The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

News From Down Home: Another Antifa Riot, More Out-of-Towners Arrested

Posted on | March 7, 2023 | Comments Off on News From Down Home: Another Antifa Riot, More Out-of-Towners Arrested

Antifa terrorists set fire to construction equipment at the site of a planned Atlanta police training facility Sunday, hurling rocks and fireworks at officers who responded to the riot scene. And this vandal horde of commies is almost entirely composed of outsiders:

Atlanta police identified 23 suspects charged with domestic terrorism after allegedly launching an attack against the construction site for a police and fire training facility dubbed “Cop City.”
The Atlanta Police Department revealed that all but two of the arrestees are from out of state. Another two are from out of the country.
Dimitri LeNy is from France and Fredrique Robert-Paul is from Canada.
Three suspects – Ayla King, Alexis Paplai and Timothy Bilodeau – are from Massachusetts.
There are two from Arizona: Samuel Ward and Max Biederman. From New York, there are Mattia Luini and Priscilla Grim.
Another pair – Kayley Meissner and Grace Martin – are from Wisconsin.
Kamryn Pipes is from Louisiana. Maggie Gates is from Indiana. Ehret Nottingham is from Colorado. Victor Puertas is from Utah. Amin Chaoui is from Virginia. James Marsicano is from North Carolina. Emma Bogush is from Connecticut. Luke Harper is from Florida. Colin Dorsey is from Maine. And Zoe Larmey is from Tennessee.
The only suspects with Georgia addresses are Thomas Jurgens and Jack Beaman.

As everyone has noted, one of these terrorists, Thomas Webb Jurgens, 28, is an attorney working for the Southern Poverty Law Center, an organization that raises money from rich liberals by claiming that people whose only crime is to vote Republican are dangerous right-wing extremists. More reaction from officials in Georgia:

“What happened last night was not peaceful protest – it was violence. Plain and simple,” Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr said in a statement Monday. “We will not tolerate this destruction of property, and we will seek to ensure that those who have engaged in this criminal behavior are held accountable to the fullest extent of the law.” . . .
On an appearance on Fox News earlier Monday, Carr described those arrested as part of a “national network, an international group of people that are organized to come to our state to undermine a public safety training center.”
“This wasn’t about a public safety training center. This was about anarchy, and this was about an attempt to destabilize,” Atlanta Chief of Police Darin Schierbaum said Sunday night, telling reporters at the scene that both the FBI and the Georgia Bureau of Investigation have joined the probe into the incident.

I’ve written about this story several times:

Thanks to the generosity of readers, I’ve got a little money left over from last week’s trip to CPAC, and if these commie clowns keep causing trouble down home, I may decide to make a shoe-leather excursion.




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