The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 01.25.23

Posted on | January 26, 2023 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

The only thing they fear is you, Casper. Good boy.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #1973
357 Magnum: Cops Search The Wrong House
EBL: Julian Sands Still Missing, also, Burns Night Rule 5
Twitchy: Report On FL Teachers Forced To Remove Books Used To Groom Children Meets Text Of The Law, NYC Courthouse Gets Statue Of Demon As Tribute To RBG & Abortion, and Adam Schiff Cries On TikTok About Being Kicked Off Intel Committee
Louder With Crowder: Dude GOES OFF on people filming others to mock on TikTok and not minding their damn business at the gym, Drama queen Eric Swalwell accuses Kevin McCarthy of trying to have him killed, and Training video illustrates how to push radical gender theory on four-year-olds and brag about it
Vox Popoli: Netflix Narnia, Pressuring the Fake President, Schroedinger’s Cornerback, Unconfirmed Reports, and Germany Declares War on Russia
Gab News: A Wholesome Story of Plain Values

American Conservative: Zelensky vs. the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Cardinal Screwtape, and, Pat’s Pen
American Greatness: McCarthy Rejects Jeffries’ Requests to Seat Schiff, Swalwell on Intel Committee, Arkansas Lawmakers Introduce Bill to Classify Drag Shows as Strip Clubs, and The Environmentalist Assault on Civilization
American Thinker: Do You Trust the Integrity of Our Elections? If Not, Here Are the Steps We Must Take
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: Brazil’s Lula goes to bat for Cuba and Venezuela on his first trip abroad, Miami Cuban radio icon Ninoska Perez Castellon back on the air at a new station, and Cuban lawyer at London trial loves to show off her wealth and privilege
BattleSwarm: Ukraine Celebrates Tanksgiving
Behind The Black: Japan’s H2A rocket successfully launches radar surveillance satellite, Russians successfully test replacement Soyuz capsule for leaks, Rocket Lab successfully completes first launch from the U.S., and Today’s blacklisted American: Thin blue line banned on flags in Los Angeles and suburban Philadelphia
Cafe Hayek:  Konstantin Kisin on the Environment and ‘Woke’ Culture, also, John Stossel on Paul Ehrlich and the Doomsters
CDR Salamander: The White Swan off Yemen
Chicago Boyz: Head–Heart–Stomach, also, Terf War
Da Tech Guy: The Trans-Cultural Mindfulness Alliance is only 1/3 right
Don Surber: Maserati Manchin’s Next Grift, also, Highlights of the News
First Street Journal: Lexington’s first homicide of 2023, also, Killadelphia: Lies, damned lies, and statistics
Gates Of Vienna: The Muslim Brotherhood in Austria, Part 5, Ethnic Cleansing of Hungarians in Ukraine?, and The Cultural Enrichment of Freiburg
The Geller Report: ‘PELOSI ACT”: Pelosi Sells $3 Million of Google Stock Before DOJ Opens Lawsuit Against Google to Break It Up, also, New Biden Regime Policy To Address Massive Border Invasion: HIDE THE NUMBERS
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, also, NIRCam Looks and Chameleon I
Hollywood In Toto: Bill Maher – ‘Hollywood Is a Bunch of F***ing Cowards’, Shotgun Wedding Finds Romance in the Craziest Places, You People Casts Eddie Murphy as Farrakhan Apologist, and Wanda Sykes Delivers Master Class in Biden Protection
Legal Insurrection: California Politicos Proposing New ‘Wealth Tax’ for Super-Rich, ‘Exit Tax’ for Those Who Leave, The Usual Suspects Use Pence Classified Docs Story to Absolve Joe Biden, but Not Trump, Some Universities Lowering Expectations, Redesigning Courses Due to Effects the Pandemic had on Students, and George Soros Linked to Rise of Anti-Semitism in America
Nebraska Energy Observer: Lupus Tenebrosus: Chapter 25
Outkick: Dak Prescott’s Tough Stretch Continues, May Have Been Dumped By Model Girlfriend, Josh Allen Reacts To Damar Hamlin Body Double Conspiracy Theory, LeBron Pretends To Be A Tough Guy After Fan Heckles His Hairline, Georgia’s Stetson Bennett Will Not Play In Senior Bowl, Instead Putting Focus On NFL Combine, Draft, and Scott Rolen Telling His Parents He Made The Hall Of Fame Is The Best Thing You’ll Watch All Day
Power Line: Let’s go crazy, abortion edition, Physicians—Heal Thyself, Fast, and Here Come the Bugs
Shark Tank: Progressive Media Outlet Smears Pro-DeSantis Influencers, “Secret Foreign Agent” Pushaw Responds
Shot In The Dark: The Ghouls Among Us, and Wanna See Gymnastics?
STUMP: Top Causes of Death, US, 2018-2021
This Ain’t Hell: BOHICA, Think before you get on that Army chopper in the future, Republican bill calls for Congress personnel to receive VA healthcare, Ukraine to receive 31 Abrams tanks, and Biden talks about “Ukraine’s brutal aggression”
Transterrestrial Musings: Time For A Truth And Reconciliation, Artificial Gravity, Spying Televisions, and Our Classified System
Victory Girls: Kevin McCarthy vs. Eric Swalwell – Oh, Baby!
Volokh Conspiracy: Court Blocks California Ban on COVID “Treatment or Advice” That’s “Contrary to the Standard of Care”
Watts Up With That: Researchers Propose Compulsory Climate Change Teaching in Core Law Curriculum, also, Former spokesperson for Extinction Rebellion turns on group, now rejects climate doomsday
Weasel Zippers: WH Says It’s A “Non-Issue” That Biden Sold U.S. Strategic Oil Reserves To Red China, McCarthy Rejects Dem Eric Swalwell From Intel Committee, and WH Clown Insists Swalwell, Schiff, Omar “Bring A Lot To The Table” On National Security
The Federalist: How European Jews Went From Touting Assimilation To Embracing Zionism, Stefanik: Rooting Out Deep State Corruption Is A Top Priority For House Republicans, Mangled Remains Of A Christmas Card Got Delivered A Month After The Holiday, But I’m To Believe The USPS Can Handle My Ballot?, and Reduce Federal Spending By Cutting Back Anywhere And Everywhere: A Guide For Bladder Shy, Financially Illiterate Republicans
Mark Steyn: Happy Australia Day!

Amazon Warehouse Deals

In The Mailbox: 01.24.23

Posted on | January 24, 2023 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ah, that would be the ideal way to end the wretched mess that is “Velma”…Mindy Kaling’s self-insert being hauled off by the Scooby Gang, who have all grown up to be cops, while she wails “And I would have gotten away with it, too, if it wasn’t for those racist white people!”
Silicon Valley delenda est.

The good ending we’ll never see.

357 Magnum: Lies of Omission By NPR Are Still Lies
EBL: Henry Knox and the Cannons of Fort Ticonderoga, also, Pope Benedict Publishes Posthumously?
Twitchy: School Board Member Doubles Down On “Whiteness Is Evil” Tweet, also, Just When We Think Robert Reich Can’t Out-Stupid Himself
Louder With Crowder: Crowder sits down with Tim Pool to set the record straight on Stop Big Con, the drama…ALL of it, YouTubers who pretend to steal your luggage at the airport as a ‘prank’ meet someone who didn’t find it funny, and Mark Hamill does unthinkable and likes a JK Rowling tweet, gets attacked by First Order of Woke stormtroopers
Vox Popoli: Pedos on the Police Force, Category Errors, /pol/ is Always Right, and Scott Adams is a Sore Loser

Adam Piggott: Greasy Pole #25 – The Internet episode
American Conservative: Elementary Classrooms As Revolutionary Cells
American Greatness: Missouri AG Threatens to Prosecute Columbia School Officials After Students Were Subjected to Drag Show Without Parents’ Knowledge, Police Injured by ‘Friendly Fire’ on January 6, and Overpopulation Via Immigration Is Destroying America’s Environment
American Thinker: COVID Vaxes – It’s Not ‘The More the Merrier’
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Stupid Ideas News
Babalu Blog: Buenos Aires plastered with signs calling for release of political prisoners in Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua, Cuban dictatorship owes its British lawyers over $3 million in fees, and ‘Thaba’ – New shop in Havana where you can look at products but not buy them
BattleSwarm: In Which I Fail To Write About Jeremy Clarkson, also, Peter Zeihan on A Second Holodomor in Ukraine
Behind The Black:  Communications issue shuts down one of Webb’s instruments, Jupiter and two of its Moons, as seen by Cassini during 2018 fly-by, Curiosity’s drill fails for the fourth time to drill into the marker band layer on Mt Sharp, and Today’s blacklisted American: Pro-parent event silenced by threats of violence from leftist queers
Cafe Hayek: Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: “Coase’s valuable insights into market economies”
CDR Salamander: The German Problem…is our Problem
Da Tech Guy: The Corleone family had olive oil as a front business; the Bidens have politics, Under the Fedora, Stacy Called it in Atlanta (Only without the killing) and the GA AG confirms it, and Is it time to shut down the FBI?
Dana Loesch: More Classified Documents Found In Biden’s Delaware Home
Don Surber: Expert Gets Biden Scandal All Wrong, also, Highlights of the News
First Street Journal: Killadelphia, also, Taylor Lorenz loves to express her opinions, but doesn’t really want other people expressing their opinions back to her
Gates Of Vienna: The Gagging of Dissent in the EU, Crisis in the Caucasus, and You Will Be Assimilated
The Geller Report: Yuma, Arizona Supervisor Warns of Total Collapse Under ‘Unprecedented’ Migrant Surge, First OANN , Now DIRECTV is Canceling NEWSMAX, and Leading FBI Official In Russia Collusion Hoax Arrested for Colluding With Russia
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, The Far Side, and But Isn’t Stove Gas Methane?
Hollywood In Toto: ‘SNL’ Still Playing Defense for Biden, How Hollywood Helped Create, and Destroy, Time’s Up, and Mike Baron Fights Back, Plans Suit Against Daily Kos (and More)
Legal Insurrection: Far Left Activists Are Still Protesting at Brett Kavanaugh’s Home, A “mania has taken over academia where every issue, including math, revolves around race and the patriarchy”, Stanford U. Student Senate Funding School’s Matt Walsh Protesters, Ukraine War Updates: Berlin Won’t Block Poland From Sending German-Made Leopard Tanks To Kyiv, and M&M’s Woke Spokescandies Melting Away in Wake of Heated Backlash
Nebraska Energy Observer: I’m going to test 
Outkick: Scott Rolen Is Only Player Elected To MLB Hall of Fame In 2023, Over 45 Million People Watched The 49ers Eliminate The Cowboys From The NFL Playoffs, Former Bronco Derek Wolfe Discusses Dinner Plans After Hunting Mountain Lion: ‘Gonna Eat That Cat’, Ezekiel Elliott Willing To Take Pay Cut To Remain With Cowboys, and Mike Tyson Sued For Alleged Rape From 1990s
Power Line: The McGonigal miasma, The Woke Purge in the Sciences, and The Daily Chart: The Decline of China
Shark Tank: DeSantis Administration Continues To Defend “Our Pro-Life Protections”
Shot In The Dark: The Gaslighting Project, Go Time, and Now Be Thankful
STUMP: Taxing Tuesday: Let’s Tax the Rich in NY! It Will Really Work This Time!
The Political Hat: Ending Woke Governance In Universities
This Ain’t Hell: Weekend mostly peaceful protests, also, Abrams MBTs to Ukraine
Transterrestrial Musings: The Domestic Terror Attacks, Crazy Idea, The Stranglehold Of Public-Employee Unions, and Rubble Piles
Victory Girls: Military Industrial Complex Unprepared For War, also, Schiff Claims National Security At Risk If Left Off Intel Committee
Volokh Conspiracy: Eleventh Circuit Becomes Second Federal Appellate Court to Strike Down Tax Mandate Condition in 2021 Covid Stimulus Bill
Watts Up With That: Record Agricultural Yields Should Allay Climate Fear, The Copper Conundrum, and Does the Oil Industry Have a Future? (Part I)
Weasel Zippers: WH: Americans “Know” Biden Has “Delivered” Higher Gas Prices, Record Inflation, Supply Shortages, Privileged Leftists Arrested In Atlanta Anti-Police Riots, DOJ Files Antitrust Lawsuit Against Google Over Its Online Ad Business, and WH: Biden’s “No Regrets” Statement “Speaks For Itself”
The Federalist: Republican Candidates For Arizona Governor And AG Appeal Election Integrity Challenges, A Day Late And $113 Billion Short, New York Times Acknowledges Ukraine As A Broken And Corrupt Nation, Trump’s Strong Poll Numbers Don’t Matter If The Managerial Elite Keep Rigging The System, and Biden Was A National Security Threat Long Before His Classified Docs Fiasco
Mark Steyn: The Setting Sun

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Documents Here! Documents There! Classified Documents Everywhere!

Posted on | January 24, 2023 | 2 Comments

It’s a Doctor Seuss story at this point:

Classified documents were found at former Vice President Mike Pence’s home in Carmel, Indiana, last week, according to CNN.
It is unclear what classified information exists in the documents.
Pence’s lawyer alerted the National Archives of the revelation. The Department of Justice (DOJ) was subsequently notified by the National Archives. The FBI and Justice Department have launched an investigation into the documents and how they were taken to Indiana.

So Pence had classified documents in Indiana, Trump had classified documents in Florida, and Biden had classified documents in, what? Five locations now? So many that I’ve lost count, anyway. You get the idea that maybe all these “secrets” aren’t so secret. We should be grateful for the incompetence of our nation’s enemies, because certainly our “intelligence community” isn’t very good at protecting our national security.



The World’s Best Coffee?

Posted on | January 24, 2023 | Comments Off on The World’s Best Coffee?

On Saturday night’s episode of The Other Podcast, our Valdosta correspondent Dianna Deeley took time to thank John Hoge for a gift he gave her — Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee. Dianna’s praise for the quality of this product piqued my curiosity, and with a quick search of Amazon, I discovered that these beans sell for around $60 a pound.

Because I am far more the gourmand than the gourmet when it comes to coffee — I drink six or eight cups a day — I am certainly not a “coffee snob,” and am generally content with Maxwell House or whatever I get. But hearing Dianna’s testimony to the exquisite taste, I researched Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee and learned, among other things, that “this coffee has developed a reputation that has made it one of the most expensive and sought-after coffees in the world. Over 80% of all Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee is exported to Japan.” A-ha!

Foreign competition from those inscrutable Orientals has bid up the price of these precious beans, which can only be grown at certain altitudes in the mountains of this one Caribbean island, so that the supply is limited, while the demand — well, why haven’t you ordered your supply of Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee beans yet?

You see, now that I have discovered these beans — and am publicizing them so that everybody in the world with an Internet connection becomes aware of the superiority of Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee — the increased demand will certainly result in rising prices. By the time you see this blog post, perhaps hundreds of our regular readers have already ordered their beans from Amazon, and the price may have hit $70 or $80 a pound.

John Hoge’s already boosting Blue Mountain beans on his blog, and this could be the beginning of a market-changing phenomenon — like the 17th-century tulip craze or the South Sea bubble.


It could be only a matter of weeks before the surging demand drives up the cost to the point that only the wealthy elite will be able to afford Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee — and meanwhile, me and my blog readers will be sitting on our stockpile of those precious beans, purchased at pre-“bubble” prices. Capitalism is beautiful.



In The Mailbox: 01.23.22

Posted on | January 24, 2023 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 01.23.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Happy Lunar new year!

357 Magnum: T-Mobile Hacked For The Eighth Time Since 2018
EBL: Antifa’s Atlanta Getaway, FIRE JEFF ZIENTS, and Year of the Rabbit
Twitchy: April Ryan Tries To Tie Gas Prices To Race, Croggles Energy Secretary Granholm, also, Gov. Hairgel Explains Why Guns Are Bad While Surrounded by Armed Security
Louder With Crowder: College soccer player got benched after refusing to take a knee for social justice, now her coach owes her $100k, NFL Legend Tony Dungy defies media haters, addresses March for Life about the power of prayer, and Gringa Hilaria Baldwin brings back fake Spanish accent to yell at reporters chasing husband Alec (who killed a woman)
Vox Popoli: US Disavows Navy SEAL, Suddenly, An Unexpected Twist, Red China Buys SF Publisher, He’s Not Wrong, and They Lied, is How
Stoic Observations: Black Suffering

Adam Piggott: Spiritual Battle
American Conservative: Constitutionalism in an Age Without Limits, The DEI Republicans, and Creating a Russian Bogeyman
American Greatness: Lies, Damned Lies, and Gun Statistics, How RNC Policy Lost a Winnable House Seat, Is the Justice Department Pursuing Biden Just to Get Trump?, and FBI Agent Who Investigated Trump-Russia Collusion Has Been Arrested For Colluding With Russia
American Power: When Students Change Gender Identity, and Parents Don’t Know
American Thinker: The Real Purpose of Drag Queen Story Hour, The Disturbing Precedent behind Dangerous COVID Shots, The War on Competence, and President Deep State?
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: Cuban dictatorship on trial in London over millions in defaulted loans, Cuban dictatorship opens new luxury apartheid hotel for foreign animals, Russia sends ‘experts’ to toy with Cuba’s unfixable economy, or so they say, and Cuban police pepper spray mothers and their babies standing in line for diapers
BattleSwarm: Toss-able Suicide X-Wing Drone, also, “Beijing Mini-Me” Xiongan Is China’s Largest “Rotten Tail” Project
Behind The Black: First launch from Shetland Islands predicted for the fall, First Vulcan rocket arrives at Cape Canaveral, Martian crater with mound of ice? mud? hardened sand?, and Today’s blacklisted American: Game publisher fires employee for expressing conservative opinions
Cafe Hayek: The Primacy of the Consumer-Welfare Standard, also, What Was Uniquely Important About American Revolutionaries?
CDR Salamander: The Navy’s New Mission with Bryan McGrath – on Midrats, also, Can we Learn Something From the Air Force?
Chicago Boyz: What’s the Deal with Construction Productivity?
Da Tech Guy: Shades of Treyvon Martin in LA or Clemenza Must not have been available, ChatGPT says…sue the schools!, and Jonathan Roumie hits it out of the park at the March for Life
Don Surber: So Irrelevant They Won’t Stop Talking About Him, Turning California Into Hell, and Highlights of the News
First Street Journal: Amanda Marcotte gaslighting on stoves, All the News That’s Fit to Print? and Why, it’s almost as though gun control laws don’t work!
Gates Of Vienna: EVs Turn Ferries Into Death Boats, You And Whose Army?, Sweden Can Kiss NATO Membership Goodbye, and Culture-Enriching Knife Incident on the Bus in Mestre
The Geller Report: 21 Year Old Surfer Evan McMillen Dies Suddenly, 35-Year-Old Middle School Coach and Teacher Dies Suddenly in Front of His Class, Utah Doctor, Others Charged With Giving Saline shots Instead of Controversial Covid Vaccine, and 10.9 Million 2022 Midterm Mail-In Ballots ‘Unaccounted For’ in California
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, Mmmmm, Coffee, An Older View of Andromeda, and Nothing to See Here. Move Along
Hollywood In Toto: Kavanaugh Doc Director Laughably Plays Victim Card, Comic Sam Morril Rages Against Big Tech Censorship, and A Terrible, Awful No-Good Week for Hollywood
Legal Insurrection: FBI Offers $25K Reward for Info About Attacks on 10 Pro-Life Centers, Antifa Members Arrested in Atlanta are White and Five Aren’t Even From Georgia, Vanderbilt Prof Calls College Math a ‘White, Cisheteropatriarchal Space’, Study Claims People Need to Battle Climate Change by…Drinking Less Coffee, and “There are signs of weakness in MIT’s commitment to academic freedom”
Nebraska Energy Observer: Classic sports Saturday, Third Sunday after Epiphany, and Monday Culture
Outkick: Bomani Jones Tanks Again On HBO, Shannon Sharpe Issues Apology For Ridiculous Altercation During Grizzlies-Lakers Game, Cincinnati Bengals Are A Monster Snarling At NFL, Defeating Narratives And League’s Best Teams, Peyton Hillis Home From Hospital After Saving Kids From Drowning, and Stefon Diggs Behavior During, After Bills Loss Serves As Reminder Of Past Issues
Power Line: More Documents In Slow Joe’s House, Thought for the Day/Week: Tocqueville on the Roots of MEOW, and How Dumb Can a Politician Get?
Shark Tank: Donalds Says Democrats May Not Want It, But Debt Ceiling Negotiations Are Going To Happen
Shot In The Dark: Deja Vu All Over Again, Emblematic, and Win-Win
This Ain’t Hell: Navy SEAL, AWOL, killed in Ukraine, Ask me anything…MCPON goes on Reddit, DIRCIA nomination blocked by senator, and The Festival of John Moses Browning
Transterrestrial Musings: Meet President George Santos, The Biggest Rat, The California Dream, and Gerard Van Der Leun
Victory Girls: Kardashian Goes To Harvard; Hilarity Ensues, American Mom Who Praised Red China Gets Flak, and Trans Women Threaten Real Women With Decapitation
Volokh Conspiracy: Canada Grants Refugee Status to Russian Fleeing Conscription, also, Justice Gorsuch’s Dissent from Denial of Review in an Excessive Fines Clause Case
Watts Up With That: UK to Ban Plastic Spoons, In Pennsylvania, Will Josh Shapiro Unlock Decades of Affordable Energy?, The Mexican Sun Sets on Making Sunsets, and UK Coal Plants Fired Up AGAIN as Renewable Energy Output Fails
Weasel Zippers: Kamala Harris Explains How Weather And Climate Work -Word Salad Ensues, Biden Talks About Police Officers, Has Absolutely No Idea What He’s Talking About, Nancy Pelosi Walks Back Outrage, Flip Flops On Classified Documents, and ABC Poll: Biden’s Leadership Ratings Underwater On All Major Issues
The Federalist: Like DeSantis, Every Republican Lawmaker Should Block College Board’s Critical Race Theory Class, America Needs More Unapologetic Christians Like Tony Dungy, AAP’s Obesity Treatments Prioritize Big Pharma Over Children’s Health And Wellness, None Of Biden’s Excuses For Having Classified Documents Make Any Sense, and Vimeo Nukes ‘Dead Name’ Documentary Highlighting The Horrors Of Transgender Ideology
Mark Steyn: You Think You’re Funny? The Nice Guys and the Modern Film Noir, Tal Bachman: New Year’s Day, part three, and The Deafening Silence

You know what time it is.
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THE ATLANTA RIOT: Out-of-State Anarchists Torch Police Vehicle

Posted on | January 23, 2023 | 3 Comments

Chris Carr is Georgia’s attorney general, and his sense of indignation is widely shared by the law-abiding citizens of Georgia, who have never experienced the kind of left-wing extremism represented by the “protesters” who rioted Saturday night in downtown Atlanta.

The city’s mayor, Andre Dickens, made clear where he stands:

Atlanta is safe, and our police officers have resolved the disruptions downtown from this evening. Thanks to the quick action of our public safety officials working together, order has been restored in a swift manner.
The city of Atlanta and the Atlanta Police Department will not tolerate this, and we continue to protect the right to peacefully protest. We will not tolerate violence or property destruction. The Atlanta Police Department and our law enforcement partners are fully engaged and have the resources to protect our residents, our visitors and our businesses in this city.
Again, I want to thank Atlanta’s firefighters, our police officers, our 911 operators, EMS and everyone else who has helped to keep order in our city.
My message is simple to those who seek to continue this type of criminal behavior: We will find you and we will arrest you and you will be held accountable. We have arrested several of them this evening, and Chief Schierbaum will give you the details on that. Many of them don’t even live in Atlanta or in the state of Georgia and they don’t represent the voices of Atlantans. And some of them were found with explosives on them. You heard that correctly — explosives — and that has led to a police officer’s car being set on fire. And other destruction has occurred.
So make no mistake about it. These individuals meant harm to people and to property.

It was clear from what the police chief explained at the press conference that the “protest” downtown was organized with the subsequent destruction as its objective. Embedded in a crowd of several dozen protesters were a comparative handful of anarchists prepared to engage in violence. It’s a pattern we saw in many cities during the summer of 2020 — the “mostly peaceful” protesters serve as a sort of bodyguard to conceal and protect the perpetrators of vandalism, arson, etc. The media pretend to be surprised and dismayed that the protest “turned violent,” despite the obvious pattern which demonstrates that the violence was pre-planned and that the organizers of the “peaceful protest” knew damned well what the ultimate result would be.

Mayor Dickens and Attorney General Carr are having none of this. Keep in mind that Atlanta is the birthplace of the Civil Rights Movement, so they certainly know what “peaceful protest” means, and what these Antifa terrorists were doing? Definitely not “peaceful.” When I wrote about this story earlier (“Dear Antifa Terrorists: Please Go to Georgia, So Cops Can Kill All of You”), Antifa was already calling for a “Night of Rage” and demanding “reciprocal violence” against the police. Saturday on The Other Podcast — before we knew about the riot — we discussed the story, including Erick Erickson’s reporting about how Antifa doxed and terrorized employees of the company contracted to build the police training center that the protesters have dubbed “Cop City.”

Atlanta’s WAGA-TV reports:

Atlanta police have released the names, mugshots and charges for the six suspects arrested during a riot in downtown Atlanta Saturday evening. Only one of the suspects was a Georgia resident.
Nadja Geier, 24, of Nashville, Tenn.; Madeleine Feola, 22, of Spokane, Wash.; Ivan Ferguson, 22, of Nevada; Graham Evatt, 20, of Decatur, Ga.; Francis Carrol, 22, of Kennebunkport, Maine; and Emily Murphy, 37, of Grosse Isle, Mich. were each charged with four misdemeanors and four felonies.
The misdemeanor charges include: rioting, pedestrian in a roadway, willful obstruction of a law enforcement officer and unlawful assembly.
The felony charges include: second degree criminal damage, first degree arson, interference with government property and domestic terrorism.

Just out of curiosity, I Googled the lone Georgia resident on that list and — ooh, boy! — Graham Evatt is a strange case. His Twitter profile proclaims him a “Beta male,” apparently as a troll of my Australian friend Nick Adams, who calls himself an “Alpha male” on Twitter.

Let’s hope the judge deems these suspects a flight risk and denies them bail because, of course, Crazy People Are Dangerous.

UPDATE: Thanks to Dana in the comments for this item:

An Antifa ‘domestic terrorist’ is the son of a millionaire Maine surgeon who grew up in a stunning mansion in one of the most luxurious beach towns on the east coast . . .
Francis ‘Frankie’ Carroll, 22, was one of five people arrested on Tuesday at the autonomous zone at the site of the future Atlanta Public Safety Training Centre. . . .
Carroll is the son of surgeon Dr Mike Carroll and grew up in a $2 million five-bedroom and four-bathroom mansion in Kennebunkport – as well as enjoying time on his parents’ yacht.

Welcome to Georgia, yacht-boy!



Rule 5 Sunday: Gina Lollobrigida, RIP

Posted on | January 23, 2023 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Italian bombshell Gina Lollobrigida co-starred with just about every movie star of the 1950s and 60s despite a contract with Howard Hughes that effectively prohibited her from filming in America. Some of her best-known films are Beat The Devil (with Humphrey Bogart), The Hunchback Of Notre Dame (with Anthony Quinn), and Solomon & Sheba (with Yul Brynner).
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

“I knew right away that Rock Hudson was gay when he did not fall in love with me.”

NINETY MILES FROM TYRANNY: Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1967, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns

ANIMAL MAGNETISM: Rule Five The More Things Change Friday, and the Saturday Asian Invasion

EVIL BLOGGERLADY: MAGA Vs. Democrat Secrets, Keeley Hawes, Lisa Marie Presley (RIP), Nos4A2, Glass Onion, Hotel Artemis, The Making Of A Lady, Vesper, Abby Zwerner, Democrat Knives Out For Biden, Saturday Night Fever, Three Stooges, I Feel Safer Already, Call Me – Escorts Of Davos, The Last of Us, Gina Lollobrigida, Riviera,  and Cheek To Cheek.

A VIEW FROM THE BEACH: You Jane, Jane MarchEat a Catfish, Save the BayFish Pic Friday – Alyssa VegaThursday TanlinesSome Wednesday WetnessAmerican Woman Wins Miss UniverseTattoo Tuesday,  RIP: Gina LollobrigidaThe Monday Morning StimulusPalm Sunday and Sailing, Sailing, Over the Ocean Blue

FLAPPR: Why Men Love Sundresses

Thanks to everyone for all the luscious links!

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FMJRA 2.0: Dinosaur Tales

Posted on | January 21, 2023 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: Dinosaur Tales

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Title track is from Klaus Schulze’s La Vie Electronique Vol.4, a nice three-disc set of old-school electronic music that could pass for classical if most classical stations weren’t stuck in the 19th century. Should not be confused with this Ray Bradbury collection, which might have inspired Schulze, who was a big reader of SF and Frank Herbert in particular.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Ryouma Sakamoto and his wife/dragon* Oryou.

The Next California Disaster
The Political Hat
357 Magnum

FMJRA 2.0: Rip & Tear
A View From The Beach

Goldilocks and the Four Interceptions 
The Pirate’s Cove
357 Magnum

Rule 5 Sunday: Homeko
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 01.17.23 (Morning Edition)
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Biden Celebrates MLK Day With Speech to Group Founded by Infamous Jew-Hater
The DaleyGator
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 01.17.23 (Evening Edition)
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

‘A Routine Traffic Stop’
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 01.18.23
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Kerry at Davos: ‘A Select Group of Human Beings … Talk About Saving the Planet’
The First Street Journal
The DaleyGator
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 01.19.23
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Dear Antifa Terrorists: Please Go to Georgia, So Cops Can Kill All of You
The DaleyGator
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 01.20.23
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Top linkers for the week ending on Lee-Jackson Day:

  1.  EBL (13)
  2.  357 Magnum (11)
  3.  A View From The Beach (8)
  4.  Proof Positive (6)

Thanks to everyone for all the links!

*Dragons, dinosaurs, close enough.

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