The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

VIDEO: Army Sgt. Robert Delgado Explains How Allen West Saved His Life

Let’s see Ron Klein try to top this: ALLEN WEST for U.S. CONGRESS UPDATE: Another hero, USMCR Maj. Charles Lollar.

Allen West to Obama: ‘Heck, I’ll Even Debate You and Klein Together’

When Florida Democrat Ron Klein’s campaign announced that the incumbent would bring in President Obama and Nancy Pelosi for a big-money Oct. 11 fundraiser, his 22nd District challenger Allen West declared, “Welcome to the jungle.” Now the Republican has formalized that invitation in a new 30-second TV spot: Welcome to South Florida Mr. President. You and Ron Klein should leave […]

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