The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Harvard Radicals Boycott the Crimson

Posted on | October 25, 2019 | Comments Off on Harvard Radicals Boycott the Crimson


Bizarre left-wing campus politics in the Ivy League:

The principal student newspaper at Harvard University is being forced by student activists to defend the standard journalistic practice of asking subjects of stories for comment.
The Crimson, according to a “Note to Readers” published Tuesday, was publicly condemned by the group Act on a Dream and 10 other student groups for seeking comment from Immigration and Customs Enforcement for a Sept. 13 article about an Act protest calling for the agency to be abolished.
More than 650 people have signed a petition, which condemns getting comment from ICE as “cultural insensitivity.”
“In this political climate, a request for comment is virtually the same as tipping [ICE] off, regardless of how they are contacted,” reads the petition, which demands that the Crimson “reexamine and interrogate policies that place students under threat” and apologize for “the harm they inflicted” on illegal-immigrant students.
Act on a Dream also took to Twitter to “call on our peers and fellow student organizations to boycott @thecrimson and decline any interviews or requests for comment until they change their reckless policy that requires calling ICE in their reporting.”

The Crimson letter defended contacting ICE but only after assuaging some of Act on a Dream’s concerns and treating its demand for one-sided stories as serious.
“Let us be clear: In The Crimson’s communication with ICE’s media office, the reporters did not provide the names or immigration statuses of any individual at the protest. We did not give ICE forewarning of the protest, nor did we seek to interfere with the protest as it was occurring. Indeed, it is The Crimson’s practice to wait until a protest concludes before asking for comment from the target of the protest — a rule which was followed here. The Crimson’s outreach to ICE only consisted of public information and a broad summary of protestors’ criticisms. As noted in the story, ICE did not respond to a request for comment,” wrote Crimson President Kristine E. Guillaume and Managing Editor Angela N. Fu.

Meanwhile, in the pages of the Crimson, students are treated to a lecture against “cultural appropriation” in Halloween costumes, written by Harvard junior Gabrielle Langkilde, a native of Samoa majoring in “Sociology and Studies of Women, Gender, and Sexuality” who seems to be afraid that white girls might dress as Moana for the holiday.

The Ivy League Is Decadent and Depraved.



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