The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Somebody Tell Nina Totenberg Her Buddy Brett Kimberlin Is Making News Again

“The tale-teller was a short fellow who needed to be looked up to, who consistently sought relationships with females much younger than himself, who could boast to an eighteen-year-old woman he’d just met on a bus that he was ‘one of the strongest men in the world.’” — Mark Singer, Citizen K: The Deeply Weird […]

Meghan, You Ignorant Slut

“Last week, I went on Al Sharpton’s MSNBC show PoliticsNation to talk about extremism in the Republican Party. As a socially liberal Republican, this happens to be a topic I know a lot about. On the show, I told Sharpton that many Republicans treat me like a freak, especially the extreme-right members of my party. […]


FROM AN UNDISCLOSED LOCATION The news reached me by phone tonight, just as I was trying to get to sleep: Someone has targeted Red State’s Erick Erickson with the same dangerous hoax that had previously been used against Patterico. UPDATE: Erickson writes at Red State: Last week we spent a lot of time writing about […]

Brett Kimberlin’s Heiress Aunt Helping Fund His Tax-Exempt Harassment

FROM AN UNDISCLOSED LOCATION Convicted felon Brett Kimberlin is the nephew of a wealthy Maryland woman who has contributed to a foundation that helped fund a 501(c)3 organization of which Kimberlin is the director. Kimberlin’s activities have recently attracted widespread attention because of his attempts to intimidate and harass bloggers who wrote about his criminal history. Harriet Crosby, 66, reportedly […]

The Mighty Scott Adams

by Smitty Nails Socialism in a panel: Amazing how the “nobody wins unless everybody wins” mentality means that failure is the new success.

Brett Kimberlin Really Hates Racists, Eh?

“For three months, Kimberlin resided at the federal prison in prison in Terra Haute, Indiana, in a unit reserved for convicts awaiting long-term assignments to other institutions. . . . He had resisted a sexual predator by tossing powdered chlorine cleanser in his face. The predator was African American, Kimberlin told me, and as he […]

S.E. Cupp Photoshop Was Foul; What About Roseanne’s Glasses?

by Smitty This blog was distracted by the #BrettKimberlin story and caring for a 10-month-old, respectively. So we’re just catching up with Really Important Things, like the tawdry attack on S.E. Cupp in Hustler. As if Newsweek needed any more pornographic ideas for its covers. Green Party presidential hopeful and all around ignis obscurus Roseann […]

Only Another 21 Or So ‘Worst Weeks Ever’

by Smitty . . .until Americans can tell BHO just how much we love him, with finality. Via Red Alexandria. I can only predict the news will get weirder between now and then. Hayward at Human Events: What I believe we are seeing here is the beginning of a “preference cascade,” a term made popular […]

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