The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Democrats: ‘It’s Different When We Do It!’

Posted on | January 13, 2023 | Comments Off on Democrats: ‘It’s Different When We Do It!’

Let us recall that the first we learned about issues with Donald Trump having presidential documents at his Florida estate was when the Justice Department sent dozens of FBI agents to raid Mar-a-Lago — three months before Election Day, just coincidentally. It was not until after the election — another coincidence! — that Merrick Garland announced that the persecution investigation of Trump would be handed over to a special counsel (and appointed notorious anti-Republican fanatic Jack Smith).

Guess what also happened before the election? Biden’s personal attorneys “discovered” 10 classified documents from the Obama era in the D.C. offices that Biden used at his think tank after his term as vice president. This “discovery” was made on Nov. 2, but didn’t make the news until two months later, after Republicans had taken over the majority in the House of Representatives, thus obtaining subpoena power for their own investigations. Gosh, how these coincidences pile up!

Readers may share my suspicion that none of this was actually coincidental. Because we are paranoid right-wing conspiracy theorists — at least, that’s what we are, according to CNN, the New York Times and other enforcers of the Official Democrat-Approved Media Narrative — we might guess that what actually happened was:

1. DOJ seized upon complaints from a staffer at the National Archives about access to documents as a pretext to raid Trump and gin up a phony story that freaking NUCLEAR SECRETS were just sitting around in boxes at Mar-a-Lago;
2. This raid was calculated to help Democrats in the midterms by reminding Democrat voters about the existential menace of ORANGE MAN BAD;
3. Someone on Biden’s staff, realizing that their boss might be vulnerable to similar charges of mishandling classified material, suggested to his attorneys that they check to see if the doddering idiot had accidentally left any documents lying around somewhere;
4. Thus, his personal attorneys were checking Biden’s think-tank office — where vast troves of such documents were stacked up — and were willing to admit that at least 10 of them were classified;
5. The timeline is unclear of exactly when Biden’s attorneys informed officials of their “discovery” (not really a discovery, because of course Biden knew he had kept these classified documents, even if his senility meant he couldn’t say exactly where), but it’s pretty obvious that nobody at DOJ was in a hurry to investigate this;
6. Republicans in Congress must have suspected something like this — it’s just common sense to figure Joe would have kept some classified material from his eight years as VP — and were quietly preparing their own investigation;

and so

7. The White House orchestrates a leak to their media buddies about this “discovery” so they can manage the message prior to having Garland make the special counsel announcement;

which means

8. If called to testify before a congressional committee, any officials with knowledge of this will refuse to answer questions saying that they can’t comment on a case that’s currently under investigation.

See how it works? Standard operating procedure. And everybody in the media repeats the same talking points about how what Biden did was completely different than what Trump did, because ORANGE MAN BAD!

I’m not paranoid. Just extremely cynical.


In The Mailbox: 01.12.23

Posted on | January 13, 2023 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 01.12.23

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Today, the Windows 98 sisters and their pocky box mechas.
Silicon Valley delenda est.

The Win98 girls: the original on the right, SE on the left.

357 Magnum: A Day In The Life
EBL:  Top Secret Brandon
Twitchy: Adam Schiff Attempt To Drag GOP With Laundry List Of Lies Goes Badly Wrong, also, Occasional Cortex Responds To The Gas Stove Kerfluffle & The Fact That She Owns One
Louder With Crowder: Couple attempts to rob a gas station with a gun, gets foiled by customers who had three guns, TikTok influencer takes swing at Las Vegas bouncers, discovers they don’t care he’s a TikTok influencer, and Expert witness testifies Canadian shop teacher with gargantuan fake boobs is, in ‘fact,’ a woman
Vox Popoli: Diversity Enhances Paris, The Review Police, Human Sacrifice on the Horizon, and No, Harry, No!

American Conservative: Cardinal Pell: Vatican Is ‘Lawless’
American Greatness: 2023 Golden Globes Reports Abysmal Ratings, What Caused the Political Hysteria?, and Biden Whispers Into Mic That He Will Veto GOP Bill Rescinding IRS Funds For 87,000 New Agents
American Thinker: I’m Not Qualified, also, Do We Need a Department of Transportation?
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Living on the Moon News
Babalu Blog: Miami Cuban radio icon Ninoska Perez Castellon leaves Radio Mambí after its purchase by leftist activists, Nicaraguan dictatorship to put Catholic bishop on trial for ‘conspiracy’, Inflation rate above 40% in 2022 sinks more Cuban families into poverty, and We remember Rush Limbaugh (1951 — 2021)
Baldilocks: From Faith To Faith – Watching The Wicked Prosper
BattleSwarm: Texas To Run Another Big-Ass Budget Surplus
Behind The Black: Saudi Arabia withdraws from Moon Treaty, American camera snaps picture of shadowed floor of Shackleton crater, Russia and Europe negotiating return of rockets and satellites, First exoplanet confirmed by Webb, and The modern American blacklist culture is wide and deep, and will require a lot of dredging to clear
Cafe Hayek: Jerry Z. Muller on Jacob Soll on Adam Smith
CDR Salamander: Diversity Thursday
Chicago Boyz: And So It Begins
Da Tech Guy: Quick Reality Reminders Under the Fedora, also, An un-elective despotism is exactly the government we have now
Dana Loesch: Biden On The Economy & Classified Docs – “They Were By My Corvette”, also, The Classified Document Story Breaking Now Comes Off As Blie On Blue Oppo
Don Surber: No one wants to be Cheneyed, also, Media begins squirming over Biden
Gates Of Vienna: Thailand in Trouble
The Geller Report: Lisa Marie Presley Dies Suddenly at 54, also, Biden Aides Find SECOND SECRET BATCH of Classified Documents at Separate Location – HIS GARAGE
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, Digging Out Hidden Black Holes, and In Re False Sensitive Content Warnings on Twitter
Hollywood In Toto: Adam Carolla: Rob Reiner Is a Useful Idiot, also, Late Night Runs Cover for Biden’s Classified Docs…What Now?
The Lid: The FBI Used the CIA and the NSA to Spy on Americans
Legal Insurrection: Student Mob at Canada’s McGill U. Shuts Down Gay Professor’s Talk About Taking the ‘T’ Out of LGBT, More Than Half of House Democrats Vote With Republicans to Ban Biden From Selling Oil Reserves to China, Frustrated Joy Behar – “Just As We’re This Close To Getting” Trump, “Somehow” the Biden Classified Docs Appear, Eric Swalwell Throws Tantrum After Deservedly Being Kicked off Intelligence Committee, and #Twitterfiles Part 14 – “Russiagate scandal was built on the craven dishonesty of politicians and reporters”
Nebraska Energy Observer: Right off the bat
Outkick: Troy Aikman Bashes NFL Quality Of Play: ‘Is This Professional Football?’, Dan Le Batard Is Outraged Over Dana White Slapping His Wife But Employs Wife-Choker Howard Bryant, Stetson Bennett Returns To Day Job At Raising Cane’s After Dismantling TCU, Nick Saban Ranked Alabama Comically High In Final Coaches Poll Ballot, and Joe Burrow Isn’t Afraid To Be Arrogant: ‘You Can’t Go Out There Scared’
Power Line: The Biden docs, round 2, Thought for the Day: Paul Johnson (RIP), on Modern Times, and Talk about Gaslighting!
Shark Tank: Rep. Brian Mast Introduces Vaccine Reenlistment Act
Shot In The Dark: Body Count, Jeff Beck, and Certiorari 
The Political Hat: Woke Schools: Denying Merit; Anti-Racist Math; Queer Question Time
This Ain’t Hell: Art history prof Mohammed firing update, Scratching his wife’s fleas, Army’s got an idea to fix recruiting problems. More ribbons!, ‘Uncle Frank’ Biden – FOIA Results, and Guided Missile Destroyer to be Named for Hero
Transterrestrial Musings: Saudi Arabia And The Moon, also, Stanford
Victory Girls: Lori Lightfoot Wanted Chicago Teachers to Get Students to Campaign for Her
Volokh Conspiracy: Sixth Circuit Upholds Injunction Against Biden Administration COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Federal Contractors
Watts Up With That: Eco Numpties Unhappy with Charging Costs, “Rare Earths,” Electrification Mandates, and Energy Security (Part I), and New Harvard Study Proves Exxon Scientists Far Superior at Predicting Climate than the IPCC or James Hansen
Weasel Zippers: Over 200 Democrats Vote Against Condemning Attacks On Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers, Football Injuries Now Racist, Biden Bizarrely Brags About “Food Inflation”, and Hakeem Jeffries: Rescinding 87K IRS Agents, Holding ChiCom’s Accountable Is “Extreme”
The Federalist: How A Public Library Used Third-Party Allies And ‘Listening Sessions’ To Dismiss Flak Over Pornographic Kids’ Books, Latest Biden Document Cache Makes Yesterday’s Media Excuses Look Even Dumber, Thanks To Radical Environmentalists, Not Even A ‘Bomb Cyclone’ Can Fix California’s Drought, and Colorado Democrats Plot To Snatch Refund Checks From Taxpayers After Taking Credit For Them
Mark Steyn: Off to the Re-Education Gulag

Amazon Warehouse Deals

In The Mailbox: 01.11.23

Posted on | January 12, 2023 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 01.11.23

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Poor Windows ME. Such a klutz. It was the only version of Windows I never had to deal with; I jumped straight from Windows 95 to Windows 98 SE. 
Silicon Valley delenda est.

“idk, I think I’ll just freeze up and then hide behind the Blue Screen…”

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #1959
357 Magnum: Two Good Guys With Guns Stop Bad Guy
EBL: FAA GROUNDS ALL FLIGHTS IN USA THIS MORNING, Biden’s Trove of Top Secret Documents, and Jeff Beck, RIP
Twitchy: Enjoy Rep. Byron Donalds wiping the floor with Joy Reid, also, Jonathan Turley Explores The “Surprise Factor” In Ongoing Discovery Of Biden’s Classified Documents
Louder With Crowder: Chris Pratt throws back to being ‘given 3 minutes to impart wisdom’ to MTV. He spent it talking about God, Eddie Murphy’s ‘blueprint for success’ had the audience howling (but Will Smith will hate it), and World’s first cow poop-powered tractor is here to save the planet
Vox Popoli: Dude, It Was YOUR Vaccine!, Setting the Theatre, Yes, Actually, and Clown World “Democracy”

Adam Piggott: Make the Australian Military Sexy Again
American Conservative: Cardinal Pell, White Martyr, also, Respect The Institutions? But Why?
American Greatness: Articles of Impeachment Filed Against DHS Sec Mayorkas, Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders Forbids Arkansas Government Documents from Using Term ‘Latinx’, and House GOP Will Release 14,000 Hours of January 6 Tapes That Have Been Hidden From the Public
American Thinker: America’s Animal Farm, also, Are You Happy to Bail Out the Big Unions?
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog:  Cuban students ordered to attend government rally critically injured when wall collapses on them, The most popular website in Cuba right now, and No dreams, no entertainment, no work, this is how the young live in Villa Clara, Cuba
Baldilocks: Back Sooner Than Soon
BattleSwarm: What Is And Isn’t Useful Kit In Ukraine
Behind The Black: ABL’s first launch attempt fails, Leaking Soyuz to return empty; Unmanned Soyuz to be launched to replace it, Astronomers discover more than 800 new supermassive black holes, and World View gets new lease from Pima County
Cafe Hayek: An Open Letter to Henry I. Miller, also, Non-covid Excess Deaths
CDR Salamander: What About India?
Chicago Boyz: A Trivial Diversion – The Right Royal Ruckus, also, Worthwhile Reading & Viewing
Da Tech Guy: Biden Classified Data Thoughts Under the Fedora
Don Surber: The Blizzard That Blew Away The Old West,  also, Biden’s Make Mexico Great policies
First Street Journal: Killadelphia’s Democratic mayoral candidates do not want the killing to stop
Gates Of Vienna: Rendezvous in Davos, Mocro Mob Hit in Antwerp, Baby, It’s Cold Outside, and “The Verdict is Unlawful”
The Geller Report: US Air Force Academy Cadet Died Suddenly While Walking to Class
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, Habitable Zone Exoplanets, and Nothing to See Here. Move Along
Hollywood In Toto: Mask-less Fallon: ‘Put on a Mask’ Indoors, also, The Left Tried, and Failed, to Stop ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’
The Lid: GOP Takes Dead Aim At Those 87,000 New IRS Agents
Legal Insurrection: Real Science Behind Reversal of Gas Stove Ban, USC School of Social Work Decides the Word ‘Field’ Could be Considered Anti-Black, NY Rep. George Santos Refuses to Step Down After Nassau County GOP Demands He Resign, and Second Stash Of Classified Docs Found At Separate Biden Location, NBC News reports
Nebraska Energy Observer: Chaos and Serenity
Outkick: Paige Spiranac Bashes Notre Dame Fans, Calls Them ‘Insufferable’, Sage Steele’s Lawsuit Against Disney Revived by Trial Court, Tom Brady And Gisele Lost A Fortune With FTX Collapse, Held 2 Million Shares, JJ Watt Melts Down In Surprise Farewell Video That’ll Empty Your Kleenex Box, andEarly TV Ratings For National Title Game Blowout Are Unbelievably Bad
Power Line: Thought for the Day: Hamilton on Biden’s Corruption, Biden explains, and Applying Pelosi’s precedent
Shark Tank: Rep. Laurel Lee (R-FL) Calls For Full Government Transparency & Accountability
Shot In The Dark: Bowdlerized, Make Orwell Fictional Again, and  Those Of You Who Predicted Adam Kinzinger Would Land A Plum Republican-Bashing Gig At MSNBC
STUMP: Top Causes of Death by Age Group, 2021: Finalized U.S. Stats
The Political Hat: Praying Silently? Go To Jail!
This Ain’t Hell: Russky floating airport in blame game
Transterrestrial Musings: Biden’s Closet, The New Jew, and Clarence Thomas
Victory Girls: Katie Porter Takes Run At Diane Feinstein’s Seat, Stacey Abrams Ordered To Pay Georgia Back, and Buttigieg Really Does Stink At His Job
Volokh Conspiracy: Private Employee’s Claim That He Was Fired for Political Tweet Can Proceed Under California Statutes
Watts Up With That: The Final Nail in The Coffin Of “Renewable” Energy, also, $30 Billion Sun Cable Solar Mega Project Enters Administration
Weasel Zippers: Biden On His Open Borders Policies: “Trying To Make It Easier For People To Get Here”, Politico Fires Jackass Reporter, Antisemite Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) Calls For Ending “Support For Israel’s Apartheid Government”, and Rep. James Comer On Republican Investigation Into Biden Crime Family: Americans Deserve Answers
The Federalist: In A Hyper-Digital World, Leaks Like Kristi Noem’s Social Security Number Are An Everyday Thing, New Study Says Maybe You’re Not Depressed, You’re Just Narcissistic, Ranked-Choice Voting Keeps Rigging Elections, and George Santos Is A Liar And Republicans Calling For His Resignation Are So Much Worse
Mark Steyn: Pell Numbers

Amazon Warehouse Deals

Prince Harry: The Worst Member of the British Royal Family Since Richard III

Posted on | January 11, 2023 | Comments Off on Prince Harry: The Worst Member of the British Royal Family Since Richard III

Consider this: If it weren’t for the prominence of his family, nobody would give a damn about Harry Windsor. Which is to say, all the respect accorded to any member of the royal family is based on their inherited dignity. Why, then, would Harry go out of his way to trash his own family’s reputation? Of course, we can blame that bitch Meghan Markle, but what does it say about Harry that he would choose such a woman as his companion, and join her tacky talk-show “celebrity” trip?

My brother and I were riding to the store when I saw the latest headline about Harry and Meghan, which caused me to erupt in an angry rant: “Tell-all memoir! What a damned idiot! Never trust anyone who speaks ill of their own family. Oh, your dad is a bum and your brother’s a bum? Well, the nut don’t fall too far from the tree, so I reckon you must be a bum, too! ‘Tell-all memoir,’ my ass! Yeah, buddy, the stories I could tell, if somebody paid me to write a ‘tell-all memoir’!”

At which point, my brother interrupted to remind me that he was driving, and if we were to get T-boned at the next intersection — a semi-truck ramming into the passenger side of the Nissan — the cops would never doubt it was an accident, if you catch my drift. But of course, this was merely a joke, because I would never in a million years think to write a “tell-all memoir,” given my own (alleged) role in various disreputable shenanigans. Sometimes I’m tempted to tell tales, but then I remember the Miranda warning: “You have the right to remain silent . . .”

Harry is to the Windsor family what Fredo was to the Corleones. He’s banging cocktail waitresses two at a time and defending Moe Green, so to speak, and where’s the royal Michael to issue the warning?

“Don’t ever take sides with anyone against the family again. Ever.”

Michael understood the value of loyalty, just like he understood the code of omerta. And the Corleones knew how to enforce their distinctive Sicilian concept of honor, which the Windsors don’t understand, or else Harry would be taking a ride to the airport with Clemenza.

Putting aside fantasies of Harry getting “whacked” by a royal enforcer — an MI6 man, discreet and reliable, arriving in a stylish Aston Martin — isn’t there a lesson here for us all? Only a fool would imagine he could benefit by bringing dishonor to his own family, yet such fools are everywhere nowadays, marching around in parades to proclaim how proud they are of their preferred perversions, while denouncing their parents as “bigots” for not celebrating their decadence.

Harry’s reached the Iowahawk “skin suit” phase of degradation:

The British monarchy will survive Harry’s disgraceful behavior, and future generations will spit on the ground at mention of his name.

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers!


In The Mailbox: 01.10.23

Posted on | January 11, 2023 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 01.10.23

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Interesting facts about today’s OS-tan.
Silicon Valley delenda est.

The original OS-tan: Windows 95.

357 Magnum: I’ll Take “Social Justice” For $1000, Alex
EBL: Lynette “Diamond” Hardaway, RIP, Remember, 10% for the Big Guy, and Stacey Abrams is going to run again
Twitchy: Brutal Thread Of 21 Blatant Lies Joe Biden Has Told – Some More Than Once, also, Mexico’s President Thanks Biden For “Putting America Last” – On Live TV
Louder With Crowder: Check out Stacey Abrams claiming her boyfriend dumped her for being ‘too ambitious’, Absolute badass ‘porn-sniffing dog’ dies after years of putting sickos behind bars, and Joy Behar tries to explain why Biden taking classified docs is totally different from Trump
Vox Popoli: Is Elon Lying Again?, Too Little, Too Stupid, Too Late, Foreigners Defend Fake Democracy, Evil Wizards, and Germany Implodes

American Conservative: Temptation Of The Psychonauts, Armenia Under Siege, and Benedict XVI: It Is The Time Of Antichrist
American Greatness: McCarthy Confirms He Will Strip Democrat Reps Omar, Swalwell and Schiff of Their Committee Assignments, Morning Greatness: House GOP Passes Legislation to Block New IRS Funding, and Virginia Attorney General Announces Investigation into Fairfax County Public Schools
American Power: Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA) Announces U.S. Senate Bid, Prince Harry’s Bridge-Burner of a Memoir Signals a Bigger Royal Rift, and House Passes Rules Package as Republicans Regroup After Speaker Fight
American Thinker: With McCarthy’s Election, the Struggle Continues, How About if We Hear from the People This Time? and Steve Almond’s Failed Ambush of Laura Ingraham
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Wildlife News
Babalu Blog: Cuban political prisoner threatened after refusing to participate in prison ideological events, Reports from Cuba: Cuban army exhibits its new acquisitions: Russian and Chinese trucks, and Mentally ill Cuban prisoner with epilepsy denounces physical abuse, lack of medical attention
BattleSwarm: A Failure Of The Victim Selection Process, Joe Rogan Interviews Peter Zeihan (Part 1: Russo-Ukrainian War), and Joe Rogan Interviews Peter Zeihan (Part 2: China, Cartels and Drug Wars)
Behind The Black: SpaceX successfully launches 40 OneWeb satellites, Red China’s Mars orbiter and rover in trouble, January 10, 2023 Quick space links, and Starlink and National Science Foundation sign deal coordinating spectrum use
Cafe Hayek: More on the Difference Between Losses and Costs, also, Daniel Hannan on Free Trade
CDR Salamander: The Surface Force’s Lost Generation
Da Tech Guy: I’ll never forget the death of Chuck Hughes, the only player to die during an NFL game, Report from Louisiana: Gibson out as Endymion Grand Marshall, Good News Bad News on the Rules Package, and Pennsylvania: A worthwhile recount
Don Surber: Highlights of the News, McCarthy cleans House, and Gun control lady retires on a 21-state losing streak
First Street Journal: The #ClimateChange activists really, really don’t understand how many Americans live, The left are pro-choice on exactly one thing, and Killadelphia – Lies, damned lies, and statistics!
Gates Of Vienna: Iranian Plotters Thwarted in NRW, Teach Those Anti-Maskers a Lesson!, In Pursuit of a Greater Idaho, and “Masks Restrict Freedom”
The Geller Report: House Republican Files Articles of Impeachment Against DHS Sec. Mayorkas, Where Is The FBI Raid Of Joe Biden?, and New GOP House Votes To Repeal Funding for Biden’s 87,000 New IRS Agents
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, NGC 2, and Molon Labe
Hollywood In Toto: Denver Critics Hail Everything Everywhere, Banshees for Annual Awards, What Hollywood Can Learn from M3GAN, and The 17 Most Anticipated Shows of 2023
The Lid: Wash Post Finally Admits Russians Had Very Little Influence On 2016 Election
Legal Insurrection: Former College Soccer Player Who Claimed She Was Benched for not Kneeling for BLM Wins $100K Settlement, Democrats Want U.S. to Extradite Jair Bolsonaro, But WH Said Brazil Hasn’t Asked, House Adopts New Judiciary Subcommittee on Weaponization of the Federal Government, Twitter Files #13: Former FDA Head Dr. Scott Gottlieb’s Ties to Pfizer Exposed in Latest Revelations, and Analysis: The Destructive Power Of ‘Diversity, Equity and Inclusion’ Doesn’t Stop At Higher Education
Nebraska Energy Observer: So…
Outkick: AF Academy Offensive Linesman Hunter Brown Dead At 21, EA Sports Is Removing The CPR Celebration From Madden After The Damar Hamlin Incident, Army Athletic Trainer Named Conference Player Of The Week After Life Saving Actions At Hockey Game, Kyler Murray Will Have ‘Input’ On New Cardinals Coach, and Georgia Players Savagely Start Eating Food From Fans With 10 Minutes Left In National Championship Game
Power Line: Solar Energy Is Useless, Biden unclassified, and El Paso goes Potemkin
Shark Tank: House Proposal Authorizing Military Action Against Cartels Gets Bipartisan Support
Shot In The Dark: Opportunity Drifts, also, A Guy With A Gun
STUMP: Hatsu Basho 2023: Time to Update the Sumo Scatterplot!
The Political Hat: Texas vs. Critical Gender Studies
This Ain’t Hell: Korean War Memorial. Get it right!, FBI RAIDS BIDEN HOUSES! HOUSE CALLS FOR IMPEACHMENT! DEATH PENALTY PROPOSED FOR BIDEN!, and The U.S. government appeals decision that blamed the Air Force for the Texas church shooting
Transterrestrial Musings: More Gaslighting By The Leftist Media
Victory Girls: Biden Admin Wants To Ban Gas Cooktops
Volokh Conspiracy: No-Lockdown Sweden Seemingly Tied for Lowest All-Causes Mortality in OECD Since COVID Arrived
Watts Up With That: SoCalGas Shock: California Gas Prices Skyrocket 128% in One Year, Confessions of an Environmentalist, and No, New Study Does Not Link Gas Stoves with Asthma in Children
Weasel Zippers: El Paso Dem Mayor Says Biden Didn’t See Any Illegal Immigrants, Biden Refuses To Take Questions About Classified Documents Discovered At His Private Office, WaPo Admits Russian Trolls On Twitter Had No Effect On 2016 Voters, and Israel Transfers Palestinian Cash To Terror Victims, Bans PLO Flags
The Federalist: Forget Playing Outside – Big Pharma’s Solution To Childhood Obesity Is More Drugs, Minnesota Will Soon Make Teachers Endorse Child Mutilation To Get A License, Biden White House Hounded Facebook To Censor Tucker Carlson, New Emails Show, There’s A Difference Between Biden And Trump’s Classified Documents Snafus, But It’s Not What You Think, and This Place Rules Isn’t Original, It’s The Tired Jan. 6-QAnon Playbook With A Fresh Cover
Mark Steyn: Tanks for the Memories, also, “Chaos” and “Insurrection”

Amazon Warehouse Deals

In The Mailbox: 01.09.23

Posted on | January 10, 2023 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 01.09.23

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Madobe Touko, the OS-tan for Windows 10.

EBL: Separated at Birth?, Hotel Artemis, and Rescue beaver tears up Christmas
Twitchy: Biden’s Slam On Trump Over Classified Docs At Mar-A-Lago Ages Poorly, also, Corey DeAngelis Pwns Randi Weingarten After She Lies AGAIN About Closing Schools
Louder With Crowder: Newsflash – Lizzo Still Disgustingly Fat, also, ‘We got a child predator here’
Vox Popoli: The Fake Doctors, Israel Confirmed Vaxx Harm, The Algorithm Gods, The Troll Hunter’s Guide, and A Stalker’s Defense
Stoic Observations: The Cabin Of Secrets

Adam Piggott: New Year’s Resolution
American Conservative: False Democracy, also, To the Republic for Which Wyoming Stands
American Greatness: Joe Biden Awards Presidential Citizens Medals To Infamous 2020 Election Workers, A Rendezvous With Rwanda?, and Jim Jordan to Lead Select Subcommittee on ‘the Weaponization of the Federal Government’ 
American Power: Brazil Detains Hundreds More People, Ousts Capital’s Governor After Attacks, ‘Life-Threatening’ Flooding Feared in Northern California as Storms Cause Rivers to Swell, and How DEI Is Supplanting Truth as the Mission of American Universities
American Thinker: Election Fraud Infrastructure – Your Government At Work!, Where are the Intellectually Curious Doctors?, and Who Gave the Government the Right to Push LGBT Propaganda into Schools?
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: Absolutely offensive and disturbing video tour of Cuban apartheid tourist resort, Bolivia may be on its way to becoming another Nicaragua, Cuban dictatorship purchases record amount of chicken from U.S. in November, and Rumor of the day: Are conservatives at Vatican forcing Pope Francis to retire?
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm for January 6, also, A Tale Of Two Governors
Behind The Black: Red China launches twice today to start 2023, Decision on leaking Soyuz and its replacement to be made by Russia on January 11th, Defrosting Martian Dunes, Two nearby galactic neighbors, and Virgin Orbit launch from Cornwall, Great Britain a failure
Cafe Hayek: Such Is Some Modern “Scholarship”, also, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: “If tomorrow is irrelevant”
CDR Salamander: Midrats 13th Anniversary Show
Da Tech Guy: One Quick Note on McCarthy Winning the Speakership on the 15th vote, Navy FLOCs and BNA…not worth the paper they are written on, My Damar Hamlin Deal with the Doctors, NFL & MSM, and Five Thoughts Under the Fedora
Don Surber: Hundreds in school system had sex with students in Chicago, No, NBC, the FBI failed to stop Twitter child porn, and How much did taxpayers pay Fallon?
First Street Journal: We tell you what the government will not: you’re going to get poorer this year, also, Not enforcing the law has not made Kensington wealthier
Gates Of Vienna: An Anti-Democratic and Anti-Constitutional Nightmare, Clown World Election in Berlin, Blaming Immigrants for the Riots is WAYCISM!, and Toxic Feminism
The Geller Report: EXCLUSIVE COVERAGE: Drag Queen Story Hour Protest at Stavros Niarchos Library in NYC, RINO Stooge Dan Crenshaw Is DEFEATED In Race For Chair of the Homeland Security Committee, and GREAT NEWS: Jim Jordan Will Chair “Weaponization of Government” Select Committee
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, Messier 2, AIs Behaving Badly?, and Bonus Team Kimberlin Post of the Day
Hollywood In Toto: Women Talking Isn’t What We Expect, On the Trail of Bigfoot: Last Frontier Will Get Under Your Skin, and Lizzo: ‘Cancel Culture Is Appropriation’
The Lid: Schiff Had Better Lawyer Up … A PO’d Journo Is Coming For Him!, also, 11 Signs The Economic “Tipping Point” Everyone Has Been Waiting For Has Arrived
Legal Insurrection: Published Jan. 6 Files Included Social Security Numbers of Trump Officials and Republicans, Former Artist-in-Residence at U. Wisconsin Who Claimed to be Native American is Actually White, Democrats Continue Lying About J6, Falsely Claim Five Capitol Police Deaths, Chair of California’s Reparations Task Force Says Black People are Really Owed $1 Million Each, and Canadian Doctor Who Euthanized 400 People Described It as the ‘Most Rewarding Work’
Nebraska Energy Observer: Classic Sports Saturday, First Sunday of Epiphany: Lectionary Year A – The Baptism of Christ, and Protect the Nation
Outkick: Rising MMA Star Dead At 18, Texans Lose No. 1 NFL Draft Pick By Winning Final Game In Final Minute As Bears Play QBs With More INTs Than TDs, Old Dominion Basketball Player Imo Essien Collapsed During Game, NFL Made Bengals Fan Take Down Sign Making Fun Of Roger Goodell, Jim Kelly: ‘Prayer Is Real. Miracles Are Real.’, and Tim Tebow Thought He Was Snubbed, Then Found Out On Live TV He Made CFB Hall Of Fame
Power Line: DeSantis Marches On, Abbott to Biden: Do Your Job, Duke Energy Apologizes, and House GOP Causing Panic on the Left
Shark Tank: Florida’s House GOP Delegation All In On Defunding IRS
Shot In The Dark: Because Of Course, Clarity, and Context
STUMP: Preliminary look at 2022 U.S. Total Mortality – Continuing Excess Mortality
This Ain’t Hell: Pig Butchering – Warning, Soldier featured in a traffic stop video takes officers to court, Prince Harry is a ‘Bitter, delusional, paranoid, family-trashing halfwit’, and National Guard General Relieved of Command
Transterrestrial Musings: Roman Concrete, Ideological Capture Of Scientific Institutions, and Adam Schiff
Victory Girls: Hakeem Jeffries Loses Speaker Vote 15 Times, Gives Hack Speech, Will There Be Blowback for Boebert and Gaetz?, and Byron Donalds to Steer the GOP Wagon
Volokh Conspiracy: En Banc Fifth Circuit Denies Chevron Deference to ATF in Bump Stock Case, also, “Father Has Held Himself Out as ‘the Father’… But Father Has Also Referred to Himself as ‘the Mother'”
Watts Up With That: Green Energy Revolution? Oil Use Growing at a Million Barrels per Day Per Year, Vital Energy Lessons for Virginia and America, German Green Energy Fail: Demolishing a Village to Expand a Coal Mine, and Do Google Search Options Conceal Climate Data that is Contrary to Government Alarmists Propaganda?
Weasel Zippers: Biden Ripped For “Gaslighting” Americans With Border Visit, New Woke Batman Comic Has The Joker Getting “Pregnant”, Speaker Kevin McCarthy: Republicans’ Very First Bill Will Repeal Funding For New IRS Auditing Army, and Local El Paso News Confirms Police Were “Arresting People” At Border In Advance Of Biden’s Drive-By
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Can You Guess Who Won the Court Case of Brett Kimberlin v. United States?

Posted on | January 9, 2023 | Comments Off on Can You Guess Who Won the Court Case of Brett Kimberlin v. United States?

Hint: Not Brett Kimberlin.

My podcast partner John Hoge has followed the long trail of this court proceeding, whereby the diminutive bomber endeavored to have his felony convictions voided because . . . Well, reasons!

Last year, the World’s Worst Pro Se Litigant™ got curb-stomped by the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals. Because you can’t argue pro se before the Supreme Court, the pipsqueak perjurer enlisted the legal assistance of well-connected Democrat lawyer Neal Katyal’s firm, but Kimberlin’s case was so preposterously weak that not even a big-dollar law firm could salvage it. So, if you’re keeping score at home, the final tally:

United States ………… 1
Brett Kimberlin …….. 0

The new year is off to a propitious start, I’d say. By the way, today is the 11th anniversary of the incident at the Montgomery County Courthouse that led to Kimberlin filing a peace order against Aaron Walker, and subsequently getting Walker arrested, which was the proximate cause of the Brett Kimberlin story becoming nationwide news.



Rule 5 Sunday: Annalisa Greco

Posted on | January 8, 2023 | Comments Off on Rule 5 Sunday: Annalisa Greco

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Seen on Reddit; an Italian actress & model since 2012. Also, greetings to Flappr, “a fledging right of center website that publishes blogs, video essays and makes entertaining historical documentaries on revolutions (from a conservative perspective).”
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

ANIMAL MAGNETISM: Rule Five Beam-Down Power Friday, and a Saturday Blondepocalypse.

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