The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

And You Thought You Were Bummed Out

Struggling with feelings of despair? Count your blessings: Rick Perry’s shaky debate performances have hurt his poll numbers and, apparently, the market for quickie books about the Texas governor. “I had a deal,” grouses . . . reporter R.G. Ratcliffe, “and Perry blew it.” I Love You Phillip Morris author Steve McVicker says interest in his proposed […]

Aw, C’mon, Governor Perry

by Smitty This is either a result of (a) incomplete analysis, or (b) a cheap populist appeal: “Any congressman or senator that uses their insider knowledge to profit in the stock market ought to be sent to jail—period,” said Mr. Perry, who is seeking the Republican presidential nomination. This sounds swell, but is going to […]

Perry Aides Dissing Gingrich Campaign?

Interesting news: A new book claims Newt Gingrich spent $1 million on jewelry to “buy off” his reluctant wife and stop her objecting to his running for president. “Election 2012: The Battle Begins,” by reporters Tom Bevan and Carl Cannon, follows up on previous reports about Gingrich’s unpaid $500,000 charge account at Tiffany’s and his […]

Will Perry Be Blamed for Cain Scandal?

Sunday’s original widespread suspicion that the Rick Perry campaign was responsible for the “oppo” hit at Politico appears to be shared by many others, including the target himself: In the summer of 2003, Cain recalls briefing Anderson—his general campaign consultant at the time—that sexual harassment claims were brought against him while he was chairman of […]

Ouch! New Poll Shows Perry at 7% in Iowa

The headline on the Des Moines Register story is “Herman Cain, Mitt Romney lead new Iowa Poll,” but when you break down the numbers, the really shocking result is farther down: Herman Cain …………………. 23% Mitt Romney ………………….. 22% Ron Paul ……………………….. 13% Michele Bachmann ………….. 8% Rick Perry ………………… 7% Newt Gingrich …………………. 7% Rick […]

Cain Leads New Ohio Poll; Close to Romney in Nevada; Perry Fading Away

The big headline today is the Ohio poll by Quinnipiac: Former Godfather’s Pizza CEO Herman Cain has jumped to the front of the line among GOP presidential contenders with 28 percent support among Ohio Republicans. Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney is second with 23 percent, while Texas Gov. Rick Perry is almost at the bottom […]

Herman Cain Builds Lead Over Romney, Rick Perry 5th in New CBS/NYT Poll

The big news? This poll was taken Oct. 19-24, entirely after last week’s Vegas debate (Perry’s best performance to date) and covers the period during which the abortion controversy was supposedly (if you believe Karl Rove) destroying the viability of the Cain campaign: Herman Cain ………………. 25% Mitt Romney ………………. 21% Newt Gingrich …………….. 10% […]

‘Two Nationally Known GOP Insiders’

Thus does Jennifer Rubin of the Washington Post describe Nelson Warfield and Curt Anderson, who have been brought aboard Team Perry in a campaign overhaul. Another money quote: Perry’s original staff seemed not to appreciate that running for president was a fundamentally different task than running for reelection in a deep red state. No duh. […]

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