The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

BREAKING: Lightworker Astride Unicorn Transcends Space-Time Continuum

“Obama: Anatomy of a World Leader,” by Alex Gray (detail) “Difficult as it may now be to recall, there were once ‘spiritually advanced people’ who looked at this Chicago machine politician and saw ‘a Lightworker, that rare kind of attuned being . . . who can actually help usher in a new way of being […]

If We Had Wanted an Obama-Hugging Sellout, Charlie Crist Would Be a Senator

Marco Rubio leading the RINO Squish Amnesty Parade? After so many conservatives personally vouched for Marco’s bona fides as The Real Deal? Meet the new Boss, same as the old Boss: Hey, did someone set the clock back six years in Washington? Because today looks a hell of a lot like the dawn of the […]

Let’s Give Hillary A LeBon

by Smitty The Washington Examiner has some head ‘sploding details: A new petition on calls on the [Nobel] committee to present the prize to Hillary for her work around the world for President Obama and Bill Clinton for his post-presidential international involvement. “President and Mrs. Clinton have had a lasting impact upon promoting peace […]

LIVE AT FIVE: 01.28.13

— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS Over 200 Dead In Brazilian Dance Club Fire Fire started when the band set off fireworks With Economic Problems Solved, Focus Turns To Immigration [/sarc] Also, Obama’s cabinet picks Press Already Drooling Over Prospect Of Biden, Clinton In 2016 Jay Carney got this right: “For the sake and sanity […]

Apparently, John McCain Doesn’t Think He’s Done Enough Yet to Destroy the GOP

During Saturday’s panel on immigration at the National Review Summit, Mark Krikorian of the Center for Immigration Studies made the point that a Republican-backed “comprehensiive” bill would not only fail to win Hispanic support for the GOP, but would actually hurt the party. If any such bill becomes law, Obama and the Democrats would take credit for its […]

Rule 5 Sunday: Neuronengesang

— compiled by Wombat-socho Some of the following links may be NSFW. If clicking on them would get you in trouble with the wife/boss/SO/fellow workers/kids, maybe you shouldn’t oughta. Subject to Change debuts with a nice assortment of pics, Bring The Heat Bring The Stupid returns with Jessica Chastain, Eye of Polyphemus does likewise with […]

Neo-Confederate Judges? Who Knew?

Why did Scott Lemieux reach for the “neo-Confederate” epithet (he clearly means it as such) to describe the three federal judges who ruled against President Obama’s recess appointments to the National Labor Relations Board? I’m old enough to remember when liberals claimed to oppose the “imperial presidency,” but I suppose that was because Nixon was […]

Hawkins: 15 Lies Of Liberalism

by Smitty A great article by John Hawkins: 9) …liberals want unity and bipartisanship, which they apparently believe they can accomplish by spewing pure hatred and smearing, demonizing, threatening, and lying about anyone who disagrees with them. 10) …it’s going to deliver equality of outcomes for everyone, which is true, if by “delivering equality of […]

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