The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

As the Nation Stumbles Toward Catastrophe, FBI Raids ‘My Pillow’ Dude

Posted on | September 14, 2022 | Comments Off on As the Nation Stumbles Toward Catastrophe, FBI Raids ‘My Pillow’ Dude

We are facing a railroad strike that could cost the U.S. economy $2 billion a day, but don’t worry about that — Merrick Garland’s DOJ is on the job, going after America’s most dangerous enemies:

MyPillow chief executive Mike Lindell said Tuesday that federal agents seized his cellphone and questioned him about a Colorado clerk who has been charged in what prosecutors say was a “deceptive scheme” to breach voting system technology used across the country.
Lindell was approached in the drive-thru of a Hardee’s fast-food restaurant in Mankato, Minnesota, by several FBI agents, he said on his podcast, “The Lindell Report.” The agents questioned him about Dominion Voting Systems, Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters and his connection to Doug Frank, an Ohio educator who claims voting machines have been manipulated, he said.
The agents then told Lindell they had a warrant to seize his cellphone and ordered him to turn it over, he said. On a video version of his podcast, Lindell displayed a letter signed by an assistant U.S. attorney in Colorado that said prosecutors were conducting an “official criminal investigation of a suspected felony” and noted the use of a federal grand jury.
The circumstances of the investigation were unclear. The Justice Department did not immediately respond Tuesday night to a request for comment about the seizure or investigation.
“Without commenting on this specific matter, I can confirm that the FBI was at that location executing a search warrant authorized by a federal judge,” FBI spokeswoman Vikki Migoya said in an email.

It’s about priorities, you see. Kids are getting shot every day in the streets of Philadelphia, St. Louis and Chicago, but it’s the My Pillow Guy the feds are worried about. And on the same day FBI agents were seizing Mike Lindell’s cellphone, we learned the FBI actually put Russian operative Igor Danchenko — one of the key sources for Michael Steele’s bogus anti-Trump “dossier” — on their payroll as a hired informant. Because what could go wrong with having Russian spies work for the FBI, right?


In The Mailbox: 09.13.22

Posted on | September 13, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 09.13.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

EBL: Ukrainian Warrior Women, also, Higher Education Good and Hard
Twitchy: “More Russian Connections To The Clinton Campaign”, also, tHe WaLlS aRe ClOsInG iN!
Louder With Crowder: ‘Not on my watch’: Crowd erupts as Ron DeSantis GOES OFF on elites and what their pandemic endgame was
Vox Popoli: Effective Rhetoric, Incontrovertible Proof of the Existence of God, A Second Front, and Tolkien Knew
Stoic Observations: What Culture Feels Like

American Conservative: The Ruins of the Covid Regime
American Greatness: Tucker Carlson: Biden DOJ Has Targeted ‘Dozens and Dozens’ of Trump Allies in Latest Crackdown on ‘Enemies of the Regime’
American Power: The Great Reset – Global Elites & The Permanent Lockdown
American Thinker: Wow! Twitter Green Lights Anti-Trans Movement, also, When you are sick, do you want Dr Woke or Dr Smart?
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Mat-Su News
Babalu Blog: Superior of Jesuit order expelled from Cuba for criticizing the island’s dictatorship, Cuban dictatorship opens gourmet culinary festival at apartheid resort enclave while Cubans starve, and Reports from Cuba: Sugarcane workers barely surviving in Camajuani, Cuba
BattleSwarm: Putin Finds Out About The Kharkiv Counteroffensive, also, Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict Flares Up Again
Behind The Black: NASA revises its SLS launch schedule, pending approval of the range’s safety office, Red China’s Long March 7A launches communications satellite; dumps debris on Philippines, SpaceX appeals FCC decision that cancelled Starlink subsidy, and Today’s blacklisted Americans
Cafe Hayek: Not a Promising Start for Liz Truss, A Reflection on Bastiat’s “What Is Seen and What Is Not Seen”, and 52 Years Ago Today Milton Friedman Wrote Against Stakeholder Capitalism
CDR Salamander: DDG(X) Becoming a CG(X) Flashback?
Da Tech Guy: Now that Ukraine is taking back territory from Russia, it’s time for the New York Times to return Walter Duranty’s tainted Pulitzer, The Reality of the Trump vs Biden Economy Strikes in Frederick MD, and Report from Louisiana: Juvenile Offenders going to Angola
Don Surber: Democrats can’t govern, Even NYT doesn’t believe pro-Dem polls, and Trump comes out swinging
First Street Journal: Killadelphia, also, What happens when you leave dirty dishes in the sink for 70 years?
Gates Of Vienna: The Cultural Enrichment of the Termini Railway Station, From a Corona Dictatorship to a Heating Dictatorship, Knife Jihad in Ansbach, and An Ice Age Descends on German Industry
The Geller Report: Joe Biden: “This is the United States of Gomorrah”
Hogewash: Sex and the Immune System, Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, and A Star Shattering Kaboom
Hollywood In Toto: Lifemark Gives Fathom Events Its Best Box Office of 2022, Woke Jimmy Kimmel Attacked for ‘White Privilege’ Emmy Gag, and Is Showtime Doing Damage Control for The Lincoln Project?
The Lid: Ken Burns Has A Palestine Problem
Legal Insurrection: PA Senate Race: WaPo Isn’t Falling for John Fetterman’s Excuses Not to Debate Dr. Oz, Lowery v. Texas A&M: The Beginning of the End of ‘Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion’ Discrimination?, and ‘Lack of Support From the Federal Government’: Democrats Still Changing to GOP Along the Border Over Immigration, Border Security
Nebraska Energy Observer: Going to the Dogs, also, How’s this for scary?
Outkick: Pete Carroll Couldn’t Believe Broncos’ Boneheaded Decision At End Of MNF, CNN Reporter Calls Out Own Network, Mainstream Media For Knee-Jerk Reaction To BYU Racism Story, Boston Marathon Will Allow Non-Binary Runners To Qualify Under Women’s Standards, and Woke King Ryan Clark Takes Unsolicited Shot At Drew Lock
Power Line: Pay No Attention to the Pollster Behind the Curtain, The squirming of Mark Kelly, and Stelter Goes to Harvard
Shark Tank: Nunez Tells “Radical Puppet” Charlie Crist His Pandering Won’t Work
Shot In The Dark: Evidence, , TikTok Is A Hemorrhoid On The World’s Intellectual Lower Bowel, also, Anniversary Notes
STUMP: September 2022 Sumo has Started!
The Political Hat: Miracle Of The Individual
This Ain’t Hell: Possible railroad strike looming, More quick updates, and Woman Pleads Guilty in Stolen Valor Case
Transterrestrial Musings: Bill Nelson 2.0, also, Light Posting
Victory Girls: Cancer Moonshot Announced By Biden In Boston, also, Inflation Rises But White House Party Is Still On
Volokh Conspiracy: Defensive Gun Use Among Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, Asians, and American Indians
Watts Up With That: Will California “Learn” to Avoid Peak Rolling Blackouts?, also, Washington, DC’s Energy Colonialism
Weasel Zippers: WH Won’t Say If Biden Supports Taking Death Penalty Off The Table For 9/11 Plotters, Dem Congressman Says U.S. Constitution Is “An Accident Waiting To Happen”, Dem Rep. Tim Ryan Says US Needs To “Kill And Confront” “Extremist” Republican Movement, and Railroad Strike To Possibly Hit Country On Friday, Cripple 60% Of Economic Activity
The Federalist: Joe Biden’s Not Done Increasing Inflation, Heritage Action Steps Up In Arizona Senate Race After McConnell Pulls $8 Million From Masters, Democrats In Key Battlegrounds Are Refusing To Debate Republican Opponents, and Joe Biden Parties While America’s Retirement Accounts Burn
Mark Steyn: People Will Say We’re in Love, Reign and Terror, and You Got a Deal

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Ukraine Offensive Halts at Oskil River?

Posted on | September 13, 2022 | Comments Off on Ukraine Offensive Halts at Oskil River?

(Click to see full-size map.)

I don’t like this. I don’t like it one bit. More than three days after Ukrainian forces claimed the capture of Kupiansk, they have not established bridgeheads on the east bank of the Oskil River, meaning that their ability to continue advancing eastward — i.e., to drive the Russians out of Luhansk Oblast — is in doubt. While the Ukrainians have reportedly reoccupied Lyman, that crucial foothold is likely to become the focus of Russian counterattacks, if the forces that took Kupiansk and Izyum do not find a way to cross the Oskil and keep pushing eastward.

Momentum counts for a lot in war, and when the Ukrainian advance sent Russian troops scrambling out of Kupiansk and Izyum, it appeared that the Russian panic might spread quickly eastward. The Ukrainian governor of the region said that on Friday or Saturday, Russian forces fled from the towns of Svatove (about 35 miles southwest of Kupiansk on the P07 highway) and Kreminna (another 30 miles south of Svatove on P66 highway). Anyone who looks at a map can see that Svatove and Kreminna are crucial points on the supply line for Russian forces along the front from Lyman eastward to Severodonetsk. So if Ukrainian forces could have seized those towns — even with small patrols of lightly armed infantry, which could not withstand a full-strength counterattack — Russian troops on the Lyman front would have been cut off.

Today, the same regional governor said Svatove has now been reoccupied by the Russian forces that fled earlier, so that golden opportunity — made possible by the panicked reaction to Ukraine’s rapid advance on Kupiansk — appears now to have been lost, at least for the time being. And, as I say, there is no evidence that Ukraine has crossed to the east bank of the Oskil River anywhere between Kupiansk and Izyum. The most obvious sites for such crossings would be at the P79 highway bridges, between Senkove and Kruhlyakivka, and further south between Horokhovatka and Borova. Establishing east-bank bridgeheads in Kruhlyakivka and Borova, and then linking these together in a wider front — the two towns are about 12 miles apart — would provide a solid base for advancing east, toward the P07/P66 junction near Svatove.

Now I suppose that Ukraine’s rapid advance created logistical problems — they outran their supply line — and further suppose that the P79 bridges across the Oskil River have been damaged or destroyed. Be that as it may, the panic in the immediate aftermath of the Ukrainian advance created an opportunity that does not appear to have been fully exploited. Troops and equipment can be ferried across a river (at night, if necessary), and even a fairly small force of infantry scouts might have been enough to chase off any Russians around Kruhlyakivka and Borova, amid the chaotic scramble of this past weekend. Given another couple of days to bring over armor and artillery, that would have been enough to establish a solid grip on the east bank of the Oskil. While I’m perhaps guilty of underestimating the difficulty of such a task, the fact that nothing at all seems to have been attempted in the past three days is discouraging. Given time to recover from their disasters near Kharkiv, the Russians are likely to dig in on the east bank of the Oskil now, making further Ukrainian advances difficult, if not impossible, in the short term.

In the aftermath of the first Battle of Manassas, Confederate commander Joseph Johnston remarked that his army had been as disorganized by its victory as the Yankees had been disorganized by their defeat. Something like this may have happened to the Ukrainians, who recaptured some 1,200 square miles of territory in a few days last week. Probably they did not expect to be as successful as they were and, having reached Kupiansk and stampeded the Russians out of Izyum, the troops figured they’d accomplished everything that had been asked of them, and more.

Yet the war is not won yet, and it won’t be won anytime soon if the Ukrainians don’t make the most of every advantage they gain.


Death by ‘Analytics’

Posted on | September 13, 2022 | Comments Off on Death by ‘Analytics’

“Mom knew more about football than half these people,” my brother Kirby remarked this morning, discussing the role of “analytics” in the Monday Night Football defeat of the Denver Broncos. Indeed, our mother was a pretty savvy football fan, and no doubt she would have advised the Broncos, “Kick the damned field goal.”

Denver trailed 17-13 at halftime and, on their opening drive of the second half, drove 78 yards in nine plays to reach the one-yard-line of the Seattle Seahawks. On fourth-and-goal, the Broncos disdained the opportunity for a field goal that would have brought them within a point, 17-16, and instead went for it. Running back Melvin Gordon III was stopped short of the end zone and fumbled. And this choice would come back to haunt Denver later. In the fourth quarter, the Broncos again drove deep into Seahawks territory, coming up on fourth-and-goal from the Seattle 8 with a little more than six minutes left in the game. This time, though, they were willing to settle for three points and cut it to 17-16. However, if they had kicked a field goal when they had the chance earlier, this fourth-quarter FG would have put Denver ahead 19-17 — and enough to win the game, as it turned out. In the end, the Broncos got the ball back with about four minutes left, drove to the Seattle 46 and, with 20 seconds left, attempted a 64-yard field goal that missed. So because they turned down the chip-shot early in the third quarter, they lost the game on a 64-yarder at the end. Another sterling example of “analytics” in action.

My mom could coach better than that. Literally.


In The Mailbox: 09.12.22

Posted on | September 12, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 09.12.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

SOTD: Sabaton – Winged Hussars

Silicon Valley delenda est.
357 Magnum: How Old Do You Have To Be To Defend Yourself?
EBL: Father Mychal Judge, What is the strategy?, , King Charles and his Consort, and Charge of the Winged Hussars
Twitchy: Taylor Lorenz asks Libs Of TikTok for help, also, Keith Olbermann Big Mad At NYT’s Maggie Haberman
Louder With Crowder: Gay Floridian Speaks Out Against LGBTWTFBBQ Indoctrination In Public Schools, also, Man impersonating a police officer pulls over off-duty police officer
Vox Popoli: Patreon Fires Security Team, China is Next, The Emergency Continues, and The EU Lost
Stoic Observations: Abuse Of The Infinite

Adam Piggott: The Mushroom Hunters
American Conservative: The Corporate Culture War Against America
American Greatness: America Delira, also, Republicans Attempt to Crack Down on Mail-in Voting Ahead of Midterms
American Power:  Policies Pushing Electric Vehicles Show Why Few People Want One, Ukraine Takes Its Counteroffensive All the Way to the Russian Border, and Our Elites Desperately Want Us to Hate Our Fellow Americans, We Absolutely Have to Resist
American Thinker: The DoJ Argues that the Intelligence Community Overrides the Judiciary, Electoral Fraud Goes Mainstream, and The FBI’s Apex Bureaucracy Is Dangerous
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: Cuban dictatorship deploying children as informants for the State, In addition to practicing apartheid, Spanish hotel chains in Cuba serve as agents of repression, Communist Cuba has purchased $152 million of chicken from the U.S., and Reports from Cuba: Rice waste used to stretched rationed bread dough in Sancti Spiritus
BattleSwarm: Holy Crap, Tesla’s Texas Gigafactory is Huge, also, Breaking: Ukraine Retakes Izyum
Behind The Black: SpaceX launches 34 Starlink satellites plus commercial satellite for AST Mobile, Blue Origin suborbital flight aborted during ascent, Defense to help Commerce create its own ability to track orbital objects, and The Ukraine’s big victory this past week was no accident 
Cafe Hayek: On Intellectuals and the ‘China Shock’
CDR Salamander: Looking West to the Taiwan Strait, with Dean Cheng, also, 21-years
Chicago Boyz: 9/11 and the Attrition Mill
Da Tech Guy: Five King Chuck (Charles III) Thoughts Under the Fedora, Why LGBT voters should be prolife, and 9/11 vs 12/7
Don Surber: Sonia Sotomayor, conservative hero?, Looks like the FBI wants another raid, and The ‘Trump indictment nears’ game
First Street Journal: Is justice a matter of color in Lexington? Part 2, also, Another dead in the Philadelphia Badlands
Gates Of Vienna: The Philadelphia Address, No Demonstrating Without Permission!, The Unvaccinated Should Just Die!, and Blood and Horror
The Geller Report: Americans Spent More on Taxes in 2021 Than on Food, Clothing and Health Care Combined, also, 400 Doctors and Professionals Declare International MEDICAL CRISIS Due to Covid Vaccine Injuries and Deaths
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, You Can’t See This From Here, 21 Years Ago Today As Seen From the International Space Station, and Overlapping Galaxies
Hollywood In Toto: Dumb and Dumber Director: We’re F***ing Starving for R-Rated Comedies, Meta Storytelling – Inspired or Just Lazy?, and Confess, Fletch Can’t Conjure Chevy Chase’s Iconic Laughs
The Lid: Was In Manhattan 9/11/01, The Sights And Smells Are Still Fresh In My Mind, also, Negotiating Plea Deal With 9-11 Conspirators To Take Death Penalty Off the Table
Legal Insurrection: Chancellor of Syracuse University Considering Revoking Rudy Giuliani’s Honorary Degree, Oregon Gov. Signs Law Allowing Students to Graduate Without Proving They Can Write or do Math, NY Times Hit Piece On Hasidic Education Published On Eve Of NY Regents Vote To Undermine All Religious Schools, and The Radical Left Has Taken Over Many of Our Historic Foundations and Museums
Nebraska Energy Observer: Change is good 1, also, Stand and Never Yield!
Outkick: Nick Saban Goes Nuts As Alabama Players Show ‘Horns Down’ After Barely Beating Texas, Unsuspecting Referee Gets Bulldozed As Sad Notre Dame Fans Mourn $1.25 Million Upset Loss To Marshall, App State Shocks No. 6 Texas A&M And College Football World, Again, 75% Of Desmond Howard’s Laughable Playoff Picks Already Have A Loss, and ESPN’s Stephen A. Smith Says Texas Too ‘Patriotic’ For Cowboys To Sign Colin Kaepernick
Power Line: Down With Electric Vehicles!, The Vile Jayapal, and “The border is secure”
Shark Tank: Crist Compares Himself To Jesus In Campaign Speech
Shot In The Dark: Energieschock, also, Polled
STUMP: World Suicide Prevention Day: U.S. Suicide Trend Update 1999-2021
The Political Hat: Twenty-One Years Ago Today – NEVER FORGET, also, Children’s Hospital Promotes Intersectional Gender Ideology And BDSM Sex Toys For Minors
This Ain’t Hell: Lawmakers who supported booting healthy servicemembers lobby DoD to allow HIV+ recruits, MG Patrick Brady jumps out of a perfectly good airplane at age 85, Afghan crew attempts to fly Black Hawk, they crash, and Personnel issues
Transterrestrial Musings: Thoughts On Human Progress, Twenty-One Years On, Blue Origin, and The Intelligence Community
Victory Girls: Guest Opinion: Sarah A. Hoyt – The Dividing Line, Credit Card Companies Capitulate To Anti-Gun Lobby, and Tinder Generation Can’t Find Love
Volokh Conspiracy: A Stroll Through The Times Square Gun Free Zone, also, Do the Supreme Court’s Low Approval Ratings Show it is Undergoing a “Legitimacy Crisis”?
Watts Up With That: BRICS Starts Sidestepping the Tragedy of Western Energy Policy, also, OUTED: Climate Industrial Complex: Emails Show ‘Urgent’ Media Role in ‘Climate Disinformation’ & Hill Hearings
Weasel Zippers: Biden Jets Away On Another Weekend Vacation To Delaware; He Has Spent 40% Of Presidency On Vacation, Kamala Harris: “Imagine If We Lost Our Democrat Majority In The Congress”John Fetterman Is The Perpetual Scarf Wearing Beta-Male You Wish You Didn’t Know, and Tucker Carlson Confirms 30+ Trump Supporters And Insiders Raided/Subpoenaed By FBI In One Single Day
The Federalist: Vulnerable Nevada Democrat Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto Attacks Charitable Women’s Care Centers, Cruz: GOP Will Win Senate, And Unraveling Biden’s Assault On Religion Will Be First Priority, Bombshell: DOJ Conceals Records About Biden’s Use Of Federal Agencies To Influence Elections, and GOP Sues North Carolina Elections Board For Allegedly Breaking Mail-In Balloting, Election Observer Laws 
Mark Steyn: Her Majesty’s Public Private Life: The Queen Onscreen in The Queen, Live Around the Planet: Sunday September 11th, and The Final Straw

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‘That Wretched Woman’

Posted on | September 12, 2022 | Comments Off on ‘That Wretched Woman’

This was certainly not the only ghoulish hate expressed by the Left after the death of Queen Elizabeth II, but is perhaps the most interesting. What “genocide” was Uju Anya blaming on Her Majesty? This was the Nigerian Civil War of 1967-70, when the southwestern part of the country sought to secede as “Biafra.” The main causes of this war were (a) conflicts between ethnic groups and (b) control of Nigeria’s oil wealth.

Why blame the Queen? It was under her rule that Nigeria, formerly a British colony, was granted independence in 1960 and, obviously, the British had an interest in the success of the Nigerian government. So the attempt to divide the country by the secession of “Biafra,” was something Britain opposed. Interestingly enough, the Soviet Union also supported Nigeria in this war, while Biafra was supported by France and the Chinese Communists. There is no doubt that the civilian population of Biafra suffered severely — more than half a million died — from the famine that accompanied the war, but genocide? Some scholars have questioned whether that term should be applied to Biafra.

As in all civil wars, including our own, those who inaugurated the conflict in Nigeria must be held responsible for the consequences. The idea that Nigeria, having only recently gained its independence, should just let “Biafra” go in peace — well, my Confederate ancestors thought the Yankees should have done the same, but they didn’t, did they? Having read the Hood-Sherman correspondence after the fall of Atlanta, I cannot say Sherman was wrong: “Talk thus to the marines, but not to me.”

In assessing what Anya calls Britain’s “bloodthirsty throne,” we must compare the rule of Britain in Nigeria to other European colonial powers. Was Britain’s influence in Nigeria worse that the influence of the Spanish, the Portuguese, the French, the Dutch, etc., in their respective colonies? Is Nigeria worse off today than Angola and Mozambique, colonized by Portugal? Or what about the legacy of Belgium in the Congo, or the Italians in Somalia? Scapegoating the Queen for what happened in “Biafra” more than a half-century ago strikes me as evidence of Professor Anya’s unbalanced mind. That she is employed by Carnegie-Mellon University (cost of attendance $78,140 a year, including room and board) speaks volumes of the decay of our academic institutions.


Rule 5 Sunday: IJN Musashi

Posted on | September 12, 2022 | Comments Off on Rule 5 Sunday: IJN Musashi

— compiled by Wombat-socho

In Western culture, women are objectified; in Japanese culture, objects are feminized. – Anonymous

Task Force 38 waits for thee, Musashi…

And so we get games like Girls Frontline (pistols, rifles, and other guns drawn as feminine combat robots) and Azur Lane, in which shipgirls modeled on World War 2 warships fight each other and the alien Sirens. Having read entirely too much Morison as a young ‘un. I find the Azur Lane fandom’s excitement over the impending release of Musashi, following her little sister Shinano, to be somewhat amusing, since in real life they were poorly built and almost useless except as magnets for Navy dive bombers & torpedo bombers. Ah, well; if nothing else, one can appreciate their fluffy tails and enormous honkers.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

NINETY MILES FROM TYRANNY: Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1834, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns

EBL: MAGA Queen Elizabeth RIP, Immanence, A Good Year, Claire Foy, Frances Ha, Ukrainian Honey Traps, Uncharted, Apex, Sydney Sweeney, Dual, and Kari Lake.

A VIEW FROM THE BEACH: Lauren Mcgeachen – Cutest Troll EverFish Pic Friday – Jessie Lynn, About TimeThe Wednesday Wetness, Tuesday Tanlines, Just in Time for Your Labor Day BBQ, The Monday Morning StimulusIrish Pole Dancer Axes Canadian CompetitionBiden’s Red Rant Revisited and Red Wave Revived?Palm SundayEdible Windmills?, and Are Blue Cats to Blame for Climbing Crab Costs?

Thanks to everyone for all the luscious links!

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‘Fake News’ Media: Lying by Omission

Posted on | September 11, 2022 | Comments Off on ‘Fake News’ Media: Lying by Omission

A national disgrace:

The arrest of a Democratic public official in Las Vegas for allegedly murdering a journalist shocked the nation, but news networks went out of their way to bury his party affiliation.
Clark County Public Administrator Robert Telles was arrested on Wednesday in connection with the death of Las Vegas Review-Journal investigative reporter Jeff German, who was fatally stabbed in front of his home on [Sept. 3].
German’s reporting had exposed scandals that plagued Telles, including a hostile work environment and an extramarital affair with a staffer, which was followed by his re-election defeat during a Democratic primary held in June. . . .
While the liberal networks covered German’s horrific murder, they strangely omitted to tell viewers that Telles is a Democrat during Wednesday and Thursday’s coverage.While the liberal networks covered German’s horrific murder, they strangely omitted to tell viewers that Telles is a Democrat during Wednesday and Thursday’s coverage.
ABC’s “Good Morning America” introduced Telles as a “local politician” and later described him as a “Las Vegas county official.”
“CBS Mornings” co-host Tony Dokoupil teased about the “elected official” who was swept up in the murder investigation.
CBS News correspondent Mark Strassmann went on to describe Clark County’s public administrator as “a man named Robert Telles” and said police executed a search warrant “at the elected official’s home.” . . .
Similarly, NBC News correspondent Erin McLaughlin referred to Telles as simply a “local government official” who “lost a primary race in June” during an on-air report on “Today.” . . .
On MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” co-host Willie Geist reported on the “public official” and how police “arrested a man named Robert Telles.”

Try to imagine what the media would be saying if a Republican had murdered a journalist. Do you think the national media would blandly describe him as just a “local official” without any mention of his party affiliation? As bad as this is, however, it got even worse when the local sheriff — Joe Lombardo, a Republican who is running for governor of Nevada — held a press conference to discuss the arrest of Telles:

A Democrat politician in Nevada is accused of fatally stabbing an investigative journalist last week over a series of stories on official misconduct that likely sank the incumbent-turned-defendant’s summer bid for re-election. The local press, however, found a way to pin the blame on former President Donald Trump. . . .
“Sheriff, you said the murder of a journalist is especially troubling. Now is probably not the time to talk politics,” the unnamed female reporter began.
“So why are we talking politics?” Lombardo interrupted.
The reporter continued with her political question.
“Do you condemn former President Trump’s normalization of violence against journalists?” she asked.
“No, I think this [is] probably inappropriate to speculate on that or opine on that,” Lombardo said. “It needs to be stated and noted that it is troublesome because it is a journalist… When people take it upon themselves to create harm associated with that profession, I think it’s very important that we put all eyes on and address the case appropriately.”

By the way, the “unnamed female reporter” has been identified as Dana Gentry, who works for Nevada Current, a website that is part of States Newsroom, funded by a “liberal dark-money group.” (Hint, hint.)


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