The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Homophobia: Pathology or Tautology?

Posted on | December 16, 2013 | 69 Comments

A good friend, who spent many years as an active lesbian, but then met and married a man, becoming a Christian wife and mother, absolutely hates the word “homophobia.”

The implied psychiatric diagnosis — that the person so labeled has an irrational fear or hatred of homosexuals — is absurd, and can probably be best understood as an act of revenge: Whereas the psychiatric community for decades categorized homosexuality as a mental illness, now gay activists seek payback by accusing heterosexuals of being in the throes of an abnormal psychological reaction.


Hustle me no hustles and scam me no scams.

Only people with an idolatrous reverence for the ideological abstraction of “equality” — people willing to discard common sense and ignore plain facts of real life — could be fooled by this humbug. I don’t care if public opinion polls show that a majority of Americans are the kind of total chumps who are the natural prey of Nigerian scam spammers, you’re not going to run that kind of flimsy con on me.

Exactly who are the “experts” delivering these categorical diagnoses? What are their credentials? What is the basis of their authority to declare the most venerable traditions of Anglo-American law and Judeo-Christian morality a species of madness?

To wit: Who the fuck is Mark Joseph Stern?

Can a person oppose equal rights for gay people and not be, in some fundamental way, a homophobe? The answer seems to me to be a pretty obvious no. Opposition to gay marriage isn’t just some abstract principle with little practical effect. It’s a harmful belief with real-world consequences, and it has contributed immeasurable pain, sorrow, and suffering to the lives of gay people throughout history.

Hyperbole much? Stern blames the “suffering . . . of gay people throughout history” on opponents of a policy that had few if any advocates until the past couple of decades.

Of course, during most of human history (and for many millions of people even today), our entire Western notion of democratic “rights” had no meaning. But one can generally endorse the idea of democracy and the concept of individual rights without embracing the radical egalitarian mania to which Stern has evidently succumbed.

Men and women are fundamentally different. Therefore, the difference between heterosexuality and homosexuality cannot be wished away, as if it were irrelevant and, indeed, one might observe that male and female homosexuals are at least as different from each other as either of them are from heterosexuals. In fact, the “born that way” claims of biological determinism for homosexuality (employed as the premise of making homosexuality analogous to race, in terms of civil rights law) would seem to directly contradict the claims of feminists that the inherent biological differences between male and female are meaningless.

So which is it, egalitarians? Would you have us accept the biology-means-nothing argument for androgynous sexual equality, or would you have us accept the biology-is-everything argument that gay people are born with same-sex attraction? Perhaps you can reconcile the two claims, but forgive my street-smart skeptical hunch that you’re just being disingenuously opportunistic.

People need to wise up to these intellectual scams, and not let themselves be bamboozled by egalitarian con artists.



69 Responses to “Homophobia: Pathology or Tautology?”

  1. richard mcenroe
    December 17th, 2013 @ 8:43 am

    No, it’s not just their sexuality, because once they get an acknowledgment that they are free from criticism for their gay lifetstyle, they turn it into a magic wand/Louisville Slugger against every other form of criticism: “You’re only firing me for embezzlement because I’m GAY! H8ER!”

  2. tlk244182
    December 17th, 2013 @ 10:06 am

    Where’s Sen. Jesse Helms, NTWNH?

  3. Wilmotthesecond
    December 17th, 2013 @ 10:33 am

    You define yourself as a “decent person”? LOL! So, you’re an arrogant piece of trash on top of everything else. No my dear, you are not decent. You are a hateful, foul thing, with an extreme prejudice against people you don’t even know, unless of course, and I suspect I’m right, you’re a “reformed” homosexual(no such thing and hence why Exodus shut it’s doors)and you’re unsuccessfully trying to hide your true identity.

    And let’s talk about the real Nazis and not the one’s in your head or the ones who are the creation of the anti-LGBT movement.

    Himmler on homosexuals:

    I would like to develop a couple of ideas for you on the question of homosexuality. There are those homosexuals who take the view: what I do is my business, a purely private matter. However, all things which take place in the sexual sphere are not the private affair of the individual, but signify the life and death of the nation, signify world power or ‘swissification’. The people which has many children has the candidature for world power and world domination. A people of good race which has too few children has a one-way ticket to the grave, for insignificance in fifty or a hundred years, for burial in two hundred and fifty years …

    Sounds like he has the same attitude toward the homosexual community as you do? Now it’s quite possible there were gay members of the Nazi party, much like there are gays in evey other facet of society, but it’s quite different to be gay and support gay civil rights and quite another to be a homosexual and work against the interests of homosexuals as a group. I would put you in the latter group also. 🙂

  4. Alessandra
    December 17th, 2013 @ 10:50 am

    “You are a hateful, foul thing, with an extreme prejudice against people you don’t even know,”

    I see that you insist on projecting your repugnant profile on decent people! You are just a piece trash with an extreme hatred of people you don’t even know or hate because they aren’t perverts like yourself.

    Let’s talk about the real Nazis – especially the real ones you love to lie about:

    By all accounts, Hitler had quite a perverse sexuality mind
    himself, and he was very, very cozy with people with a homosexual problem. So much so, that perhaps what we can call his best friend for years, the immensely powerful SA chief Enrst Rohm, was a virulent
    homosexual zealot. Did Hitler choose a Jew to be the head of his vicious SA? A Gypsy? No way. He chose a homosexual, who jumped up at the opportunity, because they had been such good friends for such a long time.
    Let’s not forget that Rohm was a fanatical homosexual like so many current liberals. We need to highlight just how many homosexuals were in existence among the Nazis and how many people they terrorized, murdered, raped, and
    tortured. I don’t do that, but Nazi homosexuals did.

    And current LGBTs do a lot of violence and harm in the world. So who has more in common with the Nazis? Obviously the LGBT “community.”

    And really, how much harm and violence has our little virulent, deformed Wilmotthesecond done in his life, we wonder?

  5. Dana
    December 17th, 2013 @ 12:12 pm

    For Alessandra: Attack of the Heterophobes!

  6. TheLibertine
    December 17th, 2013 @ 12:32 pm

    The Nazis I love to “lie” about? So, you’re saying the Nazi party didn’t jail, persecute, and murder homosexuals when all evidence says they did? Really? Then you’re a holocaust denier on top of being arrogant and hateful.

    Ernst Roem was murdered by the regime in 1934 and part of the reason for that was in fact his homosexuality which Hitler(the real Hitler and not the one you’ve created)found repugnant. Two, Roem, was not a “homosexual activist” he was just a Nazi who happened to be gay and that’s about it. Nazi policy toward homosexuals was that they were a threat to society, and because of that were persecuted jailed and murdered. There is no question about this whether or not a gay man was a member of the SS. Gay men serve in the US Special Forces too. Produce one piece of evidence of Roem or the Nazis extolling the virtues of homosexuality. Just one. I can easily produce probably thousands of piece of evidence of their condemnation. I just produced two, from Himmlers own words, and that took less than a minute.

    Here’s Hitlers:

    “He lectured me on the role of homosexuality in history and politics. It had destroyed ancient Greece he said. Once rife, it extended its contagious effects like an ineluctable law of nature to the best and most manly of characters, elimination from the reproductive process those very men on whose offspring a nation depended. The immediate result of the vice, however, was that unnatural passion swiftly became dominant in public affairs if it were allowed to spread unchecked”.
    Rudolh Diels, first chief of the Gestapo, reporting a conversation with Hitler.

    Sorry my dear, you can spread your propaganda all you want, but this is objective, bone hard, fact and you can’t deny it or run from it.

  7. TheLibertine
    December 17th, 2013 @ 12:32 pm

    The Nazis I love to “lie” about? So, you’re saying the Nazi party didn’t jail, persecute, and murder homosexuals when all evidence says they did? Really? Then you’re a holocaust denier on top of being arrogant and hateful.

    Ernst Roem was murdered by the regime in 1934 and part of the reason for that was in fact his homosexuality which Hitler(the real Hitler and not the one you’ve created)found repugnant. Two, Roem, was not a “homosexual activist” he was just a Nazi who happened to be gay and that’s about it. Nazi policy toward homosexuals was that they were a threat to society, and because of that were persecuted jailed and murdered. There is no question about this whether or not a gay man was a member of the SS. Gay men serve in the US Special Forces too. Produce one piece of evidence of Roem or the Nazis extolling the virtues of homosexuality. Just one. I can easily produce probably thousands of piece of evidence of their condemnation. I just produced two, from Himmlers own words, and that took less than a minute.

    Here’s Hitlers:

    “He lectured me on the role of homosexuality in history and politics. It had destroyed ancient Greece he said. Once rife, it extended its contagious effects like an ineluctable law of nature to the best and most manly of characters, elimination from the reproductive process those very men on whose offspring a nation depended. The immediate result of the vice, however, was that unnatural passion swiftly became dominant in public affairs if it were allowed to spread unchecked”.
    Rudolh Diels, first chief of the Gestapo, reporting a conversation with Hitler.

    Sorry my dear, you can spread your propaganda all you want, but this is objective, bone hard, fact and you can’t deny it or run from it.

  8. Alessandra
    December 17th, 2013 @ 1:07 pm

    “The Nazis I love to “lie” about?”

    Yes, every single homosexual and bisexual Nazi, plus all those who supported the Nazis – that’s who you love to lie about.

    “So, you’re saying the Nazi party didn’t
    jail, persecute, and murder homosexuals when all evidence says they

    No, I’m not saying that. They persecuted a small number of homosexual men (and a tiny number of homosexual women).

    ” Then you’re a holocaust denier ”

    No, you’re a homosexual Holocaust inventor. The term Holocaust in the context of WWII refers to the deliberate mass extermination of Jews. Homosexuals were not EVER targeted for extermination or persecution in the same degree of form as Jews were.

    “Ernst Roem was murdered by the regime in 1934 and part of the reason for that was in fact his homosexuality which Hitler(the real Hitler and not the one you’ve created)found repugnant.”

    LOL after Hitler made Rohm the second most powerful man in Germany, threatening Hitler’s power himself, he was killed. That’s the real Hitler, not the little propaganda one you’ve created.

    the Simon Wiesenthal Center – Museum of Tolerance online:

    While during the war the Nazis combed whole territories to
    identify Jews and Gypsies, and consigned them for mass extermination, there is no evidence that the Nazi leadership even contemplated -much less undertook -a mass screening of the German male population in order to identify even “hard-core” homosexuals for imprisonment or execution.
    Nor did the authorities subject all those arrested for homosexual
    offenses to psychiatric examination, as had been advocated by Richard
    Freiherr von Krafft-Ebing in his classic Psychopathia Sexualis (17
    editions between 1886 and 1924).22

    Ernst Rohm, a blatant homosexual surrounded by other homosexuals in the leadership of the brown-shirted SA storm troopers, had been one of the most powerful, radical, and brutal of Hitler’s followers during the Nazi movement’s rise to power; and Hitler did not turn against him and his associates until their plebeian radicalism had become inconvenient.
    On 30 June 1934 Hitler ordered the killing of the SA leaders in the
    socalled Rohm purge.26
    While the cause for this bloodletting was political, the widespread knowledge that the SA leadership consisted of virile homosexuals might have aggravated the rivalry between the SA on one side, and the SS and party bureaucracy on the other.

    The homosexual SA leaders were accused of corrupting German youth, especially in the Hitler Youth movement.27
    The background for this accusation was a work by Hans Bluher that exposed, two decades before the Nazi seizure of power, the pederastic component of the male bonding in right-wing German youth organizations which -in contrast to the British and American Boy Scouts-had an intense and distinctively German undertone of homoerotic affect.28
    Moreover, in 1922 Kurt Hiller had estimated that 75 percent of the male homosexuals in Germany sympathized with the parties of the Right, if only because of the physical beauty and virility of their members, while they were repelled by the followers of the Left, who did not meet the same Germanic standards of physical beauty.29

    Before the Rohm. assassination, very few cases of homosexuality came up in the Hitler Youth, but afterwards they became shockingly frequent.
    The reprimand index (Warnkartei) of the Hitler Youth, now in the Berlin Document Center, shows that between 1934 and 1939 about 25 percent of the 4,800 youths expelled from the movement were expelled for homosexuality, in addition to those expelled for “moral offenses,” some
    of which were basically homosexual. In contrast, only 2.4 percent of the storm troopers were dismissed specifically for homosexuality, and a few
    others under the vague categories of unworthy or damaging behavior.

  9. Alessandra
    December 17th, 2013 @ 1:13 pm

    Exactly! There is the narrative and then there is reality. LGBTs constantly do all kinds harm and violence in the world and then go in front of society and wail about being little victims – making up most of their victimhood tales.

    The liberal blackout to cover up how much harm and violence LGBTs do in the world is very serious. And it’s deliberate – which is even more disgusting.

    And then they go and call conservatives all kinds of names for not bowing down to their perverted views, at the root of all this debauchery and violence.

    It’s time to tell these people to go jump in a lake, or, in their case, a sewer.

  10. Alessandra
    December 17th, 2013 @ 1:18 pm

    Oh, great link! Tks.

    I mean, it’s so ridiculous to even entertain the idea that something so complex and inescapably psychological and cultural as sexuality or any kind of desire could be determined by genetics in the mind of an adult and would have NOTHING to do with changeable psychological, emotional, ideological, cultural, or experiential dynamics. It’s baffling how irrational liberals are, the extent to which they deny the most fundamental truth about sexuality – there is no human sexuality without major components of psychology, culture, and ideology. And all of that is changeable.

  11. JohnWilmot2
    December 17th, 2013 @ 1:29 pm

    Again, you’re confused between the difference between a party and military having gay members(like every military and political party on earth does)and homosexuality for good or ill being a matter of policy. In the Nazi party policy toward homosexuals was negative. Indisputable, Talking about gay nazis does not make the Nazis a “gay” group anymore than it would make the Navy Seals a gay organization for having a gay member or the US military in general. This should be self evident. If orientation is what defines a group than the Nazis were a heterosexual organization.

    Nazi policy toward homosexuals was to exterminate them. Himmlers words couldnt be any clearer. The Nazi party even went on to expand and further criminalize violations of Paragraph 175 which criminalized homosexuality in Germany.

    And again, you are a holocaust denier and couldnt produce a single piece of evidence of the nazi government extolling the virtues of homosexuality whether or not there were acts of pederasty in the Hitler Youth or you had a bunch of gay SA members.

    It’s just beyond twisted you believe that because the Nazi party had a few scattered homosexuals amongst it’s ranks the holocaust is the fault of homosexuals? How insane are you? That’s a rhetorical question,. I already the know answer based on your crackpot, nazi pseudoscience responses.

  12. Don’t Mess with Denise Richards or Alyssa Milano… | Batshit Crazy News
    December 17th, 2013 @ 1:47 pm

    […] With “real men” like Charlies Sheen out there…No wonder some ladies play for the other team. TOM talked about that too. […]

  13. NeoWayland
    December 17th, 2013 @ 3:15 pm

    So the statistics you use don’t actually exist.

    That’s what I wanted to know.

    I have just one last question for you, Alessandra. Then my business with you is done.

    Given that you twist morality, invoke pseudo-science, and create pretend statistics, why should anyone believe you on this subject?

  14. Alessandra
    December 17th, 2013 @ 5:43 pm

    “So the statistics you use don’t actually exist.”

    So now you’re here to lie about real statistics!

    I have a question for you – why do you have such a need to lie about the ugly reality of LGBTs? Is it because it hits home?

    Given your twisted morality, your complete ignorance regarding science, including statistics, why do you even bother to troll?

  15. Alessandra
    December 17th, 2013 @ 6:03 pm

    You’re just lying about the fact that there were plenty of homosexuals and bisexuals who were Nazis or supportive of the Nazis. Being such garbage of people, the only reason they were upset with the Nazis is because the Himmler faction of the Nazis turned on them. And Himmler turned on Rohm because he knew homosexuals, being sexual perverts, always corrupt any institution they are in to protect their own. Whether in the Catholic Church, academia, the military or the navy, homosexuals always pervert and corrupt the institution. Himmler, although a monster, was anything but stupid. Rohm loved Hitler to pieces, so did the other countless homosexual brown shirts, but they loved their deformed, monstrous homosexual leader more.

    “Nazi policy toward homosexuals was to exterminate them.”

    Don’t be ridiculous. Rohm came very close to becoming the leader of the Nazis, and it was only because HImmler intervened that he didn’t. The Nazis mostly left all homosexuals in Europe alone while they did everything to exterminate every single Jew. Historical research has shown that many of the “homosexuals” arrested were left wingers or other political enemies of the Nazis.

    You’re just a shameless piece of turd to suggest homosexuals suffered anything even remotely close to the Jewish holocaust.

    You need to invent a homosexual Holocaust in order to cover up how much homosexuals loved the Nazis and wanted were just dying to be a powerful faction in them. Slime of people.

    “It’s just beyond twisted you believe that because the Nazi party had a
    few scattered homosexuals amongst it’s ranks the holocaust is the fault
    of homosexuals?”

    What is beyond twisted is you claiming that I believe something I don’t believe.

    Only a twisted, stupid, malignant individual like yourself has a need to lie about what I think.

  16. trangbang68
    December 17th, 2013 @ 7:23 pm

    here’s an article about a couple of gays abusing a child:

  17. The Wisdom of Duck Dynasty: Or who are the real BSC ones? Update: The Gay Mafia does a hit on Duck Dynasty | Batshit Crazy News
    December 18th, 2013 @ 10:05 pm

    […] TOM: Pathology or Tautology? […]

  18. In Which @AceOfSpadesHQ Expresses an Unexpected Distaste for Blood : The Other McCain
    December 21st, 2013 @ 6:03 pm

    […] Maybe? Just throwing that out there, because we have been reminded in recent days that some varieties of special pleading are treated as a universal crusade for Social Justice: It’s not enough that gay people should be zealous for gay rights. Everyone must as zealous as GLAAD, or else you risk a diagnosis of homophobia. […]

  19. FMJRA 2.0: Painkiller : The Other McCain
    December 21st, 2013 @ 8:48 pm

    […] Homophobia: Pathology or Tautology? […]