The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

White House Pressured Facebook to Censor Tucker Carlson on COVID-19

Posted on | January 8, 2023 | Comments Off on White House Pressured Facebook to Censor Tucker Carlson on COVID-19

“Since we’ve been on the phone — the top post about vaccines today is Tucker Carlson saying they don’t work. Yesterdaty was Tomi Lehren saying she won’t take one. This is exactly why I want to know what ‘Reduction’ actually looks like — if ‘reduction’ means ‘pumping our most vaccine hesitant audience with Tucker Carlson saying it doesn’t work’ then … I’m not sure it’s reduction!”
Rob Flaherty
Director of Digital Strategy
The White House

Can you get any clearer example of abuse of power than this? The safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines was, and is, an important matter of public policy. Perhaps you don’t have any concern on this subject — I got vaccinate in September 2021, so its moot to me — but the point is that the White House wanted to stifle all criticism, to silence anyone expressing their concerns, so that the “discussion” became a one-sided propaganda message. And they were muscling Twitter to enforce this.

Furthermore, and I’ve raised this point repeatedly in recent months: Follow the money. The giant pharmaceutical companies producing the vaccines had an obvious motive to maximize the number of people who were getting vaccinated, without regard for their objective risk from COVID-19. Even if you were healthy and under 40, even if you had natural immunity because you’d already had COVID and recovered from it, the message was EVERYBODY MUST GET VACCINATED!

Such a message contradicted what anyone with common sense and a basic familiarity with contagious diseases could see. Even before the vaccines were available, states like Florida and Texas had ended the lockdown-and-mask regimes that were the norm in Democrat-controlled states, and the results were . . . nothing. That is to say, despite the “experts” (e.g., Fauci) predicting disaster, life in the “red” states was just fine. Unless you were elderly or obese or in some other way particularly vulnerable to the virus, COVID-19 was basically the common cold.

It was argued (not very convincingly, in my judgment) that vaccinating healthy young people was necessary because, even though they were at little risk of death or serious illness from the virus, these people could get infected and thereby spread the virus to the vulnerable population. But if (a) the vaccine was effective and (b) the most vulnerable people got the vaccine, then (c) it didn’t matter who else might be carrying the virus.

No, this official urgency about “reduction” of anti-vaccine messages wasn’t about public health. It was about selling the vaccines, and thereby enhancing the profits of Big Pharma. You can’t convince me otherwise.

Ian Miller at Outkick:

It’s yet another example of the federal government using tech companies to violate first amendment rights.
Flaherty’s cozy relationship with Facebook, as he references a phone conversation, meant he could reach out to get unfavorable opinions ”reduced.”
Sure enough, just a couple hours later, he got a response saying Facebook was ”running it down.”
Private companies censoring users at the behest of government is a direct violation of the First Amendment. But Biden and many on his ideological allies on left don’t care much for freedom of speech.

This is not merely about the First Amendment in some abstract, intellectual sense. It is about corruption, and the Biden administration’s secretive behind-the-scenes manipulation of public discussion.


FMJRA 2.0: She’s Got A Face That Could Stop A Clock

Posted on | January 8, 2023 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: She’s Got A Face That Could Stop A Clock

— compiled by Wombat-socho

SOTD, by Cheap Trick
Earlier this week, it was noted in the news that former congresscritter Liz Cheney (R-WY) left office considerably more wealthy than she was when she arrived in DC as a freshman. On r/Conservative, someone said they’d be willing to be Mr. Cheney for a slice of all that cash, and I promptly posted a link to the SOTD in reply. Which, considering I hadn’t heard the song since I was a young PFC studying Russian at DLI, seems to indicate my memory’s not completely shot. Yet.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Pic somewhat related,

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Twitter Files Reveal Hillary Clinton — Of Course! — Was Behind Censorship Push
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357 Magnum
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Top linkers for the week ending January 6:

  1.  EBL (11)
  2.  (tied) 357 Magnum & A View From The Beach (8)
  3.  Proof Positive (5)

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Football: Good News and Bad News

Posted on | January 7, 2023 | Comments Off on Football: Good News and Bad News

The good news is, Damar Hamlin is alive and improving:

Bills safety Damar Hamlin continues to make progress in his recovery as he remains breathing on his own and his “neurological function is excellent,” according to physicians at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center via a statement from the team Saturday.
Hamlin remains in critical condition, the statement said, but is progressing after having his breathing tube removed overnight Thursday to Friday.
The 24-year-old still has a long road to recovery, with doctors from the UC Medical Center saying Thursday that there were many steps ahead for Hamlin, although he accomplished the first by having the breathing tube taken out. . . .
Hamlin was able to speak with teammates on a Zoom call Friday during the Bills’ team meeting. He told his teammates, “Love ya boys,” made a heart with his hands, gave them a thumbs-up and even flexed on them. Bills players reacted to seeing Hamlin by standing up, clapping and yelling in excitement.
“We got our boy, man, you know what I’m saying,” left tackle Dion Dawkins said. “It’s all that matters. We got our boy. The excitement was beautiful. It was amazing. It has given us so much energy, so much bright, high spirits, whatever you want to call it. It is giving it to us. To see that boy’s face, to see him smile, see him [flex his muscles] in the camera, it was everything. And then to hear him talk to us. It was literally everything. And that’s what we needed. Literally, that’s all we needed.”
CPR was administered to Hamlin on the field at Paycor Stadium in Cincinnati on Monday night for multiple minutes after he suffered a cardiac arrest and collapsed following his tackle of Bengals wide receiver Tee Higgins.

So that’s the good news. Honestly, I thought he was dead after he collapsed on the field Monday. It’s certainly encouraging to hear that he’s getting better, even though that means the Bills are likely to be fired up for Sunday’s game against my New England Patriots who, depending on the outcome of other games, are likely to be facing a must-win situation, if they want to make it into the playoffs on the final wild-card spot. So we’ll be hoping that (a) the Jacksonsville Jaguars win tonight, eliminating the Tennessee Titans, (b) the New York Jets win Sunday, eliminating the Miami Dolphins, and (c) the Cleveland Browns win Sunday, eliminating the Pittsburgh Steelers. Only if all three of those things happen can the Patriots make the playoffs without beating Buffalo and, to be honest, the odds are at least 5-to-1 against them beating the Bills. Meanwhile . . .

The author of that article, Tracie Canada, “is an assistant professor of cultural anthropology at Duke University. Her research uses sport to theorize race, kinship, care, gender and the performing body, and she is currently working on a book project about the experiences of Black college football players. She holds a Ph.D. from the University of Virginia.” And after publishing the Dumbest Article Ever Written About Football, she has locked her Twitter account. Far be it from me to “participate in targeted abuse” on Twitter, but that doesn’t mean you can’t participate by saying rude things to Professor Canada.


FINALLY: McCarthy Becomes Speaker

Posted on | January 7, 2023 | Comments Off on FINALLY: McCarthy Becomes Speaker

What is normally a pro forma exercise on the first day of the new Congress instead dragged on for four days before reaching its final conclusion in the wee hours of the night:

Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) was elected House speaker after midnight Saturday on the 15th round of voting, marking the conclusion of an intense week of negotiations with Republican defectors and a dramatic Friday night packed with tension and a physical altercation.
McCarthy received 216 votes, House Democrat Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) received 212 votes, and six Republican members voted “present.”
No speaker race had lasted 15 rounds or more in 163 years, according to House records. The last race to take more than one ballot occurred in 1923, when reelecting then-Speaker Frederick Gillett took nine ballots.
The roughly 20 members who had been voting against McCarthy throughout the week — many of whom are in the House Freedom Caucus — sought various structural changes to the House and other commitments from the leader, aiming to shift power away from leadership and to rank-and-file members and Freedom Caucus members specifically.
Their asks included, among many items, bringing the motion to vacate down to a one-member threshold and putting more members of the Freedom Caucus on the Rules Committee, as well as budgetary provisions and vows to bring votes on certain legislation to the floor. . . .
In a sign that members were nearing an agreement, more than half of the holdouts changed their vote to McCarthy Friday morning, leaving the pressure on six members who could derail McCarthy’s speakership should they continue to refuse to vote for him.
Those six members, Reps. Andy Biggs (R-AZ), Matt Gaetz (R-FL), Lauren Boebert (R-CO), Bob Good (R-VA), and Matt Rosendale (R-MT), and Rep.-elect Eli Crane (R-AZ), voted “present” in the 15th round, meaning their vote would not count toward the final tally, effectively assuring McCarthy the gavel. . . .
In a stunning turn of events after Gaetz cast his vote, Rep. Mike Rogers (R-AL) appeared to yell at Gaetz and lunge toward him, and he was physically pulled back by another member before Rogers stormed out of the chamber.

Was this protracted battle motivated by personal grievance?

Among the major factors in McCarthy losing more than a dozen speakership ballots, people familiar with the matter say, was the severity of Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz’s enmity toward the Republican leader. Gaetz’s intense and personal distaste for McCarthy has been an open secret in Washington political circles for years, so much so that Gaetz and McCarthy’s colleagues would argue it isn’t even a “secret” at all.
But Gaetz’s hatred curdled into something even more powerful after it was revealed in early 2021 that the MAGA congressman was the target of a federal investigation into the sex trafficking of a minor. (No charges were filed against Gaetz, but his “wingman” Joel Greenberg was sentenced to 11 years in prison.) McCarthy, in Gaetz’s opinion, failed to mount a forceful enough defense on his behalf. According to two sources familiar with the matter, Gaetz has been furious at McCarthy for the perceived lack of support ever since — despite the fact that McCarthy did not strip him of any committee assignments during the probe.

So says Rolling Stone, anyway, and while I’m skeptical that this left-wing publication has informed sources inside the GOP caucus, at the same time I don’t like Republican sex scandals. Republicans should be the party of boring middle-class married life. Let the Democrats have a monopoly on sex scandals. It’s an American tradition.


Crazy People Are Dangerous

Posted on | January 7, 2023 | Comments Off on Crazy People Are Dangerous

Historic Church Burned by Right-Wing White Supremacist — just imagine the 24/7 coverage on CNN and MSNBC if that were the headline about the arsonist responsible for this crime. But that’s not the headline, and the media are ignoring it, because it’s a transgender nutjob:

An arson attack that destroyed a 117-year-old church in downtown Portland, Oregon, this week has become a symbol of disorder in the city.
Cameron David Storer, a trans woman also known as “Nicolette Fait,” was arrested following an investigation by the Portland Fire & Rescue Fire Investigations Unit. The 27-year-old is charged with two counts of first-degree arson, one count of second-degree arson, and two counts of second-degree burglary — all felonies.
According to prosecutors, Storer walked into the Multnomah County Detention Center and confessed to setting the church on fire using a lighter.
“Storer stated that they heard voices in their head saying they would ‘mutilate’ Storer if they did not burn the church down and that they had planned it up to one day in advance,” said the Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office in a press release. Storer allegedly told investigators she was taking oxycodone and had a history of mental illness.
Fire crews responded to sky-high flames that had consumed the historic Portland Korean Church in downtown around 5:30 p.m. Jan. 3. The Protestant church was built in 1905 and was previously known as the First German Evangelical Church. The church had remained unused for a number of years after its congregation moved to a suburb. . . .
The suspect was arraigned on Thursday afternoon and prosecutors asked that Storer be denied bail. Storer did not appear to enter a plea, according to court documents.
Storer’s last address is in Rhode Island, where the landlord has an open eviction case against her.

Cameron Storer, a/k/a, “Nicolette Fait”

Crazy People Are Dangerous.


In The Mailbox: 01.06.23

Posted on | January 6, 2023 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 01.06.23

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ladies and gentlemen, your weekend safety briefing courtesy of Ralts Bloodthorne:

Don’t beat your kids, spouse, significant other, pets, or random people. Don’t buy, sell, manufacture, transport, or take illegal drugs. Don’t run from the cops, they hate that. Always ask for a lawyer. Run toward the screams if you can help. Don’t believe Priscilla the Green Fairy, she lies. Midgets don’t grant wishes if you catch them. Don’t drink and drive. Don’t touch Willy, he likes that. Try to stay out of jail but if you can’t, make sure it’s for a good reason.
Take care of yourselves. You’re the only you that you’ve got. Take care of each other when you can.
Look at yourself in the mirror and smile at yourself. It’s OK if you’re ugly. I’m ugly, and that ain’t no crime. Give yourself a hug. Smile at strangers, it might brighten their day.
Above all, keep on going. One more step, one more punch, one more day.

Usual weekend deadlines for the usual weekend posts.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

h/t Mike Williamson on MeWe

EBL: Let’s Make A Deal: House Speaker Edition
Twitchy: Swalwell Takes Credibility Swing At Remaining GOP Holdouts, KOs Himself, also, Prince Harry Further Emasculates Himself
Louder With Crowder: Based dude explains real reason for announcing ‘your pronouns’ with basic grammar lesson, also, Ashli Babbitt’s Mom Arrested Outside Capitol For Protesting Daughter’s Death
Vox Popoli: Reading List 2022, On the Nonexistence of Equality, and Gammastalking or Gangstalking?
According To Hoyt: The Futures We Escaped, also, January 6th
Monster Hunter Nation: January 2023 Update, also, Book Giveaway Contest for In Defense of the Second Amendment

American Conservative: How GOP Helped Big Trans Conquer South Dakota, also, Burning Down The Church
American Greatness: January 6: A Day That Will Live in Alchemy, Mother of Ashli Babbitt Arrested Outside of U.S. Capitol While Protesting Her Daughter’s J6 Shooting Death, and Biden Praises Border Czar Kamala Harris in Dishonest and Gaffe-Laden Speech
American Thinker: A Mulligan for the Supreme Court, also, Trump Hatred Is Not Cheap
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Beam-down Power Friday
Babalu Blog: ¡Feliz Día de los Reyes Magos! — Happy Epiphany!, Cuban dictatorship announces blackouts will be returning to the island, Catching Ana Belen Montes, America’s ‘most dangerous’ female spy, and Sovereignty and food and nutrition security: The regime’s rhetoric to distract Cubans
Behind The Black: Virgin Orbit’s launch from Cornwall finally scheduled for January 9th, General Atomics wins Air Force contract to build technology test lunar satellite, Private lunar rover to fly on private lunar lander, and Who wants to help me publicly challenge an unjust blacklisting?
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday
Chicago Boyz: Paul Ehrlich, Still Catastrophizing
Da Tech Guy: Little Christmas, Epiphany and the Annual Chalking of your home
Don Surber: Steve Scalise can save Congress
Gates Of Vienna: “The Masks Make You Sick”
The Geller Report: Retired FBI Boss Says Agency Has Lost Independence, Co-opted By Left-Wing DOJ Radicals, also, Hanson: “The Coup We Never Knew”
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, X-Ray Vision, and This Is Taking Longer Than I Thought
Hollywood In Toto: Man Called Otto Is Oscar-Bait at Its Worst, also, Adam Carolla Makes Total Sense on Drag Queen Story Hours
The Lid: Russian Troops Fall into ‘No Win’ Position in Ukraine
Legal Insurrection: “In their fancy prisons, glued to their phones, students are no longer taught to think and act for themselves”, U. Houston Prof Tells Students to Report Teachers Berating ‘White People or Christians to DEI Office’, Biden Admin Tries Justifying Canceling Keystone XL Despite Decision Killing Thousands of Jobs, and DeSantis Appoints Chris Rufo and Other Conservatives To Transform Lefty “New College” Into The Hillsdale of Florida
Nebraska Energy Observer: Epiphany
Outkick: NFL Playoff Proposal Involving Potential Neutral Site AFC Title Game, Coin Flip For Seeding Gets Approved, Bengals Coach Zac Taylor Not Happy About NFL’s Coin Toss Playoff Solution, Erin Andrews Unleashes Expletive-Filled Rant Aimed At Attention-Seeking Media, Michigan Hit With Notice of Allegations By NCAA; Jim Harbaugh Receives Level I Violation, Indianapolis Says ‘No’ To NFL Hosting Potential Neutral Site AFC Championship Game, and Damar Hamlin Has Breathing Tube Removed, Talks To Buffalo Bills Teammates Via FaceTime In Best Possible Health Update
Power Line: Bordering on nullity, Thoughts from the ammo line, and Clown Show Coming to an End?
Shark Tank: DeSantis Appoints Democrat To Lead Highway Safety Dept.; Flips Palm Beach County Commission Red
Shot In The Dark: Unquestionably, Open Letter To Hennepin County, and  This Is The DFL Majority In Action
This Ain’t Hell: Afghan baby mess, Valor Friday, MG (ret) still wants to be the center of attention, Work begins for removal of Confederate names from DOD assets, and Using the military to inflict damage on cartels crossing the southern border
Transterrestrial Musings: Your Laugh Of The Day, The Truth About Slavery, and A Bad Idea
Victory Girls: Cori Bush Called Out After Saying Byron Donalds Is A Prop
Volokh Conspiracy: Bump Stock Ban Regulation Isn’t Authorized by Federal Law, Says Fifth Circuit En Banc
Watts Up With That: You Wicked Planet Wrecking Coffee Drinker – Think of the Climate Impact!, Green EU: The Massive Gas Field Nobody will Touch, Climate Divestment: Kentucky Boycotts Woke Anti-Fossil Fuel Banks, and Duke Energy Apologises for Winter Storm Renewable Energy Failure, Rolling Blackouts
Weasel Zippers: Even Amid Unprecedented Border Crisis, Biden Says He’s “Proud Of” Border Czar Kamala Harris, Homeland Security Chief Mayorkas Refuses To Say The Border Is In “A Crisis”, Hillary Clinton Lands Professor And “Presidential Fellow” Gig At Columbia University, and Report: Average Family Spending “$400 More Each Month On The Same Goods And Services” As Last Year
The Federalist: If Kristi Noem Were ‘The Most Conservative Governor In America,’ She’d Cut Ties With South Dakota’s Trans Mutilation Biz, 2022 Was The Year Of Nationalist Strides In European Elections, Jan. 6 Is Important Because It’s Epiphany, Not The Solemn Anniversary Of A Fake Insurrection, and In Defense Of College Football Tailgating
Mark Steyn: Live Around the Planet: Friday January 6th

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In The Mailbox: 01.05.23

Posted on | January 6, 2023 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 01.05.23

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

h/t Lurch on MeWe

357 Magnum: Canada Lurches Toward Self-Defense
EBL: Most Wisconsin Story Ever, Native American Faker Kay LeClaire, Busted, and Bad Potato
Twitchy: Rep. Don Bacon Suggests House GOP Should Work With Democrats If The 20 Don’t Budge, also, A Disturbing Thread About The Well-Funded Coalition Bringing Child Castration & Mutilation To South Dakota
Louder With Crowder: Arsonists discover wind and fire don’t mix, Handcuffed prisoner tries to escape head first out of a police car window, and Dan Crenshaw embraces Democrat rhetoric
Vox Popoli: Weekly Meme Review 9, Winning by Losing, and Shot to the Heart
Stoic Observations: Postmodern Permissive Liberty
Gab News: Damar Hamlin & Pursuing The Truth In An Empire Of Lies

American Conservative: A Believer in an Age of Skeptics
American Greatness: The Coup We Never Knew, Biden Allegedly Plans to Finally Visit Southern Border, and Florida Demands All State Universities Report Resources, Funding Used for CRT/DEI
American Thinker: America Would Be A Better Place If We Taught The Truth About Slavery
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Dying Giant News
Babalu Blog: Three Cuban political prisoners from the July 11 protests viciously beaten by State Security agents, Why nearly 3 million Cubans have fled communist Cuba, Cuban Freemasons Grand Master denounces ‘coup d’état’ by Cuban counterintelligence, and Over 1,500 unaccompanied Cuban minors crossed into U.S. through Mexico in 2022
BattleSwarm: Limousine Liberals vs. Poor Boatniks
Behind The Black: Updates on India’s space effort, Voyager signs deal with Airbus to build its private space station, The dry and dusty equatorial regions of Mars, and Cornell confirms its plan to punish students for disrupting Coulter speech
Cafe Hayek: The United States Certainly Did Have Lockdowns
CDR Salamander: Diversity Thursday
Chicago Boyz: Covid and Credibility
Da Tech Guy: Five Chosen S3 E4 Thoughts Under the Fedora, also, The Biden Regime is once again trampling on the First Amendment
Don Surber: McCarthy fails. They blame Trump
First Street Journal: The Arabs are all butthurt because an Israeli government minister went to the Temple Mount
Gates Of Vienna: Time to Expose This Dystopian Machine, also, Charlie Hebdo: We Paean Ayatollah Ali Khamenei
The Geller Report: Twitter Files: “Every Conceivable Wing of Federal Enforcement” Demanded Censorship of Conservatives and Accounts Critical of Democrat Propaganda
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, A Fading Stingray, and A Cease and Desist Letter
Hollywood In Toto: Move Over, Chucky. Here Comes M3GAN, also, Eventbrite Cancels Capitol Punishment Screening
The Lid: Soros’ Next Target: The Supreme Court
Legal Insurrection: Kern CC Trustee Apologizes for ‘Provocative Comments’ Towards Faculty Who Oppose DEI Initiatives, Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) Will Retire in 2024, ‘Transage’ Activists Insist ‘Age is a Social Construct’, Republicans Will Try to Protect Strategic Petroleum Reserves in Energy Bills, and Biden Proves He Knows Nothing About the Border or Immigration in a Rambling Speech
Outkick: Bills Allen, McDermott Say They’re Ready To Play This Weekend, Troy Aikman Details Moments In Booth After Damar Hamlin Collapse, Praises Joe Buck, Damar Hamlin’s Doctors Say On-Field Response, CPR Saved His Life, Former Arkansas, NFL RB Peyton Hillis Reportedly In Intensive Care After Attempting To Save His Kids From Drowning In Ocean, and Damar Hamlin’s Doctors Say He Is Communicating, Asked Who Won The Game
Power Line: Extreme Weather Events Declining, The Twitter Files so far, and Seriously Washington?
Shark Tank: Byron Donalds (R-FL) Slaps Back At Cori Bush’s (D-MO) Racist Tweet A Second Time
Shot In The Dark: Career Opportunity, also, Fifth Column
STUMP: Geeking Out in Memory of Pope Benedict – Papal Mortality!
The Political Hat: Euthanasia in Canada: Killing Kids; Killing The Vulnerable; Killing The Poor
This Ain’t Hell: Afghan refugee damage, also, Waffle House Stolen Valor
Transterrestrial Musings: How The FBI Hacked Twitter, also, A Bold Proposal
Victory Girls: Justice Sotomayor Has The Sadz Over Direction Of Court
Volokh Conspiracy: Hamline President Keeps Digging, also, Justice Sotomayor Tells Law Professors She Felt “Shell Shocked” After Last Supreme Court Term
Watts Up With That: Serially Wrong Paul Ehrlich Is Wrong, Again, also, The Wind Power Mirage
Weasel Zippers: Biden Says Red China Is “Very Sensitive” To Questions On COVID Origin, Joy Behar Attacks Conservative And “Heterosexual Men” For Liking Football, Adam Schiff Insists Border Has Been “Very Strong Priority” For Democrats, and Biden Claims Republicans Who Campaign On Securing The Border Are “Extreme”
The Federalist: Pro-Family Conservatives Must First Be Pro-Men, The Recruit Is Fair But Fun In Its Depiction Of Our Intelligence Agencies, Loudoun County Dad Arrested For ‘Trespassing’ At Local Public School Board Meeting Found Not Guilty, Childish ‘Kidults’ Drive The Toy Industry By Overdosing On Nostalgia, and How Many Taxpayer Dollars Do Florida’s State Universities Drop On Bogus Racial Indoctrination? DeSantis Demands Receipts
Mark Steyn: Be a Mensch, Not a Knacker, also, Criminalising Opinion

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GOOD NEWS from Chicago!

Posted on | January 5, 2023 | Comments Off on GOOD NEWS from Chicago!

Given the unrelenting grimness of the city’s crime wave — 735 people were murdered in Chicago last year, and another 2,937 were wounded by gunfire — it’s not often we hear anything positive, hopeful and uplifting from Cook County, but here’s a reason to smile:

A carjacker was killed in the Loop on Thursday evening when the victim fought back, accelerated her car, and slammed into a beam that supports the L tracks, Chicago police said. The Cook County medical examiner’s office identified the deceased man as 18-year-old Elijah Treadwell of Uptown.
Treadwell and a 16-year-old female accomplice entered an Infiniti FX35 in the 100 block of East Lake and tried to carjack a woman around 5:42 p.m., officials said. A struggle ensued, and the victim’s car accelerated into the L support column near Wabash Avenue, trapping the victim and both offenders inside, police said.
Chicago Fire Department workers extracted everyone and took them to hospitals. Treadwell was pronounced dead at Northwestern Memorial Hospital. The female and the victim have both been stabilized, according to the fire department.


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