of wealthy devotees of environmentalism and […]

  37. Brett Kimberlin being bankrolled by his wealthy aunt? UPDATED! Did Erick Erickson get swatted? « The Daley Gator
    May 27th, 2012 @ 8:55 pm

    […] Harriet Crosby, 66, reportedly an heiress to the General Mills fortune, was one of the original donors to the Threshold Foundation, which contributed $20,000 to Kimberlin’s Justice Through Music Project in 2008, according to database research I reported May 19. […]

  38. AmeriKAZAM » Blog Archive » The New Left is the Old Left: SWATting
    May 28th, 2012 @ 1:28 am

    […] of $1.8 million dollars to “get out the vote” through his non-profit organization funded by Darth Soros and John Kerry (through Heinz) among others.  The catch?  He’s a known domestic terrorist who blew the legs off Viet Nam […]

  39. Somebody Tell Nina Totenberg Her Buddy Brett Kimberlin Is Making News : The Other McCain
    May 28th, 2012 @ 1:02 pm

    […] From Streisand, $20,000 from John Kerry’s WifeMay 18: Who Warned Us About Brett Kimberlin?May 19: Domestic Terrorist Now Using ‘Lawfare’? Convicted Felon Kimberlin’s 501(c)3 Raised $1.8 Millio…May 20: Deadline Loometh, and the Raven Is Croaking Brett Kimberlin’s NameMay 20: ‘Other […]

  40. The American Spectator : Terror by Any Other Name
    May 29th, 2012 @ 10:22 am

    […] The story was convoluted and hard to explain, however, and it took me nine hours to write a 2,400-word synopsis on May 19. In the meantime, I learned that Breitbart had warned less than six months before his death about […]

  41. REPORT: Aaron Walker Arrested After Maryland Hearing on Kimberlin Case : The Other McCain
    May 29th, 2012 @ 3:21 pm

    […] From Streisand, $20,000 from John Kerry’s WifeMay 18: Who Warned Us About Brett Kimberlin?May 19: Domestic Terrorist Now Using ‘Lawfare’? Convicted Felon Kimberlin’s 501(c)3 Raised $1.8 Millio…May 20: Deadline Loometh, and the Raven Is Croaking Brett Kimberlin’s NameMay 20: ‘Other […]

  42. Donald Douglas going in after the rails of Brett Kimberlin’s Tax-Exempt Crazy Train « The Daley Gator
    May 30th, 2012 @ 11:05 pm

    […] And while Brett Kimberlin’s organization is much smaller than DVNF, according to Robert Stacy McCain:  Federal tax forms filed by convicted terrorist Brett Kimberlin’s tax-exempt non-profit Justice […]

  43. Aaron Walker Court Hearing Confirms Kimberlin-Rauhauser Collaboration : The Other McCain
    May 31st, 2012 @ 10:45 am

    […] — a description that might fit Kimberlin, whose 501(c)3 Justice Through Music Project has collected about $1.8 million in contributions since its founding in 2005.If indeed Kimberlin is now a “client” of Rauhauser, this […]

  44. Violent Convicted Terrorist Bomber Given Million$ by Progressives Now Terrorizes Bloggers – Updated « Femininican
    June 1st, 2012 @ 6:45 am

    […] May 19: Domestic Terrorist Now Using ‘Lawfare’? Convicted Felon Kimberlin’s 501(c)3 Raised $1.8 Millio… […]

  45. Radicals Justify Their Evil by Invoking Their Presumed Moral Superiority : The Other McCain
    June 2nd, 2012 @ 2:50 am

    […] From Streisand, $20,000 from John Kerry’s WifeMay 18: Who Warned Us About Brett Kimberlin?May 19: Domestic Terrorist Now Using ‘Lawfare’? Convicted Felon Kimberlin’s 501(c)3 Raised $1.8 Millio…May 20: Deadline Loometh, and the Raven Is Croaking Brett Kimberlin’s NameMay 20: ‘Other […]

  46. When Neal Rauhauser Complained About ‘Menacing’ and ‘Cyberstalking’ : The Other McCain
    June 2nd, 2012 @ 10:32 am

    […] From Streisand, $20,000 from John Kerry’s WifeMay 18: Who Warned Us About Brett Kimberlin?May 19: Domestic Terrorist Now Using ‘Lawfare’? Convicted Felon Kimberlin’s 501(c)3 Raised $1.8 Millio…May 20: Deadline Loometh, and the Raven Is Croaking Brett Kimberlin’s NameMay 20: ‘Other […]
