The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 05.25.22

Posted on | May 25, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 05.25.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Spent a lot of the day catching up on sleep and not getting a whole lot accomplished. Maybe I’ll get caught up tomorrow. Maybe I won’t. In case you missed it, yesterday was the 10th anniversary of; thanks to Doug Ross for bringing that to my attention!
Silicon Valley delenda est.

EBL: Ricky Gervais On Trans Women
Twitchy: Politifact Lies About Stacey Abrams Again, also, Energy Secretary Granholm Trips All Over Biden While Denying This Admin Wants Higher Gas Prices
Louder With Crowder: Elon Musk Offers One Word Response To Report Bill Gates Is Secretly Funding Opposition To Twitter Purchase
Vox Popoli: The Fed Can’t Do What It Must, Big Evangelical Must Die, and Checkmate Putin
The Truth About Guns: Nye County Commissioners Evict Anti-Gun Judges From County Building
Gab News: Go And Build – Digital & Physical Sovereignty

American Greatness: The Economic Doom Loop Has Begun
American Thinker: America Is Regressing Into A Tribal Society, also, Salena Zito’s Big Miss About The Pennsylvania Midterms
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Placeholder Totty
Babalu Blog: A Message From Historic Cuban Exiles To The Next Generation
BattleSwarm: Texas Runoff Post
Behind The Black: Pushback – Total Victory For The Federalist Against The NLRB, Finding Ways To Clean ISS & Future Interplanetary Spaceships, and Martian Ridge Sticking Up From A Lava Flood Plain
CDR Salamander: The Coming Burkopalypse, also, Yes, Taiwan Is An Island Worth Dying On
Chicago Boyz: Septoplasty Part 1
Da Tech Guy: Someone Explain This To Me, An Act Of Love In San Francisco, and Note For The Left – Water Doesn’t Come From Taps & Electricity Doesn’t Come From Plugs
Don Surber: To Drain The Swamp, Remove The Water, Media Dumps Hillary Under The Bus, and George Conway – Wife Abuser
First Street Journal: Killadelphia, also, The Field Negro & #BlackLivesMatter
Gates Of Vienna: We Are All Ukrainian Refugees Now!, One People One Reich One Currency, and Purging The Bible Of Homophobia
The Geller Report: Biden Takes WTC Bombing Mastermind’s Group Off Terror List, also, FBI Lied To Its Own Agents About Trump “Collusion”
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, The Needle’s Eye, and Bush Dynasty RIP?
Hollywood In Toto: Gervais Laps Chappelle With Trans Jokes In SuperNature, also, Here’s What (Almost) Saves Jaws – The Revenge
The Lid: School Board Group Wanted Soldiers To Enforce Karl Marx Vision Of Parenting
Legal Insurrection: Students Disrupt TPUSA Meeting At Missouri High School, Gas Hits $6 In California, May Go Higher In Washington State, and Georgia Primary Results – It’s Walker vs. Warnock & Kemp vs. Abrams
Nebraska Energy Observer: The State Of The West, also, In Case
Outkick: Take That, Jimbo!, Have We Seen The End Of The Pro Bowl? and Shakeup Coming For SEC Football Scheduling?
Power Line: Top FBI Brass Were “Fired Up” About Destroying Trump, Brad Smith On Early Voting, and Whoopi Comes For The Archbishop
Shark Tank: Sen. Rubio Claims Google Is Censoring His Emails
Shot In The Dark: Game Day, Cloak Conceals Dagger, and Social Media Etiquette Part 6
The Political Hat: When Your Gender Is A Cake, also, Commonality Training
This Ain’t Hell: PINO Joe’s Incredible Confession
Transterrestrial Musings: Light Posting, also, Lori’s Book
Victory Girls: Lukashenko Gets Nukes – There Goes The Neighborhood, also, Xinjiang Police Hack Reveals Horror Of Uyghur Camps
Volokh Conspiracy: Mothers’ Lawsuits Claiming U. Pittsburgh Medical Center Interfered With Parental Rights Can Go Forward
Watts Up With That: BS In The Sustainability & Transitions Literature – A Provocation
Weasel Zippers: Forensic Investigation Determines Hunter Biden Laptop 100% Authentic, also, Stacey Abrams – “Increased Turnout Has Nothing To Do With Suppression”
The Federalist: Elon Musk Is Right, Biden Celebrates Record High Gas Prices As “Incredible Transition”, and Bill Maher Is Not Your New Conservative BFF
Mark Steyn: Poker-Faced Poet, Easy To Love, and Jabber Jabber Jabber

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Deranged Lunatic Who Loudly Disrupted Public Meeting in Texas Turns Out to Be Fringe Candidate for Governor

Posted on | May 25, 2022 | Comments Off on Deranged Lunatic Who Loudly Disrupted Public Meeting in Texas Turns Out to Be Fringe Candidate for Governor

Maybe you’ve heard of this guy, who has a habit of losing elections:

Texas gubernatorial hopeful Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke (D) took the opportunity to inject himself during Governor Greg Abbott’s Wednesday press conference covering the Robb Elementary mass shooting in Uvalde.
Beto appears to wait until the governor’s remarks are complete before he stands in front of the stage to interrupt Lt. Governor Dan Patrick’s presentation. Patrick attempts to shut down the Democratic Party candidate for Governor, saying, “Excuse me, you’re out of line and an embarrassment.”
O’Rourke continued to talk over the Lt. Governor to address Governor Abbott. “You’re doing nothing,” the failed presidential and senatorial candidate said.
Uvalde Mayor Don McLaughlin was most vocal in trying to shout down the interruption. Texas Senator Ted Cruz can also be heard trying to hush Beto.
“He needs to get his ass out of here,” the Uvalde mayor said regarding the disruptive candidate. “Sir, you’re out of line! Sir, you’re out of line! Please leave this auditorium.”
“I can’t believe… you’re a sick son of a bitch,” the mayor continued, “that would come to an event like this to make political issues.”
Law enforcement officers surrounded O’Rourke and attempted to move him out of the arena. O’Rourke stopped again and attempted to address the governor.
“It’s on you,” O’Rourke said pointing at Abbott. McLaughlin responded, “It’s on assholes like you. Why don’t you get out of here?”
Police finally escorted O’Rourke from the room where he carried out an impromptu press conference.
The twice-failed candidate received the Democratic Party of Texas’ nomination to face off against Governor Abbott in the 2022 General Election in November. He has a long history of contradicting his positions on the 2nd Amendment and gun control.
During a Democratic Party presidential candidate debate in September 2019, O’Rourke responded to a question about his support of gun confiscation. “Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47,” the candidate stated. A few days later, he backtracked and told CNN he would not confiscate hunting rifles. When then-CNN show host Chris Cuomo asked O’Rourke, “Are you, in fact, in favor of gun confiscations?” The candidate replied, “Yes” and then added, “But when it comes to firearms used for hunting or self-defense the answer is ‘no.’ And I don’t want you or anyone else to get into the fear mongering, that some have fallen prey to, saying that the government is going to come and take all your guns.”

November is probably going to be one of the worst beatings the Democrats have ever experienced, and O’Rourke — who couldn’t win a statewide race in Texas even in the high-tide year of 2018 — is going to get smashed flatter than an armadillo trying to cross I-10 in rush hour.


Chicago Massacre Suspect Had Felony Record, Told Cops He ‘Had to Do It’

Posted on | May 24, 2022 | 2 Comments

Say hello to Jaylun Sanders, 21, and his alleged accomplice, Kameron Abram, 20. Sanders is charged in the murder of two people in last week’s shooting near a McDonald’s on Chicago’s northside that also left seven other people injured. WFLD-TV reports:

Cook County prosecutors released new information Sunday about charges against Jaylun Sanders, accused of a mass shooting on Chicago’s Near North Side that left two dead and seven wounded, including the claim that Sanders admitted the crime and said he “had to do it.”
Prosecutors said that about a half hour before the shooting on State near Chicago on Thursday, a fight occurred between a group of people including Sanders and another group. This fight was caught on surveillance video and witnessed by a Chicago police sergeant who arrived on scene and heard a gunshot.
The police sergeant said the groups took off, though a witness told the officer that someone had hidden a gun under a mailbox on Peterson Avenue, about a block away. That gun was recovered.
Prosecutors said that surveillance video from about 10:17 p.m. shows someone in a pink hat giving a gun to Sanders, who allegedly puts it in his waistband.
Later surveillance video allegedly shows Sanders and his group walking towards the CTA Red Line, while the group of victims are walking behind. When Sanders got to the CTA stairs, he allegedly turned around and fired 21 shots. Anthony Allen, 31, and Antonio Wade, 30, were killed.
Prosecutors said that Sanders and his friends took off down the escalator into the Red Line station, where Sanders allegedly handed the gun to codefendant Kameron Abram. Abram also gave Sanders his sweatshirt, prosecutors said.
They jumped onto the train tracks to get to the other side, and that’s when Sanders girlfriend was injured as she fell on to the electrified third rail.
Police chased them and captured Sanders and Abram. The gun was found in the CTA tunnel.
Prosecutors said that Sanders gave a statement (recorded on video) in which he first denied being the shooter, but later admitted that he got the Glock from a cousin via Indiana, and that the auto switch can be bought for about $20 on the street.
Sanders allegedly told police that the other group shot first, but then said that he thought they were going to shoot and that he “had to do it.”

More information from CWB Chicago:

A 21-year-old South Shore man who allegedly shot 9 people outside the Chicago Red Line station on Thursday night had a felony gun case pending at the time of the mass shooting, according to court records.
Jaylun Sanders, 21, is the 20th person charged with killing or shooting — or trying to shoot or kill — someone in Chicago this year while awaiting trial for a felony. The alleged crimes involve at least 49 victims, 11 of whom died. . . .
[C]ourt records show Sanders has a pending felony unlawful use of a weapon case that began when police arrested him during a traffic stop on the 1000 block of West 95th Street on November 15, 2020.
Police said they found a loaded 9-millimeter in Sanders’ hoodie pocket during the stop. He told officers he found the gun three days earlier and it was the first day he had carried it in public, prosecutors said at the time.
Judge John Lyke allowed Sanders to go home upon posting of a $200 deposit toward his $2,000 bail, records show.
Sanders stopped showing up for his court dates last October and Judge Adrienne Davis issued a warrant for his arrest on November 29. That warrant was still active at the time of the mass shooting, according to court records.
Prosecutors said during Sanders’ November 2020 bail hearing that he had no “publishable” history. CPD and court records show he was charged with misdemeanor aggravated assault of a teacher or school employee on May 22, 2019. Four days earlier, he was arrested and charged with misdemeanor possession of 30 to 100 grams of cannabis.
Officials dropped both cases the next month.

What’s the point of even arresting criminals, if everything is just a misdemeanor, or charges are dropped, and where a suspect with an arrest warrant has no problem staying out on the streets for six months?


In The Mailbox: 05.23.22

Posted on | May 24, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 05.23.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Due to my flight schedule, there will probably be no link dump tomorrow, so I’ll probably double up on Wednesday.
Silicon Valley delenda est.

357 Magnum: What Happens When Government Mandates Organic Agriculture?
EBL: Biden Solves The Baby Formula Problem! also, Schools Closed In Wisconsin Over Wrong Pronoun Bomb Threat
Twitchy: Whoopi Instructs Archbishop Of San Francisco On His Pastoral Duties, also, Nikole Hannah-Jones Thread “Indistinguishable From Confederate Talking Points”
Louder With Crowder: Monkeypox Was Spread By People Doing What At European Raves?
Vox Popoli: Apex Predators Unleashed, A Failure Of Deterrence, and Truth Social – A Review
Gab News: Your Duty To Wake Up Those Around You


American Conservative: Biden’s Hare-Brained Diplomacy, also, Lost In Dr. Ozland
American Greatness: America Should Bring Back Public Executions, also, Joe Biden & Racial Demagoguery
American Power: The Market Is Melting Down & People Are Feeling It, also, “Stop The Steal” Republicans Now Dominating State Legislatures
American Thinker:  CNN’s Eye Is On The Sparrow, also, A New Kind Of Child Abuse
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Placeholder Totty
Babalu Blog: Miami’s Archbishop Applauds Biden’s Betrayal Of The Cuban People, and Dissident Rapper “El Osorbo” Marks One Year In Prison
BattleSwarm: Red China’s Last Year? also, Houston Exceeds Its Credit Limit
Behind The Black: Pushback – Prof Fired For Having Opinions Wins Legal Victory, also, Boeing Uninterested In Finding Starliner Customers Besides NASA? 
Cafe Hayek: Unprofitable Analysis
CDR Salamander: Larter, Returning – You Never Get The Sea Out Of Your Blood
Chicago Boyz: Just A Question, also, An Interesting Startup
Da Tech Guy: Walmart v. The Navy, also, Two Happy Endings In One Day
Don Surber: The War Putin Is Winning, also, SJW Proves To Be Cannibalistic Again
First Street Journal: Mitt’s Madness, also, San Francisco Examiner’s Editorial Board Appalled That Archbishop Of San Francisco Is Actually Catholic
Gates Of Vienna: Viktor Orban’s Speech At CPAC Budapest, also, Rigged
The Geller Report: Court Orders FBI To Disclose Agents Who Ordered Anti-Trump Spy Op, also, Former Hillary Donor Elon Musk Is “Pissed” His Donations Used For “Lying” 
Hogewash: Messier 57, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, and Mmmm, Barbecue
Hollywood In Toto: Woke Reporters Struggling To Keep Cancel Culture Alive, also, Is Mission: Impossible The Last Movie Franchise?
The Lid: We Know For Sure That The Media, Democrats & Joe Biden All Lied About Hunter
Legal Insurrection: Princeton University Fires Professor Joshua Katz, also, UW-Madison Sees No Improvement In Campus Climate After Spending Millions On Diversity Programs
Nebraska Energy Observer: Random Observations, also, Geopolitics, or, What Hath Putin Wrought?
Outkick: Bud Grant Says The NFL Needs To Toughen Up, Sage Steele Grateful For Support After Getting Hit By Ball At PGA Championship, and ESPN Lost 8 Million Subscribers Last Year – 10% Of Its Base
Power Line: Can Adults No Longer Consent, Bill Maher Crosses The Line? and Climate Risk & Wall Street Meet Cancel Culture
Shark Tank: Team Rubio – Demings Causing “Pain At The Pump”
Shot In The Dark: Fingerprints, Ravenous, and Sick & Broken
The Political Hat: School Smut Hypocrisy, Las Vegas Edition
This Ain’t Hell: Future Destroyer To Be Named For Telesforo Trinidad, Merrill’s Marauder Receives Congressional Gold Medal, Dies That Night, and Three More Accounted For
Transterrestrial Musings: The Babylon Bee, The Woke CEOs, and Commercial Crew
Victory Girls: State Farm – Creepy Grooming Neighbor Is There, also, Occasional Cortex Really Hates Christians
Volokh Conspiracy: Federal Court Sanctions Mike Lindell For “Frivolous” Legal Claims
Watts Up With That: HSBC Senior Banker Spanked After Dissing The Climate Crisis, also, Australia Has Finally Caught The Net Zero Bus
Weasel Zippers: Biden’s Energy Secretary Snaps When Asked About High Gas Prices, also, Woke Mob Wants To Cancel The Word “Obesity” Because It’s “Racist”
The Federalist: It’s Long Past Time For Congress To Break Up The FBI, also, CNN’s Dana Bash Has a Solution To Child Poverty – Kill The Babies
Mark Steyn: Facebook & Revolution, An Inspector Calls, and Toreador Down

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‘Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!’

Posted on | May 23, 2022 | 2 Comments

John Durham has already won. Regardless of how the Michael Sussman trial ends, the Special Counsel has proven through evidence and testimony that the person responsible for the “Russian collusion” smear against Donald Trump was none other than Hillary Clinton.

The federal jury hearing the case against Sussmann, a lawyer who represented Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, may eventually acquit him. He is charged with lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation by saying he was not acting on behalf of Clinton when he tried to get the Bureau interested in bogus claims that Trump had a secret connection to Russia’s Alfa Bank. This is a very narrow and specific accusation, and the jury could find Sussmann’s defense against that charge credible.

Whatever the trial’s outcome in regard to Sussmann’s guilt or innocence, however, Durham’s prosecution has already shown in court that the claims about Alfa Bank were part of an effort to establish a “narrative” (a word Sussmann himself used) of secret connections between Trump and Russia, and that Hillary herself approved the campaign’s plan to leak this to the media. Of course, the role of the media in promoting the Trump-Russia “narrative” has been exhaustively demonstrated, but now that the damning truth about the whole sordid affair is a matter of sworn testimony in court, suddenly the media have lost interest. Tim Graham of the Media Research Center notes that the Washington Post (which breathlessly hyped the “collusion” fraud) buried its coverage of the Sussmann trial on Page A8, and didn’t mention the most important part — former campaign chairman Robby Mook’s confirmation of Hillary’s direct involvement — until the 25th paragraph of the story. And, as the MRC’s Curtis Houck observes, the evening news programs at ABC, NBC and CBS have completely ignored the Sussmann trial.

Sic semper hoc — when Democrats are involved in scandals, the media seeks to convey the message that it’s not really a scandal at all. If they can’t completely ignore a Democratic scandal, instead they spin the story about how “far right” Republican enemies have “seized” and “pounced” on accusations of Democratic wrongdoing. So here you have a scandal perhaps unique in American history — Democrats manufacturing a phony scandal in an attempt to discredit their opponent, then employing the Justice Department to pursue an “investigation” of this bogus scandal, in order to give it a semblance of reality — and yet the media keep trying pretend that this is not genuinely newsworthy.

When details of this were revealed in a court motion that Durham filed in February, Trump said: “This is a scandal far greater in scope and magnitude than Watergate and those who were involved in and knew about this spying operation should be subject to criminal prosecution.”

Indeed. Michael Sussmann’s role in this scandal was arguably minor. He was one of many foot soldiers in the army of Democratic Party operatives pushing this concocted narrative about secret Russia-Trump connections. Whether or not Sussmann is convicted, there is no longer any doubt about who was really responsible. Her name is Hillary Clinton.

She’s guilty — GUILTY! GUILTY! GUILTY!

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers!


Rule 5 Sunday: Shouko’s Mom Has Got It Going On

Posted on | May 22, 2022 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Got a lot of packing to do before I head out tomorrow for Las Vegas, and from there to Washington DC on Tuesday, so tonight, a pic of Shouko Komi’s* mom Shuuko, who is every bit as cute as her tongue-tied teenaged daughter. What do you suppose she’s making in pottery class, aside from a cute mess? Art by Filipino artist Khyle.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

NINETY MILES FROM TYRANNY: Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1722, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns.

ANIMAL MAGNETISM: Rule Five Eighth Annual Commencement Day Speech Friday, and the Saturday Gingermageddon

EBL: MAGA – Crooked Clinton Russian Collusion, Willie Nelson “Whiskey River”, The Boys, Grace Slick, With Her Head Tucked Underneath Her Arm, Nina Jankowicz – You’re Fired!, Black Grift Matters, Westworld Season 4, The Time Traveler’s Wife, Operation Mincemeat, Old, Super Pumped, Miss Whiplash Has To Pay Taxes, and Ukrainian Secret Weapon Rule 5

A VIEW FROM THE BEACHLily-Rose DeppFish Pic Friday – GigiAnother Bad Year for Maryland Crabs AheadTattoo ThursdayThe Wednesday WetnessNothing Else MattersGone Fishin’The Monday Morning StimulusHollywood Groomers Convicted and Palms Sunday

Thanks to everyone for all the luscious links!

*From the manga and anime Komi Can’t Communicate.
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The Fresh Prince of Foxborough?

Posted on | May 22, 2022 | 1 Comment

It’s a comparison Jonnu Smith has heard over and over — the kid who made it off the mean streets of Philly, like The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. There was a lot of tragedy in Smith’s life. His father was killed in a work accident when Jonnu was just 4 years old, the youngest of six kids. His older brother went to prison, and the violence in his neighborhood was so bad that his mother decided the best thing for 14-year-old Jonnu was to send him to Ocala, Florida, to live with his aunt and uncle.

That decision almost certainly saved Jonnu Smith’s life. By his own admission, he was hanging around a “rough” crowd in Philly, and his childhood best friend was later murdered in the city. By then, however, Smith’s hard work and talent had made him a star tight end for Florida International University, the only school that recruited him out of West Port High School in Osceola. He was drafted in the third round by the Tennessee Titans in 2017 and, as a free agent in 2021, signed a four-year $50 million deal with the New England Patriots. What a story!

So imagine when I saw this on Smith’s Twitter feed:

Wow. Imagine if that was your hometown. What is going on in Philadelphia, to turn it into such a wretched hive of scum and villainy? The homicide total so far this year is 180 in “Killadelphia,” meaning that the city’s averaging about one homicide a day, but nobody seems to consider this an emergency, and Congress is sending billions to Ukraine.

The only advice I can offer residents of Philadelphia is to emulate the example of Jonnu Smith: Get out, before you get killed.


FMJRA 2.0: The Greeks Don’t Want No Freaks

Posted on | May 22, 2022 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: The Greeks Don’t Want No Freaks

— compiled by Wombat-socho

I hadn’t thought of this song in ages…when it hit the airwaves, I was coming to the end of my time at the Defense Language Institute. I didn’t know jack about how fraternities & sororities worked except for what I’d seen in Animal House, but as it happened, I was dating a German linguist from Lubbock who had been a Little Sister to some frat at Texas Tech, and she was kind enough to explain these things to me. Anyway, I happened to hear it when I was down in Vegas this week, so here it is.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Democrats are blaming everything on GamerGate again.

Rule 5 Sunday: Anya Forger
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Ukraine’s Victory in the Battle of Kharkiv


FMJRA 2.0: Mirage
A View From The Beach

Ukraine: Donbas Battles Intensify

Personally I Blame Ruy Teixeira
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 05.16.22
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

A Deadly Hate Crime That Liberals Probably Can’t Blame on Tucker Carlson
The DaleyGator
First Street Journal
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 05.17.22
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Why Don’t We Trust the ‘Experts’?
357 Magnum

Bedlam in Bellingham
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

Not His Lucky Day
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 05.19.22 (Afternoon Edition)
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 05.20.22 (Morning Edition)
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Good-Bye, Disinformation Commissar!
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 05.20.22 (Afternoon Edition)
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Top linkers for the week ending May 20:

  1.  EBL (16)
  2.  357 Magnum (10)
  3.  A View From The Beach (8)
  4.  Proof Positive (7)

Thanks to everyone for all the links!

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