The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Descent Into Madness’

Otto Muehl was a radical artist who in 1978, at age 53, founded a commune in Austria known as the Friedrichshof, which had as its goal “the destruction of bourgeois marriage and private property.” Instapundit linked to an article about a new documentary: Paul-Julien Robert grew up on a country estate with dozens of adults; […]

Phil Robertson 1, Political Correctness 0

Bible-Thumping Gun-Toting Louisiana Rednecks Score Huge Victory in Culture War! #tcot #p2 #lgbt @BatshitCrazyNwz — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) December 27, 2013 Oh, the GLAAD Butt-Hurt! The most popular family in America could not be defeated by the Sensitivity Outrage Brigades: Phil Robertson, the patriarch of A&E’s Duck Dynasty clan who was suspended from […]

Last Night, I Hit Rand Simberg’s Tip Jar for $10, Because … Science!

Global warming “hockey stick” theorist Michael Mann has sued several critics, a litigation that Mark Steyn calls “a textbook example” of “bollocks on stilts.” When Mann first sued in October 2012, Ken White at Popehat called it “Butt Hurt in the First Degree”: [T]he complaint seems almost calculated to support likely conservative narratives about it. […]

Three Gay Men Laugh About Oral Sex With Anderson Cooper’s Mother

The weirdest thing is that Anderson Cooper himself introduced the topic in a discussion with Dan Savage and Andrew Sullivan: “My mom once wrote a romance memoir about men she had dated — and I use that term loosely — and she described one guy she was currently dating — my mom was 85 at […]

A Bad Christmas for Neal Rauhauser

And, once again, @NealRauhauser deletes himself from Twitter. — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) December 26, 2013 Regular readers of this blog need no introduction to Neal Rauhauser, the disgraced former Democrat campaign consultant and associate of bomber/porogressive activist Brett Kimberlin. A few months ago, Rauhauser stalked my Army son’s Facebook page. The latest weird […]

Blame @Instapundit for This

Late Surge in Web Buying Blindsides UPS, Retailers What caused this unexpected surge in online buying? Sunday, I put up a post about Justine Sacco that included this: [H]er liberalism (like all liberalism) is misguided, assuming as it does that the problem of AIDS in Africa (or any similar social problem) results from a shortage […]

‘Discrimination,’ Arguing by Exceptions, and the Obvious Insanity of Androgyny

Liberalism’s obsession with equality requires us to pretend that such distinctions as “male” and “female” are ultimately meaningless, and that any policy which recognizes these categories as significant must be abolished in order to prevent discrimination. This is where the rhetoric of liberalism is exposed as a species of madness. While proclaiming their devotion to […]

You Stay Classy, MSNBC!

Many days, I Watch MSNBC So You Don’t Have To™, but it’s not safe for children and the kids are out of school this week, so I wasn’t watching Monday when the World’s Worst Network featured this: MICHAEL ERIC DYSON: Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity and the rest of those folks ought to be ashamed […]

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