The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

WaPo Suspends Dave Weigel WITHOUT PAY for a Month, in Effort to Appease Supreme Commissar Felicia Sonmez

Posted on | June 7, 2022 | Comments Off on WaPo Suspends Dave Weigel WITHOUT PAY for a Month, in Effort to Appease Supreme Commissar Felicia Sonmez

“Felicia is sure doing a great job of dispelling
that old sexist stereotype of feminists
as vindictive, humorless bitches, eh?”

That was my text message to Dave Weigel after I found out the Washington Post gave him a month’s suspension without pay for retweeting a joke. They did this, of course, in a desperate (and almost certainly futile) attempt to placate the implacable Felicia Sonmez.

As I said Sunday, Sonmez is one of those “woke” tattletales who remind me of Stasi informers. Any organization that hires such people is inviting destruction on itself. You can’t have a team spirit in the workplace if your employees feel like they are constantly being monitored by snitches who are going to report them to Human Resources if they say something a snitch might deem “offensive.” It boggles my mind that Sonmez has already brought a bogus “discrimination” lawsuit against the Post, and yet is allowed to play the role of Internal Security Commissar by calling out any colleague who retweets a joke of which she disapproves.

This is important work, you see — no one must be allowed to laugh without prior permission from Supreme Commissar Felicia.

Ace of Spades on Weigel’s suspension:

I have a feeling this won’t be the last punishment. Once one SJW has “marked” you — like a shark nipping you — the rest of the sharks smell the blood in the water and soon the frenzy begins.
You will begin reading stories about Dave Weigel’s prior Awkward Moments with women, and within two weeks a #MeToo Docket will be anonymously constructed about him.
And I don’t really hate him, but: He did pick this side. I’m not rooting for his undoing, but I wouldn’t lift a finger to stop it, either.

Ace isn’t the only one of my conservative friends who “wouldn’t lift a finger” on Dave’s behalf, but for myself, I still count Dave as a friend. I’ve known him more than 15 years, since he was a reporter for Reason, and probably owe him a favor or two. Of course, there’s nothing I could do to help him with his situation at the Post — where he might be forced to deny he even knows me — but I feel obligated to point out that Dave is an actual honest-to-God reporter, the kind who goes out on the road, talks to real human beings and takes notes, rather than sitting in front of a laptop making up phony narratives about people on social media, which seems to be Taylor Lorenz’s job description.

It was the same way a dozen years ago, when some of Dave’s “friends” on the Left decided to get him fired from the Post because he had the audacity to defend Ron Paul. Some of my conservative friends were doing a sack dance over Dave’s firing, but I called him up and offered him some advice: Where you go next, make sure that a travel budget is part of the deal. He signed on with Slate a few weeks later and, sure enough, a travel budget was included. Because that’s what Dave does best, really — The Man on the Scene, in an era when every other “journalist” in America seems to spend most of their time ranting on Twitter.

There is still a need for basic shoe-leather reporting in America, and that’s what Dave Weigel is best at. So this suspension from the Washington Post ought to be seen as an opportunity for some other news organization to grab Weigel and put him to work with (a) a guaranteed travel budget and (b) a promise he’ll never be fired for RT’ing a joke.

Meanwhile, Commissar Felicia is still ranting on Twitter.


In The Mailbox: 06.06.22

Posted on | June 7, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 06.06.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

“Let us not mourn that these men died; rather, let us be grateful that such men lived.” Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.

Fishersville Mike: I’m Still Standing
EBL: Happy Pride Month, also, 6 June 1944
Twitchy: Rep. Darren Soto (D-FL) Declares Victory Against Right-Wing Hispanic Radio Disinformation, also, Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) Claims The J6 Committee Has Found More Evidence On Donald Trump
Louder With Crowder: Biden Having Old Man Meltdowns Over Being More Unpopular Than Trump, also, Elon Musk Living Dangerously – Asking Questions About Epstein & Maxwell
Vox Popoli: The Limited Appeal Of Clown World, Yes, The Russians Will Win, and They Devour Their Own
Stoic Observations: Do Ya Want More?
Gab News: Men Without Chests

Adam Piggott: Of Quacks & Crazy American Women
American Conservative: Ukraine’s Interests Are Not Ours, also, The Big Apple’s Rotten Core
American Greatness: The Sovietization Of American Life, also, Dismantle The DC Company Town
American Power: Why Sheryl Sandberg Quit Meta, also, The Moral Idiocy Of Gun Control
American Thinker: Who Really Killed Seth Rich? also, After Biden’s Gun Control Speech, An Inconvenient Story Surfaces
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: Soros Investment Group Funding Left-Wing Media Company Buying Up Hispanic Radio Stations, also, Remembering Red China’s “Tank Man” 33 Years Later
BattleSwarm: More Donna ISD Weirdness, LinkSwarm For June 3, and Successful Ukrainian Counterattack In Severodonetsk?
Behind The Black: SpaceX Wins More NASA Manned Flights To ISS, Today’s Blacklisted Americans, and A Rock Stows Away On Perseverence
Cafe Hayek: Stuart Kirk On The Smallness Of Climate Risks, also, Some Counterintuitive Results Of Understanding The Subjectivism Of Cost
CDR Salamander: Blockade Running Ain’t For Amateurs, also, D-Day At Sea
Chicago Boyz: When The Rule Of Law Fails, Exaggerated Automation Claim Of The Week, and Academic Malpractice
Da Tech Guy: Righteous Among The Nations, Welcome To The Democrat Left Coast, and Joe Biden Will Be Coming After Handguns
Don Surber: Coming Soon – The $1 Egg, The Best Two Words J.K. Rowling Ever Wrote, and Florida Moves To Block Puberty Blockers
First Street Journal: Larry Krasner Doesn’t Have The Philadelphia Police’s Backs, also, The Math Of School Shootings 
Gates Of Vienna: The Dying Of The Young, Feminism & Rape, and A Surge Of Cultural Enrichment In Austria
The Geller Report: Trump Nails It – The Existence Of Evil Is Why We Need The Second Amendment, also, Ft. Bragg Stateside Deaths Spike – So They Stopped Announcing Soldiers’ Deaths
Hogewash: A Diesel Fuel Pump In Westminster MD, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, and Enforce The Gun Control Act First
Hollywood In Toto: Adam Carolla On The Corrupt MSM  – “Wake The F*** Up!”, also, Night Sky Demands & Rewards Your Patience
The Lid: Georgia School Takes Student Safety Seriously, Arms Teachers & Staff, also, Liberal Terrorist Arrested For Death Threats Against Rep. Boebert (R-CO)
Legal Insurrection: Organized Theft Rings Continue Targeting Rich California Neighborhoods, Molotov Cocktail Lawyers Plead Guilty, Likely To Get Just Two Years, and Parents Sue Virginia School Board Over Concealing Student “Gender Transitioning”
Michelle Malkin:
Nebraska Energy Observer: No Easy Answers, A Celebration Of Duty Well Performed, and The Sixth Of June
Outkick: ESPN Host Sarah Spain Calls Rays Players “Bigots” For Refusing Pride Patch, Woke Mob Tries To Cancel Cardinals Rookie Brendan Donovan, and Mike Singletary – Colin Kaepernick Deserves Another Chance
Power Line: Life Imitates Art Again, Thoughts From The Ammo Line, and A Sensible Position On Crime & Guns
Shark Tank: Rubio Criticizes Liberal Network “Trying To Wipe Out Conservative Hispanic Voices”
Shot In The Dark: Victimocracy, This Great & Noble Undertaking, and The Sun Rises In The North
STUMP: Demo On Getting Gun Death Data & Other Fun Stuff
The Political Hat: Firing Line Friday – Subversion & The Law, also, In California, Bees Identify As Fish
This Ain’t Hell: Valor Friday, Five More Russian Generals Fired, and D-Day 77 Years Ago
Transterrestrial Musings: COVID Was Liberalism’s End Game, Space, and Elections Won’t Fix This
Victory Girls: Seattle School Principal Refused To Help Police Arrest Intruder, also, Senate Race In Pennsylvania – Cardiac Doctor Vs. Cardiac Patient
Volokh Conspiracy: Second Circuit Judge Cabranes On “Deeply Troubling Aspects of Contemporary University Procedures”, also, The Colorado & Ohio Model Programs That Train Teachers To Defeat Active Shooters
Watts Up With That: Climate Madness – Prince Charles Backs Face Masks For Cows, also, Biden Considering Retroactive Cancellation Of Oil & Gas Leases
Weasel Zippers: Gas Prices Have Officially Doubled Since Biden’s Inauguration, also, Hand Count Of Votes In DeKalb County Georgia Reveals Machines Were Off By Thousands & Gave Race To Democrat 
The Federalist: The Real Loser In Depp v. Heard Is The Washington Post , Here Are Eight Lies Texas Officials Told About Uvalde That Should Get Them Fired, and Gruesome Florida Discoveries Underscore Abortion’s Serious Risks To Womens’ Bodies
Mark Steyn: Pox Populi, There’s No Silver Lining, and A Day To Remember

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Rule 5 Sunday: Penelope Cruz

Posted on | June 5, 2022 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

It seemed appropriate after the Amber Turd trial to pick one of Johnny Depp’s leading ladies from the film series he is most famous for, and that would be Penelope Cruz from the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. Here we see her in a poster advertising On Stranger Tides, which is very loosely based on the Tim Powers novel of the same name. The book is on sale for $1.99 in its Kindle edition, and like pretty much everything Powers has written ever, it is well worth your time and money. Hurry up and grab it before Bezos’ minions realize their mistake!
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Arrr, a toothsome pirate wench she be!

NINETY MILES FROM TYRANNY: Hot Pick of the Late Night, The Ninety Miles Mystery Box Episode #1736, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns. 

ANIMAL MAGNETISM: Rule Five Capitalism Friday, and the Saturday Gingermageddon

EBL: MAGA Malarkey – Monkeypox & Biden/Harris, Happy Jubilee!, Creepy Porn Lawyer/Democrat Gets Four Years, Who Killed Fawn Leibowitz?, Julie London, Let’s Go Fishing!, Queen Maeve, and National Hamburger Day.

A VIEW FROM THE BEACH: Lauryn Bocook, Politics and DonutsFish Pic Friday – Raissa the Saltii MermaidThursday DIY Politics PostSome Thursday TanlinesBiden Does the Limbo, or, How Low Can He Go?The Wednesday WetnessTuesday TattoosThe Monday Morning StimulusDestroying the Forest to Save the Planet? and Palm Sunday

Thanks to everyone for all the luscious links!

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Clown World in ‘Killadelphia’: DA Krasner Blames NRA for South Street Massacre

Posted on | June 5, 2022 | 1 Comment

Three people were killed and 11 wounded when a shootout erupted in Philadelphia’s South Street entertainment district Saturday night:

Officers patrolling the South Street area heard gunfire shortly before midnight and observed “several active shooters shooting into the crowd,” [Police Inspector D.F.] Pace said.
One officer was “within about 10 to 15 yards” of one of the shooters and fired at the suspect, Pace said. “We’re uncertain whether he was struck or not, but the officer was able to get that individual to drop his gun and flee.”
Two handguns were recovered at the scene, including one with an extended magazine, Pace said. But as of early Sunday, no arrests had been made.

Suspects are at large, but the media will provide no description of the suspects. Did you know the incident was captured on video?

Around 11:30 p.m., three men got into a fight on the 200 block of South Street. Video shows the encounter began as a fistfight, with one man exchanging words with two others, one of whom appears to draw a handgun.
People nearby began to panic. “They about to shoot!” a woman said in the video.
After a short brawl, a volley of gunshots rang out. Vanore said two of the three men in the fight fired at each other. One of them — the man who first drew a handgun — was killed, Vanore said. The other was hospitalized in critical condition.
But the shots in the packed nightlife district sparked chaos. Within seconds, police said, several other people began shooting into crowds gathered outside.
One shooter was a man on the 200 block of South Street, near an intersection with American Street. Police said he fired westbound on South Street. A responding officer, who has not been identified, returned fire, and Commissioner Danielle Outlaw said the officer likely struck him. The man dropped his gun and an extended magazine and ran away. He has not been apprehended.
At least two other guns were fired amid the mayhem, Vanore said, but police have not yet identified the suspected shooters. . . .
Police believe nearly all of the victims were bystanders.

Watch the videos:

Yeah, these guys don’t look like Trump voters to me, but the reaction from Democratic officials in “Killadelphia” was classic:

“The surge in gun violence that we’ve seen across the nation — and here in Philadelphia — makes me not just heartbroken, but angry,” Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney said Sunday.
“Once again, we see lives senselessly lost and those injured in yet another horrendous, brazen and despicable act of gun violence.” . . .
The mayor said he’s fed up with senseless gun violence and called for stronger laws to help prevent violent people from getting guns.
“We cannot accept continued violence as a way of life in our country. Until we address the availability and ease of access to firearms, we will always be fighting an uphill battle,” said Kenney.
“I will continue to fight to protect our communities and urge others to advocate for stronger laws that keep guns out of the hands of violent individuals.” . . .
Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner called for boycotting National Rifle Association donations and lobbyists.
After the “terrible crimes last night on South Street tell our Pennsylvania legislators it’s time for real action,” Krasner tweeted Sunday.
“Boycott NRA lobbyists, boycott NRA donations, and bring real common sense gun regulation to Pennsylvania. Now.”

Guess how much “senseless gun violence” there was in my neighborhood this weekend? Zero, despite the fact that gun ownership in this vicinity is a lot higher than it is in Philadelphia, which has strict gun control laws.

This is directly related to why the media won’t describe the shooters in this incident, even though these dangerous suspects are still at large. As for Krasner’s comment about the need “for real action” and “common sense gun regulation,” his office is on the record as being against prosecuting cases of illegal gun possession. After shootings increased in 2020, the Philadelphia city council authorized “the Committee on Public Safety and the Special Committee on Gun Violence Prevention” to investigate and prepare a report, which was ultimately issued in January 2022. In that report, the District Attorney’s office said that it was unfair to enforce the city’s gun control laws:

The Police Department . . . noted that the District Attorney’s Office has increasingly failed to win convictions for illegal gun possession, a crime police say must be addressed to curb gunfire in the city.
But prosecutors said there was “little research supporting the approach.” And they noted that one category of gun possession — carrying without a license — was a felony in Philadelphia but a misdemeanor in the rest of the state. They called that legislative decision “inequitable and obviously racist” and said they believe the Police Department’s focus on arresting people for that crime “is having no effect on the gun violence crisis.”
“We do not believe that arresting people and convicting them for illegal gun possession is a viable strategy to reduce shootings,” the DA’s Office wrote.

Incredible! The city, which is plagued by violence, makes it a felony to carry a firearm without a license, but the DA says it’s “obviously racist” to enforce this law, because it’s only a misdemeanor in the rest of the state. So instead you let armed criminals go free and then you’re shocked — shocked! — that they routinely shoot each other in the streets? And then you’re going to blame the NRA for this situation? Like the NRA is to blame for these gun-toting thugs you turned loose?


Felicia Sonmez Strikes Again

Posted on | June 5, 2022 | 1 Comment

You may recognize the name Felicia Sonmez because she is the Washington Post reporter who got suspended two years ago after deciding that the death of NBA star Kobe Bryant was an excellent occasion to remind the world that Bryant was accused of rape in 2003.

Sonmez was quickly reinstated because, well, facts are facts, even if it’s tasteless to mention them when nine people have just died in a helicopter crash. Probably the reason the Post rushed to suspend Sonmez was because it might have seemed racist — “RAAAAACIST!” — for this white woman to be highlighting a rape accusation against a black man. “Thou Shalt Not Offend the Black Community” is sacred writ in much of the media establishment, and I could cite a thousand examples of the bend-over-backwards compliance to that commandment. Sometimes it’s silly, sometimes it’s actually dangerous, as when a violent criminal suspect is at large and newspapers refuse to mention the race of the suspect.

While I don’t think Sonmez should have been sacrificed to the cancel culture mob, it turns out that she is a problematic employee quite generally, who unsuccessfully sued the Post last year:

Sonmez in her suit alleged that the Post illegally discriminated against her when it temporarily banned her from covering stories related to sexual harassment or misconduct after she publicly identified herself as a sexual assault victim. But D.C. Superior Court Judge Anthony Epstein on Friday ruled that Sonmez had failed to make “a plausible claim that The Post took adverse employment actions, or created a hostile work environment, because of her sex or status as a victim of sexual assault.”
Sundeep Hora, Sonmez’s lawyer, told the New York Times that they planned to appeal the decision, which they are “disappointed in” and “strongly disagree with.”
Sonmez failed to demonstrate that the paper showed “discriminatory motive” in temporarily blocking her from reporting on issues of sexual misconduct, Epstein said in a 28-page decision, restrictions that the Post’s editors had attributed to Sonmez’s public statements, not her victim status or gender. Sonmez’s own account of what happened, the ruling notes, was that “the Post did not want the external perception that it had an advocate covering an issue she experienced.” Sonmez’s suit was dismissed with prejudice, meaning it cannot be filed again.

Somnez destroyed the career of a former male coworker by claiming she was “pressured into having sex after a night of drinking.” The colleague denied wrongdoing and it doesn’t matter whether you think he was guilty or innocent. The point is that after that incident and then Sonmez’s attack on the recently deceased Kobe Bryant, her bosses at the Post seemed to conclude that Somnez was an ax-grinder whose reputation might damage the newspaper’s credibility. That she then sued the newspaper claiming discrimination ought to have been sufficient cause for termination. I’m sorry, but why would anyone expect to continue getting paid to work for a company after you dragged them into court?

So now this happened:

A Washington Post reporter has apologized after he was called out by a female colleague at the newspaper for retweeting a sexist joke.
David Weigel, who covers politics for the Jeff Bezos-owned daily broadsheet, tweeted on Friday that he had removed a post that he retweeted earlier in the day.\
Weigel retweeted a post by a Twitter user who wrote: “Every girl is bi. You just have to figure out if it’s polar or sexual.”
Felicia Sonmez, who also covers politics for the Washington Post, was angered by Weigel’s retweet, writing: “Fantastic to work at a news outlet where retweets like this are allowed!”
Weigel later tweeted: “I just removed a retweet of an offensive joke. I apologize and did not mean to cause any harm.”
Washington Post COO Kris Coratti Kelly told the New York Post: “Editors have made clear to the staff that the tweet was reprehensible and demeaning language or actions like that will not be tolerated.”
Weigel, 40, is a veteran politics reporter who has worked at Slate and Bloomberg. He joined the Washington Post in 2015.

(Hat-tip: Ed Driscoll at Instapundit.) The joke was “sexist” and “reprehensible”? No, I’m pretty sure it was inspired by Amber Heard, who is bisexual and afflicted with either bipolar or borderline personality disorder, depending on which expert you ask. The comedian whose joke Weigel RT’d, Cam Harless, says no one should be punished for retweeting his jokes. The people who really should be punished are “woke” tattletales like Felicia Sonmez, who remind me of Stasi informers, and certainly shouldn’t be employed as journalists in a free country.


Cleanup On Aisle Blogroll

Posted on | June 5, 2022 | Comments Off on Cleanup On Aisle Blogroll

— by Wombat-socho

Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

mfw I see just how many blogs we have on the blogroll

One of the things that happened while I was out east in the suburbs of Mordor-On-The-Potomac* was that I got to consult with Smitty. John Hoge, and Loyal Reader Brian E., all of whom Know Stuff about computers & software in general and WordPress specifically. Since Smitty is pretty busy with kids & family, and John has his own blog plus a full-time job, it means I need to cowboy up and take care of some of the housekeeping around here, especially with respect to the blogroll. I have already made some changes; the dearly departed Charles Hill’s Dustbury and Kathy Shaidle’s Five Feet of Fury have been deleted, and I have updated the links to Don Surber, The DaleyGator, and Geller Report (f/k/a Atlas Shrugs).

I’ll be going through the rest of the blogroll over the coming month in between dental and VA appointments and working on my continuing education requirements for next tax season. If you’re listed on the blogroll and you know the link is bad, or you’ve gotten out of the blogging habit, please contact me in the comments or via e-mail. Your help in this tedious but necessary effort is very much appreciated.

*Or Washington DC, as it is known in the Common Tongue.

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FMJRA 2.0: Opening Day

Posted on | June 4, 2022 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: Opening Day

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Well, that was a fun week in the DC area. Got to see a lot of my friends, eat delicious food I can’t find out here, do The Other Podcast, and in general avoid all the drama & COVID stupidity at Balticon this year.

In other news, the time zone changes screwed up my participation in the first few series of Pete’s 1970 League, and led to Robot Ted Williams being swept in a three-game series against Oakland. Still, we were two for three against the Angels and Red Sox and have a two-game series against the latter tonight to determine who’s going to be in the cellar of the AL West. (The divisions have been shuffled so most of us are in the same time zone as the other teams in our division.) We’re going to be in Fenway, so I think some of my pitchers might be feeding their gophers tonight, but then again we might just have a lot of doubles off the Green Monster.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Late Night With Rule 5 Sunday: Dorothy Lamour
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Deliberate Dishonesty: Biden Keeps Repeating Lies About the Economy
The DaleyGator
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

For Crying Out Loud! ‘The Paramilitary Wing of the American Right,’ Ma’am?
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Ukraine: Bad Week in the Donbas
The Political Hat
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FMJRA 2.0: RIP Vangelis
A View From The Beach

Everybody Hates Amber Heard
357 Magnum

Aspiring Rapper Update: Frères Jacques

Carjacking While Pregnant
First Street Journal
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‘Equality’ and the Murderous Losers
The DaleyGator
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Save Babies, Help Moms, Hit the Tip Jar!
The DaleyGator

‘Actual Malice’: Jury Gives Johnny Depp Victory Against Lying Bitch Amber Heard 
357 Magnum

‘New System’? Off-Season Excitement Has New England Patriots Fans Wondering

Important Updates
Battleswarm Blog
A View From The Beach
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In The Mailbox: 06.02.22 (Afternoon Edition)
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 06.02.22 (Evening Edition)
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Vox Day and Chairman Xi?

In The Mailbox: 06.03.22
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Top linkers for the week ending June 3:

  1.  EBL (17)
  2.  357 Magnum (11)
  3.  A View From The Beach (6)
  4.  Proof Positive (5)

Thanks to everyone for al the links!

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When Anti-Gun Propaganda Actually Doesn’t Support the Anti-Gun Narrative

Posted on | June 4, 2022 | 2 Comments

In the wake of the mass shootings in Uvalde and Buffalo last month, Democrats and their media friends want to tell a story about how this is a “crisis” for which “assault weapons” are to blame, and we need to enact “common-sense laws” to prevent such atrocities.

22 mass shootings. 374 dead.
Here’s where the guns came from

That’s the headline on an Associated Press story by Michael Sisak which says that the gunmen in Uvalde and Buffalo “are just the latest suspected U.S. mass shooters whose ability to obtain guns has raised concern”:

After the shootings, which together left 31 people dead, President Joe Biden renewed calls for stronger gun laws and questioned whether people as young as 18 should be allowed to purchase firearms. In the past, Biden has called for banning assault-style weapons and expanding background checks. Many Republicans oppose the measures.
A look at how suspects in mass shootings over a decade obtained guns, based on police accounts, court documents and contemporaneous reporting . . .

Now, that’s interesting — to get that headline number, the Associated Press had to go back a decade, i.e., to 2012. during Obama’s first term. In other words, over the past 10 years, the kind of “mass shootings” that generate national headlines have occurred about twice a year, producing less than 40 deaths annually. Keep in mind that, according to the FBI, there were 16,425 murders in the United States in 2019 (the last year for which we have complete data). Compared to that number, 40 deaths a year is two-tenths of a percentage point, a proverbial drop in the bucket.

In other words, 99.8% murders are not “mass murders.” As much as recent shootings — two high-profile incidents in the span of a week — may have contributed to the sense of a “crisis” that demands legislative action, these incidents are not a statistically significant phenomenon, when viewed in the larger context. Also, many of the mass shooters didn’t use rifles to commit their crimes:

  • Samuel Cassidy used three 9-mm pistols to kill eight people before committing suicide in San Jose, California, in 2021.
  • Robert Long used a 9-mm pistol in a shooting rampage that killed eight women at massage parlors in the Atlanta area in 2021.
  • DeWayne Craddock used two .45-caliber pistols to kill 12 people in Virginia Beach in 2019.
  • Ian Long used a .45-caliber pistol to kill 11 people and then commit suicide in Thousand Oaks, California, in 2018.
  • Dimitrios Pagourtzis used a shotgun and a .38-caliber pistol to kill 10 people in Santa Fe, Texas, in 2018.
  • Dylann Roof used a .45-caliber pistol to kill nine people in Charleston, South Carolina, in 2015.
  • Aaron Alexis used a 12-gauge shotgun to kill 11 people at the Washington Navy Yard in 2013.

So, of the 22 “mass shootings” included in the Associated Press list, seven didn’t involve a rifle. These shootings accounted for 52 of the 374 dead in the AP headline. And examining the details of the 22 mass shootings chronicled in the AP story, there is no reason to believe they would have been stopped by any of the “common sense” laws Democrats propose.

Meanwhile, in New York:

Democratic lawmakers in Albany plunged into the national debate on Thursday, wielding supermajorities to enact protections denied elsewhere in the wake of recent mass shootings and a conservative shift in other states and on the Supreme Court.
The State Legislature passed a broad package of gun bills that will raise the minimum age to buy a semiautomatic rifle to 21, ban most civilians from purchasing bullet-resistant body vests and revise the state’s so-called red flag laws, making New York the first state to approve legislation following shootings in Buffalo and Texas that left a total of 31 dead.

So, in a state where Democrats wield complete control, this is what they’ve done, and what will it do to reduce the homicide rate in New York? Probably nothing, because the Democrats in New York are against effective public-safety strategy, i.e., putting criminals in prison.


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