The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Federal Receipts As The Inverse Of Liberty

by Smitty American Thinker has the graph: I’d like to revisit a few ideas from last June for attacking the systemic problems within Congress: Every Congress must win approval from two thirds of the state legislatures in the 18th month of the Congress, or none of the members of the Congress are permitted to run […]

23Dec13 Marks 100 Years Of The Fed

by Smitty 100 years. 14-ish trillion in debt. The vampire should have been staked long ago, but the 100 year anniversary of its unnatural, undemocratic birth is a worthy target for building the pressure to kill it. The Mint blog has an overview:

Financial Autarch Chooses To Share Thoughts

by Smitty CNSNews summarizes Ben Bernanke’s latest proclamation: Under the threat of a major snowstorm, the panel postponed its hearing scheduled for Wednesday. The hearing was intended to review the Fed’s plans for withdrawing its emergency supports. Bernanke chose to release the prepared testimony, given the interest of investors and others. Deciding when and how […]

End The Godforsaken Fed

by Smitty The unflappable Ron Paul has been sporting camel hair and partaking of locusts and wild honey for nearly four decades now. Everyone ought to lay hands on End the Fed and see what dedication to a real cause looks like.

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