The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

David Cameron to Brits: ‘They Be Snatching Your People Up Out Here’

The prime minister channels Antoine Dodson: David Cameron has criticised “state multiculturalism” in his first speech as prime minister on radicalisation and the causes of terrorism. At a security conference [Saturday] in Munich, he argued the UK needed a stronger national identity to prevent people turning to all kinds of extremism. He also signalled a tougher […]

‘In the Name of Tolerance’

“I’m not being rightwing. The people who believe themselves to be on the left, and who defend the agents of Islam in the name of tolerance and culture, are being rightwing. Not just rightwing. Extreme rightwing. I don’t understand how you can be so upset about the Christian right and just ignore the Islamic right.” […]

Pakistani Official Who Opposed Sharia Law Killed by His Own Bodyguard

Not an encouraging development: The governor of Pakistan’s most populous province was gunned down Tuesday at an upscale marketplace in Islamabad by a member of an elite police security contingent, officials said. The brazen killing threw an already teetering U.S.-backed government into even greater turmoil. Salman Taseer, the governor of Punjab province and an avowed […]

OMFG: Katy Couric Says, ‘Maybe We Need a Muslim Version of ‘The Cosby Show’

Yes, she really said that. When I heard the audio Steve Foley posted at the Minority Report, I could scarcely believe it. How could anyone — even Katie Couric — be so incredibly stupid as to say this aloud? “Maybe we need a Muslim version of ‘The Cosby Show.’ . . . I know it […]

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