The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

FMJRA 2.0: RIP Vangelis

Posted on | May 29, 2022 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: RIP Vangelis

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Evángelos Odysséas Papathanassíou, better known as Vangelis, is perhaps best known for his soundtracks to Chariots Of Fire and Blade Runner, but I first encountered him as the composer of quirky electronica albums such as Albedo 0.39 and Spiral.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

“Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!”
Gregor Mendel Blog
Bits Blog
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

Chicago Massacre Suspect Had Felony Record, Told Cops He ‘Had to Do It’
First Street Journal
The DaleyGator
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Texas Armed Robber Killed by Delicious Fried Chicken and Well-Aimed Gunfire
357 Magnum

Democrats in Midterm Meltdown as DCCC Chairman Makes ‘Racist’ District Move
A View From The Beach

Liberals Want Ukraine to Negotiate?
The Political Hat
357 Magnum

FMJRA 2.0: The Greeks Don’t Want No Freaks
A View From The Beach

The Fresh Prince of Foxborough?
First Street Journal
357 Magnum

Rule 5 Sunday: Shouko’s Mom Has Got It Going On
A View From The Beach
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 05.23.22
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Deranged Lunatic Who Loudly Disrupted Public Meeting in Texas Turns Out to Be Fringe Candidate for Governor
The DaleyGator
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 05.25.22
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 05.26.22 (Morning Edition)
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

The ‘Gun Lobby,’ ‘Assault Weapons,’ ‘Common Sense Gun Laws’ and Other Things Joe Biden Keeps Lying About
The DaleyGator
First Street Journal
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 05.26.22 (Evening Edition)
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 05.27.22
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

What You Should Do This Weekend

Top linkers for the week ending May 27: 

  1.  EBL (16)
  2.  357 Magnum (12)
  3.  A View From The Beach (8)
  4.  Proof Positive (7)

Thanks to everyone for all the links!

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Ukraine: Bad Week in the Donbas

Posted on | May 28, 2022 | 1 Comment

You can click on that map to view it full-size, but the story it tells is of Russian success in its attempt to cut off and encircle Sievierodonetsk, the linchpin of Ukraine’s attempt to maintain a foothold the eastern (or northern) bank of the the Siverskyi Donets river. The Ukrainian supply line for Sievierodonetsk, running west through Lysychansk and Siversk would normally run through Bakhmut, 40 miles to the south, but the Russian advance from Popasna has cut off that route.

From the latest tactical summary:

The hottest points in Donbas remain Lyman and the area between Bakhmut and Popasna. Russian army has superiority in the region and are slowly advancing north-west, threatening to cut-off Ukrainian troops stationed in Sievierodonetsk and its vicinity. . . .
Russian troops attacked Ukrainian positions near Bohorodychne, but they weren’t successful and retreated.
The enemy entered Lyman from the north-west and captured a portion of the town. Heavy battles are ongoing. . . .
[A] road connecting Bakhmut and Lysychansk is now in range [i.e., of Russian artillery] and de-facto blocked. The only remaining “safe” road connecting Bakhmut and Lysychansk is leading through Siversk now.

As I argued in a post nearly two weeks ago (“Ukraine: Donbas Battles Intensify,” May 16), the best move for Ukraine would be to reinforce Lyman for a counteroffensive there, “toward Zarichne and Kreminna, [which] would force the Russians to retreat from the river at Yampil and would also relieve pressure against Sievierodonetsk.” Surely this must have been as obvious to the Ukrainian military leadership as it was to me, and the fact that such a counterattack has not been made tells me that Ukraine lacks the necessary reserves of manpower and materiel to mount such an offensive. With insufficient troops and equipment to break through at Lyman and threaten the flank and rear of the Russian forces attacking Sievierodonetsk, the Ukrainians are compelled to maintain the tactical defensive, which in the long run will be a losing game.

The optimism that followed Russia’s retreat from Kharkiv earlier this month has now been replaced by apprehension for the critical situation farther east in the Donbas. Let’s hope that this gloomy prospect is merely the darkness preceding the proverbial dawn.


For Crying Out Loud! ‘The Paramilitary Wing of the American Right,’ Ma’am?

Posted on | May 28, 2022 | Comments Off on For Crying Out Loud! ‘The Paramilitary Wing of the American Right,’ Ma’am?

Michelle Goldberg lives in Brooklyn and writes for the New York Times, and I doubt she has ever actually spoken to any member of “The American Right.” In a column that endeavors to connect the Uvalde massacre to the 2021 Capitol riot, she seems utterly unhinged:

It will be impossible to do anything about guns in this country, at least at a national level, as long as Democrats depend on the cooperation of a party that holds in reserve the possibility of insurrection. The slaughter of children in Texas has done little to alter this dynamic.
Republicans have no intention of letting Democrats pass even modest measures like strengthened background checks . . . Victims of our increasingly frequent mass shootings are collateral damage in a cold civil war, though some Democrats refuse to acknowledge it, let alone fight it. . . .

Permit me to interrupt this to point out that (a) Democrats certainly will not be satisfied with “modest measures,” (b) it has been demonstrated that “strengthened background checks” would not have stopped the Uvalde shooter, and (c) “mass shootings” are not “increasingly frequent.” Such incidents continue to be rare, but we have had two this month — in Buffalo and Uvalde — to which the national media have devoted saturation coverage, while habitually ignoring the daily death toll from the wave of violent crime in major cities. Goldberg continues:

Throughout the country, reported The New York Times, “right-wing Republicans are talking more openly and frequently about the use of force as justifiable in opposition to those who dislodged him” — meaning Trump — “from power.” Expecting those same Republicans to collaborate with Democrats on public safety is madness.
The horrifying irony, the hideous ratchet, is that the more America is besieged by senseless violence, the more the paramilitary wing of the American right is strengthened.

You can read the rest of that, but you see how the lazy demonization of gun owners and Republicans (whom Goldberg seems to assume are one and the same) gives way to this paranoia about the threat of the “paramilitary wing of the American right.” When Republicans are in power, Democrats proclaim themselves the “resistance” fighting against the allegedly “authoritarian” GOP. Oh, but when Democrats have power, they immediately start hatching plans to criminalize dissent and speak of opposition as if everyone who voted Republican is a neo-Nazi menace who needs to be arrested. Remember how, when Bush was president, Democrats insisted that “dissent is the highest form of patriotism,” but once Obama got elected and the Tea Party movement started, we were told that dissent is RAAAAACISM! Liberals like Michelle Goldberg don’t even notice, much less admit, the hypocrisy of their attitude on this subject. In their minds, because Republicans are evil, anything that hurts Republicans is good, and their habitual slanders must always be flexible, adaptable to whatever the circumstance may be.

Isolated from the rest of America, hunkered down in her bunker in Brooklyn — in a neighborhood that boasts “one of the city’s finest collections of nineteenth-century houses,” including the home in which Winston Churchill’s mother was born — it may be easy for Michelle Goldberg to imagine that everything south of the Hudson River has been taken over by “paramilitary” Republicans. After all, didn’t her own newspaper report that “right-wing Republicans are talking more openly and frequently about the use of force as justifiable”? That was last November, and their evidence for this assertion included, for example, Republican candidate Josh Mandel, the grandson of Holocaust survivors, declaring in a video, “When the Gestapo show up at your front door, you know what to do.” This was apparently a reference to Biden’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate, and if Mandel was engaged in hyperbole, well, it was a contested primary. But having recently been to Ohio, where my wife’s family lives, I could assure Michelle Goldberg or any other fretful Brooklyn liberals that right-wing paramilitaries are not — repeat, not — running rampant in the Buckeye State, no matter what any Republican candidate in the Senate primary might have implied or suggested.

Residents of the Cobble Hill neighborhood in Brooklyn, forced to rely on the New York Times to tell them what’s happening out in the provinces, can be forgiven for thinking latter-day Sturmabteilung have taken over vast swaths of America. After all, didn’t that dangerous extremist Glenn Youngkin get elected governor of Virginia last November? Here’s how the NYT article about the Republican “menace” concludes:

But even at right-wing gatherings of the like-minded, there is a shared assumption that political confrontation could escalate into violence.
At a Virginia rally last month for conservative supporters of Glenn Youngkin, the Republican candidate for governor, the urgency of a call to arms was conveyed right from the opening prayer. The speaker warned of the looming threat of “communist atheists.”
“Heavenly Father, we come before you tonight,” said Joshua Pratt, a conservative activist. “Your children are in a battle, and we need your help.”

Has Terry McAuliffe ever denied being a “communist atheist”? Did these enterprising journalists from the New York Times ask him that question on the campaign trail? But never mind that. The martial reference to the Lord’s children “in a battle” and in need of help from their Heavenly Father is not alarming to anyone with access to a hymnal:

Stand up, stand up for Jesus,
Ye soldiers of the cross;
Lift high his royal banner,
It must not suffer loss.
From victory unto victory
His army shall he lead,
Till every foe is vanquished,
And Christ is Lord indeed.

This “paramilitary” anthem (which I recall being the tune played when our children marched into the sanctuary during Vacation Bible School) was composed in 1858 by the Rev. George Duffield Jr., who “was known as a zealous advocate of abolition and Union causes during the U.S. Civil War.” Given its author’s sentiments, and its origins in those days of “Bleeding Kansas” and other provocations that subsequently led to the Civil War, I suppose Duffield’s hymn could be considered “extremist,” but most listeners understand these verses as a poetic metaphor. Surely no one could be hired as a reporter for the New York Times who doesn’t know what a metaphor is, but we are expected to believe — and apparently, Michelle Goldberg does believe — that Joshua Pratt’s prayer was some kind of coded message, a threat of armed violence.

How is the opening prayer at a Glenn Youngkin rally, or the “Gestapo” reference in a Josh Mandel campaign video, related to the Uvalde shooting? This is unclear to me, but Michelle Goldberg is certain that these things are related, perhaps by a syllogism as simple as this:

A. Guns are bad
B. Republicans are evil,
C. Vote Democrat!

Strip away the finely crafted verbiage and this is the core of her “argument,” although I doubt any student of rhetoric would dignify Michelle Goldberg’s column by that name. It’s really just an 876-word insult, but what else do we expect from “communist atheists”?

Well, she hasn’t denied it, has she?

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers!


What You Should Do This Weekend

Posted on | May 27, 2022 | Comments Off on What You Should Do This Weekend

Very simple plan:

1. Download the Fox Nation app.
2. Watch America’s Top Ranger.

Three hour-long episodes. Keep an eye out for Team 41.

Happy Memorial Day!


In The Mailbox: 05.27.22

Posted on | May 27, 2022 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Talk about mixed emotions – the friends I was going to hang out with this afternoon got summoned to emergency babysitting duty in Baltimore, so now I have time to do this post…
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Today on Twitter…

357 Magnum: Red Light Cameras & Corruption
EBL: The Lincoln Lawyer, also, If You Don’t Learn From History
Twitchy: Blue-Check Journo Claims He Bought The Same Gun As The Uvalde Shooter Online And It Was “Just Like Buying Groceries”, Gets Schooled
Louder With Crowder: Elon Musk Challenges Occasional Cortex On Twitter, And She’s Not Going To Like The Results
Vox Popoli: Unrestricted War On Russia, also, The New Berlin Wall
According To Hoyt: A Poxy, Diseased Lot, also, As Good As It Gets
Monster Hunter Nation: WriterDojo S2E21 – Pitching & Acquisition

American Conservative: Biden’s New Boondoggle
American Greatness: Stolen Elections – A Tale Of Two DC Courtrooms
American Power: The Real Reason America Doesn’t Have Gun Control
American Thinker: The Best Way To Prevent Another Uvalde
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Energy Reality Friday
Babalu Blog: Colombia Thinks It Won’t Be Like Venezuela, Just Like Venezuela Thought It Wouldn’t Be Like Cuba
Behind The Black: NASA Blesses Starliner As Ready For Manned Missions, Update On Relativity’s Operations & First Launch Attempt, and Part 2 Of Elon Musk’s Most Recent Starbase Tour
Cafe Hayek: Quotation Of The Day
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: OF COURSE The Cops Didn’t Rush In – We’ve Taught Them Not To
Don Surber: How To End The Slaughter, Columbine Should Have Ended Gun Control, and FBI Linked To Buffalo Massacre
Gates Of Vienna: Multinational Multicultural Honor Killing, Making A Monkey Out Of Us, and The New Normal Begins To Bite
The Geller Report: Uvalde Shooter Previously Arrested For Threatening To Shoot Up School, also, Jihadis Slaughter 50 Civilians In Burkina Faso
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, How High The Moon?
Hollywood In Toto: Why Is The Star Wars Movie Franchise On Life Support?
The Lid: Discovering Proof The Temple Mount Is Jewish
Legal Insurrection: Duke School Of Medicine Prof Under Fire For Refusing To Attend “Maoist” Diversity Training, US Diesel Supplies Running On Fumes As Inventories Hit Record Lows, and Boston U Blames Inflation For Tuition Increase
Nebraska Energy Observer: Scattershot Friday
Outkick: Vandy Coach Calls Tennessee Baseball “Best I’ve Seen In 20 Years”, Budweiser Models Behind Oilers Bench Fail In Their Mission To Destroy Connor McDavid, and Jeff Bagwell Calls Moneyball A Farce
Power Line: Memorial Day Weekend With Keith & Ilhan
Shark Tank: Demings Calls For Gun Control Measures
Shot In The Dark: Horrible If True, Our Idiot Elite, and Tienanmen Dean Speaks Out
The Political Hat: Firing Line Friday – In Defense Of Policy
This Ain’t Hell: Valor Friday, Assistant Prof Believes Property Is Racist, and First Trailer For Devotion Released
Victory Girls: The Unbearable Derp Of Occasional Cortex
Volokh Conspiracy: The Volokh Conspiracy Merch You’ve Always Wanted
Watts Up With That: Kentucky AG Legal Opinion – ESG Investing Is A Breach Of Investment Advisor’s Fiduciary Duty, also, The World Bank’s Impractical Electric Car Claptrap
Weasel Zippers: Sen. Markey (D-MA) Calls SCOTUS “Illegitimate” And A “Threat”, also, Majority Of Americans Polled Say Biden’s Unfit For Office
The Federalist: How The Biden Administration Caused The Worsening Baby Formula Shortages, Why The Jury Should Convict Michael Sussmann Of Lying To The FBI (But Probably Won’t), and Wisc. Voters Sue Democrat Cities Over Illegal 2020 Election Drop Boxes
Mark Steyn: Tomorrow Belongs To Them, also, It’s All About Control

Amazon Warehouse Deals

In The Mailbox: 05.26.22 (Evening Edition)

Posted on | May 26, 2022 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

But that would keep the Bad Red People from starving and freezing in the dark!

357 Magnum: Mask Wearing Leads To Death
EBL: Ray Liotta, RIP
Twitchy: Newly Obtained Memo Shows John F. Kerry* Was Conducting Secret Meetings With Iran During The Trump Administration
Louder With Crowder: After Elon Musk Made Her Look Silly On Twitter, Occasional Cortex Wants To Sell Her Tesla
Vox Popoli: The End Of Globalization, Feminism, Transgenderism, & The Devil, and You Can’t Stop The Smart Boy

Adam Piggott: Political Life Is Not Just The Vote
American Conservative: Do We Really Know Who’s Winning In Ukraine?
American Greatness: Uvalde Police Criticized Over Response To School Shooting
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Placeholder Totty
Babalu Blog: Over 100 Freedom Advocates Sign Open Letter Warning Colombia Against Extremist Leftist Takeover
BattleSwarm: Russo-Ukrainian War Tank Video Update
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted Americans, Another Grand Galaxy Imaged By Hubble, and Astronomers Demand Satellite Companies Shut Down So They Don’t Have To Adapt
Cafe Hayek: COVID Tyranny Isn’t Rooted In True Liberalism
CDR Salamander: Navy Missiles For All My Friends
Da Tech Guy: State Farm, Like A Creepy Neighbor (also 1970 League Opening Week Updates), also, As Long As Schools Remain Undefended School Shootings Will Continue
Don Surber: Gun Owners Outnumber Democrats, Kimmel Whines About Being Censored, and Twitter Is More Evil Than We Imagined
First Street Journal: Lies, Damned Lies, & Statistics, also, Black Lives Don’t Matter, At Least Not To Credentialed Media
Gates Of Vienna: What Happened To All Those Syrian Doctors, Scientists, & Engineers?, Orban Declares A State Of Emergency In Hungary, and The End Of The Azovstal Siege
The Geller Report: Black Christian Leader Rips Ilhan Omar
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, Military Base Renaming
Hollywood In Toto: Is Jurassic World Dominion The Next Woke Blockbuster?
The Lid: Anniversary Of The First European Blood Libel
Legal Insurrection: Combo Of Fentanyl-Laced Pills & Social Media Proving Toxic To American Teens, CBO Says Inflation Will Continue Into 2023, and Politifact Runs Interference For Stacey Abrams After Revisiting Issue Of MLB Pulling All-Star Game
Outkick: Curt Schilling – Only The Orioles Organization Can Stop Adley Rutschman, MLB Ignores Voter Surge After Citing Voter Suppression For Moving All-Star Game, and History Shows Mike Florio Is A Fake Kaepernick Supporter
Power Line: Biden Shooting Blanks (Again)
Shark Tank: Rick Scott Calls Chuck U. Schumer “Liar And A Hack” For Blocking Gun Safety Legislation
Shot In The Dark: There Is A Lot Of Ruin In A Country
STUMP: Summer Season Warning – Drowning Doesn’t Look Like Drowning
The Political Hat: Killing To Kill – Killing The Poor, Killing The Elderly, Killing The Nurse
This Ain’t Hell: No Need To Panic, Folks
Victory Girls: Obama Thinks George Floyd Is More Important Than Slain Uvalde Children
Volokh Conspiracy: Va. Judge Finds Probable Cause That Court Of Mist & Fury and Gender Queer Are Obscene For Minors
Watts Up With That: What Energy Price Spike? Aussie Greens Call For Coal Ban
Weasel Zippers: Democrat Ruben Gallego -“F*** Your Prayers”, also, FBI Agent Under Investigation For Withholding Exculpatory Evidence In Trump Collusion Probe
The Federalist: The Real Horror Of Doctor Strange 2, Mass Shootings Not So Interesting For Dems When They Can’t Blame A White Supremacist, and Records Show Sen. Murkowski’s Funding Comes From Lower 48 Donors Despite Her Criticism Of Outside Influence
Mark Steyn: Hillary Happened, also, Klaus Encounters Of The Third Kind

* “Who, by the way, served in Vietnam.” – R. Limbaugh

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The ‘Gun Lobby,’ ‘Assault Weapons,’ ‘Common Sense Gun Laws’ and Other Things Joe Biden Keeps Lying About

Posted on | May 26, 2022 | 1 Comment

“As a nation, we have to ask: When in God’s name
are we going to stand up to the gun lobby?
When in God’s name will we do what we all know
in our gut needs to be done? . . . [T]he gun
manufacturers have spent two decades aggressively
marketing assault weapons which make them
the most and largest profit. For God’s sake, we
have to have the courage to stand up to the industry.”

Joe Biden, May 24, 2022

There are millions — literally millions — of AR-15-type rifles legally owned by law-abiding American citizens who have never shot another human being. The fact that Salvador Ramos owned two of them cannot be interpreted as signifying that everybody who owns an AR-15 is a menace to society, because if you want to engage in irresponsible generalization like that, I could think of some other generalizations relevant to violent crime that no sensible politician would dare invoke.

Biden’s rhetoric is dishonest, not only in its details, but in the larger sense of the false implication that it is a “lobby” or an “industry” that he desires to crush with regulations — no, it’s gun owners he’s after.

Those of us old enough to remember the dishonesty by which Democrats rammed the 1994 “assault weapons ban” through Congress know all of this. There was no actual crisis that demanded such onerous regulations which, in point of fact, did not “ban” any weapons (i.e., those guns that were already owned remained legal, but importation and domestic retail sales were prohibited), and made purely aesthetic distinctions between “banned” weapons and others that were functionally identical. By the way, these were semi-automatic rifles, not “assault weapons,” which are fully automatic, commonly referred to as “machine guns.”

Speaking of functionally identical weapons, the most common weapon used in homicides (including what are called “mass shootings”) are semi-automatic pistols, of which at least 5 million are sold annually. Last year alone, Americans bought more than 18 million guns of all types, and about 30% of those were first-time buyers alarmed by the startling rise in violent crime (a problem that Joe Biden and the Democrats aren’t doing anything to solve). Did you know, by the way, that more than half of firearms-related deaths are suicides? No, you didn’t know that, because the media isn’t going to tell you. How many homicides are committed with rifles? About 3%, according to the Department of Justice. So banning AR-15s wouldn’t make a meaningful dent in the overall violent crime problem, a fact that Joe Biden and the media won’t mention in the wake of an atrocity like Uvalde (or the Buffalo shooting) because this is all about ginning up fear among the so-called “soccer moms.”

A semi-automatic weapon is a semi-automatic weapon. I got my first one, a Winchester .22 rifle, for Christmas when I was 12 years old. Never killed anything other than maybe a couple of squirrels or birds. Fear-mongering nonsense about “assault weapons” from liberal politicians doesn’t do anything except confuse ignorant people (i.e., Democratic voters) who can’t be bothered to educate themselves about the actual facts of crime. If you get carjacked, chances are the perp is going to be wielding a semiautomatic 9-mm or .40-caliber pistol which is (a) a good bit cheaper than an AR-15 and (b) easier to conceal and use at short range. Rifles aren’t much use in a common robbery, because you can’t just hide a rifle in your pocket. Cops might notice somebody walking down the street with a rifle, even in the worst parts of Philadelphia, and as stupid as the criminals in Philly are, they aren’t that stupid.

What are the so-called “common sense gun laws” that Biden and other Democrats keep talking about? Jim Geraghty at National Review has gone through some of this stuff, pointing out for example why the demand for “tougher background checks” has nothing to do with what happened at Uvalde:

As far as we know, as of this writing, the Uvalde shooter had no criminal record. No one in law enforcement, his family, or his school ever filed a petition seeking to remove firearms from his possession because he posed a potential threat to himself or others. As far as we know, no one ever filed a restraining order against him. The shooter purchased his firearms legally.
In the coming days and weeks, you will hear a lot more calls for “tougher background checks,” but because there was no paper trail indicating that the Uvalde shooter was a threat, it is hard to see what kind of “background check” would have prevented this legal adult from purchasing a firearm. Federally licensed firearms dealers are not going to comb through the Instagram and social-media accounts of potential buyers.

Over and over again, in the wake of such incidents, Democrats will reach into their Gigantic Bag of Dishonest Bullshit (which they keep handy for such occasions) and start advocating measures which would not have prevented the incident that gave rise to the demand for “action.”

We must “do something,” Democrats demand, ignoring the fundamental problem that (a) criminals don’t obey laws, (b) Democrats are against putting criminals in jail anyway, (c) Americans own millions of guns and (d) many crimes are committed with stolen guns. So even if you passed some kind of “ban” on sales of AR-15s, this wouldn’t do anything about the millions of AR-15s already owned by Americans, besides which criminals prefer to use pistols, and even if they did want to use a rifle, all they’d have to do is steal one. And because they’re criminals, stealing is what they do anyway. One of the rhetorical tricks Democrats like to use is to say “we need to keep guns out of the hands of the wrong people,” but for some reason, they keep letting “the wrong people” out of jail.

The mass shooting in Chicago last week was allegedly committed by a felon who got turned loose on a weapons charge and had been wanted on an outstanding warrant for six months. Let me give you a hint about the suspect’s identity: Probably not a Trump voter, IYKWIMAITYD.

There were about 20,000 homicides in the U.S. last year. Guess how many died of drug overdoses? More than 100,000, mostly from opioids like fentanyl. What is the Biden administration doing about the fentanyl problem? Are they locking up drug dealers? Closing down the U.S.-Mexico border? No, they’re turning a blind eye to the drug problem because the drug dealers — well, they’re probably not Trump voters, IYKWIMAITYD — and Democrats are totally in favor of chaos on the border, because they count every illegal immigrant as a future Democratic voter. What’s the point of having laws, if you’re not going to enforce the laws? Democrats are the anti-law enforcement party, and yet they demand that we pass new laws, even while they’re turning loose criminals who break the laws we’ve already got.

What kind of fool would believe a word Joe Biden says about guns? Probably the same kind of fools who voted for him — 81 million votes!


In The Mailbox: 05.26.22 (Morning Edition)

Posted on | May 26, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 05.26.22 (Morning Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1728
EBL: The Anatomy Of A School Shooter, also, Ted F***ing Williams
Twitchy: Woman Begs For Help On NYC Subway As Onlookers Do Nothing
Louder With Crowder: Courageous Border Patrol Agent Rushes Into Uvalde School Alone, Kills Shooter
Vox Popoli: National Review Is Literally Gay, SFWA Devours Itself, and Soros Knows He Failed
Stoic Observations: Death Comes To Texas

American Conservative: Putin Needed A Scowcroft
American Greatness: The Speech Of An Indecent Man
American Power: School Mask Mandates Coming Back?
American Thinker: Forget The Marxists, Here’s The Real Enemy Of America
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Placeholder Totty
Babalu Blog: Russia Proposes Sending Its Wounded Soldiers To Recover At Cuban Apartheid Beach Resorts
BattleSwarm: Texas Runoff Results
Behind The Black: Pushback – Navy Loses In Attempt To Fire Officer Who Refused The Jab, Starliner Successfully Lands In New Mexico, and Expert Calls For Red China To Find A Way To Destroy Starlink Constellation
Cafe Hayek: Beware Some Economic Commentary
CDR Salamander: How Do You Work With The Russians At The Negotiating Table & Post-Conflict?
Da Tech Guy: Van Morrison Continues His Attack On Lockdowns & Government Overreach, Reassessing Presidential Legacies, and Opening Day For The 1970 Draft League
Don Surber: Democrats Are Breaking America, Reaganauts For Ron? and Ten Other Companies Join State Farm In Dumping Groomers
First Street Journal: WuFlu & The Administration’s Theater, also, Sanctions Against Russia Go Up In Gas
Gates Of Vienna: Nothing To See Here, Just Another Lunatic, Singing, Cursing, Screaming, Smoking – But Not Teaching, and Honor Killing In Nacka
The Geller Report: Biden’s Anti-Policing Policy To Be Unveiled On Anniversary Of George Floyd’s Death
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, Deranged Gringx Politician Beclowns Himself, and Opening Our Eyes Even Wider
Hollywood In Toto: GLAAD Calls Out Ricky Gervais But Ignored Jimmy Kimmel’s Homophobic Jokes, also, Bob’s Burgers Movie Brings Belcher Clan Back From Creative Abyss
The Lid: Biden Administration Revoked Mike Rowe’s Filming  Permit Over Politics
Legal Insurrection: Marjorie Taylor Greene Cruises To Victory In GA-14, Democrats Desperately Seeking An Alternative To Biden For 2024, and Baylor U. Establishes First LGBTWTFBBQ Student Group
Michelle Malkin: Sabotaging America’s Military From Within
Nebraska Energy Observer: Fatherhood, Biden, & Elections, also, Forewarned Is Forearmed
Outkick: Steve Kerr Is An Emotional Hypocrite, Will The Raiders Sign Kaepernick? and NFL Appeals Court’s Decision To Proceed With Gruden Lawsuit
Power Line: Bedtime For Beta, What To Do About School Shootings? and Greatest. Correction. Ever.
Shark Tank: Eskamani Fires Back At Fine Over Gun Comments
Shot In The Dark: All About Meeeee, I Rarely Spike The Football, and The Battle/s For The GOP
The Political Hat: Meanwhile In Philadelphia, Sexual Kinks For Kids
This Ain’t Hell: Researchers Think They’ve Found The Cause Of Gulf War Illness, Panel Unveils Nine Army Base Renaming Recommendations, and Another Russian General Dies In Ukraine
Victory Girls: Mental Health Issues Are Not “Bulls**t”, also, Mortgage Crisis Here We Come, Doo Dah, Doo Dah
Volokh Conspiracy: In Defense Of The LSAT
Watts Up With That: Major Aussie Energy Retailer Collapses, also, Biden – High Gasoline Prices Are “An Incredible Transition”
Weasel Zippers: Biden Advisor Doesn’t Rule Out Electricity Blackouts Across America This Summer, also, Gallup Poll – 83% Of Americans Think Country’s Headed In Wrong Direction
The Federalist: Administration Insists Schools Must Put Boys In Girls’ Restrooms To Get Federal Money, RNC Takes Legal Action To Stop Pennsylvania From Permanently Loosening Mail-In Ballot Rules, and Sandy Hook Proved The Need To Improve School Security, But Congress Armed Ukraine Instead
Mark Steyn: Release The Monkeypox! also, A Sacrificial Lamb

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