The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 01.17.23 (Evening Edition)

Posted on | January 18, 2023 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 01.17.23 (Evening Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

From the field office in Pahrump, Nevada…
Silicon Valley delenda est.

Another version of XP Professional-tan, albeit less faithful to the movie.

357 Magnum: Don’t Bring An Ax To A Gunfight
EBL: Gina Lollobrigida, RIP, HUNTER BIDEN PAYING OFF THE “BIG GUY”?, Which Democrat Kingmaker(s) Want Biden Out?, and Call Me – The Escorts of Davos
Twitchy: Jonathan Last – Stupid People Can’t Tell The Difference Between Document Breaches, Special K Breaks Under The Weight Of More Questions About Biden’s Document Bungles, and Townhall’s Mia Cathell Investigated An LGBTQ Pedophile Ring & Here’s What She Found
Louder With Crowder: Local 7/11 blares opera music 24/7 to keep away the homeless and it actually works, Dude chose wrong car to jack, gets throttled all over the streets of Chicago by the owner, and Marie Osmond refuses to give her kids any of her money to prevent them from becoming entitled, lazy brats
Vox Popoli: He’s Going to Win That Bet, Red China Warns Japan, Soros and Schwab Skip Davos, The Damage is Ubiquitous, and Escalation to Direct Conflict

American Conservative: Harajuku, USA, also, Mr. Adams Goes to the Border
American Greatness: New BodyCam Footage from J6 Supports Calls for Release of All Video, Compared to the Present, Trump Era Was a Golden Age, and Hunter Biden Fighting in Court to Bar His 4-Year-Old Love Child From Using His Surname
American Power: The Big Problem With the Biden Documents Story, #BLM Co-Founder’s Cousin Dies from Cardiac Arrest After Being Tased by L.A.P.D., and In a First, South Korea Declares Nuclear Weapons a Policy Option
American Thinker: Watch Out for the WEF, also, This a Republican Turning Point
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Free Speech News
Babalu Blog: Lack of contraceptives and condoms in Cuba causes huge increase in STDs and abortions, Eight newborns in a Havana hospital have died during the first two weeks of January, Religious persecution is alive and well just 90 miles from our shores, and Cuban dictatorship and Spanish partners have a fever, and the only prescription is more apartheid luxury hotels
BattleSwarm: Which Democratic Party Kingmaker(s) Want Biden Out?, also, German Dam On Ukraine Aid Finally Bursts
Behind The Black: SpaceX to build five Starship/Superheavy prototypes in 2023, Hakuto-R completes five of ten milestones on test flight, The sea of dunes surrounding the Martian north pole, and American astronaut seat liner shifted to Dragon temporarily
Cafe Hayek: On the Comparative Advantage At Improving Comparative Advantages, also, Don’t Ban Noncompete Clauses
CDR Salamander: The Manning Shortfall Bow Wave is Only Starting, also, What about South Korea?
Chicago Boyz: Movie Review: Devotion
Dana Loesch: Spare Us – Leave Jeremy Clarkson Alone, also, Grapevine TX PD Puts Local Business On Blast For Being Conservative 
Da Tech Guy: Statue Bought By Ex-Slaves Out, Hands Holding Giant Penis In, Report from Louisiana – Not MY Gas Stove, and The Unexpectedly Chronicles – The MSM Finds The Zulock Family Child Porn Ring Unnewsworthy
Don Surber: Bring Back The Emancipation Statue
First Street Journal: Nice guys will never solve Kensington’s problems, also, No, they’re not going after just your gas stove
Gates Of Vienna: Damien Rieu: “I Don’t Want My Country to Become Lebanon”, The Muslim Brotherhood in France, Part 5, You Must Switch to an Electric Car, But You Can’t Drive It, and Cracks in the Wall
The Geller Report: Man Wearing “Jesus Saves” Shirt Kicked Out of Mall of America in Minnesota
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, Titan and Rhea, Meanwhile, Back in the Real World, A Common Sense Tax Proposal, and Quote of the Day
Hollywood In Toto: Joe Rogan – Howard Stern Went Woke, There’s Something Wrong with the Children (But Not This Movie), Everything Everywhere All At Once Sweeps Denver Film Critics Society’s Awards, and Heartland Hanks – Man Called Otto Scores with Red States
The Lid: Biden’s Rejection Of Martin Luther King Jr’s Legacy
Legal Insurrection: Wyoming State Legislators File to Phase-Out Sales of New EVs by 2035, Latest Twitter Files Shows How Big Pharma Pushed Social Media to Silence #PeoplesVaccine Movement, Left Freaks Out After Reps. Greene and Gosar Receive Committee Assignments, and “Once they get you to change your language, you have now complied with their ideology”
Nebraska Energy Observer: What a guy!
Outkick: LIV Golf Reportedly Set To Sign TV Deal With CW Network, Lane Kiffin And Ole Miss Favored To Land Former LSU QB Walker Howard, A 5-Star Prospect In 2022, Jerry Jones Doesn’t Rule Out Super Bowl Run After Dominating Win Over The Bucs, Jabari Smith Jr Clowns ‘Old’ Man LeBron James: ‘You Played Against My Dad’, and Joey Bosa Doesn’t Hold Back On NFL Refs: ‘I’m Sick Of Those [Expletive] People’
Power Line: Global Elites Conspire Against the Rest of Us, Democrats Try to Criminalize Free Speech, and  On the Decline and Fall of Academic History
Shark Tank: Rick Scott Looks To Tackle Debt Ceiling With Speaker McCarthy
Shot In The Dark: RIP Paul Johnson, The Party Of Science In Action, and Nothing To See Here
STUMP: How Many COVID Deaths Have There Been in the United States?
The Political Hat: Texas vs. DEI In Higher Education
This Ain’t Hell: Joe ‘You need F-15s’ Again, Joe, Sheila… and then there’s SanFran sans Nan, and Disabled veteran’s truck and wheelchair stolen
Transterrestrial Musings: Biden’s Back-Door Student Debt Bailout, Space And Safety, The Everyday Astronaut, The Mess In California, and After Babel
Victory Girls: Rise of the Millennial Jr. Anti-Sex League
Volokh Conspiracy: Hamline Adjunct Fired for Showing Muhammad Images Sues + Hamline Statement Seems to Backtrack
Watts Up With That: Climate Activism Isn’t About the Planet. It’s About the Boredom of the Bourgeoisie, also, British Volt Collapses into Administration
Weasel Zippers: Antisemite Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Mogadishu) Complains She Will Be Removed From Foreign Affairs Committee Over Her Antisemitism, MSNBC Uses MLK Day To Smear Reagan And GOP As Racists, and NBC Censors NFL Player Holding Up Cross After Game-Winning Kick
The Federalist: ABC News Refuses To Ask Adam Schiff About His Push For Big Tech Censorship, Josh Allen Reminds Us It’s Never Too Late To Embrace Christ, Courts Tell Biden’s Bureaucrats They Don’t Get To Make Health Care Decisions For American Workers, Masculinity Isn’t Toxic, Our Erasure Of It Is, and Why The Hottest Prestige TV Trend Is Self-Loathing Of The Rich And Powerful
Mark Steyn: When You Can’t Unsee the Shark

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Biden Celebrates MLK Day With Speech to Group Founded by Infamous Jew-Hater

Posted on | January 17, 2023 | Comments Off on Biden Celebrates MLK Day With Speech to Group Founded by Infamous Jew-Hater

Maybe you don’t know who Al Sharpton actually is. Perhaps you never bothered to Google “Yankel Rosenbaum.” Maybe you’re too young to remember the Freddie’s Fashion Mart massacre. Your ignorance may be excusable because, after all, major news organizations have gone to great lengths to ignore or minimize Sharpton’s despicable history of inciting violence toward Jews. And we won’t even bring up Shapton’s anti-police rhetoric and his blatant dishonesty in the Tawana Brawley affair.

Sharpton has never been held accountable for any of this, because Democrats are so eager to pander to the “community” Sharpton claims to represent that they’ll send Joe Biden to give a speech on MLK Day at an event hosted by Sharpton’s National Action Network. It’s about the votes, you see, and if this means embracing a notorious Jew-hater, well, it ain’t the first time Democrats have made that bargain. Remember when FDR appointed JFK’s father Joe to be ambassador to Britain?

Kennedy rejected the belief of Winston Churchill that any compromise with Nazi Germany was impossible. Instead, he supported Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain’s policy of appeasement. Throughout 1938, while the Nazi persecution of the Jews in Germany intensified, Kennedy attempted to arrange a meeting with Adolf Hitler. Shortly before the Nazi bombing of British cities began in September 1940, Kennedy once again sought a personal meeting with Hitler without the approval of the U. S. Department of State, in order to “bring about a better understanding between the United States and Germany” . . .
According to Harvey Klemmer, who served as one of Kennedy’s embassy aides, Kennedy habitually referred to Jews as “kikes or sheenies”. Kennedy allegedly told Klemmer that “[some] individual Jews are all right, Harvey, but as a race they stink. They spoil everything they touch.” When Klemmer returned from a trip to Germany and reported the pattern of vandalism and assaults on Jews by Nazis, Kennedy responded, “Well, they brought it on themselves.”

FDR wanted to pander to the Irish vote in Boston and elsewhere, so Joe Kennedy was all right — until he wasn’t, at which point, Roosevelt fired him. Similar calculations are probably involved in Biden’s de facto embrace of Sharpton, although it may be overstating matters to speak of “calculations,” as Joe is probably too senile even to realize where he is half the time. At any rate, it so happened that the TV in my home office was tuned to Fox News when they broadcast Biden’s speech live, and I found myself cussing as I listened to this kind of balderdash:

With all of you here, together we’ve made some important progress. Two years ago, our economy was on its back — flat on its back. People were hurting, particularly in minority communities. Black Americans and other people of color were disproportionately hit.
And Kamala and I, and our administration, acted decisively with the help of people in this room to not only rescue the economy from the pandemic downturn, but to lay the foundation for a stronger and more resilient and more equitable economy for decades to come.
If you hold just a second, one of the things that I wanted to — it’s a slight digression. But one of the big issues was with the pandemic. I wanted to make sure that we spent the time, effort, and had the mechanism to make sure that minority communities were not left behind, that they were not left in the lurch.
And the highest percentage of workers in minority communities were treated as — I mean, it was a single effort we had. And I’m very proud of the folks who ran that show that we got it done. We got it done.
You know, I’m of the view and have been my whole career — which is only a couple of years, I know; I don’t look that, but — (laughter) — but I’m tired of trickle-down economics. You and I have never liked it, have we?
And I think the economy — the way it should grow in America is from the bottom up and the middle out. That way, poor folks have a shot, middle-class people do well, and the wealthy still do very well. They still do very well, but they start to pay their fair share.
And two years in, it’s clearer than ever that I think our economic plan is working. We’ve created nearly 11 million jobs — the strongest job growth on record for any President at this point in history. . . .

On and on and on he went, but just in these few sentences he told more lies that I have time or energy to refute, most importantly, his straw-man characterization of pro-growth policies as “trickle-down economics.”

Folks, this bit of Democrat rhetoric is more than a century old — its etymological history dating back to William Jennings Bryan! So far as I know, such a belief was never an actual economic theory with any important influence, but Democrats resurrected it in the 1980s to mischaracterize Reagan’s pro-growth policy, and now the elderly idiot in the White House is reviving this ancient error as a way of claiming that opponents of his own policies are adherents of “trickle-down” (i.e., deliberately favoring the rich), whereas he intends to make sure those wicked rich people “pay their fair share.”

Certainly I hope that my readers are sufficiently well-versed in basic economics that they don’t need to me to explain what’s wrong with Biden’s rhetoric (or the policies he advocates), but if you need a refresher course, you can click here to buy Thomas Sowell’s Basic Economics from Amazon, from which purchase I will receive a small commission, because I am and always have been a shameless capitalist. At what point does the normal American desire to make money become a bad thing, according to Democrats? Biden has certainly made a lot of money since he went into the politics racket, and Sharpton has managed to turn race-baiting and Jew-hating into a lucrative career. And, since Joe wants to talk about people who don’t “pay their fair share” of taxes, in 2014, it was reported that Sharpton owed $4.5 million in unpaid state and federal tax bills.

So, (a) Al Sharpton hates Jews, (b) Al Sharpton doesn’t pay his taxes, and (c) Joe Biden has no problem hanging out with Al Sharpton.

Nothing to see here, move along . . .


In The Mailbox: 01.17.23 (Morning Edition)

Posted on | January 17, 2023 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 01.17.23 (Morning Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Tell me you’re with 3rd SFG without telling me you’re with 3rd SFG.

357 Magnum: UK Excess Deaths – Health Experts Are “Baffled”
EBL: The Groundhog will not even come out to check his shadow if this is true, Boston’s New Dr. MLK Jr. Sculpture, and Riviera
Twitchy: Morning Joe Mocks GOP For “Meltdown Over Gas Stoves”, also, Bulwark’s Mona Charen Struggling To Come To Terms With St. Joe Biden’s Classified Documents Mess
Louder With Crowder: Elderly rocker Neil Young still won’t shut up about Joe Rogan, claims Rogan knowingly lies to his audience, Maren Morris sobs to Ru Paul and apologizes for how not woke the country music industry is, and Everyone hates the woke ‘adult’ Scooby Doo reboot, and it’s not just conservative critics
Vox Popoli: It’s Not That Warm, To Catch a Psycho, The Fauci Flop, and Sam Harris Has Lost His Mind
Stoic Observations: I’ve Been Up To Cambridge & Meta-Stoics, also, Two Takes On Intelligence
Gab News: The War Against Chaos

Adam Piggott: The Patriarchal Man is Worthy of God
American Conservative: The Progressive Stranglehold on Art and Architecture, Can Weimar America Save Itself?, and Catholic Crisis: This Time, It’s Different
American Greatness: The Manic Methods of Mad Democrats, Boot Buttigieg, and 80 Illinois County Sheriffs Refuse to Enforce ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban
American Power: Americans Pessimistic on Congress
American Thinker: Too Wet? Too Dry? It’s All Climate Change!, The Corvette Files, and A Revolution in the Minds of the People
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: Cuban State Security uses threats to force independent journalist to stop reporting, Reports from Cuba: State employees in Holguin haven’t received salaries due to lack of money in banks, Pope Francis sends Cubans an offensive vacuous message, praises them for their ‘self-sacrifice’, and Food shortages and long lines have Cubans fighting over soy-based ‘ground beef’
BattleSwarm: Court Clears Ways For State Takeover of HISD, also, Why Commies Couldn’t Do Semiconductors
Behind The Black: Starlink service scheduled for South Korea later this year, Red China’s Long March 2D rocket launches 14 satellites, A Martian river canyon?, and Pushback: Southwest flight attendant demands Southwest be sanctioned for violating the terms of her court victory
Cafe Hayek: More on Leonard Read’s “I, Pencil”, Intellectuals Who Can’t Read, The Utter Illogic of Mercantilism, and A Bot Is Better Than ‘Education’ Bureaucrats
Da Tech Guy: Recruitment and the Black Plague, Has the Left Demoted Joe Biden from “Useful Idiot” to Just Plain “Idiot”?, The Class Action Suits Will Follow, and Lightfoot moves on from vote buying to recruiting students to volunteer for her campaign in exchange for class credit
Don Surber: Biden May Be Cheneyed, Whose Vietnam Is Ukraine?, Republicans must investigate the raid that was and the raid that wasn’t, and Man who couldn’t get elected VP calls PRESIDENT TRUMP a loser
First Street Journal: If this isn’t #grooming, then what is it?, The propane stove saved us!, and Criminals are stupid, or “You in a heap o’ trouble, boy!”
Gates Of Vienna: Controlled Demolition, Knife Jihad at the Gare du Nord, We Have Ways of Making You Take the Vax, and Hassan Iquioussen Returns Home
The Geller Report: Media Blackout Over Islamic Terror Attack At Vegas Solar Power Plant, All-Muslim City Council Approves Animal Sacrifice at Home, and CDC and FDA Open Large Scale Investigation into COVID Vaccines Link To Strokes
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, NGC 6355, Zooming in on NGC 346, and Two More Views of NGC 346
Hollywood In Toto: Why North Dallas Forty Is the Best Sports Film Ever, Sin City Speaks to Our Truth-Challenged Age, Sick Gets Socially Conscious Horror Right, and Media Straight-Up Lies About Gina Carano’s Box Office Clout
The Lid: IT’S ON: House GOP Demanding Answers In Biden Document Scandal, also, Yet Again, George Washington University Permits Antisemitism From Faculty
Legal Insurrection: California Woman Sues School District for Allegedly Advising Her Daughter to Gender Transition Without Her Knowledge, Reedley College Now Seeking a Tenure-Track “Social Injustice” Instructor, Democrats Have a Huge Advantage When it Comes to ‘Dark Money’, Michigan School District Day Trip Allegedly Brought Children to Lounge That Had Stripper Poles, Social Justice Activists Think They Can Change the World by Changing How We Talk, and Four More Virginia Schools Admit To Withholding National Merit Awards From Students
Nebraska Energy Observer: Saturday – this one’s for me, Second Sunday After the Epiphany, and Let Tyrants Shake Their Iron Rods
Outkick: NFL Casually Reveals There Is A Chip Inside Footballs Despite Using Sticks And Chains To Measure First Downs, LeBron James’ Pregame Antics Make The Sub-.500 Lakers Even More Hateable, John Harbaugh Gives Incredibly Awkward Interview During Loss To The Bengals, Alabama Basketball’s Darius Miles Detained, Charged With Capital Murder, Scapegoating Brandon Staley Allows Justin Herbert To Bear No Responsibility For Playoff Collapse, and Joey Bosa Slamming Helmet In Anger After Possible Missed Penalty Caps All-Time Choke Job From Chargers In AFC Wild Card
Power Line: Our Insane Racial Classifications, “The Science” Isn’t Scientific, Garage logic, Biden style, and The Sanctuary Fraud
Protein Wisdom Reborn: Green Eggs & Hamfisted, also, There’s No Such Thing As Race (And It’s A Good Thing, Too)
Shark Tank: Wassermann-Schultz Requests Extra Funding To Fight Antisemitism
Shot In The Dark: Martin Luther King Day, also, Aaaaand We’re Off
STUMP: STUMP 2023: Back to Basics on Public Finance (and More!)
This Ain’t Hell: Remember the Strategic Petroleum Reserve?, Get woke, fly safer, right?, Veteran foils knife wielding man’s plans at Walmart, Military Advising – Pfft! How Hard Can it Be?, and State politician accused of stolen valor is assigned to veterans committee
Transterrestrial Musings: On Reading Scientific Papers, Expunging Impeachments, The Lockdowns Were Deadly, Good Lord, and “The Science”
Victory Girls: Top Secret Corvette Security, Transwoman Buys Miss Universe Pageant, Delivers Feminist Message, and Hunter Biden Attempts To Disassociate From Love Child
Volokh Conspiracy: Jacob Mchangama: “Privileging Blasphemy Norms Over Open Inquiry Plays Into the Hands of Religious Fundamentalists”, also, Supreme Court Decides to Hear Case Challenging State Law Empowering Government to Seize Entire Value of a House to Pay Much Smaller Property Tax Debt
Watts Up With That: “ESG Check in”: More details on the Securities & Exchange Commission’s Activist Role in the “Whole of Government” Push on ESG, “Climate Risk Disclosure”, Sealing The Coffin Of “Renewable” Energy May Take A Few More Nails, and Wrong, Washington Post, ‘Less Warming,’ Won’t Result in Greater Climate Disasters
Weasel Zippers: Biden: Republicans Are “Fiscally Demented”, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN): Investigating Biden’s Classified Document Scandal Is A “Political Game”, Good News: Far-Left Georgia Dem Sen. Raphael Warnock Doesn’t Rule Out Running For President In 2024, Occasional Cortex Mocked For Wanting To Ban Gas Stoves, and NYC Mayor Says His City Has “No Room” For Illegal Immigrants During Border Visit
The Federalist: ‘Lunatic Farmer’ Joel Salatin: ‘You Cannot Have Freedom Without Participation’, Children Of Every Skin Color Deserve Equal Merit-Based Opportunities, Five Times Media Ran Cover For Biden In Classified Documents Scandal, and Don’t Let A Bad Experience Keep You From Going Back To Church
Mark Steyn: Hello Darkness: Is The Big Combo the Best Film Noir Ever?, Tal Bachman: New Year’s Day part two, and Garage Sale

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Rule 5 Sunday: Homeko

Posted on | January 16, 2023 | Comments Off on Rule 5 Sunday: Homeko

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Maybe not as good with the meatloaf as her little sister Vista, but XP Home Edition (Homeko) is pretty affectionate in her own way.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

“…and on this page, Goshujin-sama…how does it make you feel when I do this?”

NINETY MILES FROM TYRANNY: Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1960, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns.

ANIMAL MAGNETISM: Rule Five Japan Defense Friday, and a Saturday Brunettenarok!

A VIEW FROM THE BEACH: Veronika Rajek Credits the BeerUkraine, Russia Go Head to Head at Miss UniverseRandom Celebrity News, ColorsSome Wednesday WetnessTuesday TanlinesMy Kind of MedicineThe Monday Morning Stimulus and Palm Sunday

FLAPPR: 2022 Big Juicy Booty Award

Thanks to everyone for all the luscious links!

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Goldilocks and the Four Interceptions

Posted on | January 15, 2023 | Comments Off on Goldilocks and the Four Interceptions

Once upon a time, in the Kingdom of Duval, there was a quarterback known as Goldilocks, because of his beautiful blonde hair. Everything was fine for Goldilocks until the mean old Chargers came to town for a playoff game, and Goldilocks threw an interception. And then he threw another interception. And then another and another, and after four interceptions, Goldilocks and his Jaguars were losing 27-0. At this point, most of the little boys and girls got bored with the story and, because it was after bedtime, they went to sleep, figuring it was a blowout like the 49ers beating the Seahawks. But while the little boys and girls were sleeping, the story changed and Goldilocks had a fairy-tale ending:

Trevor Lawrence’s confidence somehow never wavered. Not after the first interception. Or the second. Or the third. Or even the fourth.
The generational quarterback simply delivered a generational comeback.
The No. 1 overall pick in the 2021 draft followed four interceptions with four touchdown passes — one of the most improbable turnarounds in NFL postseason history — and rallied the Jacksonville Jaguars to a 31-30 victory over the Los Angeles Chargers on Saturday night.
Lawrence engineered the winning drive, highlighted by Travis Etienne’s 25-yard run on a fourth-and-1 play, and put the Jaguars in position for Riley Patterson’s 36-yard field goal on the final play. It capped a 27-point comeback, the largest in franchise history and the third largest in playoff history.
“You couldn’t write a crazier script,” Lawrence said. “We said in the locker room that’s kind of how our season’s going. We’re never out of the fight. … I’m kind of speechless, honestly, just to see what belief can do and to see when a team believes in each other what you can accomplish.”

And the moral of the story is, even when they give up four interceptions, the Jaguars can beat the Chargers, but they’ll probably have to beat Kansas City next week before they can live happily ever after.


FMJRA 2.0: Rip & Tear

Posted on | January 15, 2023 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: Rip & Tear

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Once upon a time there was a rock band from L.A. which included Axl Rose and Tracii Guns. The band reorganized and Axl led his part of the band to stardom. This is a song from the other band.
The professional.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

“…because we are, after all, professionals.”

Rule 5 Sunday: Annalisa Greco
Animal Magnetism
The DaleyGator
A View From The Beach
Ninety Miles From Tyranny

In The Mailbox: 01.12.23
The DaleyGator
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Crazy People Are Dangerous
357 Magnum

FINALLY: McCarthy Becomes Speaker
The DaleyGator
357 Magnum

Football: Good News and Bad News
357 Magnum

FMJRA 2.0: She’s Got A Face That Could Stop A Clock
A View From The Beach

White House Pressured Facebook to Censor Tucker Carlson on COVID-19
The Pirate’s Cove
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

Can You Guess Who Won the Court Case of Brett Kimberlin v. United States?
The DaleyGator
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 01.09.23
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 01.10.23
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Prince Harry: The Worst Member of the British Royal Family Since Richard III
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 01.11.23
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Democrats: ‘It’s Different When We Do It!’
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 01.13.23
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive 

Top linkers for the week ending January 13:

  1.  EBL (14)
  2.  357 Magnum (12)
  3.  A View From The Beach (8)
  4.  (tied) The DaleyGator & Proof Positive (5)

Thanks to everyone for all the links!

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The Next California Disaster

Posted on | January 14, 2023 | Comments Off on The Next California Disaster

Rep. Barbara Lee (left); Rep. Katie Porter

If it’s not earthquakes, it’s pandemics. If it’s not droughts, it’s floods. But if there aren’t any natural disasters in California, there’s always the political variety in the Democrat-controlled state, and rumblings of a new Democrat-inflicted catastrophe can be heard now that Sen. Dianne Feinstein is rumored to be retiring, leaving the seat up for grabs in 2024. Some background from Wikipedia:

In August 2020, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden selected California Senator Kamala Harris as his running mate. After they won the general election, [California Secretary of State Alex] Padilla was mentioned as a possible choice as Harris’s successor in the Senate. Governor [Gavin] Newsom had the power to appoint her successor. In December 2020, Newsom announced that he would appoint Padilla to the seat, making him California’s first Hispanic senator and the first male U.S. senator from California since Alan Cranston retired in 1993. . . .
Most Latinos, who are 40% of California’s population, supported Padilla’s appointment, but some black leaders, who wanted another black woman to replace Harris, criticized it. San Francisco Mayor London Breed called Padilla’s appointment “a real blow to the African American community.”

Got that? Hispanics are 40% of California’s population, whereas blacks are less than 7%, but appointing Padilla to the Senate was “a real blow to the African American community” and, of course, Black Lives Matter.

This is the problem with identity politics — everybody competing in the Oppression Olympics thinks they’re entitled to the gold medal. It defies logic to assert that 7% of California’s population has a “right” to 50% of the state’s U.S. Senate seats, but remember logic is white supremacy.

Perhaps not everybody in California is insane enough to buy into the “progressive” worldview, but the lunatics are clearly in the majority, because most of the sane people have already left the state.

So, with Padilla holding one of California’s Senate seats, and Feinstein expected to announce her retirement, third-term Democrat Rep. Katie Porter was the first to throw her hat in the ring:

Now you’re probably wondering, what percentage of the California population is pudgy left-wing white women with bad haircuts? But never mind that, Katie Porter is a “Progressive Rock Star,” a protégé of Elizabeth Warren, and raised $24 million to defend her House seat in 2022. This means that Porter will be able to raise money for her Senate race on a nationwide basis, collecting campaign cash from pudgy left-wing women white women with bad haircuts from coast to coast.

However, don’t expect California’s 7% to cooperate:

Democratic Rep. Barbara Lee of Oakland, a seasoned progressive with more than three decades immersed in California politics, on Wednesday told congressional colleagues she plans to run for Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s Senate seat in 2024.
Lee announced her intentions during a meeting of the Congressional Black Caucus, receiving a standing ovation, but has not officially confirmed she is running or formed an official Senate committee to start raising money in a race expected to be both costly and intensely competitive.
Lee’s private disclosure comes just a day after Rep. Katie Porter (D-Irvine) launched her campaign to replace Feinstein, 89, who has yet to disclose whether she intends to retire at the end of her term. As one of the most coveted posts in California politics, Feinstein’s Senate seat is widely expected to spur interest from some of the state’s most ambitious and prominent elected leaders.
Lee’s announcement was confirmed by a source close to the congresswoman who asked not to be identified because they were not authorized to speak on her political plans. The source cautioned that the congresswoman didn’t announce a Senate campaign — only her intention to run. The news was first reported by Politico.
First elected to Congress in 1998 after nearly a decade in the California Legislature, Lee is a former chair of the Congressional Black Caucus and former co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus.

Did I mention that California Gov. Gavin Newsom is widely expected to launch a 2024 campaign for the White House? So while he’s busy organizing a presidential campaign to save America from another four years of senile Joe Biden, his state’s Democratic Party is heading for an identity politics trainwreck, with the “rock star” fat white woman battling the angry black woman from Oakland in a progressive Armageddon.

You can click here to stock up on popcorn.


In The Mailbox: 01.13.23

Posted on | January 14, 2023 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 01.13.23

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Usual weekend deadlines for the usual weekend posts.
So hungry.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

More memory please, Goshujin-sama!

357 Magnum: Don’t Bring A Shovel To A Gunfight
EBL: Lisa Marie Presley, RIP, also, It’s Biden Friday the 13th
Twitchy: Matt Taibbi Fires Back After Ted Lieu Accuses Him Of “Spewing Kremlin Talking Points”, also, Some Journos Concerned Classified Doc Scandal Making Life Harder For Great Biden Administration
Louder With Crowder: Hero chokes out guitar thief before dragging him out of Guitar Center in cartoon-like fashion, also, Big-Brained Occasional Cortex attempts to defend having a gas stove after she supported banning them
Vox Popoli: Signs of the Times, We Don’t Know, World Evil Forum, and I Didn’t Even Have to Ask
According To Hoyt: Parsing Words, also, World changing: top down or bottom up? – by Margaret Ball
Monster Hunter Nation: WriterDojo S4 E1: The State of the Dojo Address (2023), also, Lost Planet Homicide 2: Ghosts of Zenith, out now
Gab News: Your Work & Your Faith Are Not Separate

American Conservative: Denying Babies Health Care, Fighting Queer Tyranny: A Choice, and They Did Not Vow
American Greatness: What the January 6 Videos Will Show, also, Twitter Files Reveal How Dems Defied Twitter to Spread ‘Russian Bot’ Hoax
American Thinker: A Reminder to Doctors about the Meaning of Life, also, The Scariest Developments to Watch Out For in 2023
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Japan Defense Friday
Babalu Blog: Cuba’s new restrictions on cash withdrawals provokes bank run in Havana, ‘Food’ distributed to Cuba’s prisoners places them at risk of malnutrition and diseases, Cuba’s sock puppet president’s challenges in 2023, and An Open Letter to Archbishop Thomas Wenksi
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For January 13
Behind The Black: Red China completes two launches today, Construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope in Hawaii remains in limbo, FCC votes to create its own space bureaucracy, despite lacking statutory authority, and Pushback: Blacklisted Virginia Tech soccer player wins $100K settlement
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: Parody: Russian Spies Seeking Classified Documents Surrender After Finding Biden’s Garage Locked
Don Surber: Only Lapland can save Europe now, also, Oh look. Ukraine is hurting U.S. defenses
First Street Journal: Central Bucks School District is doing the right thing
Gates Of Vienna: Terrorism in the Name of the Climate
The Geller Report: TWITTER FILES: The Russia Collusion Hoax Was One BIG LIE
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, A Black Hole Sez: “Mmmmm, Donut!”, and Safe Cooking
Hollywood In Toto: Woke History of the World Part II Trailer Confirms Our Fears
The Lid: Is The Justice Department Blackmailing President Joe Biden?
Legal Insurrection: ‘Liberated Ethnic Studies’ Activists Want to Instill ‘Anti-Israel Content Into Schools’, NYC DA Offers Cushy Plea Deals To “Pro-Palestinian” Thugs Who Assaulted Jews on City Streets, ‘Tyrants’: Idaho School Board Silences Parents, State Senator Who Object to Allowing Biological Males in Female-Only Rooms, Progressives Pressuring Justices Sotomayor and Kagan to Retire While Dems Control Senate, WH, and Numerous Illinois Sheriff Departments Won’t Enforce Gov. Pritzker’s ‘Assault Weapon Ban’
Nebraska Energy Observer: Historic Truths Your History Teachers Didn’t Teach
Outkick: Fair To Question If Lamar Jackson Missing Playoff Game Is Related To Contract, Cardinals Player Shreds Kyler Murray, Says Team ‘Created A Monster’, Al Michaels Compares Calling Amazon’s Stinky NFL Thursday Night Package To Selling Used Cars, Robbie Knievel, Son Of Stuntman Evel Knievel, Reportedly Dead At 60, Dan Le Batard Asks Vince Wilfork About Wife He Divorced In World’s Most Awkward Radio Segment, and 
Power Line: Anybody vette this guy?, Thoughts from the ammo line, and Notes on the Twitter Files (14)
Shark Tank: Byron Donalds Responds To December CPI Report
Shot In The Dark: “Safe, Legal, & Rare”, While I Get The Ambivalence, and Why Are Democrats Always Yapping About “White Supremacist Terror”?
The Political Hat: Firing Line Friday: What Are the Challenges for Conservatives in 1973?
This Ain’t Hell: Supremes hit homer in Escobar case, She’s right! Occasional Cortex is right!, Russia releases U.S. Navy veteran, Sixty-eight percent of active-duty service members see growing politicization of U.S. military, and Valor Friday
Transterrestrial Musings: DEI For North America, also, “Screaming” Dolphins
Victory Girls: Turkey Puts $500K Bounty On Enes Kanter Freedom, also, Gender Queer Memoir Subject Of Library Dispute
Volokh Conspiracy: SCOTUS Grants Cert To Reconsider TWA v. Hardison
Watts Up With That: Bill Gates Says Nuclear Power and Fake Meat can Save Us from Climate Change, “Rare Earths,” Electrification Mandates, and Energy Security (Part II), and US Climate Is Getting Less Extreme, Not More
Weasel Zippers: Dem Rep: It’s Racist To Take On Red China, Penn State Professor Tells Students To “Watch Gay Porn”, “I Think Of This Moment As A Moment That Is About Great Momentum”, and Cringe Alert: Kamala Harris Rambles On About How Much She “Loves” Electric School Buses
The Federalist: ‘The American Conservative’ Tried To Warn Us, GOP-Led House Must Ban Private Funding Of Elections Or Force Democrats To Defend It On The Record, Records Show Pete Buttigieg Ducked Calls, Public Appearances On Leave During Supply Chain Crisis, Maybe If CNN Hired A Real Conservative, Its Viewership Wouldn’t Tank So Badly, and By Enabling Leftist Misinformation, Twitter Helped Democrats And Their Media Allies Peddle Another Russia Hoax
Mark Steyn:Life in the Fast and Loose Lane

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