The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Way to Go, ‘White Supremacists’!

Posted on | February 22, 2022 | Comments Off on Way to Go, ‘White Supremacists’!

You probably didn’t realize “white supremacists” had taken over San Francisco, but that’s just how clever and sneaky they are:

The progressive San Francisco school-board president recalled by voters earlier this week claimed her ouster was a “consequence” of fighting for racial justice, and represents a victory for “white supremacists.”
“So if you fight for racial justice, this is the consequence,” board president Gabriela López wrote in a tweet on Thursday. “Don’t be mistaken, white supremacists are enjoying this. And the support of the recall is aligned with this.”
More than 70 percent of voters elected to recall López and two other progressive board members, Alison Collins and Faauuga Moliga. The trio were the only board members on the seven-member board who were eligible to be recalled.
López shared a screenshot of a Washington Post article about the recall titled, “San Francisco recalls school board members seen as too focused on racial justice.”
The article’s subheading adds, “In a warning for the left, critics saw misplaced priorities, as the board focused on equity issues while schools remained closed.”
As Washington Post politics reporter David Weigel noted in a tweet responding to López, the recall vote was “racially diverse, including hundreds of non-citizen immigrants who were eligible to participate.”

Yeah, when you’ve lost Dave Weigel — and 70% of the vote in San Francisco — maybe you should rethink your agenda. But of course they won’t. Being “woke” means never having to admit that reality exists.

In point of fact, a key factor in the recall was that the school board essentially destroyed the prestigious Lowell High School by eliminating its meritocratic admissions policy, which really pissed off the city’s large Asian-American community. But if you’re into meritocracy — if you believe hard work should be encouraged and exceptional ability should be recognized — then you’re a “white supremacist” no matter what your race, according to the dogmatic beliefs of 21st-century “progressives.”



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