The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

First Person Plural Pronouns

Posted on | August 5, 2023 | Comments Off on First Person Plural Pronouns

The corruption and decadence of the elite is a topic about which not enough has been written, and if I were to dwell on this topic, I’d have no time to write about anything else. Some people always snipe in the comments when I use the word “elite” to describe our society’s overclass, because they do not consider such people truly superior, as the word “elite” would seem to imply. Yet such are the socioeconomic realities that people enjoy elite status who are inferior — especially in a moral sense — and there is nothing We The People can do about it. The graduates of prestigious universities have access to wealth and influence without regard to their moral character, and so it is that MIT alumnus Sam Bankman-Fried will go unpunished for his crimes:

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) informed a federal judge late Wednesday it did “not intend to proceed” with a campaign finance charge against disgraced FTX founder and Democrat super donor Sam Bankman-Fried.
Consultation with the Bahamas on the campaign finance charges in Bankman-Fried’s original extradition document last year were behind the decision as part of an effort to adhere to the legal obligations therein, Forbes reports.
The campaign finance violation charge was among eight counts present in the DOJ’s original indictment—which also includes wire fraud, securities fraud and money laundering—in December.

Dianna Deeley has further thoughts on the way the Democratic Party — which now controls the Department of Justice — is protecting Sam Bankman-Fried.

Meanwhile, take note of how David Brooks uses first-person plural pronouns — “we,” “us,” “our,” etc. — in speaking of the decadent elite.



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