The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Jewish Candidate for Louisville Mayor Survives BLM Assassination Attempt

Posted on | February 15, 2022 | Comments Off on Jewish Candidate for Louisville Mayor Survives BLM Assassination Attempt

Less than a week ago, writing about a fringe black “liberation” group, I warned that “there is no guarantee that the next radical gesture will end so harmlessly,” and an intended target literally dodged a bullet this week:

Police have arrested a suspect they say was responsible for the attempted murder of Louisville Democratic mayoral candidate Craig Greenburg.
Quintez Brown, 21, was taken into custody Monday. He has been charged with attempted murder and four counts of wanton endangerment. . . .
His arraignment happened Tuesday morning at 9 a.m. where he pleaded not guilty. . . .
Brown is a well-known activist and organized youth protests during the social justice movements of the summer of 2020. He often wrote opinion columns about race relations in the Courier-Journal.
He was also the subject of a missing person investigation last June. Brown had gone missing in late June 2021, leading to a citywide search. He was eventually found, and his family had asked for privacy while they focused on his mental, physical and spiritual health.
Brown recently announced that he was planning to run for Metro Council’s District 5 seat. . . .
Greenberg said he and his staff were at a campaign office for a meeting when he said a man walked into the office. Upon greeting the man, later identified as Brown, that’s when Greenberg said he allegedly pulled out a gun, pointed it at him and fired.
A staff member, he said, was able to close the door on Brown and the team was able to barricade themselves inside until police arrived.
Police said Brown was stopped about a half-mile from the Story Avenue campaign office where they allege he was carrying a drawstring bag, containing a 9mm gun and additional magazines. . . .
Louisville Metro Police Chief Erika Shields didn’t have immediate answers but said the department would investigate any possible motive.
“Mr. Greenberg is Jewish, so there’s that, we don’t know if it’s tied to the candidates or is political or if we are dealing with someone with mental issues or is venomous,” she said. “We are looking at this from all angles.”

“Mr. Greenberg is Jewish, so there’s that” — yeah, if the suspect in the shooting of a Jewish politician had been a white Trump supporter, it would be 24/7 on CNN, but instead it’s just local news in Kentucky, because it was a Black Lives Matter activist.

The Daily Beast actually has a good article about Brown’s descent into murderous madness. As of 8 p.m. ET, Brown’s Twitter account was still online, and you could see him quoting various black radicals, including Kwame Nkrumah, founder of the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party. In other words, Brown traveled down a radical path similar to Augustus Romain Jr. (Gazi Kodzo”) of the Black Hammer Organization. There is a profound irony that, four years ago, Brown took part in a gun-control march in Washington, D.C., and was interviewed on MSNBC:

Speaking with Joy Reid’s AM Joy show during the march, Brown, issuing his remarks towards then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, he said “we are here we want, we want common sense gun reform. And if you’re not going to give us that, then we’re going to get everyone out here to vote and we’re going to vote you out of office. So if you want to keep your job, then you know give us what we — not what we want but what we need, what humans need.”
“We need a common sense government reform, get rid of assault rifles,” said Brown at the time.

Trying to murder Jews — is that “common sense gun reform”?

Oh, I almost forgot this bonus: During Tuesday’s court hearing, Brown’s attorney told the judge he believes there are some “serious mental issues at play here.” Repeat after me: Crazy People Are Dangerous.



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