The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Thanks to @laurenstrapa, Canadians Are Now Dwindling Toward Extinction

Posted on | November 3, 2016 | 1 Comment


Lauren Strapagiel is a fat Canadian lesbian with a pierced nose and tattoos. This 27-year-old cliché of a Third-Wave feminist is social news editor for BuzzFeed Canada. If there are still any heterosexuals left in Toronto, Ms. Strapagiel is there to scornfully insult them, in keeping with BuzzFeed’s unofficial policy of ensuring that their site is only read by left-wing millennials confused about their sexuality.

Perhaps my hyperbole goes too far, but not by much. Over the past 15 years or so, liberal tolerance toward the LGBT crowd has given way to a ridiculous pandering, an attitude that resembles a religious zeal to convert the world to the Gay Gospel of Evangelical Abnormality.

Every digital publication striving to reach an under-30 readership seems to have adopted this attitude, as if they were being published under the auspices of the Metropolitan Gomorrah Chamber of Commerce. Anyone might easily suppose there is some kind of Online Journalism Bible, within which is compiled a list of commandments that includes, “Thou shalt pander to homosexuals, and shalt not offend them.”


Keeping in mind that all reliable social-survey data indicate that heterosexuality continues to be the preferred practice even among Millennials (no matter how badly confused they may be), we might speculate on the rationale of this pandering mentality. It’s almost certainly less a political agenda than a marketing strategy, but the key point is, the people inside the Progressive Online Media bubble don’t think twice about their pro-LGBT enthusiasm. As with other issues — feminism, the climate-change “consensus,” #BlackLivesMatter, etc. — the peddlers of digital content just assume that all the Smart People™ share their quasi-religious Gay Gospel zeal, and most under-30 readers have been subjected to so much propaganda in school (e.g., anti-“bullying” campaigns) that they would never openly criticize this.


Providing in-depth coverage of All Things LGBTQ, BuzzFeed Canada’s Third-Wave cliché found a crisis, the Lesbian Advertising Apocalypse:

When Sarah Warn founded in 2002, there had never been a lesbian sex scene on broadcast television. The site’s namesake, Ellen DeGeneres, and Portia de Rossi hadn’t started dating yet. And The L Word — still, perhaps, the most important title in the lesbian pop culture canon — hadn’t even aired.
“At the time, there were so few lesbian and bisexual women on TV that you could literally count the number,” Warn told BuzzFeed News.
She started AfterEllen as a place to write about the representation of queer women on our screens. It was a hobby, at first, but over the next 14 years it became one of only a shrinking number of publications produced by, for, and about queer women. By the time Warn left AfterEllen in 2009, it was owned by Logo, Viacom’s LGBT wing. In 2014, the site was acquired by Evolve Media. According to then Editor-in-Chief Trish Bendix, Evolve gave AE two fiscal years to profit alongside the company’s roster of women and mom-focused publications.
That deadline came in September along with an announcement from Bendix — she was let go and AfterEllen, at least as we’d known it, was no more. Bendix got the news in a phone call from Evolve manager Emrah Kovacoglu. “He said, ‘We can’t find the money for the LGBT sites, we want to put our efforts into growing the moms and fashion space where the money is,’” said Bendix. After Bendix announced the news in a Tumblr post, Kovacoglu countered with his own post on AfterEllen, titled “False Rumor: We Are Not Shutting Down!” While the site is still up, it appears to have become a shell of its former self, home to a few uninspired listicles. . . .

Probably 99% of people never saw, and didn’t notice when its new corporate proprietor pulled the plug, but this was mourned by young feminist Tumblr bloggers (a cult within which lesbianism is well-nigh ubiquitous) like the death of Lexa. And I’m sure 99% of readers are wondering, “Who is this Lexa person?” She was a gay character played by Alycia Debnam-Carey on The 100, “an American post-apocalyptic science fiction drama television series” that just finished its third season on The CW network. The series has a tiny audience in broadcast television terms. The second season averaged barely 1.5 million viewers per episode which, in a total U.S. population of 320 million, means that 99.5% of Americans have never watched The 100. However, because every lesbian with a Tumblr account was a huge fan of the “Clexa” lesbian romance between Lexa and the character Clarke Griffin (Eliza Taylor), the death of Lexa was an occasion of much online wailing and gnashing of teeth:

Viewers expressed their anger on Twitter, Tumblr, and other social media sites, with a number of them threatening to dox (reveal personally identifiable information about) the writers, others making death threats, and some stating they were suicidal after watching the episode . . .

Hey, it’s not like these people are emotionally unstable or anything, so obsessed with a lesbian character on a low-rated science fiction show on TV that they’re threatening to kill themselves. (If Alabama loses to LSU Saturday, I’ll be bummed out, but not in a violent or dangerous way, and college football is real.) These kooks become suicidal over the death of fake TV lesbians because . . . Oh, never mind. It’s complicated. “Queer representation” is everything with the LGBT “diversity” mob, whereas nobody cares about the traumatic damage to my self-esteem caused by the lack of positive role models for gray-bearded old hillbillies on TV.

Anyway, we now return to the more specific issue that concerns fat Canadian lesbian Lauren Strapagiel — the end of and its socioeconomic significance to the “queer representation” racket:

AfterEllen faithfully chronicled the massive changes in how queer women are represented in pop culture, but there’s one thing that hasn’t changed. Advertisers still aren’t interested in selling stuff to lesbians. . . .
“The Logo reps consistently tried to sell to both gay men and lesbians, but advertisers almost always only wanted to market their products to gay men,” she said. . . .
Gay men are stereotyped as an advertiser’s dream. Think of Will & Grace — the sort of gay men that sip vintage wine, their feet up on the reclaimed wood coffee table in their apartment in Manhattan, or San Francisco, or LA. They have theater tickets tucked away in their designer wallets and have plans to go island-hopping in Greece next month. They’ve got double income, no kids, and hit the clubs every weekend.
No one, however, seems to have assumed the same of queer women. Rather than the cosmopolitan socialite, lesbians are stereotyped as angry and introverted homebodies. We’d rather put on our Birkenstocks to pick up some kitty litter than go to a bar. We’re too busy protesting this or that to buy stuff we don’t need. We don’t wear makeup, we don’t shave our legs, we’re iffy on bras. So what the hell can you sell us?
Those are the stereotypes that have endured. They’re the stereotypes that have made it easy for advertisers to avoid thinking about queer women at all.
“I think the data didn’t fit their preconceptions about the demographic,” said Warn. “It came down to stereotypes: The gay stereotypes for gay men worked for them as consumers but worked against us for consumers. When you have the stereotypes and the data, the stereotypes won.” . . .

You can read the rest of that. Of course, Lauren Strapagiel is a stereotype, because the stereotype is true: Canadian feminists actually are fat lesbians with tattoos and pierced noses, except for the ugly heterosexual feminists like Meghan Murphy. Given my druthers, I’d prefer fat lesbians over Meghan Murphy. Like most American men, I would rather gouge my own eyes out with a rusty fork than to hook up with a Canadian feminist.

Canadian feminist Meghan Murphy is heterosexual, unfortunately.

Canada may become the world’s first all-LGBT nation. There are allegedly still a few heterosexuals in Toronto, but Vancouver is completely gay and as for Quebec, people speak French there, IYKWIMAITYD.

The Canadian population has been heading toward extinction for more than 40 years. Every year since 1971, the total fertility rate (TFR, or average number of lifetime births per woman) in Canada has been below what demographers call “replacement level.” Under modern conditions, for any given human population to maintain its current size, the average number of lifetime births per woman must equal 2.1 — two children replacing two parents, with a slight margin to compensate for those offspring who, for one reason or another, fail to live to adulthood and reproduce their own children. The current TFR in Canada is 1.55 — about 25% below the replacement level, and it’s basically been stuck in that range for more than 30 years. The current population of Canada is 34 million, so by the time the Canadians born in 1986 die off, there would be only 25 million people in Canada, and maybe a hundred years from now, there would be fewer than 20 million Canadians.

The future belongs to those who show up for it, as Mark Steyn observed, and the low Canadian birth rate — a predictable consequence of Canadian feminism — means that in the future, there will be far fewer fat lesbians with nose rings and tattoos. The question is whether anyone cares if Canadians become extinct. They’re not even a real country, anyway.



One Response to “Thanks to @laurenstrapa, Canadians Are Now Dwindling Toward Extinction”

  1. Just Plain Evil | Regular Right Guy
    November 4th, 2016 @ 1:39 pm

    […] Thanks to @laurenstrapa, Canadians Are Now Dwindling Toward […]