The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The New O-Phone Is Here!

Many people are excited about Apple’s latest upgrade to the iPhone, but this Obama voter was even more excited about the free phone she got because (she says) of President Obama: Rush Limbaugh says this is the “new model citizen,” and liberals have predictably rushed to condemn this as RAAAAACIST: The Obama Phone video belongs to […]


— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS Netanyahu’s Bomb Explodes On The Internet As Israeli PM schools the UN, internet argues: stroke of genius or cheap gimmick? Kenya Attacks Last Stronghold Of Somali Jihadis Amphibious assault puts troops ashore at port city of Kismayo Goldman Sachs Coughs Up $14 Million In Pay-To-Play Fines Hiring former Massachusetts […]

E-Mail to a Troll

More than 15 years have passed since I first read Thomas Sowell’s brilliant book, The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulation as a Basis for Social Policy. Few things have ever made such a profound impression on me as Sowell’s analysis of liberalism as a philosophy rooted in the liberal’s narcissistic desire to believe he is the […]

VIDEO: AFP’s Jen Ridgely Talks About ‘Obama’s Failing Agenda’ Ohio Bus Tour

FINDLAY, Ohio Why is Americans for Prosperity such an awesome organization? Because of their awesome people, that’s why. Today at AFP’s “Hands Off Our Health Care Rally” in Findlay — part of their “Failing Agenda” bus tour — I interviewed communications staffer Jennifer Ridgely, whose job title was way overdue for an upgrade:

Overarching Assumptions Behind Zombie’s Five Falsies

by Smitty Great post, via Insty, by Zombie, on five bogus assumptions behind the polls: This entire strategy, which dominates the 2012 election even more than it dominated earlier campaigns, is based on some amateurish assumptions about mass psychology that have never been proven, or even tested. I find it extremely odd that no one […]

Get on the Bus! AFP Leads ‘Obama’s Failing Agenda Tour’ Across Ohio

FINDLAY, Ohio By one of those strange flukes of luck, my buddy Nathan Martin got in touch with me yesterday to tell me that Americans for Prosperity’s “Obama’s Failing Agenda” bus tour of Ohio would be in the area today. So I met up with them in Perrysburg and rode the bus down I-75 to Findlay, […]

LIVE AT FIVE: 09.27.12

— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS Jack Nicklaus, Mike Rowe Join Romney In Appeal To Ohio’s Blue-Collar Voters Is Ohio’s improving job situation undercutting Romney’s message on the economy? Obama Takes World Stage At UN to Fend Off Romney Attacks Defends foreign policy in speech to UN Sanctions On Burma Imports To Be Relaxed SecState […]

Nudge, Nudge, Wink, Wink

by Smitty Say. No. More!

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