The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Ghost of Andrew Breitbart editor Joel Pollak calls attention to an article in the Federalist, explaining how it was that the late Andrew Breitbart made conservatives aware of Critical Race Theory: Critical race theory has blossomed in the United States into a culture war between institutions and those they purport to serve. As usual, legacy media have colluded […]

Why Is Breitbart #Winning?

  More than 3,000 journalists lost their jobs this year. Liberals are mystified why a conservative news site is defying the trend: Breitbart News Network’s Facebook page has captured more engagement than several of the largest corporate news outlets combined amid the ongoing impeachment battle, a VICE News report revealed Monday. VICE News reports: With just […]

Steve Bannon, Andrew Breitbart and the ‘Humiliating Defeat’ of the Elite Media

  First, the quotes that are being quoted everywhere: “The media should be embarrassed and humiliated and keep its mouth shut and just listen for a while,” Mr. Bannon said during a telephone call. “I want you to quote this,” Mr. Bannon added. “The media here is the opposition party. They don’t understand this country. […]

Hey, @natashavc, Sorry Your Dishonest Scott Walker Smear Got Breitbarted

Breitbart (verb) — to expose dishonesty or corruption in a way that destroys the elite media’s preferred narrative, especially when done by a citizen-journalist. Example: “Brian Cates totally Breitbarted that Walker smear.” 20 seconds of Googling would have cleared up what was going on here, but it was apparently more important to some to rush a […]

UPDATE: @AmandaBynes Is Crazy

This isn’t necessarily news to anyone who has followed the (literally) insane misadventures of Miss Ultimate Starlet Meltdown: Amanda Bynes is flat-out admitting it. She was tired and fell asleep on a couch at her local mall, the Beverly Center. It’s the latest step in the Amanda Bynes journey. She tweeted that she slept there […]

If Breitbart Had Managed To Get An Ambassador Snuffed, Maybe Andrew’s Wife Would Be Left Alone

by Smitty Stacy isn’t the only one living in legally exciting times. Pigford, of course, is one of the relatively minor vote-buying schemes afoot these days. Her sorely missed husband’s involvement continues to haunt Andrew Breitbart’s widow: When fuller context for Sherrod’s remarks emerged, the administration offered to return her to her job, which she […]

Sen. McCain And Intellectual Integrity: Let His Carcass Caucus With Democrats

by Smitty Breitbart has the video of a certain grumpy old man, far past his sell-by date, pretending to lecture others about “intellectual integrity”. Enough. The old duffer has been in office for decades, while the integrity of the American government itself has spiraled down like an A-4 Skyhawk hit by Commies over enemy territory […]

Have You Forgotten?

It’s weird how easy it is to forget things. My wife and I just watched the documentary Hating Breitbart together, and the pivotal centerpiece of the movie is the claim by Rep. Andre Carson, Indiana Democrat, that Tea Party activists shouted the n-word at him and other members of the Black Congressional Caucus. Have you […]

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