The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Perry Iowa TV Ad Attacks Newt Gingrich as ‘K Street,’ Mitt Romney as ‘Wall Street’

Now that the debates are over and Rick Perry can’t be forced to defend his attacks, he goes negative on both Republican front-runners: “He’ll overhaul Washington and toss out the corrupt insiders.” Yeah, Rick Perry’s going to clean up the corruption: Since 2001, more than a fifth of the $83 million that Mr. Perry has […]

Gingrich Campaign ‘Imploding’ in Iowa; Ron Paul Leads; Rick Santorum Gains

Newt Gingrich’s campaign in Iowa is “rapidly imploding,” according to the latest poll, as the former House Speaker has tumbled to third place and Ron Paul has moved into the lead in the Hawkeye State, with Mitt Romney in second place just two weeks before the crucial Jan. 3 caucuses. Meanwhile, Rick Santorum moved into a three-way […]

Problem Perry’s Campaign Denied in September, Confirmed in December

Nobody seems to remember who first raised this issue: Does Pain Explain Perry’s Poor Debate Performances? That was Sept. 23, the day after the Orlando debate, and I’d gotten an e-mail tip from blogger Brian Ledbetter that Rick Perry had undergone back surgery in July. The next day, a top Perry adviser denied to Jennifer […]

Iowa State University ‘Sexuality’ Professor Heckles Rick Perry at Campaign Event

Warren Blumenfeld, associate professor of “Multicultural & International Curriculum Studies,” academic heckler: A packed coffee house where Rick Perry spoke this afternoon turned into a bit of a ruckus that left the candidate heading out the back door and straight to his vehicle after several Iowans screamed questions about his views on gays. “Why do […]

BOOM! Hot Gay Mess Suddenly Explodes Over Rick Perry’s Iowa Campaign Ad

Welcome to the point in the campaign when the copy desk starts using words like “embattled” in headlines on stories that include phrases like “mired in controversy” about the “struggling” candidate: Backlash over a TV ad by Texas Gov. Rick Perry has exploded into public accusations and recriminations, with the leader of a gay Republican group declaring […]

Iowa or Bust: Rick Perry Campaign Compelled to Try ‘Last Ditch’ Strategy

It’s been a while since we’ve updated you on the tragic fate of The Smilin’ Texan whom I first dubbed the “Phantom Menace” back in August, when he was running TV ads in Iowa even while planning to announce his candidacy in South Carolina. (“Howdy. Thank You, Erick.”) And now we find the former front-runner facing […]

Friedrich Hayek vs. Ace of Spades

“Yeah, I know political journalists aren’t supposed to believe in ‘omens.’ Still, there’s something vaguely . . . hinky about the way Perry’s stealth campaign has been operating here in Iowa. “Call me crazy. Attribute my forebodings of doom to irrational prejudice. Say what you will, and I don’t care, but I felt a need […]

#tcot @AceOfSpadesHQ So, You’re Still Kinda Butt-Hurt About Rick Perry, Huh?

Look, I’ve just endured my own Disastrous Month of Pain, OK? But I seriously doubt that 78 days from now I’m gonna be grousing bitterly about Gloria Allred and Ginger White. So why — 78 days after the Tampa debate — is Ace still ax-grinding against Michele Bachmann? What’s especially interesting is that Bachmann signs […]

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