The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Le Mot Juste

There are certain ideas that are best expressed in French, and some that can scarcely be expressed otherwise. Esprit de corps, for example. What I have in mind today, however, is panache and savoir faire. The former suggests conspicuous self-confidence, particularly in matters of style, while the latter refers to knowledge of how to act […]

The Haughty Pride of the Elite

  If you are familiar with the story of Whittaker Chambers, you know that when he left the Communist Party in the 1930s, he told his wife he was “leaving the winning side for the losing side.” So powerful was the Soviet apparatus, it seemed that evil was certain to triumph and yet, by his […]

Why Fast Food Isn’t Fast Anymore (and Other Serious Social Problems)

  She was an old lady — well along into her 70s, I’m sure — and I didn’t want to be mad at her, but she was causing a problem. Worse than that, however, is that she evidently did not realize how much of a problem she was causing, not only for me, but for […]

New Joe Biden Campaign Ad Released

  Oh, wait . . . that’s not the headline? Netflix accused of promoting pedophilia with ‘Cuties’ film about children ‘twerking’ Who owns Netflix? Who are the executives at Netflix? Can somebody check and see whether these executives have donated to Democrats? Because I’m pretty sure Republicans are against this slime show: Netflix recently released […]

The War Against Judgment

  Something that has been turning over in my mind lately is the way some people reject the entire idea of judgment — or, rather, they say they are against judging people. In reality, such people are often extremely judgmental. “Don’t judge me!” they angrily exclaim, but if you pay attention, you’ll notice these people […]

‘ The Battle for the Survival of the United States of America Is Upon Us’

Let’s face it — Abe Greenwald knows how to start an essay. His opening sentence is a blunt declaration of a startling thesis which, nonetheless, Greenwald is able to sustain by evidence: The police are indeed being defunded. The statues are coming down. The heretics are being outed. The dissenters are being silenced. The buildings […]

Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes

SJW Akilah Hughes is not the sharpest tool in the shed. My lifelong policy — as a matter of principle, really — is to avoid lawsuits. Specifically, I take to heart the advice Andrew Jackson got from his mother: “Andy, never tell a lie, nor take what is not your own, nor sue for slander, […]

‘Climate Scientist Explains …’

When I was in school, back in Ye Olde Ancient Tymes, we were taught that skepticism was necessary to science. That is to say, our teachers emphasized the distance between theory and proof, teaching an experimental approach to the scientific method — trial and error, etc. During the past several decades, however, the emphasis on […]

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