The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

#FreeStacy: Email to My Samoan Lawyer: Taylor Swift Is Decadent and Depraved

  Regular readers know Bert the Samoan Lawyer, an old college buddy of mine who is now one of the leading Asian/Pacific-American attorneys in Alabama. Some people say Bert doesn’t look Samoan, but if Shaun King is black, Bert is Samoan, and he could sue you for saying otherwise. It might even be defamation to call […]

#FreeStacy: ‘A Girl’s Name’

Yesterday, I did a short telephone interview with Ethan Ralph of The Ralph Retort, which began with him asking, “What should I call you?” This led to me explaining a bit about why (a) my friends call me Stacy, but (b) I use my full name as my byline. The actual story of my name […]

The #FreeStacy Story: Why Was My @rsmccain Account Suspended?

Unexpectedly, and without explanation, my @rsmccain Twitter account was suspended Friday evening. Based on past experiences, my guess would be that this resulted from a complaint by one of the leading “social justice warriors” (SJWs) who have been at war with #GamerGate since August 2014. However, there was no reason stated for the suspension, and […]

‘People Who Are Joined in Collective Hate’

Megan McArdle (@asymmetricinfo) has a smart take on Ron Jonson’s book about social-media shaming: If I have one complaint about the book, it’s that he doesn’t dive deep enough into what shaming is good for and why we like it so much. . . . Shame is, after all, a force for good as well […]

Ethics in Doxxing?

@IjeomaOluo is a feminist and a thoughtful writer. This is a rare combination. Feminism has for decades been an intellectual ghetto inhabited by bad writers spewing tedious jargon (the misogynist oppressor mansplained, sitting at his desk surrounded by about five dozen books of feminist theory). Oluo writes about a Tumblr vigilante site called Racists Getting […]

Crazy People Are Dangerous

Deborah E. Frisch, Ph.D., is due in court Monday: The former University of ­Oregon professor released from jail [March 30] after pleading guilty to making a false report against a Eugene police officer is again behind bars on similar charges. Deborah Ellen Frisch, 53, is facing a charge of initiating a false report and a […]

Fear and Loathing of the Penis

“All women are prisoners and hostages to men’s world. Men’s world is like a vast prison or concentration camp for women. This isn’t a metaphor, it’s reality. Each man is a threat. We can’t escape men. . . . “[H]eterosexuality doesn’t exist and our ‘urges’ to bond with [men] emotionally or sexually aren’t natural drives […]

As Real as Rape: How Bad Journalism Advances Feminism’s Anti-Male Agenda

“Campus activism about rape provides a means of disseminating the core message of feminist ideology, i.e., that men are evil and dangerous and that male sexuality is inherently violent and oppressive to women.” — Robert Stacy McCain, Aug. 10, 2014 Glenn Reynolds demolished the phony “college rape epidemic” meme in his USA Today column Monday, […]

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