The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Good-Bye, Severodonetsk!

Posted on | June 26, 2022 | Comments Off on Good-Bye, Severodonetsk!

Was this Ukrainian defeat unavoidable?

Weeks of intense fighting has finally led to a full Russian occupation of the Eastern Ukrainian city of Severodonetsk, according to the local mayor on Saturday. Russian forces have gained control and forced Ukrainian defenders to retreat the city that’s pretty much completely destroyed.
“The Russians have fully occupied Severodonetsk, our military has retreated to more prepared positions,” Severodonetsk Mayor Oleksandr Stryuk said Saturday in a TV interview.
Ukrainian forces have moved south to the city of Lysychansk, which is a few miles away and south of the Siverskyi Donets River. Russian forces are expected to continue fighting in Lysychansk to gain further ground in the Luhansk region. Russian forces and pro-Russian rebels have already begun trekking into Lysychansk, according to the BBC.

As I have been saying since mid-May, the key to defending Severodonetsk was Ukraine’s position at Lyman, 35 miles to the west. Because it was also on the northern (or eastern) bank of the Siverskyi Donets River, if Ukraine “could reinforce Lyman and launch a counterattack toward Zarichne and Kreminna, this would force the Russians to retreat from the river at Yampil and would also relieve pressure against Sievierodonetsk.” What happened instead was that Lyman fell to the Russians about two weeks later, allowing Russia then to concentrate their attack on Severodonetsk. So Ukraine went from victory at Kharkiv to defeat at Severodonetsk in the span of about six weeks. And while Ukraine still holds Lysychansk, they’re at risk of being cut off by the Russians advancing from Popasna, so that the whole Donbas region would be lost.

These reversals have happened at a time when the American public (and most of the media) had lost interest in the war. Back in March and April, when the Ukrainians were fighting to defend Kyiv, it dominated the news, but once Russia retreated from Kyiv, a lot of people seemed to conclude that this meant Ukrainian victory was guaranteed, and stopped paying attention. Some American pundits (e.g., Max Boot) apparently believe Ukraine’s main problem is a shortage of weapons, particularly long-range artillery. But it seems to me that a manpower shortage may have more to do with Ukraine’s recent reversals. After Russia invaded in February, it was announced that Ukraine had enlisted some 200,000 volunteers. A force of such size, properly trained, organized and equipped, should have been more than sufficient to prevent Ukraine’s recent defeats.

Something has gone awry, and I don’t think a lack of artillery adequately explains it. At any rate, Ukraine has reached a low ebb in its fortunes, and all those people with Ukraine flags in their Twitter profiles ought to be aware of how desperate the situation has become. “Hashtag jingoism,” as we might call it, is not really helpful in war, and some of those people need to start asking the Biden administration exactly what they plan to do about this disaster, which they have failed to avert.


A Mostly Peaceful Insurrection: Deranged Pro-Abortion Mob Storms AZ Capitol

Posted on | June 25, 2022 | 1 Comment

Were they incited by Joe Biden’s extremist speech? Obviously, Republicans in Arizona will have to convene a J24 investigation to get to the root of this CONSPIRACY TO OVERTHROW DEMOCRACY!

Law enforcement officers in Phoenix, Arizona used tear gas to break up a sizable group of protesters outside the state’s Senate building following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the landmark abortion ruling Roe v. Wade.
“Protesters threatened to break the AZ Senate entryway glass,” Republican Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers tweeted, as members were in the middle of voting on a series of bills.
The situation escalated into a “hostage” situation as lawmakers were instructed not to exit the building, Republican Arizona State Senator Kelly Townsend said.
The Republican Caucus of the State Senate later called the protest an attempted “insurrection.”
“We are currently there being held hostage inside the Senate building due to members of the public trying to breach our security,” Townsend tweeted Friday night. “We smell tear gas and the children of one of the members are in the office sobbing with fear.”
“I expect a J24 committee to be created immediately,” she added, referencing the January 6 committee that is investigating the insurrection of the U.S. Capitol Building on January 6, 2021.
According to the lawmakers, law enforcement officers then deployed tear gas to disperse the crowds and regain control of the building.
“Crowd was dispersed with tear gas.” Rogers added, noting the protests were still continuing and the situation remained “very dangerous.”

Reactions via Twitchy:


Meanwhile . . .

Posted on | June 25, 2022 | Comments Off on Meanwhile . . .

Why is the Biden administration persecuting an innocent black man?

Alexander did not respond to questions at the courthouse. He has not been charged with any crime.
He acknowledged his testimony in a social media post on Friday. “Today a DC grand jury brought me in under subpoena and the threat of imprisonment. I told them I committed no crimes and observed no one committing any crimes during the 2020 Election and January 6th,” he wrote on the Trump-founded site Truth Social.

“The calm confidence of a Christian holding four aces.”


In The Mailbox: 06.24.22 (Evening Edition)

Posted on | June 25, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 06.24.22 (Evening Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Usual weekend deadlines for the usual weekend posts, even if you’re still hung over from celebrating this week’s wins from SCOTUS.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

No mercy.

357 Magnum:  You Might Shoot Someone You Know
EBL: Celebrate Bruen –  Women With Firearms, also, Dobbs Abortion Opinion: Roe and Casey Are Reversed
Twitchy: Nate Silver’s take on the political reality post-Roe won’t go over well with Dems, SecDef Austin “Pathetic”, and “This Is Political Cowardice”
Louder With Crowder: Pro-Choice Democrats Lose Their Minds Over SCOTUS Decision, Liberal Univision Shocked to Find Out Pro-Life Women Exist, & What They Really Think of Pro-Choice Men, and Three of the Worst Roe v. Wade Takes So Far – “This is Why I Vote for a Moron Like Biden”
Vox Popoli: A World That Hates Truth, Roe v Wade Overturned At Last, and You Don’t Say
According To Hoyt: The State Of The Writer, also, Liberty Con AAR
Monster Hunter Nation: Monster Hunter Miniature Game Kickstarter almost ready!, also, WriterDojo S2 Ep25: Supporter Spectacular (Round 4)

American Conservative: Rules for Right-Wing Radicals, also, Ukraine’s Refugees and the Breakup of the West
American Greatness: Supreme Court Overturns Roe V. Wade, Ending 50 Years of Bad Law, also, Feds Raid the Home of Former Trump DOJ Official Who Wanted to Investigate Allegations of Voter Fraud
American Power: The Sword Drops, also, Leftists Are Crushed
American Thinker:  Drag Queens and the Incoherence of Moral Relativism, also, Six Ways McConnell Betrays the Republican Base
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Criminal Order Friday
Babalu Blog: Colombia’s Petro and the reality of governing, also, The bigoted and homophobic tweets of the Soros-funded ‘Latinx’ group buying Miami’s Radio Mambi
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm for June 24, 2022
Behind The Black: Today’s blacklisted Americans, NASA blocks Starship/Superheavy launches at SpaceX’s new Florida launchpad, and NASA now targeting late August launch of SLS
Cafe Hayek: On Dobbs and the Ninth Amendment
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: The bungled response by the Uvalde Police Department keeps looking worse as more details emerge, also, Some Quick Pintastic NE 2022 Day One Images and Interviews
Don Surber: Thank you, Donald Trump, for overturning Roe v. Wade, also, Biden lost Russia to India and Red China
First Street Journal: Killadelphia, also, One way or another
Gates Of Vienna: Nice Work If You Can Get It, German Edition, How Dare You Misgender Me!, and Bill Gates is Ready for the Next Pandemic
The Geller Report: Get Woke, Go Broke – Netflix Massacre, also, Big Hedge Fund Citadel Moving From Chicago to Miami Following Democrat Crime Spike
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, NGC 474, and A Red Flag for Red Flag Laws?
The Lid: Why Can’t Biden Solve The Supply Crisis?
Legal Insurrection: Liz Cheney Wants Wyoming Democrats to Vote for Her in August Primary Election, AOC Calls on People to Get “Into the Streets” to Protest SCOTUS Abortion Decision, and CNN’s Ana Navarro Uses Her Disabled Family Members to Justify Abortion
Nebraska Energy Observer: Ordered Liberty
Outkick: Ron Rivera Releases Statement For Commanders, Ole Miss To Play For National Championship After Beating Arkansas 2-0, and Paolo Banchero Goes No. 1 to the Orlando Magic in the NBA Draft
Power Line: Thoughts from the ammo line, How to Talk to the Press, and And The Biggest Abortion Hypocrite Award Goes To
Shark Tank: Laura Loomer Says Webster Won’t Debate her Because of his ‘Declining’ Health
Shot In The Dark: Dobbs, also, Cherry-Picked
STUMP: Indiana Governor wants to give back taxpayer money, but I say give it to the teachers pension fund
The Political Hat: Firing Line Friday – Ferdinand Marcos: A Discussion
This Ain’t Hell: House plan gives troops $90/mo to counter inflation, Valor Friday, and Man engages in stolen valor to defraud investors
Transterrestrial Musings: Space Solar Power, Progress In Boca Chica, and A Little Slow On The Uptake
Victory Girls: John Cornyn and Fourteen Other Republicans Cave On Gun Legislation To Get Suburb Vote, Dobbs: A Note To The Hysterics, A Warning To Liars, and Threats, Protests, And Stepping On Rakes After Dobbs Decision
Volokh Conspiracy: How Should Courts Evaluate Gun Regulations After Bruen?, also, Kavanaugh Indicates States Can’t Bar Residents From Getting Abortions in Other States
Watts Up With That: IEA Warns Russia could Cut Off All Gas to Europe, also, Sri Lanka Food Shortages Due to Fertilizer Ban, (Not Putin)
Weasel Zippers: VIDEO: Virginia Voter “Trump Told Us Gas Prices Would Go Up – They Did”, Fed Chair Jerome Powell: “Our Judgment…Proved To Be Incorrect,” Inflation Was Not “Transitory”, and BLM Rioter Sentenced To 10 Years In Prison For Rioting In Portland
The Federalist: Merrick Garland’s Department Of Justice Is A Threat To The Republic, Overturning Roe Definitively Proved The Culture War Is Worth Fighting, and Leftists, Corrupt Media Predictably Melt Down Over Dobbs Allowing Babies To Live
Mark Steyn: A Post-Roe America

SCOTUS after releasing the Dobbs decision, 2022 (colorized)

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Ode to Dobbs

Posted on | June 24, 2022 | Comments Off on Ode to Dobbs

by Smitty

Among the sadder things one sees
Are those invested in the wrong
Who claim their prison makes them free
And gladly sing an evil song

They say that “Two and two make four”
Is some kind of fascist means
Of enslaving random poor
And furthering oppresion schemes

And snuffing kids is “Women’s health”
(Though not for girls done in thereby)
The wise know children are our wealth
Gifts from Lord of Earth and sky

Today a blight as thick as Thebes’*
Was lifted from a weary land
To howls from love’s demonic thieves
Who feel their power as grains of sand

Drift away as those who own
Ears to hear and eyes to see
Grasp wisdom that has been shown:
Truth will out, most patiently

*Oedipus ref.

Our Alleged President Has Spoken!

Posted on | June 24, 2022 | Comments Off on Our Alleged President Has Spoken!

Squinting at the teleprompter:

Today is a — it’s not hyperbole to suggest a very solemn moment. Today, the Supreme Court of the United States expressly took away a constitutional right from the American people that it had already recognized.

(Can you tell me where to find the word “abortion” in the Constitution, Joe? Because it’s very hard to take away something that doesn’t exist, and nothing in the Constitution even remotely suggests the existence of the “right” which you claim was “already recognized.”)

They didn’t limit it. They simply took it away. That’s never been done to a right so important to so many Americans.

(To whom is this “right so important”? To the abortion clinic operators who make millions of dollars of campaign contributions to Democrats every campaign cycle.)

But they did it. And it’s a sad day for the Court and for the country.
Fifty years ago, Roe v. Wade was decided and has been the law of the land since then.

(Yes, and Plessy v. Ferguson, decided in 1896, was “the law of the land” for the next 58 years. But let’s not bring up Joe’s old Klan buddy Bob Byrd just to score a few cheap political points. Instead, let’s ask why Joe Biden thinks this is such “a sad day,” or how about we ask him about his bastard grandchild Hunter spawned with that Arkansas stripper? But nobody in the press corps every asks Joe any of the important questions, so never mind, eh?)

This landmark case protected a woman’s right to choose, her right to make intensely personal decisions with her doctor, free from the inter- — from interference of politics.
It reaffirmed basic principles of equality — that women have the power to control their own destiny. And it reinforced the fundamental right of privacy — the right of each of us to choose how to live our lives.
Now, with Roe gone, let’s be very clear: The health and life of women in this nation are now at risk.

(There’s so much to unpack here, and I don’t want to get too bogged down, but am I the only one mystified as to what “basic principles of equality” the Roe decision allegedly “reaffirmed”? Because that 1973 decision voided state laws against abortion that had existed before some of the Justices on that court were even born. Abortion has been regarded as a crime in Anglo-American common law dating back centuries. But we are expected to believe these ancient laws, deeply rooted in our nation’s customs and culture, violated some “principle” to which Biden committed. The idea that discouraging abortion is somehow a threat to “the health and life of women” is another claim about which Biden will never be asked any serious questions by the press corps that politely ignores the bastard grandchild spawned by the president’s dopehead son.)

As Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, as Vice President and now as President of the United States, I’ve studied this case carefully. I’ve overseen more Supreme Court confirmations than anyone today, where this case was always discussed.

(Joe reminds us that he was the head clown in charge of the circus when the Judiciary Committee staged its “high-tech lynching” of Clarence Thomas.)

I believe Roe v. Wade was the correct decision as a matter of constitutional law, an application of the fundamental right to privacy and liberty in matters of family and personal autonomy.
It was a decision on a complex matter that drew a careful balance between a woman’s right to choose earlier in her pregnancy and the state’s ability to regulate later in her pregnancy. A decision with broad national consensus that most Americans of faiths and backgrounds found acceptable and that had been the law of the land for most of the lifetime of Americans today.

(There was a “broad national consensus” in support of Plessy v. Ferguson, but I hate to keep reminding you about Biden’s old segregationist buddy Bob Byrd.)

And it was a constitutional principle upheld by justices appointed by Democrat and Republican Presidents alike.
Roe v. Wade was a 7 to 2 decision written by a justice appointed by a Republican President, Richard Nixon. In the five decades that followed Roe v. Wade, justices appointed by Republican Presidents — from Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, George W. [H.W.] Bush — were among the justices who voted to uphold the principles set forth in Roe v. Wade.
It was three justices named by one President — Donald Trump — who were the core of today’s decision to upend the scales of justice and eliminate a fundamental right for women in this country.

(An important reason why 74 million of us voted for Trump. But again, the problem is that Biden speaks of “constitutional principle” and “a fundamental right” when no such thing is to be found in the actual Constitution and when, as I say, abortion had previously been outlawed everywhere the English common law prevailed.)

Make no mistake: This decision is the culmination of a deliberate effort over decades to upset the balance of our law. It’s a realization of an extreme ideology and a tragic error by the Supreme Court, in my view.
The Court has done what it has never done before: expressly take away a constitutional right that is so fundamental to so many Americans that had already been recognized.
The Court’s decision to do so will have real and immediate consequences. State laws banning abortion are automatically taking effect today, jeopardizing the health of millions of women, some without exceptions.
So extreme that women could be punished for protecting their health.
So extreme that women and girls who are forced to bear their rapist’s child — of the child of consequence.
It’s a — it just — it just stuns me.

(Joe is easily stunned these days. He is “stunned,” for example, when piling on trillions of “stimulus” spending leads to inflation, and he’s “stunned” when Vladimir Putin decides to take advantage of Joe’s weakness by invading Ukraine. When you’re a brain-addled 78-year-old, lots of things “stun” you, even things that are entirely predictable.)

So extreme that doctors will be criminalized for fulfilling their duty to care.
Imagine having — a young woman having to ch- — carry the child of incest — as a consequence of incest. No option.
Too often the case that poor women are going to be hit the hardest. It’s cruel.
In fact, the Court laid out state laws criminalizing abortion that go back to the 1800s as rationale — the Court literally taking America back 150 years.

(Let’s party like it’s 1872!)

This a sad day for the country, in my view, but it doesn’t mean the fight is over.
Let me be very clear and unambiguous: The only way we can secure a woman’s right to choose and the balance that existed is for Congress to restore the protections of Roe v. Wade as federal law.
No executive action from the President can do that. And if Congress, as it appears, lacks the vote — votes to do that now, voters need to make their voices heard.
This fall, we must elect more senators and representatives who will codify a woman’s right to choose into federal law once again, elect more state leaders to protect this right at the local level.

(“It’s a sad day! Fundamental rights! I’m just a brain-damaged imbecile reading what’s on the teleprompter! Elect more Democrats!”)

We need to restore the protections of Roe as law of the land. We need to elect officials who will do that.
This fall, Roe is on the ballot. Personal freedoms are on the ballot. The right to privacy, liberty, equality, they’re all on the ballot.
Until then, I will do all in my power to protect a woman’s right in states where they will face the consequences of today’s decision.
While the Court’s decision casts a dark shadow over a large swath of the land, many states in this country still recognize a woman’s right to choose.

(Yes, a “dark shadow” — infanticide will be illegal again! Democrats hate babies! Vote for us so we can keep killing babies!)

So if a woman lives in a state that restricts abortion, the Supreme Court’s decision does not prevent her from traveling from her home state to the state that allows it. It does not prevent a doctor in that state — in that state from treating her.
As the Attorney General has made clear, women must remain free to travel safely to another state to seek the care they need. And my administration will defend that bedrock right.
If any state or local official, high or low, tries to interfere with a woman’s ex- — exercising her basic right to travel, I will do everything in my power to fight that deeply un-American attack.

(It’s “deeply un-American” to stop Democrats from killing babies.)

My administration will also protect a woman’s access to medications that are approved by the Food and Drug Administration — the FDA — like contraception, which is essential for preventative healthcare; mifepristone, which the FDA approved 20 years ago to safely end early pregnancies and is commonly used to treat miscarriages.
Some states are saying that they’ll try to ban or severely restrict access to these medications.
But extremist governors and state legislators who are looking to block the mail or search a person’s medicine cabinet or control a woman’s actions by tracking data on her apps she uses are wrong and extreme and out of touch with the majority of Americans.

(It’s “wrong and extreme” to disagree with Joe.)

The American Medical Association and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists wrote to me and Vice President Harris stressing that these laws are not based on — are not based on evidence and asking us to act to protect access to care. They say by limiting access to these medicines, maternal mortality will climb in America. That’s what they say.
Today, I’m directing the Department of Health and Human Services to take steps to ensure that these critical medications are available to the fullest extent possible and that politicians cannot interfere in the decisions that should be made between a woman and her doctor. And my administration will remain vigilant as the implications of this decision play out.
I’ve warned about how this decision risks the broader right to privacy for everyone. That’s because Roe recognized the fundamental right to privacy that has served as the basis for so many more rights that we have come to take — we’ve come to take for granted that are ingrained in the fabric of this country: the right to make the best decisions for your health; the right to use birth control — a married couple — in the privacy of their bedroom, for God’s sake; the right to marry the person you love.
Now, Justice Thomas said as much today. He explicitly called to reconsider the right of marriage equality, the right of couples to make their choices on contraception. This is an extreme and dangerous path the Court is now taking us on.
Let me close with two points.
, I call on everyone, no matter how deeply they care about this decision, to keep all protests peaceful. Peaceful, peaceful, peaceful. No intimidation. Violence is never acceptable. Threats and intimidation are not speech. We must stand against violence in any form regardless of your rationale.
Second, I know so many of us are frustrated and disillusioned that the Court has taken something away that’s so fundamental. I know so many women are now going to face incredibly difficult situations. I hear you. I support you. I stand with you.

(Here’s a third point, Joe: Your approval ratings suck, and if you think your enthusiasm for killing babies is going to fix that problem, you’ve probably got another think coming.)

The consequences and the consensus of the American people — core principles of equality, liberty, dignity, and the stability of the rule of law — demand that Roe should not have been overturned.
With this decision, the conservative majority of the Supreme Court shows how extreme it is, how far removed they are from the majority of this country. They have made the United States an outlier among developed nations in the world. But this decision must not be the final word.
My administration will use all of its appropriate lawful powers. But Congress must act. And with your vote, you can act. You can have the final word. This is not over.

Except, yeah, it probably is over — everything but the riots, vandalism and arson promised by the true extremists of “Jane’s Revenge.” What I expect to happen is that Democrats are going to make abortion the centerpiece of their campaign, until they realize most people don’t really cares that much about this “fundamental right” when they’re paying over $5 for a gallon of gas while worried about getting carjacked by violent criminals turned loose by liberal district attorneys.

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers!


In The Mailbox: 06.24.22 (Morning Edition)

Posted on | June 24, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 06.24.22 (Morning Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Happy belated birthday to Associate Justice Clarence Thomas!
Silicon Valley delenda est.

357 Magnum: It’s Not Easy Being Green
EBL: SCOTUS Strikes Down NY State Gun Law
Twitchy: Ron Perlman Forgets Justice Thomas Isn’t White, also, Liz Cheney Beginning To Reek Of Desperation
Louder With Crowder: Kyle Rittenhouse Debuts New Video Game That Lets You Shoot “Fake News” Turkeys
Vox Popoli: The Demonic Gradient, “They All Knew”, and Remember Who Told You the Truth
Stoic Observations: The Geopolitical Stoic

Adam Piggott: A Love Letter To Saudi Arabia
American Greatness: Joe Biden Claims SCOTUS Gun Ruling “Contradicts Common Sense & The Constitution”, also, Top Republicans Oppose Senate’s Gun Control Bill
American Power:  In Defense of Political Escalation, also They Questioned Gender-Affirming Care. Then Their Kids Were Kicked Out of School
American Thinker: To the J6 Committee: Please, Spare Me Your ‘Insurrection’ Hysteria, also, We Can Break the Computer Algorithms Destroying Critical Thinking
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Food Shortages News
Babalu Blog:  Cuban dictatorship sends 74 more July 11 protesters to prison with sentences as long as 18 years, also, Communists in the U.S. vs. Communists in North Korea
BattleSwarm: Sri Lanka Is Screwed
Behind The Black: University Of Houston Forced To Allow Freedom Of Speech, Blue Origin determines New Shepard ticket prices by who you are and what you can pay, and A major update from Curiosity’s science team
Cafe Hayek: Biden Gives New Meaning to “Bully Pulpit”
CDR Salamander: Diversity Thursday
Da Tech Guy: One Quick Warning about the SCOTUS Gun Ruling today
Don Surber:  Krugman strikes again, also, Supreme Court finally supports concealed carry
First Street Journal: “So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.” — John 8:7
Gates Of Vienna: Discrimination Against “Potato Germans”, “How Far Does It Have to Go?”, and Macarena Olona on the Feminists’ “Pathological Hatred of Males”
The Geller Report: Data Proves ‘Sudden Adult Death Syndrome’ Fiction Is Death by Covid Vaccination, also, SHOT DOWN: MTG Tells UK Journo ‘Go Back to Your Country’ After Questioning U.S. Gun Rights
Hogewash:  Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, also, Clarence Thomas Made My Day
Hollywood In Toto:  Elvis Brings the Spectacle, Music and More (So where’s Mr. Presley?), also, Unwoke Beavis and Butt-head’s Universe Shreds White Privilege
The Lid: Biden Appointee Says White U.S. Diplomats Should Learn to Hate America More
Legal Insurrection: Washington Post Finance Columnist Scolds Americans for Complaining About Inflation, NY Gov. Hochul Loses Her Mind Over SCOTUS Ruling Striking Down Conceal Carry Law, and No One Trusts ‘The Experts’ Anymore and for Good Reasons
Michelle Malkin:
Nebraska Energy Observer: Tinfoil Hat
Outkick: Modern Day Takes On Our Favorite Sports Movies, Swimmer Faints In Pool At World Championships, Coach Saves Her, and Arch Manning Announces Commitment To Texas, Turns Down Alabama, Georgia
Power Line: Kamalasplaining, and Other Video Comedy, Redistribution, illegal alien edition, and Supreme Court Upholds Gun Rights
Shark Tank: DeSantis Responds to Gillum’s Indictment and Arrest
Shot In The Dark: Minneapolis’s Eternal Memory Hole, Inflated, and Shall Not Be Infringed
This Ain’t Hell: American airman arrested in connection with April attack on US base in Syria, Final Flight, and Navy Pronoun Triaining
Transterrestrial Musings: The Texas GOP, also, Marschopper
Victory Girls: DOJ Extends Subpoena Tentacles in Jan 6 Probe
Volokh Conspiracy: Federal Jury Awards $59,000 in Takings Compensation to Property Owner Whose House was Severely Damaged by SWAT Team Pursuing a Suspect
Watts Up With That: CO2 Coalition Tells Court Carbon Regulation “Scientifically Invalid”, also, Claim: Climate Friendly GM Rice can Trap More CO2
Weasel Zippers: Biden Econ Advisor: “I Just Disagree” That Gas Was On The Rise Before Putin’s Invasion, Report: July 4th Cookouts Expected To Cost 17% More Than Last Year, and Biden Energy Secretary Granholm Says Ongoing “Crises Have A Common Solution” Which Is Clean Energy
The Federalist: Crisis Pregnancy Centers That Democrats Smeared As ‘Fake Clinics’ Saved 800,000 Lives Since 2016Clarence Thomas: Expanding The Administrative State Comes At The Expense Of The Constitution, and Jurassic World: Dominion Needs Fewer Teeth And More Philosophy
Mark Steyn: Going Green and Going Without, also, Media Groupthink, from Infection to Infanticide

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Posted on | June 24, 2022 | Comments Off on PREDICTION: MAXIMUM CRAZINESS!

Pro-abortion fanatics have been threatening violence if the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. That has now happened, so we’ll see.

UPDATE: As predicted, they’re completely unhinged:

Isn’t it wonderful how Democrats use the euphemism “reproductive health” as a synonym for killing babies? From the Democratic point of view, killing babies is the most important thing in the world — infanticide is totally awesome! — and they become distraught when anyone suggests that killing babies is actually a bad thing.

It makes liberals so sad that some babies won’t be killed!


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