The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Well, This Is Scary: Idaho Killer’s Motive May Be Unanswered Instagram DMs

Posted on | January 21, 2023 | Comments Off on Well, This Is Scary: Idaho Killer’s Motive May Be Unanswered Instagram DMs

Why would Bryan Kohberger kill four college students whom he’d never met? Nancy Grace may have put her finger on the motive:

Was there a possible link between the Idaho student murders suspect Bryan Kohberger and one of his victims? Fox Nation’s “Crime Stories with Nancy Grace” tackles this very question with the former prosecutor’s team of experts.
While forensic evidence seems to be pointing towards Kohberger — the criminology Ph.D. student accused of ambushing a group of University of Idaho undergrads in November and who’s since been charged with quadruple homicide — the case could hit a snag without a connection that indicates motive.
“Finally, have we found the link between Bryan Kohberger and his four murder victims, according to police? Of course the state never has to prove motive, but any jury would wonder why would he target people he had never met — or had he?” crime expert Nancy Grace posited.
“There’s a lot of forensic evidence, but… if you don’t give them a motive or a nexus, you’re going to have a problem come verdict time,” the former prosecutor and Fox Nation host explained.
The ‘Crime Stories’ episode explores how a source who spoke to People Magazine shared that Kohberger sent multiple direct messages (DM’s) to one of the victims through the social media app Instagram, but never received a reply.
Grace shared how DMs are sent and viewed, indicating to Fox Senior Correspondent Laura Ingle that the victim may have not even read or known about the messages from the suspect.
“It has been revealed now that it looks like there was a message coming from somebody that appeared to be Bryan Kohberger,” Ingle noted.
“And if somebody messages me from a post that I make or great report last night or something, I will see it. But if I’m not following that person, it’ll go to this kind of envelope that I forget about,” Ingle went on to explain.
“So sometimes I’ll go, ‘Oh yeah, I need to look at that. You need to accept the messages.’ And they’ll be a long string of random strangers saying things. And sometimes I don’t see it. And then you can either accept that message, you can delete that message. Sometimes they’re creepy messages, as we all know, being on Instagram. So there is a very big chance that she or he, whatever victim was didn’t see those messages because there wasn’t a reply according to the source.”
Grace posed the question about the importance of the phones involved, and how the interactions on social media between the victims and Kohberger could be the missing link for a motive.

Think about this for a minute. If you’re on Instagram, how often do you check your DMs? And if the DM is from someone you don’t follow, you may not even know they’ve DM’ed you. So here is the cute, popular college girl who probably had hundreds of followers, and here is this creepy loner type who has become obsessed with her, sending her DMs that she never answers because she never even sees the messages. In the creepazoid’s mind, he is being cruelly rejected by this girl, but she doesn’t even know he exists! Which is pretty damned scary to me, considering my daughter is a cute, popular college girl who uses Instagram. Like, there could be some creepy stalker loner out there at this very minute, boiling with rage because my daughter hasn’t answered his DMs.

And, in case you’d forgotten: Crazy People Are Dangerous.



The Penn Scandal: Ivy League University Was Funnel for Biden’s Chinese Cash

Posted on | January 21, 2023 | 1 Comment

The University of Pennsylvania is an elite private school, where the annual cost of attendance is $81,340 including room and board. This Ivy League institution paid Joe Biden nearly $1 million between the time he left office as vice president in 2017 and the time he announced his presidential campaign in 2019. So far as is known, Biden made a grand total of nine appearances on the Penn campus in exchange for this lucrative remuneration, and also got a free university-provided office in D.C. as part of the “Penn Biden Center” deal, which is now under scrutiny because classified documents were found at the D.C. office. But there’s more to the story, as Gabrielle Etzel reports at Campus Reform:

UPenn announced the creation of the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement in February 2017, and officially opened its Washington DC center in February 2018.
Biden was named the Benjamin Franklin Presidential Practice Professor at UPenn in 2017. Prior to his bid for the Presidency, the DC think tank was designed with an office suite dedicated to Biden’s use while in the capital city.
UPenn paid Biden nearly $1 million for his contract between 2017 and 2019, according to the New York Post. Biden appeared on UPenn’s campus a total of nine times prior to suspending his professorship when he announced his presidential candidacy in April 2019.
At the inauguration of the Penn Biden Center, former president of UPenn Amy Gutmann stated, “The unmatched personal connections Joe Biden has with world leaders is equally important to our students, our faculty, policymakers, and the work of this new Center…in furthering [the] diplomacy and global engagement that is needed to advance the world order.”
Investigative reporting from The Washington Free Beacon reveals that, between 2017 and 2019, UPenn received $61 million in gifts and contracts from China. By comparison, UPenn received $19 million from Chinese investments between 2014 and 2017.
Following this report, the National Legal and Policy Center (NLPC) filed an official complaint with the US Attorney’s Office alleging that UPenn and the Penn Biden Center may be in violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).

Can anyone explain the Chinese Communist government’s sudden increase in generosity toward Penn once the university made its deal with Biden? As Guttman said, the selling point for the deal was Biden’s “unmatched personal connections . . . with world leaders,” and maybe what she meant was, “We’re going to get lots of Chinese payola.”

We can perhaps only speculate about Beijing’s motives, but certainly there is more reason to suspect Biden was beholden to China than there ever was to suspect Trump of being beholden to Russia.

(Hat-tip: Instapundit.)



In The Mailbox: 01.20.23

Posted on | January 21, 2023 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 01.20.23

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Usual weekend deadlines for the usual weekend posts.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

The Win98 version preferred by men of culture.

357 Magnum: What’s The Opposite Of Diversity?
EBL: Supreme Court Can’t Figure Out Who Leaked Dobbs, also, Russia sending its drug addicts and prisoners off to war in Ukraine?
Twitchy: Eric Swalwell Tries To Blame Trump For Democrats’ Spending, Gets Rekt, also, Special K Reminds Us That Sleepy Joe Takes Classified Information Seriously
Louder With Crowder: Overweight troon wants to get healthy, gets refused by girls-only gym because “she” used to be a man, also, Woke “sports” writer has an atomic hissy fit over NFL ‘allowing’ Tony Dungy to go to the Right-to-Life March
Vox Popoli: Michael Myers was the Good Guy, Puzzled by the Productivity Slump, Big Bear’s Fake Homestead, and What Happens When You Take the Ticket
According To Hoyt:  Grown Up Matters, also, I Wanna Be Loved By You
Monster Hunter Nation: Internet Gun Culture Advice, also, WriterDojo S4 E2: Predatory Publishing
Persuasion: The Green Technology That Dare Not Speak Its Name (h/t Stoic Observations)
Gab News: Con Inc & The Deal With The Daily Wire Devil

American Conservative: Speak Loudly and Carry Someone Else’s Big Stick, also, An Ugly Embrace
American Greatness: Chicago Offers Textbook Case of Woke Neoliberalism in Action, Biden Has ‘No Regrets’ About How Classified Docs Handled, and Emails Show Fauci was Part of Group Aiming to ‘Disprove’ Lab Leak Theory
American Thinker: Has COVID Backlash Sparked a Movement?, also, At Davos, the Rev. John Kerry Signals His Place Among the Elect
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five The More Things Change Friday
Babalu Blog: ‘There are no opportunities here’, Debtmaggedon explained: Why trial in London court could spell absolute ruin for Cuban dictatorship, and Those who left are no longer building Cuba
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm for January 20
Behind The Black: Lucy team suspends efforts to complete deployment of unlatched solar panel, Ingenuity completes 40th flight, The only rocket stage recovered during the 1960s space race returns to Florida, The youngest flood lava on Mars, flowing past a crater, and Today’s blacklisted American: Minnesota to blacklist all Christians, Jews, or Muslims from teaching
Cafe Hayek: Art Carden and Larry White on W.H. Hutt
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday, also, Fullbore Friday
Chicago Boyz: Public Art and Freedom of Speech
Da Tech Guy: My Suggestion to Gov Glenn Youngkin: Redefine “California”
Don Surber: Democrats Taking Biden Down, also, Highlights of the News
First Street Journal: Being taught about white privilege by The Philadelphia Inquirer, also, Al Gore’s unhinged rant at Davos
Gates Of Vienna: For Your Own Good, Keep Your Phone On!, also, Totalitarian Tiptoeing Around the Money Machine
The Geller Report: With 25,000 Mysterious Votes And Missing Documents, Maricopa’s 2022 Election Process Is In Chaos
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, M32 and M110, and You Get What You Pay For
Hollywood In Toto: 22 Hot Movies for Cold Winter Nights, also, Criticizing Pop Stars Is Now Off Limits? (Smith Responds)
The Lid: Two Years Into Presidency, The Far Left Controls Biden
Legal Insurrection: Providence (RI) School District Backs Away From Segregated Teacher Event After Legal Insurrection Exposé, Chauvin State Appeal Argued – Low Likelihood Of Success Despite Being Deprived Of A Fair Trial, Two Colorado Libraries Close Due to Methamphetamine Contamination, and Federal Judge Upholds DeSantis’s Suspension of State Attorney for ‘Neglect of Duty’
Nebraska Energy Observer: Parliament(s) of Whores
Outkick: Bronny James’ Recruitment Reportedly Down To Three As Commitment Timeline Takes Shape, UCF Player Kicked Off Team After Being Arrested For Home Invasion With A Wild Twist, Joe Namath Is Willing To Unretire His #12 To Get Aaron Rodgers On The Jets, Emmitt Smith Visits ‘Hero’ Peyton Hillis In Hospital As Recovery Continues, and Former Super Bowl Champion Killed Mountain Lion With Bow and Arrow
Power Line: Thoughts from the ammo line, The Daily Chart – What Patriarchy?, and Thought for the Day – Racism Now, Racism Tomorrow, Racism Forever
Shark Tank: Wassermann-Schultz & Moskowitz Condemn Antisemitism At FAU
Shot In The Dark: Nullification, Don’t Look Now, Fearless Prediction, and And There Was (Literal) Rejoicing
STUMP: Public Finance Spotlight: Liz Farmer
The Political Hat: Firing Line Friday: How Much Protection for the Press?
This Ain’t Hell: Guilty: Fake Marine Cons Elderly Couple Out of $320K, Valor Friday, Texas National Guard Soldier shoots an illegal alien, and Marine Guile Defeats DARPA AI
Transterrestrial Musings: The Recycling Religion, also, Russia
Victory Girls: Adoption: Building Families And A Culture Of Life
Volokh Conspiracy: Trump Lawyers Sanctioned AGAIN for Frivolous Suit Against Political Opponents
Watts Up With That: Rapid Technological Innovation – Not Harmful Renewables Policy – Key to Lighting our Energy Future, also, Who To Believe? The BBC Or Your Lyin’ Eyes?
Weasel Zippers: Biden Snaps At Female Reporter For Asking About His Classified Docs, Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Gaza) Attacks Supreme Court As “Extremist”, California School District Invited Students 12 And Up To Lecture On Radical Gender Theory, and Border Czar Kamala Harris Can’t Visit The Border Despite Being In Arizona
The Federalist: A Disaster For Every Month, Inside Democrats’ Newest Election Takeover Scheme, Whistleblower – Yes, Election Data Company Gave U.S. Poll Workers’ Personal Info To Red China, and Energized By The End Of Roe, The March For Life Is All About The Victories Still Ahead
Mark Steyn: Crickets and Chutzpah

Amazon Warehouse Deals
Valentine’s Day Gifts

Dear Antifa Terrorists: Please Go to Georgia, So Cops Can Kill All of You

Posted on | January 20, 2023 | 1 Comment

Dead terrorist Manuel ‘Tortuguita’ Teran

Georgia ain’t Oregon and Atlanta ain’t Portland, OK? So if the unbathed terrorist mobs of Antifa want heroic martyrdom, Atlanta’s the place to be, because cops down in Georgia shoot to kill:

Seven militants have been arrested and charged with domestic terrorism following a deadly shootout with law enforcement at their “autonomous zone” in a wooded area south of Atlanta. They are all from out of state.

(Because nobody from Georgia would try this bullshit.)

On Wednesday morning, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation and other law enforcement agencies conducted a raid on the so-called autonomous zone at the site of the future Atlanta Public Safety Training Center. Since June 2021, Antifa and other far-left extremists from across the US have occupied the area to prevent the construction of what they call a “cop city.” The GBI says a Georgia State Patrol trooper was shot and severely injured during Wednesday’s raid by a man camped in the area. Officers returned fire and killed the gunman, who allegedly used a pistol.

(Folks down in Georgia call that “justice.”)

Georgia’s Department of Public Safety will not name the injured patrol trooper, saying it would “compromise security against criminal or terroristic acts due to retaliation,” but told local media he was in the ICU after having emergency surgery. The deceased gunman was named on Thursday by the GBI as 26-year-old Manuel Esteban Paez Teran. He used the alias “Tort” and “Tortuguita.”
“Manuel used they/it pronouns…please make sure we are remembering them properly and respectfully,” wrote the Atlanta Community Press Collective in their statement revealing the shooter’s identity.

(“The only good Commie,” etc.)

Following the shooting, the GBI and its law enforcement partners continued to clear the autonomous zone and several arrests were made of suspects—all of whom are from out of state. The GBI say they confiscated a cache of weapons that include mortar-style fireworks and edged weapons.
Matthew Ernest Macar, 30, Spencer Bernard Liberto, 29, and Sarah Wasilewski, 35, all from Pittsburgh, are each facing charges of domestic terrorism and aggravated assault upon a public safety officer.
A fourth suspect who would not identify himself in jail was later identified as 20-year-old Geoffrey D. Parson, of Baltimore.
Additionally, Timothy A. Murphy, 25, of Rockport, Maine, Christopher Reynolds, 31, of Dayton, Ohio, and Teresa Yue Shen, 31, of Brooklyn, New York, were charged with domestic terrorism.
TPM can report that several of the suspects come from well-to-do backgrounds. Shen is an alumna of the Manhattan liberal arts institution Barnard College. Macar graduated with a master’s degree in international affairs from Penn State University in 2016.

It’s unfortunate that not all of them died in Wednesday’s gun battle, but it seems like these terrorists are only getting started with the violence.

Let me tell you something: If these out-of-town hippies think they’re going to be safe on the streets of Atlanta on a Friday night . . .

Well, the cops will be the least of their problems. Crime in Atlanta has spun out of control the past couple of years. The local gang-bangers might not be too kind to these affluent “save the forest” kids.

By the way, don’t believe anything you read on the Internet about this situation. It seems that the Antifa lunatics and their “progressive” friends have orchestrated a propaganda campaign so that everything on Wikipedia about the site of this proposed police-training facility has been written in the past few months by supporters of the “autonomous zone.”

Beginning around 1920, the Atlanta Prison Farm used inmate labor to produce food for those incarcerated at the city’s federal penitentiary. At some point in the 1960s, the city of Atlanta acquired the property, and parts of it were used for a middle school campus. The remaining property is about 350 acres, including dilapidated buildings from the old prison farm, and the nonprofit the Atlanta Police Foundation reached an agreement with the city to develop about a quarter of the site — 85 acres — as a modern police training facility. But OMG! What insane propaganda has been produced to “Save the Atlanta Forest,” as if this were some pristine nature preserve, an untouched slice of wilderness!

You can read (at CNN, the pro-Antifa network) how the site is located “less than half a mile away from a tributary of the South River, which is one of America’s most endangered, according to nonprofit conservation group American Rivers. That’s a result of decades of neglect and pollution the area, which is overwhelmingly Black, has endured, local advocates say.” Anyone can look at a map and see that there are all kinds of development in the area — the nearby industrial park, a truck stop next to I-285, etc. — so the idea that the police training facility would do environmental damage to this allegedly vital “tributary” (Intrenchment Creek) is nonsense. And, as I say, only a quarter of the existing site will be used for the training facility, leaving more than 200 acres of parkland.

Being a native of Atlanta, let me tell you something about Georgia, in case you’re not familiar with the area. It’s hot and humid, which means that all manner of plant life grows with astonishing rapidity there. The house where I grew up in Douglas County had a chain-link fence around the backyard, and every summer one of my chores was to go out and cut the honeysuckle vines off that fence. If you didn’t cut those vines off — and it was tedious work, trust me — the whole fence would be covered in vines. The ditch down by the road? Oh, the hours spent with a slingblade cuttting back the brush and briars that sprang up relentlessly there! And the pine forest up the hill across the road? Oh, just 40 or 50 years earlier, that had all been farmland, until the bottom fell out of the cotton market. Stop farming your property for just a few years, and next thing you know, what used to be a pasture becomes a tangled forest — and that, my friends, is what happened to the old Atlanta Prison Farm.

The overgrown Atlanta Prison Farm

Reckon all those out-of-town hippies camping out in what they’ve dubbed “The Atlanta Forest” never handled a slingblade in their whole lives, and they sure as hell don’t realize that this “forest” only dates back to the 1960s or so, when the inmates stopped cultivating the property. Now it’s a tangled mess of briars and vines and oaks and pines and, if you’re a damned tree-hugging fool from Pittsburgh or someplace, maybe it seems like a South American rain forest or something, but it’s just what happens to any property in Georgia that’s gone untended for a while.

Converting this property into a police training facility seems like a worthwhile use of the otherwise neglected site, but what do a bunch of anarchist scum care about property and its worthwhile uses?

So, let us wish Antifa luck with their plans for a “Night of Rage” in Atlanta. Maybe the cops will kill a few more, then more out-of-town anarchists will show up to protest about that, and so on and so forth, until Georgia cops finally finish killing every last one of them.

Just hope the cops have plenty of ammunition . . .



In The Mailbox: 01.19.23

Posted on | January 19, 2023 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 01.19.23

— compiled by Wombat-socho

From the Home Office in Tonopah.
Silicon Valley delenda est.

Before the Dark Times. Before Chrome.

EBL: Alec Baldwin Charged With Involuntary Manslaughter, also, Carole Baskin’s Husband Don Lewis Found Alive In Costa Rica! Or Is He?
Twitchy: Transphobe Matt Walsh Refuses To Affirm The Gender of This Woman, “Whiteness Is So Evil”, and  Swalwell So Butthurt Over McCarthy He Tries To Use WaPo Article To Own Him and LOL
Louder With Crowder: Jamie Lee Curtis shows off her fancy chairs, accidentally shows off her painting of a naked child on her wall too
Vox Popoli: The Subversion of the Hero, A Portrait in Projection, and Why They Take the Ticket
Stoic Observations: Gas Math
Gab News: The ATF, Anarcho-Tyranny, And Parallel Christian Society

American Conservative: Mom Misses Chinese Communist Child-Raising Help, also, Hateful Legislation
American Greatness: Alec Baldwin to Be Charged With Involuntary Manslaughter in Rust Shooting, faces up to 18 Months in Prison, also, Supreme Court Investigation Fails to Identify Culprit Who Leaked Dobbs Draft Decision
American Thinker: 2024: Republicans on Course to Get Blown Out by Phantoms, also, Will Any of You Leftists Wake Up?
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Recycling News
Babalu Blog: The real ‘blockade’ causing misery and suffering for the Cuban people, Reports from Cuba: Cuba’s famous ice cream parlor closed for lack of ice cream, and Ka-Ching! Cuban dictatorship receives $100M gift from China and $2M contract from Honduras
BattleSwarm: Texas Aims To Rein In Rogue DAs
Behind The Black: SpaceX completes first Starlink launch of 2023, Geotail mission finally ends after 30 years, Machete Mesa on Mars, and Today’s blacklisted American: Court clerk fired despite having valid health and religious reasons to refuse jab
CDR Salamander: Diversity Thursdsay
Da Tech Guy: A Full Employment Program for Unvaccinated Pilots, also, A Federal Government powerful enough to take our gas stoves was not the government created by our Constitution
Dana Loesch: Vaccines For Minors Without Parental Consent? This CT Legislator Thinks That’s a Great Idea!
Don Surber: Highlights of the News
First Street Journal: Killadelphia, also, They can’t handle the truth!
Gates Of Vienna: Pimping Her Daughter for ISIS, also, Hanging’s Too Good For Him
The Geller Report: Jacinda Ardern Has Officially Resigned as Prime Minister of New Zealand, Ratings Implosion: CNN’s ENTIRE Primetime Lineup Fails to Equal the Audience of One Fox Program, and Biden Regime Launches App Allowing Migrants To Book Asylum Appointments BEFORE THEY CROSS THE BORDER
Hogewash: Three Views of the Pillars of Creation, The Easiest Way to Get the Wrong Answer, and It Took Almost a Month
Hollywood In Toto: Wanna Watch a Sundance Film? Sign Woke ‘Loyalty Oath’ (Or Else), also, Missing Shows Potential, and Pitfalls, of Digital Storytelling
The Lid: George Santos Isn’t Lying, He’s Crazy, also, Joe Biden’s Baby Brother Frank Admits Selling His Influence
Legal Insurrection: Four Things State Lawmakers Can Do to Reform Higher Education, Tenured College Professor Might Lose His Job Over ‘Completely Fabricated’ Accusations of Racism, Federal Judge Rules Against LGBT Group Trying to ‘Strip Religious Liberty From Colleges’, and Supreme Court Says Unable To Figure Out Who Leaked Abortion Decision Draft
Nebraska Energy Observer: Davos be damned
Outkick: Dana White’s ‘Power Slap’ League Makes Bonkers Debut, Leaves Viewers Horrified, How Far Will HBO Let Bomani Jones’ Show Tank?, Ivan Provorov Jersey Sells Out After Media Crucifies Him For Not Wearing A Pride-Themed Jersey, and Jim Harbaugh On The Fast Track To War With The NCAA Over Alleged Violations
Power Line: Blind Pig : Acorn :: John Kerry : Truth, The Daily Chart: Dumbing Down College, and It’s Always About Power
Shark Tank: Florida Kills African American Studies, Democrats React
Shot In The Dark: Flailing, also, This Is The DFL In Action
The Political Hat: In Service Of Gaia: Utopian Cities; Climate Trails; British Lawyers For “Nature Rights”
This Ain’t Hell: Penn Biden Chinese funding, IL gun ban pushback, and Fake Twice Wounded SF Iraq Vet Pleads Guilty to Fraud
Transterrestrial Musings: The Deep Blue Sea, Al Gore, and Plant-Based Foods
Victory Girls: Klaus Schwab Tells YOU To Submit To Your Betters, also, Woke Font Calibri
Volokh Conspiracy: “Three Women Sentenced to Probation for Interrupting Oral Arguments at the U.S. Supreme Court”, also, Florida Legislature May Impose Penalties on Local Legislators Who Illegally Impose Gun Control Laws
Watts Up With That: A Critical Examination of the Six Pillars of Climate Change Despair, also, Wrong, Washington Post – History and Data Contradict Claims of Worsening ‘Atmospheric Rivers’
Weasel Zippers: Davos Elitist Calls For A Billion People To “Stop Eating Meat”, WH Claims Biden Takes Border Security “Very Seriously”, Man Trying To Steal From Catholic Church Impales Himself On Angel’s Sword, and DHS Chief Admits FEMA Is Needed To Help Cities Around The US Because Of Unprecedented Border Crisis
The Federalist: When Bureaucrats Butt In On Strike Negotiations, Railroads Get Costly Mandates And Zero Fixes, Now That Her Covid Excuses For Tyrannizing New Zealanders Are Gone, PM Jacinda Ardern Resigns In Disgrace, Virginia Teen Sex-Trafficked Twice After School Hides Gender Identity From Her Parents, and Ivan Provorov’s Faithful Stand Exposes Anti-Religious Intolerance In The Name Of Tolerance
Mark Steyn: Sinking Ship

Amazon Warehouse Deals

Kerry at Davos: ‘A Select Group of Human Beings … Talk About Saving the Planet’

Posted on | January 19, 2023 | Comments Off on Kerry at Davos: ‘A Select Group of Human Beings … Talk About Saving the Planet’

As Dana Pico remarks, Lurch said the quiet part out loud — the idea that the billionaires, politicians, “experts” and corporate executive at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos are “a select group.” By whom were they “selected”? There is nothing remotely democratic about the world’s wealthiest people and their political henchmen forming a cabal to impose their plans for “saving the planet” on the rest of us:

Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry lauded fellow attendees at the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, for trying to save the planet.
Kerry characterized efforts to combat climate change and save the planet as “almost extraterrestrial” given their scope in his remarks earlier Tuesday. He also downplayed criticism that has been levied against such climate activism, noting that “most people” believe he and the other WEF participants are just “crazy” tree huggers.
“When you start to think about it, it’s pretty extraordinary that we — a select group of human beings because of whatever touched us at some point in our lives — are able to sit in a room and come together and actually talk about saving the planet,” Kerry remarked. “I mean, it’s so almost extraterrestrial to think about ‘saving the planet.’”
“If you say that to most people, most people think you’re just a crazy tree-hugging, lefty, liberal, you know, do-gooder or whatever and there’s no relationship,” he added. “But really, that’s where we are.”
Kerry — who delivered the speech during a WEF session titled “Philanthropy: A Catalyst for Protecting Our Planet” — added that “allegedly wise adult human beings” still want to ignore the science, mathematics and physics of climate change. He also said half the species on Earth have already been killed, an apparent reference to a 2020 study predicting that global warming would eliminate half of the planet’s animal and plant species by 2070.
He also said the current growth trajectory of the world is unsustainable and implored world leaders to double down on climate commitments and policies, saying not nearly enough has been done to stave off the worst of climate change.
“If you look at the way we live, the incredible sort of destructive process of growth the way we interpret it — not as enlightened growth, but as a sort of robber baron growth — growth driven by a lot of different things,” he said. “We had 18 separate $1 billion events in the United States last year. And you look at Pakistan with 30 million people, in one single event, displaced and their lives were affected. An extraordinary upheaval.”
“We have to find a way to get really serious about bringing the corporate world on board around the world,” he continued.

What is this “extraordinary upheaval” in Pakistan? I had to look it up: “From 14 June to October 2022, floods in Pakistan killed 1,739 people.” So, out of a population of 231 million, about 0.0008% were killed. This is not to minimize the “upheaval,” but as a statistical expression of risk, it’s about as deadly as Memorial Day weekend in Chicago. More importantly, one bad monsoon season — which is what this “upheaval” really was — doesn’t actually prove anything about “climate change,” nor does it justify the billionaire power-grab that Kerry was advocating at Davos.

“Give us more money and power,” says the guy who flew to Switzerland at taxpayer expense to blab about his “extraterrestrial” plans for the benefit of similarly egomaniacal big shots. To which I reply:


First highlighted in a 2001 report, Michael Mann’s infamous graph suggested that we were on the verge of a sudden and drastic increase in global temperature — an emergency, a crisis, an apocalypse — that quite obviously has not happened in the past 20 years, and isn’t going to happen in the next 20 years, either, because the “science” behind Mann’s graph was simply wrong. Yet the “hockey stick” (and the predictions of impending catastrophe it inspired) became an article of faith among the True Believers of the Cult of Climate Change. The fact that every specific prediction based on this misguided “science” has proven false? Never mind that. The climate doomsayers have learned to cherry-pick isolated incidents of bad weather — a blizzard here, a flood there, a drought over yonder — and hype them up as “evidence,” even if these various events show no discernible pattern to the “change” they’re supposed to prove.

If you’re not convinced to join their cult, the doomsayers will dismiss you as “anti-science,” no matter how scientific your objections may be.

No matter how many actual scientists debunk Mann’s “hockey stick” graph, doomsayers like Kerry will insist that the impending catastrophe is still just around the corner — 20 or 30 years away — not because there is any truly scientific reason to believe this, but because impending catastrophe is essential to their hustle, the trick of their three-card Monte game. So Pakistan has a bad monsoon season and Kerry turns this into his great “A-ha!” If this year’s monsoon season isn’t as severe, Kerry and the other doomsayers will look elsewhere for their “proof,” and will certainly find it, because there’s always someplace in the world having bad weather. But whether this is actually proof of anything doesn’t matter, because climate change has become a religion to these people, which means that facts and logic make no difference to their belief.

Oh, they’re “a select group of people,” all right — and the folks who died at Jonestown were “a select group of people,” too.



In The Mailbox: 01.18.23

Posted on | January 19, 2023 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 01.18.23

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Not the actual military version of Windows 2000 Professional, but close enough.
Silicon Valley delenda est.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #1966
357 Magnum: Why Are You Supporting People Who Hate You?
EBL: Monty Python Communist Quiz Show, also, I feel safer already
Twitchy: NHL Player’s Refusal To Wear “Pride” Jersey Really Upset These Journalists, also, Brianna Wu – The New Harry Potter Game Is No Game, It’s A Character Test
Louder With Crowder: Smug ‘influencer’ whines old man is ruining her live stream as he lets her know how little he cares, also, Watch: World’s dumbest ‘Celebrity Jeopardy’ contestants don’t know what Iowa is
Vox Popoli: Deceiving the Deceivers, History, As Written by the Winners, He Did Not Buck the Trend, and Troisième Guerre Mondiale
Sh0eOnHead: Watched Velma So You Don’t Have To

Adam Piggott: Misty Mountain Top
American Conservative: Ivan Provorov Lives Not By Lies
American Greatness: Hunter Biden’s China-Linked Company Paid $49,910 Security Deposit For Washington D.C Office at the House of Sweden
American Thinker: IPCC Climate Models Grossly Exaggerate ‘Global Warming’
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: Socialism in action, Castro dictatorship sells medical specialists to Mexico despite doctor shortage in Cuba, Cuban dictatorship forcibly evicts and demolishes the homes of 60 families, and Ninth newborn dies of sepsis in Havana hospital as Ministry of Public Health denies gross negligence
BattleSwarm: Russia Says It’s Expanding Military To 1.5 Million
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‘A Routine Traffic Stop’

Posted on | January 18, 2023 | Comments Off on ‘A Routine Traffic Stop’

Keyonis Cisqo Langston

Eau Claire, Wisconsin, is more than 300 miles from Chicago, and it’s almost a five-hour drive — if you’re doing the speed limit, that is. On the other hand, if you’re doing 110 mph in a late-model Dodge Charger, the trip won’t take nearly as long. Except, of course, if you get pulled over by the cops, which is what happened last year to Keyonis Langston:

A state trooper saw a vehicle traveling east on I-94 July 10 at mile marker 58 in Eau Claire County hitting a speed of 104 mph.
The trooper activated his emergency lights but the vehicle failed to stop. The driver of the vehicle then turned off the headlights in an attempt to elude officers.
The vehicle then increased its speed to near 135 mph, passing vehicles and semi trucks on both the right and left shoulders. The vehicle swerved between both lanes of traffic, almost crashing with other vehicles on multiple occasions.
The pursuit was then terminated.
A pursuit with this same vehicle was again initiated in Monroe County, where it was involved in a crash.
The vehicle eventually left I-94, turned down a dead end road and the driver left the vehicle.
After a brief foot chase, officers took the driver into custody and identified him as Langston.
If convicted, Langston could be sentenced to up to 18 months in prison.

The pursuit and subsequent capture of Langston was recorded on police dashcam and bodycam video, which was recently released:

Langston had neither a valid driver’s license nor insurance, but these were trivial matters in comparison to fleeing/eluding an officer, which is a Class I felony in Wisconsin. After his arrest, Langston became hysterical, shouting, “I’m not a criminal,” babbling about a girlfriend in Minneapolis that just broke up with him, while asserting that he actually did have a license and insurance, but “when it pops up, it says invalid,” and could he please call his mom? After seeing this, I became curious, because I suspected that this wasn’t Langston’s first time at the rodeo, if you get my drift. Like, a previously law-abiding citizen doesn’t just suddenly decide to lead police on a 100-mph chase.

You see that mug shot? Not from his Wisconsin arrest. It’s from Chicago, where in February 2022 — just five months before his arrest in Wisconsin — Keyonis was busted after he ran a stop sign and, in addition to that infraction, was also charged with (a) driving on a suspended license, (b) driving an uninsured vehicle, and (c) multiple counts of resisting arrest/obstructing an officer. Nor was that his first encounter with law enforcement. In 2018, when he was 21, Keyonis Langston was arrested in Joliet for “speeding 26 to 34 mph above the speed limit.”

All of these arrests were mere traffic violations, you may say, and we have no reason to believe that Keyonis was really a criminal. Maybe he was just an urban version of the Dukes of Hazzard:

Just good old boys,
Never meanin’ no harm.
Beats all you never saw,
Been in trouble with the law since the day they was born.

If it hadn’t been for that high-speed pursuit through Wisconsin, and the video being posted to one of my favorite “real police action” YouTube channels, I never would have heard of Keyonis, who was facing up to 18 months in prison for fleeing and eluding. But there won’t be a trial and he’ll never go to prison, because Keyonis was from Chicago, where he became a statistic this past Thanksgiving weekend:

Eight people have been killed and 25 others wounded in shootings so far over the long Thanksgiving holiday weekend. . . .
Thursday night, two men were killed in separate shootings just over an hour apart and about five miles from each other on the South Side.
Keyonis Langston, 25, was in the 8000 block of South Vernon Avenue when someone shot him in the head just before 8 p.m., authorities said. About 9:20 p.m., Randle Roby, 28, was found fatally shot on a sidewalk in the 100 block of West 112th Street. He suffered a gunshot wound to the face and abdomen and was pronounced dead at the scene.

Beats all you ever saw . . .

Y’all drive safely. It’s dangerous out there on the road.



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