The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Memo From the National Affairs Desk: Mathematical Impossibilities Happen

“Rick Santorum charged of out Tuesday’s wins in the South with a fresh claim to being the chosen son of the Republicans’ conservative flank. Mitt Romney limped out with something that could endure longer: an enhanced lead in delegates. “Under the cruel math of the prolonged GOP primary race, Mr. Santorum’s victories in Alabama and […]

FreedomWorks Conference Call On H.R. 3551 With Rep. Jeff Landry

by Smitty Freedom Works sponsored a conference call with Rep. Jeff Landry (R-LA) on H.R. 3551, a bill that would create an opt-in measure for the Payroll Tax Holiday. Landry is Iraq veteran, and a former Army Sergeant. A genuine Tea Party representative. HR 3551 Summary: 12/2/2011–Introduced. Social Security Preservation through Individual Choice Enhancement Act […]

On This Caption Like Sweet On Cherry Pie

by Smitty (h/t Maggie’s Farm) Or, as Ron Paul said, End the Fed. Also available for the mighty Kindle, which gadget I have been enjoying immensely here by the Hindu Kush. I don’t know how to link Amazon URLs to Stacy’s tip jar, but we really need to support him financially so that he can […]

New Orleans, Again?

The croupiers at Harrah’s are probably rubbing their hands in gleeful anticipation at the prospect that I’ll resume my roulette losing streak during the Republican Leadership Conference and Reagan Centennial Celebration in New Orleans June 16-18. But really: This trip would be a legitimate business expense, right? I’m a political journalist and my man Herman […]

Is Charles Krauthammer Cynical Enough?

by Smitty Krauthammer’s take on the oil spill cleanup effort seems insufficiently curious to me: The fact that Salazar is sticking with this and that they’re going to appeal and they’re going to hang in there on this I think is a measure of how much this administration is in hock to its ecological left. […]

Judge Blocks Obama Administration Offshore Drilling Ban; UPDATE: Text of Ruling; Obama Vows to Appeal Decision

Instapundit links the news from Bloomberg. UPDATE: Judge Martin Feldman sides with the people against the powerful: A New Orleans federal judge lifted the six-month moratorium on deepwater drilling imposed by President Barack Obama following the largest oil spill in U.S. history. . . . More than a dozen Louisiana offshore service and supply companies sued […]

‘Bottles of Hope’

Shreveport blogger Pat Austin admires the resourcefulness, ingenuity and good humor of her fellow Louisianans: As awful as this oil spill is, they’re finding ways to fight back, and often keeping a sense of humor about it. The entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well. Kevin Voisin of Houma is selling limited edition bottles of Louisiana […]

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