The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Sex Offender Joseph Rosenbaum Taunted Armed Civilians: ‘Shoot Me, N–r!’

Posted on | August 28, 2020 | 6 Comments


When 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse opened fire during Tuesday night’s riot in Kenosha, Wisconsin, the first person he shot was Joseph Rosenbaum. The head shot was fatal, and it was quickly learned that Rosenbaum, 36, was a convicted sex offender who earlier in the night had been taunting the armed civilians guarding property against the rioters.

“Shoot me, n–r!” Rosenbaum repeatedly shouted, in a bizarre scene captured on video by Townhall reporter Julio Rosas.

Think about what kind of white man would be shouting the n-word during a protest allegedly in support of Black Lives Matter. And then you discover that Rosenbaum served more than 10 years in an Arizona prison after being convicted in 2002 of “sexual conduct with a minor.”


By my calculations, Rosenbaum would have been 19 at the time of his sentencing, and his offense must have been quite severe in order for a judge to impose a 10-year sentence and lifetime registry as a sex offender. According to Arizona records, Rosenbaum was repeatedly cited for disciplinary infractions while he was incarcerated; he was twice returned to prison after violating terms of release, and did not finally leave prison until 2017. He was a very bad man, in other words, and it is difficult to find any reason to mourn his death. So then you read this:

According to social media posts from friends and family, Rosenbaum is a Texas native. He moved to Kenosha within the last year.
Rosenbaum was shot in the head, a friend said.
He leaves behind a fiancée and a young daughter.
“May you forever be with the angels and rest easy bro. I love you!” his sister wrote on Facebook.

A “Texas native”? That may be true, but Rosenbaum was in Tucson, Arizona (where it appears his father is an attorney) when he was convicted and sentenced to prison as a sex offender in 2002. Probably his fiancée and friends in Wisconsin had no idea about the Arizona criminal record of the man they knew as “JoJo,” and Rosenbaum may have told them he was from Texas in order to conceal his criminal past.

It was, of course, Andy Ngo who first reported Rosenbaum’s sex offender status, and Ngo further reported that both of the other two rioters shot by Kyle Rittenhouse also had criminal records. Anthony Huber, 26, who attacked Rittenhouse with a skateboard and was fatally shot, “has a criminal history that includes charges of battery & repeat domestic abuse,” Ngo reported. Gaige Grosskreutz, 26, who was seen on video pointing a pistol at Rittenhouse before being wounded in the arm, is “a member of the People’s Revolution Movement,” Ngo reported, and “has a criminal record that includes being intoxicated & armed w/a gun.”

Now, let’s ask what should be an obvious question: What are the odds that a guy opens fire at a mass gathering and all three of the people he shoots turn out to have criminal records? Doesn’t this tell you something about who is engaging in these “mostly peaceful” protests?



6 Responses to “Sex Offender Joseph Rosenbaum Taunted Armed Civilians: ‘Shoot Me, N–r!’”

  1. Two Justin Smith Submissions & Kenosha Seeds of Civil War – The NeoConservative Christian Right
    August 28th, 2020 @ 7:08 pm

    […] that earlier in the evening, Rosenbaum had stepped up on Rittenhouse and angrily screamed, “Shoot me nigga“, and as the events unfolded, it wasn’t Rittenhouse who fired first; this fact is […]

  2. Two Justin Smith Submissions & Kenosha Seeds of Civil War | A Free Born American
    August 28th, 2020 @ 9:03 pm

    […] that earlier in the evening, Rosenbaum had stepped up on Rittenhouse and angrily screamed, “Shoot me nigga“, and as the events unfolded, it wasn’t Rittenhouse who fired first; this fact is […]

  3. Some Further Thoughts on Kenosha: Predators and Their Preferred Prey : The Other McCain
    August 28th, 2020 @ 10:08 pm

    […] see the crew being confronted by the increasingly hostile mob. There’s a good look at sex offender Joseph Rosenbaum, in a burgundy T-shirt, at the 0:16 mark of the […]

  4. News of the Week (August 29th, 2020) | The Political Hat
    August 29th, 2020 @ 5:35 pm

    […] Sex Offender Joseph Rosenbaum Taunted Armed Civilians: “Shoot Me, N–r!” “Shoot me, n–r!” Rosenbaum repeatedly shouted, in a bizarre scene captured on video by Townhall reporter Julio Rosas. […]

  5. #FakeNews: CNN tries to make one of the men killed in Kenosha look as pure as the wind-driven snow, but completely omits the fact he was a convicted felon. – The First Street Journal.
    August 29th, 2020 @ 10:02 pm

    […] that the (alleged) shooter, Kyle Rittenhouse, age 17, had retreated but was pursued by Mr Huber, convicted sex offender Joseph Rosenbaum,36, and Gaige Grosskreutz, 26, who was seen on video pointing a pistol at Mr Rittenhouse before […]

  6. Kenosha: Anthony Huber Was a Felon, and Jacob Blake Was Dangerous : The Other McCain
    August 30th, 2020 @ 7:50 am

    […] let’s return to the subject of Anthony Huber. What had happened was that Rittenhouse had shot sex offender Joseph “JoJo” Rosenbaum. We’ll talk more about that later, but here’s how Huber got […]
