The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In Shocking Decision, Supreme Court Agrees With Laws of 43 States

Posted on | June 23, 2022 | Comments Off on In Shocking Decision, Supreme Court Agrees With Laws of 43 States

Various liberals (e.g., Keith Olbermann) are melting down over today’s Supreme Court ruling in the Bruen case. Summarized briefly:

The state law at the heart of New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen required anyone who wants to carry a concealed handgun outside the home to show “proper cause” for the license. New York courts interpreted that phrase to require applicants to show more than a general desire to protect themselves or their property. Instead, applicants must demonstrate a special need for self-defense – for example, a pattern of physical threats. Several other states, including California, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, and New Jersey, impose similar restrictions, as do many cities.

(Hat-tip: Althouse.) The 6-3 majority ruling, written by Justice Clarence Thomas, was joined by all three of the Trump-appointed justices — Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett — as well as Roberts and Alito, both nominated by George W. Bush. This ought to serve as a rebuke to some of my permanently malcontented conservative friends, who grumble about the worthlessness of Republican politicians, but who must now admit that elections do indeed matter. We all owe a debt of gratitude to Cocaine Mitch who, whatever his other faults, can reliably muster a Senate majority to confirm GOP judges (and who f**ked over the Democrats by keeping Merrick Garland off the Supreme Court).

As for that hysterical screeching we’re hearing from liberals panicked over this decision, well, just wait until Friday. Hahaha. If SCOTUS strikes down Roe v. Wade tomorrow, they’re gonna turn the crazy up to 11.

But, of course, overturning Roe would simply return the regulation of abortion back to the state legislatures; the 1973 ruling voided the laws of 49 states, essentially imposing New York state’s liberal abortion laws (which that state had just changed in 1969) on the entire country. There is a certain ironic symmetry to the way SCOTUS now strikes down New York’s (unconstitutional) gun laws in the walk-up to their decision in the Dobbs case, which is expected to overturn Roe.

Professor Reynolds points out that today’s gun decision “will make essentially no difference in the 43 states that have shall-issue carry now. Its immediate impact will be limited to those may-issue states that make permits available at the discretion of the authorities.” So it’s not really that big of a deal, and is unlikely to lead to whatever nightmare scenarios may be lurking in the deranged imaginations of liberals.

Maybe Biden can direct his Department of Homeland Security to round up those dangerous extremists — Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, et al.

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers!


‘Public Servants’ or Public Masters: Whom Does Your Local School Board Serve?

Posted on | June 23, 2022 | Comments Off on ‘Public Servants’ or Public Masters: Whom Does Your Local School Board Serve?

Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, is a town of about 17,000 people in Waukesha County. In the 2020 election, President Trump got nearly 60% of the vote in Waukesha County. In such a conservative community, you might expect local officials to share the sentiments of their neighbors — unless you understand how local boards of education actually operate.

Most people don’t pay attention to school board elections, but the teachers and administrators do. Employees of the school system constitute an organized special interest, who can usually succeed in electing their chosen slate of board members — and, perhaps more importantly, they can prevent the election of any school board candidate who might disrupt the system. Thus, by controlling the school board, teachers and administrators can evade any effort to make them accountable to the public. Any parent who has ever complained about the policies and curricula of public schools knows how this works. In fact, it is largely erroneous to call them “public schools,” since they do not really belong to the public, but are rather controlled by the administrative bureaucracy, operating for the benefit of the employees, without regard to what parents actually want. All of this is necessary preamble to a story (via Sarah Hoyt at Instapundit and Robert Zimmerman) about a remarkable controversy emerging in Oconomowoc:

Over the past year, Alexandra Schweitzer, of Oconomowoc, Wis., raised concerns about age-inappropriate materials, both available for children to access and being used in the classroom, without proper parental notification. After enrolling her children elsewhere, Alexandra continued to be an advocate and resource for local parents regarding their concerns. As President of No Left Turn in Education – Wisconsin, Schweitzer voiced her concerns, and those of district parents, in public forums and in testimony before the Wisconsin legislature.
On May 13, attorneys for the Oconomowoc Area School District School Board issued a cease and desist letter to Schweitzer threatening legal action if she does not revoke public statements she made about classroom material and access to inappropriate material. At issue are a series of comments Schweitzer made about the availability of certain inappropriate books available to students of all ages through the school’s library app, inadequate parental notification about the use of a book in an eighth-grade classroom with controversial themes, and statements about her communications with the school district and the school board president.
OASD is threatening a defamation suit against Schweitzer if their demands are not met. . . .
The Oconomowoc Area School District hired a law firm to send a threatening letter to a parent after she spoke out about her negative experiences with the District. OASD’s behavior in this regard is indicative of bullying parents into silence. This is entirely inappropriate and sets a dangerous precedent.
WILL’s letter to OASD’s attorneys makes clear that none of the claims OASD made reach the legal standard of defamation. Ms. Schweitzer will not be revoking her statements because they are protected by the First Amendment.

The idea that a government entity can sue citizens who complain about the government’s policy is about 180-degrees opposite of democracy. And such is the nature of the “public school” establishment — controlled by bureaucrats who, by their corrupt influence over school board elections, work to prevent citizens (especially parents) from influencing the operation of a system which they are taxed to support.

People who know me know that they should never mention public education in my presence, as I can rant for hours on the subject. My rants are ultimately futile, however, as there are no words in the English language strong enough to convey how much I hate public schools. “With the heat of ten thousand suns” is perhaps the closest approximation.


In The Mailbox: 06.22.22

Posted on | June 23, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 06.22.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.
Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #1756
EBL: Who Had A European Polio Outbreak On Their 2022 Bingo Card?
Twitchy: Latest Liberal Outrage – Martin’s Potato Rolls? also, Two Democrats Admit “Nobody Gives A F*** About January 6”
Louder With Crowder: Rep. Jim Jordan Asks Roger Goodell Under Oath Why Dave Portnoy is Banned From NFL Games
Vox Popoli: They Chose the Hard Way, also, Truth Social is Pointless

American Conservative: Restoring the Founders’ Vision of Religion, also, The Push for Permanent Vote-by-Mail
American Greatness: Fla. Democrat Andrew Gillum Charged With Campaign Fraud & False Statements, also, Six Major Cities On Track To Surpass 2021 Violent Crime Levels Halfway Through 2022
American Power: The Deracination Of Literature, also, To Trump’s True Believers, January 6 Was An Act Of Faith…
American Thinker: Five Reasons To Impeach Joe Biden, also, Manufacturing SJWs On An Industrial Scale
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: Lone Survivor Of 2018 Airline Crash Condemns Lack Of Medicine & Medical Care In Cuba, also, Cubans Tightening Their Belts – Literally & Figuratively
BattleSwarm: Russo-Ukrainian War Update for June 22, 2022
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, Battlelines & Alliances Shift Over Big Satellite Constellations, and Psyche Software Issue Could Prevent Launch This Year
Cafe Hayek: James M. Buchanan, RIP, also, I Oppose Further Government-orchestrated Efforts to Reduce Carbon Emissions
Chicago Boyz: Bleg: How to Read Old Spreadsheet Files?
Da Tech Guy: If As The Left Claims A Transgender “Woman” Like Lia Thomas Has No Unfair Advantage, “What Identify Do You Choose?”, and St. John Fisher, St. Thomas More, & Other Thoughts Under The Fedora
Don Surber: The Crash Is Coming – 10% Unemployment Possible, also, Kellogg Goes Woke, Gets Broken Up
First Street Journal: Philadelphians Are Fighting Back! also, Suspected Murderer Captured In Lexington
Gates Of Vienna:  It’s Legal Now!, Geert Wilders Speaks Out in Support of Nupur Sharma, and The Cultural Enrichment of Italy
The Geller Report: Head of Islamic Child Rape/Trafficking Gang Served as a Council Welfare Rights Officer While Raping Young Girls, also, Biden: We Need MORE Massive Spending For SECOND PANDEMIC
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, Microlensing, and I’m Not Making This Up, You Know
Hollywood In Toto: Daily Wire Originals Dominate Rotten Tomatoes’ VOD Chart, Ryan Long, Danny Polishchuk Mock Low-Rated Jan. 6 Hearings, and Black Phone Delivers First-Rate Chills With A Retro 70s Vibe
The Lid: Texas Gas Pipeline Possibly Blown Up by Russian Hackers
Legal Insurrection: Trump-Backed Katie Britt Beats Rep. Brooks in Alabama GOP Senate Primary, Critical Race and Gender Ideology Reportedly Infiltrating West Point, and Full 8th Circuit Upholds Arkansas Law Barring State Contracting With Israel Boycotters (BDS)
Michelle Malkin: Red-Flagging Red-Flag Law Abuse
Nebraska Energy Observer: They Don’t Make ’Em Like That Anymore
Outkick:  Lia Thomas Described as ‘Mentally Ill’ by UPenn Teammate, Roger Goodell Grilled In Congress About Jack Del Rio Fine, and Arkansas Baseball Stays Alive With 3-2 Win Over Ole Miss To Force Do-Or-Die Semifinal
Power Line: Speaking Of “Fewer Choices”, The COVID Ratchet Shows Up, and Biden Is Doomed And Has Nowhere To Run
Shark Tank: Dirty Politics Rears Its Head In Central Florida GOP Primary Race
Shot In The Dark: Irrational ReasonWatergate – The Coverup Begins, and For Those Of Us…
This Ain’t Hell: Did The Army Invent The McRib?, American Killed in Ukraine Fighting, and VA “Patient Advocate” Attacks Vietnam Veteran Patient
Transterrestrial Musings: The Societal Design Margin, Starship Troopers, and Mo Brooks
Victory Girls:  Sotomayor: Maine Decision Dismantles Church-State Separation, Roundup Time: There is No Honor On The Left, and Biden Calls For Three Month Gas Tax Holiday. Oh Joy!
Volokh Conspiracy: EPA Pushes Back Power Plant Greenhouse Gas Regulations While Awaiting Supreme Court Ruling
Watts Up With That: Assessing The Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power Generation, also, USDA Food Waste Climate Initiative Tells People How to Compost
Weasel Zippers: Good News! WH Says They “Don’t See A Recession” Happening, Gay Palestinians Flee Persecution For Israel, and Top Contender Seeking Alaska’s New House Seat Quits The Race
The Federalist: ‘Those People Die Off Like Dinosaurs’, White House Refuses To Deny Plans To Halt Future Civilian Ammo Sales From Lake City Plant, and EXCLUSIVE: House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy Rejects Senate Gun Grab
Mark Steyn: Hillary Says Enough With The Trans!, also, Damn and Damner

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Guess Who Is Lying Again?

Posted on | June 22, 2022 | Comments Off on Guess Who Is Lying Again?

More blatant dishonesty from our alleged president:

[On Tuesday], President Joe Biden admitted, for the first time, “We need more refining capacity,” in reference to the gasoline, diesel, and other energy shortages that are contributing significantly to inflation. But he then added, “This idea that [the oil and gas firms] don’t have oil to drill and to bring up is simply not true.”
In fact, as I have been reporting, Biden killed a major oil refinery expansion on May 14, just five weeks ago, and killed a one million acre oil and gas lease proposed for Alaska on May 12. Some might dismiss Biden’s refusal to open up one million acres in Alaska, but Biden has yet to hold a single onshore lease sale and delayed multiple oil and gas lease sales a second time last week.
It would be great news if Biden has actually changed his mind, and is now planning on licensing the refinery that he killed. But he didn’t promise to do that. And, either way, he should stop gas-lighting the public about what he did.
If Biden and his aides are going to keep demanding that Facebook, Twitter and other social media companies censor “misinformation,” those companies should start by censoring Biden’s claim that he has issued sufficient oil and gas licenses. He hasn’t. If he had, he wouldn’t be going to Saudi Arabia next month to beg them to produce more oil. , , ,

You can read the whole thing. Every word Joe Biden says is a lie, including “and” and “the.” No intelligent person believes him, but we must remember that 50% of the population is below average.


In The Mailbox: 06.21.22 (Evening Edition)

Posted on | June 22, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 06.21.22 (Evening Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Just another day in the Biden White House.

357 Magnum: Home Prices & Mortgages Soar – LGBT Community Hardest Hit
EBL: The Northman, Colbert’s Capitol Insurrection, and Summer Solstice
Twitchy: Here’s Another Teacher Telling Students “I’m Your Mom Now”, also, Colbert Rages At Tucker Carlson Over The Arrest Of His Crew
Louder With Crowder: Crypto Bro CEO Says Woke Employees Destroy Productivity, So He’s Offering Them A Buyout
Vox Popoli: NATO Wants World War, Build Your Own Global Economic Order, and Antifragility – An Interpretation
Stoic Observations: Jokes Of The Future

Adam Piggott: The Patriarchal Man Is Disciplined In Prayer
American Conservative: Foreign Funding Of Nonprofits Goes Unchecked, also, A MAGA Lament & Hope For The Future
American Greatness: J6 Show Trials Expose Democrats At Low Ebb, also, West Point Cadets Being Taught Critical Race Theory
American Power: Radicals Are Racist Criminals, also, First Day Of Summer!
American Thinker: The Democrats Vs. Morality, also, Guns & Poses
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Local Level News
Babalu Blog: Colombia’s Suicide, also, AMLO Vs. Cuban-American Senators
BattleSwarm: John Cornyn Booed Over Guns, also, Lithuania Blocks Russian Rail To Kaliningrad
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted Americans, ROK Successfully Launches Its Nuri Rocket, and SLS Dress Rehearsal Aborts Again
Cafe Hayek: Busting Middle-Class Myths
CDR Salamander: A Kaliningrad Corridor Crisis?
Chicago Boyz: The Hill To Die On, also, How I Know Things Aren’t Too Bad In Odessa (Yet)
Da Tech Guy: Privilege Theory Vs. Reality At A Leominster Bar, Report From Louisiana – A Generic Economy, and The Medicare Morass
Don Surber: Biden Adopts Trump’s Mideast Policy, We Live In Bizarro World, and SCOTUS Is Shrinking Government
First Street Journal: The Abomination Of “Red Flag” Laws, also, I Owe Seth Williams An Apology
Gates Of Vienna: Mask Up, Germany!, A Resurgence of Jihad In Cabo Delgado, and “The European Union Is Completely off The Rails”
The Geller Report: After The Guns Were Confiscated, The Killing Fields Began, also, Germany’s “Green” Energy Disaster Is A Warning To The U.S. 
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, Titania, and Some Things Don’t Age Well
Hollywood In Toto: Sundown Trail Brings Positive Masculinity Back, also, Crimes Of The Future Is Pure Cronenberg (You’ve Been Warned)
The Lid: Adam Schiff Recycling “I Have Evidence Against Trump…But I Can’t Reveal It” Lie
Legal Insurrection: Customers Blast Harris Teeter For Pulling Pro-American Items, Tesla Lays Off LGBTQIAWTFBBQ & Diversity Heads, and Rapinoe – “Your Kid’s Volleyball Team Just Isn’t That Important”
Nebraska Energy Observer: Burke & Three Blind Kings, also, Boys
Outkick: Jets’ Garrett Wilson Stunned By Infamous NFL Rookie Dinner, Ole Miss Whups Arkansas 13-5 To Reach Semifinals At Omaha, and SI Swimsuit Vet Camille Kostek Reflects On BF Gronk’s Retirement
Power Line: Dissing DeSantis, A Milestone In Minneapolis’ Descent, and Riding Along With The MPD
Shark Tank: Crist Doesn’t Market LGBTQ Merchandize To Spanish Speakers
Shot In The Dark: Redder Flag, It’s Transit Memorial Day, and Best Effort
The Political Hat: Scientists Creating Living Skin For Robots Means Only One Thing – Bioroid Catgirls!
This Ain’t Hell: Actor Says If You Love Capitalism STFU About Gas Prices, Buttigieg – Secretary, Dept. Of Tantrums, and UK Troops Banned From NATO Over Barracks Orgy
Transterrestrial Musings: Chandler, And The Hits Just Keep On Coming, and Japanese Boobs 1 Feminists 0
Victory Girls: Demented Activists Descend On Justice Barrett’s House With Blood & Baby Dolls, also, Navy Prioritizes Pronouns Over Combat Readiness
Volokh Conspiracy: Excluding Religious Schools From Generally Available School Choice Programs Generally Unconstitutional
Watts Up With That: Disclosing The Real Climate Risk, also, Amazingly, Buzzfeed Readers Don’t Realize They did This To Themselves 
Weasel Zippers: MSNBC Claims Gas Prices Will Go Even Higher If “Fascist” GOP Takes Congress, “Is It Possible That [Inflation] Message Is Tone-Deaf?”, and Texas GOP Rejects Senate Gun Grab Proposal, Rebukes Cornyn
The Federalist: Fairfax County School Board Potentially Criminalizes Calling A Boy A Boy, “Pro-Choice” Democrats Demand Google Block Search Results For Crisis Pregnancy Centers, and SCOTUS Strikes Down Me. Tuition Program That Excluded Religious Schools
Mark Steyn: Step Inside Love, A Bifurcated World, and The Shame Of A Nation

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In The Mailbox: 06.21.22

Posted on | June 21, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 06.21.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Took yesterday off out of sheer laziness.
Silicon Valley delenda est.

Now that the deal is done, it’s a good time for this meme. Again.

357 Magnum: Are We Surprised He Removed An Ankle Monitor?
EBL: Top Gun: Maverick, Spiderhead, and Trans Dudes Banned From Women’s Swimming
Twitchy: Sam Stein Helps Karine Jean-Pierre Carry “We’re Not In A Recession” Word Salad, also, Loser Canadian Troll Pretends He Likes New Nickname #LordMapleLeaf
Louder With Crowder: Dave Chappelle Discovers His Haters Are Cheap Losers
Vox Popoli: Even Worse Than Expected, The Fault Of The West, and In Which A New Strategy Is Required

Adam Piggott: Podcast #155 – The End Of Covid Episode
American Conservative: Racism Is Universal, also, January 6 Was Not A Coup
American Greatness: Pope Francis Retiring Soon? also, Biden & Oil – Destroy America In Order To Save It
American Power: A Manifesto On National Conservatism, also, Germany Reboots Coal-Fired Power Plants As Russia Cuts Off The Gas
American Thinker: J6 committee Is Failing But They Don’t Know Why, also, Living Under Nazi Dictatorship
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: Vicious Police Brutality Under Cuba’s Communist Regime, also, Socialism & Narcoterrorism Win In Colombia, Freedom & The Rule of Law Lose
BattleSwarm: Japanese Boobs 1, Woke Feminists 0, also, Border Security Win For Abbott?
Behind The Black: NIH To Discriminate Against Whites In Research Grants, SpaceX Successfully Launches German Milsat, and ISS Forced To Dodge Space Junk From Russian ASAT Test
Cafe Hayek: The Deficit Of Economic Knowledge Is Unfortunately De Maximus, And So It’s Long Been, and Looking Back On A Disgraceful Academic Performance 
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday, also, Bother Not The Oil & Wine – Bother First The Defense
Chicago Boyz: Life In A Realm Of Scarce & Expensive Energy
Da Tech Guy: Lawrence MA – Indoctrinate Your Children Well?, Honey Bees & Communism, and Season Six Of Peaky Blinders
Don Surber: Biden Goes Full King George III By Restricting Ammo, It’s Drag Queen Story Hour At National Review, and A Country Its Leaders Don’t Live In
First Street Journal: In Which Larry Krasner Shows Just How Much Respect He Has For The Philadelphia Police
Gates Of Vienna: Stormy Weather, But I Was Only Quoting The Koran! and Stultitiae Laus
The Geller Report: Disney’s Woke Lightyear Flops At The Box Office, also, The FBI Is A Threat To Democracy
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, Three Ways Of Seeing The Tarantula Nebula, and Don’t Know Much About History
Hollywood In Toto: Rules Of Attraction – Hard To Watch, Impossible To Forget, also, Mr. Bean Accidentally Torches Woke Amy Schumer
The Lid: Ashley Biden’s Diary Reveals Joe Biden Might Be Even Creepier Than We Thought
Legal Insurrection: Comeback Time For Bibi?, Scottish Blood Donor Rejected After Refusing To Answer Question About Pregnancy, and U. Chicago Facing Reparations Demands
Nebraska Energy Observer: Random Observations, also, Baby, It’s Hot Outside
Outkick: Curt Schilling – This Is Why The Washington NFL Team Are Such Losers, Padres In Trouble, and Where Does Klay Thompson Go After Winning The Championship? In-N-Out
Power Line: Stephen Hunter – The Massacre Spree That Never Was, Whither Ukraine? and How Reality Intrudes
Shark Tank: Florida Dems Break Rules, Raise Money During Legislative Session
Shot In The Dark: Unspoken, Junetwentieth, and Meet The Gatekeepers
The Political Hat: Cuba, Then Venezuela, Now Colombia?
This Ain’t Hell: Transgender Veterans Still Waiting On VA’s Promise Of Surgery, Man Drives Into Pro-Trump Store, and Another Two Are Known
Transterrestrial Musings: The PRC & America, An AI Bot, and Paul McCartney
Victory Girls: Will The Housing Market Really Hit a Wall? also, Stephen Colbert’s Crew Breaches Capitol With Democrat Help
Volokh Conspiracy: The Meaning Of Juneteenth, also, Will Your Smart Devices & Home AI Have A Legal Duty To Fink On You?
Watts Up With That: The Democrats’ Energy Disaster, Heatwave Lockdowns Have Arrived, and German Vice Chancellor Announces Return Of Coal
Weasel Zippers: Pro-Abortion MSNBC Compares Voter ID Laws To Strangling Babies, CNN Reports Hispanics Fleeing Democrat Party, and Hillary Says 2024 White House Bid “Out Of The Question”
The Federalist: The Last Game In Town For Checking Big Tech’s Power, Would A Fanatic Have Tried To Assassinate Justice Kavanaugh If Merrick Garland Had Enforced The Law? and If Democrats Were Serious, Adam Schiff Wouldn’t Be On The J6 Committee
Mark Steyn: Everywhere & Nowhere – Percy Faith & A Summer Place, Happy Fathers Day! and Death In The Streets

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Crazy People Are Dangerous: ‘Several Disturbing Accusations’ vs. The Flash

Posted on | June 21, 2022 | Comments Off on Crazy People Are Dangerous: ‘Several Disturbing Accusations’ vs. The Flash

If you want to be a super-hero, don’t be a creepazoid:

Warner Bros. is reportedly prepared to drop Ezra Miller, the once-promising star of 2017’s Justice League and the upcoming movie The Flash, from future D.C. Comics movies amid mounting legal trouble.
According to multiple outlets including Deadline and Rolling Stone, Warner Bros. Discovery CEO David Zaslav is said to be considering a replacement for Miller after releasing The Flash, which was completed before Miller’s latest round of legal woes and delayed due to the pandemic.
The splashy comic book movie, in which Warner Bros. reportedly invested $200 million, wrapped production last fall and is currently due to hit theaters on June 23, 2023.
The news of Miller’s career trouble follows several disturbing accusations.

“Mounting legal trouble” and “disturbing accusations” are a polite journalistic way of saying, “This guy’s a dangerous pervert.” And not just the ordinary kind of Hollywood sleaze for which Harvey Weinstein was notorious, but really sick stuff involving vulnerable adolescents. Before going into details about what Miller is alleged to have done — and as far as I can learn from news reports, “they/them” is currently a fugitive from justice — let’s first examine some important questions: Who is Ezra Miller and how did this creepazoid become the star of a comic book movie into which Warner Bros. has reportedly sunk $200 million?

As a teenager, Miller played a murderous psychopath in We Need to Talk About Kevin (2011), and then got what might be considered his big break when “they/them” was cast in The Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012) which also starred Emma Watson. “they/them” first appeared briefly as The Flash in 2016’s Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, and reprised the role in Suicide Squad (also 2016) and Justice League (2017). Simultaenously, Miller was cast as Aurelius Dumbledore in the Harry Potter spinoff series, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (2016), Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald (2018) and Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore (2022). These last three films are all big-budget projects, so Miller was evidently considered very “bankable” in the movie business, which would explain why the folks running the DC Universe franchise owned by Warner Bros. didn’t see any problem with making The Flash a $200 million project. Ah, but were there omens of a trouble in Miller’s personal life? Indeed, there were:

Miller came out as queer in 2012, but avoids the use of the label “queer”. They had also said in 2018, “Queer just means no, I don’t do that. I don’t identify as a man. I don’t identify as a woman. I barely identify as a human.” Miller uses they/them pronouns, which GQ wrote in 2020 was “a pointed refusal to be gendered”. They previously used all pronouns interchangeably, but as of 2022 uses they/them, it, or zir pronouns. Having expressed an interest in “kissing boys” at a young age, Miller said, “The way I would choose to identify myself wouldn’t be gay. I’ve been attracted mostly to ‘shes’ but I’ve been with many people and I’m open to love whatever it can be.” Miller also commented on having “a lot of really wonderful friends who are of very different sexes and genders. I am very much in love with no one in particular.”
In 2018, Miller showed support for the #MeToo movement and revealed a personal experience of that kind with a Hollywood producer and a director, both of whom were left unnamed: “They gave me wine and I was underaged. They were like, ‘Hey, want to be in our movie about gay revolution?’ And I was like, ‘No, you guys are monsters.'” Later that year, they announced that they were in a polyamorous relationship with multiple people, including their bandmates in the rock band Sons of an Illustrious Father.
On January 27, 2022, Miller posted a video on Instagram that seemed to threaten members of the Ku Klux Klan operating in Beulaville, North Carolina. In response, the Southern Poverty Law Center reported no knowledge of recent Klan activity in Beulaville.

Just in case you were wondering, the population of Beulaville, N.C., is 1,116. Why a Hollywood actor would think this tiny town was a hotbed of Klan activity, nobody has ever figured out. As if all this stuff about his “pointed refusal to be gendered” wasn’t enough to raise red flags about Miller, there were other signs of trouble:

On June 28, 2011, in the midst of filming The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Miller was a passenger in a vehicle that was pulled over in Pittsburgh for a broken brake light; police discovered twenty grams of marijuana in Miller’s possession. The actor was initially charged with drug possession, but the charge was later dropped by a judge. They instead faced a penalty of $600 for two citations of disorderly conduct. Miller later remarked, “I don’t feel like there’s any need to hide the fact that I smoke pot. It’s a harmless herbal substance that increases sensory appreciation.”
On April 6, 2020, a video surfaced in a since-deleted tweet that appeared to show Miller choking a woman and throwing her to the ground. The video was confirmed by Variety to have taken place at Prikio Kaffihus, a bar in Reykjavik that Miller frequents when in the city. A bar employee identified the person in the video as Miller, who was escorted off the premises by staff after the incident.
On March 28, 2022, Miller was arrested in Hawaii following an alleged physical altercation with patrons after having hurled obscenities at clients at a karaoke bar and was charged with disorderly conduct and harassment.
On April 19, 2022, Miller was again taken into custody for second-degree assault by Leilani State Subdivision police authorities in Pahoa for allegedly throwing a chair which hit a 26-year-old woman and left a half-inch cut on her forehead after being told to leave during a private get-together. Miller had been arrested twenty minutes after the attack during a traffic stop at the intersection of Highway 130 and Kukula Street in Kea’au. Just hours after this second arrest within weeks, Miller pleaded no contest to the karaoke incident and was fined $500 for disorderly conduct by Judge Kanani Laubach.

Permit me to suggest that the “harmless herbal substance” isn’t quite so harmless as Ezra Miller claims. Correlation is not causation, of course, but the fact that Miller (a) is an admitted dopehead might be related to the fact that (b) he seems to be confused about his gender and (c) keeps causing disturbances in public. But the producers of The Flash apparently didn’t mind having a queer non-binary dopehead as the star of their comic-book movie, and then the real trouble happened:

In June 2022, the Standing Rock Sioux tribal court issued a temporary order of protection against Miller on behalf of 18-year-old activist Tokata Iron Eyes. Chase Iron Eyes and Sara Jumping Eagle, Tokata’s parents, requested the court order due to Miller allegedly using “violence, intimidation, threat of violence, fear, paranoia, delusions, and drugs” to hold sway over their child. The relationship between Miller and Tokata Iron Eyes, which began in 2016 when Miller was 23 and Iron Eyes was 12, also included Iron Eyes flying to London in 2017 to visit Miller on the set of Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald. Iron Eyes also dropped out of school in 2021, allegedly to follow Miller. Iron Eyes’ parents also alleged in their documents that Miller had caused bruises on their child’s body and that Miller had manipulated their child to believe they are transgender. Tokata later responded by denying their parents’ allegations. As of June 10, 2022, law enforcement has been unable to locate Miller to serve them with the order. . . .
On June 16, 2022, a mother and her twelve-year-old child were granted a temporary harassment prevention order against Miller in Massachusetts, after the latter allegedly threatened the woman’s family and showed inappropriate behavior towards the child. According to the mother and child, Miller, who was originally visiting a neighbor, showed up to the family’s house unexpectedly while wearing a bulletproof vest and brandishing a gun before “pestering” the child by “uncomfortably” touching their hips.

Yeah, you start messin’ around with 12-year-olds, and even the greedy sleazebags in Hollywood might see this as a problem. You can picture the scene in the corporate offices at Warner Bros., with executives asking, “Wait a minute — we spent $200 million on a movie starring a guy with ‘they/them’ pronouns? And now he’s on the lam, accused of diddling 12-year-olds, two weeks before the movie’s supposed to hit theaters?”

The red carpet for The Flash premiere is gonna be a perp walk.

Bonus drama: Remember how Emma Watson denounced J.K. Rowling for “transphobia”? Now some people are wondering why Emma is silent about her former co-star:


The Cul-de-Sac of Feminist Stupidity

Posted on | June 20, 2022 | Comments Off on The Cul-de-Sac of Feminist Stupidity

What is a feminist? A woman who can’t get along with men. Feminism is an anti-male ideology, a political expression of the collective resentment of such women, none of whom has ever stopped to think that perhaps men are not the problem. This thought never occurs to a feminist for the same reason that a Nazi would never doubt that Jews are the problem.

This person sets up a Kafka trap, where a particularly obnoxious woman is made a barometer of “vile misogyny,” which is sort of like asserting that you’re a racist if you dislike, say, Louis Farrakhan.

To suggest that women use Taylor Lorenz as a “screening question” for potential is not helpful because (a) most men will likely react “Taylor who?” but (b) there is no such thing as a heterosexual man who knows who Taylor Lorenz is and doesn’t despise her. There are also plenty of women who hate Taylor Lorenz, I’m sure, but the idea of maklng her an idol deserving reverence, and excommunicating all men who don’t genuflect before her — well, it’s not helpful, as I say.

And that’s just it — feminists, who can’t get along with men, don’t want to help other women get along with them either. Because feminism is an anti-male movement, it is also an anti-heterosexual movement.

Do you see the point here? The bisexual feminist divorced her husband and now it’s important for her to be openly QUEER so she can be a role model for her daughter in hopes that she, too, will never have a successful heterosexual relationship. By the way, it’s easy to discover that (a) this woman’s ex-husband is Russian, (b) he suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI) after which (c) he became abusive toward her.

There is no such thing as “bad luck,” according to the leftist worldview, there is only systemic oppression, so if you’re a woman who married a foreigner who suffered a brain injury that changed his personality, this isn’t just your personal misfortune — no, you’re a victim of social injustice! And your experience qualifies you to offer advice to other women who didn’t have the same bad luck (or didn’t make the same mistakes) that you did. Why is it that the experiences of happy, successful women — the ones who don’t marry brain-damaged foreigners — cannot be generalized as a universal ideology? Why is it only the bitter women — the bisexual divorcees with abusive ex-husbands — who are allowed to lecture us so authoritatively? Only a “vile misogynist” would ask such questions, I suppose, but at least I’m not a brain-damaged Russian.


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