The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

A Blast From the Past

Posted on | December 12, 2021 | Comments Off on A Blast From the Past

“They are teenagers in high school experimenting with their sexuality, all teens do it in one form or another. They are teens, it’s healthy and normal.”
Kelley Hunt Smith (Kaitlyn Hunt’s mother)

“The state is further in possession of lewd and lascivious videos the defendant sent the child victim. At least one video explicitly depicts the defendant masturbating by rubbing her vagina with her fingers while moaning.”
Christopher Taylor, Assistant State Attorney

How long has it been since I even thought about Kaitlyn Hunt? You remember her? The teenage Florida lesbian who briefly became a liberal media cause célèbre after she was arrested in 2013 for having sex with a 14-year-old girl? The media bought into a #FreeKate narrative — promoted by Hunt’s parents — that she was a victim of homophobia, but Florida’s age of consent law was very clear and plenty of heterosexuals had been prosecuted for sex with minors. Furthermore, as more facts about the case came to light, it became evident that this allegedly innocent “romance” (as some in the media tried to paint it) was rather sordid, including meeting up for sex in the school restroom. The victim’s parents had tried to get Hunt to leave their daughter alone, but Hunt was obsessed with the girl. The #FreeKate movement, such as it was, relied on misrepresentations of the case made by Kaitlyn Hunt’s father:

In the online petition, which garnered more than 300,00 signatures, Steve Hunt described his daughter’s involvement with the 14-year-old as an innocent “high school romance,” and did not mention an incident in January where the younger girl ran away from home to have sex with his Kaitlyn. The parents of the 14-year-old told a local TV station that they feared their daughter had been abducted, but later learned she had been picked up by Kaitlyn and taken to the Hunt family’s home for a night of sex. The younger girl’s parents said they twice asked Kaitlyn to leave their daughter alone, and only in February reported the case to authorities.
When more facts about the case became public — the Indian River County Sheriff’s Office released the arrest affidavit on May 20 — some of Hunt’s original supporters repudiated the “Free Kate” campaign. On May 23, Joan McCarter of the progressive Daily Kos site said that “the initial dishonesty of Hunt’s parents” made the story “problematic,” and deactivated a Daily Kos petition on Hunt’s behalf.

People who bought into the false narrative failed to understand what was actually at stake in the case, i.e., that Hunt’s supporters were essentially trying to render age-of-consent laws null and void. Ninety-nine times out of 100, cases of statutory rape are settled by a plea bargain, because prosecutors don’t want to go to trial and have to put the victim on the witness stand. Kaitlyn Hunt was offered a plea bargain but rejected it, because her parents didn’t think she should have to plead guilty to a felony. The #FreeKate crusade was an attempt to use political pressure to force prosecutors into dropping the case, which they refused to do.

This 2013 case exasperated me because so many people refused to acknowledge the danger inherent in making Kaitlyn Hunt into a sort of “civil rights” hero — the Rosa Parks of jailbait dildo sex — as if it were some kind of injustice to enforce age-of-consent laws. In the end, the #FreeKate movement collapsed in failure after prosecutors discovered that Hunt had violated her bail terms by surreptitiously communicating with her victim (including sending her masturbation “selfie” videos) and Hunt eventually accepted the plea deal. So the whole obscene carnival of publicity which, as I said at the time, had turned Kaitlyn Hunt into the World’s Most Famous Sex Offender™ was utterly futile.

My habit of working in “file it and forget it” mode — it’s just another story I covered, forgotten as soon as it ended — means that I don’t keep track of what happens to people after they’ve finished their 15 minutes of fame (or infamy, as may be the case). In 2014, Kaitlyn Hunt announced her engagement to an older woman (Latasha Thomas), followed a year later by the birth of a baby son (Kingston) and in 2017, there was an item reporting that she had completed her probation, but since then she’s disappeared. Meanwhile, however . . .

Whatever happened to the victim in that case? Well, a longtime friend of the blog reports that the victim’s mother posted to Facebook bragging about her daughter. After graduating from Cornell University (!!!), she is now district manager for a tech company while working to complete her MBA from Florida International University. “God has His arms around you,” the mother wrote in a birthday greeting to her daughter. “Continue to keep Him first and there’s no limit to what you can accomplish.”

“But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.”
Genesis 50:20 (KJV)

Never doubt that God answers prayers. Selah.


FMJRA 2.0: Sedan Delivery

Posted on | December 12, 2021 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: Sedan Delivery

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Not a good week for the Senators – took two from the Cardinals at home, but then lost three straight to the Indians at the Mistake On The Lake. The worst part was having Stottlemyre and Siebert go 7 for 8 between them in the last two games; since most of my baseball fan experience has been with the American League since the 1990s, this business of pitchers hitting strikes me as Wrong and Unnatural. Mr. Williams is not available for comment; the last time I saw him he was snarling something about sportswriters and hot water.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Rule 5 Sunday: McKenna Grace
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

The Savage Young

The Dumbest ‘Hate Crime’ Hoax Ever: Courtroom Sequel for Jussie Smollett
357 Magnum

FMJRA 2.0: Radar Gun
A View From The Beach

Omicron Panic Porn
357 Magnum

CNN: Zucker Going Down Next?

Roll Tide!

Unreasonable Doubt
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 12.06.21
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

California School District: ‘Write Your Own Hex Poem, Cursing That Person’

Patriots Win Smash-Mouth Football

In The Mailbox: 12.07.21
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Crazy People Are Dangerous: Psycho Torches Fox Christmas Tree in Manhattan
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 12.08.21
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Who Should Kyle Rittenhouse Sue First? Let Me Nominate Colin Kaepernick
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 12.09.21
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

GUILTY! GUILTY! GUILTY! GUILTY! GUILTY! Chicago Jury Convicts Jussie Smollett in Fake ‘Hate Crime’ Hoax

In The Mailbox: 12.10.21
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Top linkers for the week ending December 10:

  1.  EBL (18)
  2.  357 Magnum (10)
  3.  A View From The Beach (7)
  4.  Proof Positive (6)

Thanks to everyone for all the links!

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But They Told Me This ‘Elite Pedophile’ Stuff Was a Conspiracy Theory

Posted on | December 11, 2021 | Comments Off on But They Told Me This ‘Elite Pedophile’ Stuff Was a Conspiracy Theory

Only right-wing extremists believe this could be real:

A veteran CNN producer who worked “shoulder to shoulder” with now disgraced ex-anchor Chris Cuomo has been indicted on charges of luring young girls to his Vermont ski house for “sexual subservience” training.
John Griffin, of Stamford, CT, allegedly used messaging apps to befriend and persuade moms of young girls, telling them “a woman is a woman regardless of her age,” and that he should be the one to “train” their daughters sexually, according to the indictment from the US Attorney of Vermont.
Griffin, 44, allegedly got at least one mom of two daughters to bring the girl to his Ludlow ski getaway, in June 2020.
It was the mom’s responsibility to see that her older daughter, just 13, was “trained properly,” Griffin told her, according to the indictment.
Griffin, a father himself, sent the woman $3,000 for plane tickets so they could fly from Nevada to Boston’s Logan Airport, where he picked them up in his Tesla for the ride to Ludlow, according to court papers.
It was there that “the daughter was directed to engage in, and did engage in, unlawful sexual activity,” authorities alleged.
Griffin attempted to entice two other children over the internet into sexual activity, according to the indictment, which said he favored apps like Kik and Google Hangout for the alleged misdeeds. In April 2020, Griffin allegedly suggested a “virtual training session” over a video chat, that would include him instructing a mother and her 14-year-old daughter to remove their clothing and touch each other.
In June 2020, Griffin told another mom of a 16-year-old girl that she take a “little mother-daughter trip” to Griffin’s Ludlow ski house for sexual training involving the child, according to the indictment.

If convicted, Griffin faces a mandatory 10-year prison sentence — that’s the minimum, and he could be imprisoned for life.

While I don’t think this vindicates QAnon, Griffin was very much “elite,” as he attended the prestigious Hackley School and Princeton University. You got to figure he came from a wealthy family, because how else does he afford a Tesla, a Mercedes and a ski lodge? Difficult to believe he could afford all that on a producer’s salary, but maybe CNN’s just shoveling out crazy amounts of cash despite the fact that their ratings are lower than Spongebob Squarepants. Between this creep and the notorious wanker Jeffrey Toobin, you’ve got to wonder, does CNN ever hire anyone who’s not a pervert? Garbage people working at a garbage network.

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers!


Waking Up From Wokeness

Posted on | December 11, 2021 | Comments Off on Waking Up From Wokeness

One of the wonderful things about the Biden presidency is that, when things go wrong, Democrats can no longer blame Trump — and a whole lot of stuff is going wrong now. We are at the stage of events famously referenced by H.L. Mencken: “Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.”

Leighton Woodhouse is a self-described “progressive” documentary filmmaker who lives in Oakland, California, and he describes the disastrous impact of “defund the police” in the Bay Area where crime has gotten completely out of control:

Shoplifters casually walk into Walgreens stores in San Francisco filling garbage bags full of merchandise. They’ve spat on, bitten, assaulted, and thrown bottles of urine at employees.
The flashmob-style “smash and grab” robberies that originated here — in places like Union Square in San Francisco and the shopping plaza in affluent Walnut Creek — have now spread across the country.
Asian seniors are brazenly assaulted in the street; one octogenarian was body slammed to death. This week, an Afghan refugee— a father of three who had worked as a translator for the U.S. army — was shot dead near a playground in San Francisco’s Potrero Hill neighborhood.
And now freeway shootings are a thing. A few weeks ago, at nine in the morning, a 29-year-old mom on her way from Oakland to San Francisco for a job interview with her fiancé and two kids was randomly shot and killed in her SUV at the Bay Bridge toll plaza.

(Hat-tip: Instapundit.) Woodhouse goes on to cite data that will sound familiar to anyone who has read Heather Mac Donald’s The War on Cops and — to remind you again — he’s a progressive, with a deep sense of commitment to left-wing causes, so that admitting the truth about the destructive impact of progressive policies is quite painful to him.

Being curious about the person making these painful admissions, I checked out Woodhouse’s Twitter timeline and discovered that he’s also sick and tired of the COVID-19 panic porn. He’s got school-aged children and, like anyone else who’s done the slightest bit of research, he knows that (a) healthy children are at little risk from the coronavirus, (b) the mandatory masks-and-social-distancing regime in schools is not scientifically valid, and (c) this regime is harmful to kids.

Guess who else is rebelling against COVID-19 panic?

When you’ve lost Michelle Goldberg and Jill Filipovic . . .


In The Mailbox: 12.10.21

Posted on | December 11, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 12.10.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Usual weekend deadlines for the usual weekend posts.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

357 Magnum: Woke Milwaukee DA Has Blood On His Hands
EBL: RIP Michael Nesmith
Twitchy: “You Had To Know It Was Coming”, also, Democrat-Majority Penn. Supreme Court Shoots Down Governor Wolf’s School Mask Mandate
Louder With Crowder: “My Life Is More Important To Me Than Theirs”
Vox Popoli: The Easy Way Or The Hard Way, Cuckservative Advanced Revolution, and Pedo Zeppelin
According To Hoyt: How PECULIAR, also, Head Script
Monster Hunter Nation: Servants Of War eARC Out Now! also, Swag Update 2021 
Stoic Observations: Seven Rules For Saving All Your Stuff
Gab News: On Christian Masculinity

American Conservative: Mel Gibson, Hungary, & The Sense Of Normal
American Greatness: The GOP’s Multiethnic Working Class Coalition Is Taking Shape
American Power: On The Banks Of The Furious Congo River
American Thinker: Build Back Better – How To Destroy A National Economy
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Climate Model Friday
Babalu Blog: Three Cuban Kids Arrested For Peaceful Protests During 7/11 Turn 18 In Prison, also, Cuban Dictatorship Used Saudi Infrastructure Gift To Build Castro Center
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For December 10
Behind The Black: Red China Launches Two Satellites With Long March 4B, also, Russia Selects First Cosmonaut To Fly On Dragon
Cafe Hayek: A Sour Deal
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: All The Hysteria Over The Omicron Variant Is Truly Moronic, Sarah Silverman & Debra Messing Channel Opus The Penguin On “Nun Beating”, and COVID Has Become A Racket
Don Surber: Get #BLM To Protect Your Stores, also, NYT Calls Bidenomics “COVID Malaise” 
Gates Of Vienna: BBC Misinformation – Jihadism, Brother Can You Spare A Dime?, and Entire Family Indirectly Taken Out By The Vax
The Geller Report: Inflation Rate Approaches 40-Year High, also, Victor Davis Hanson – America’s Turning Into A Third World Country
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, Jets At The Center Of The Galaxy, and That’s Gonna Leave A Mark
Hollywood In Toto: How Being The Ricardos Missed A Golden Opportunity, also, Has Paul Verhoeven Gone Too Far With Benedetta?
The Lid: Dementia Joe Reads “End of Message” During Dole Eulogy
Legal Insurrection: Swarthmore Student Op-Ed Wonders If White People Should be Kicked Out Of Parties, Anti-Police Mobs Vandalize UC-Davis Campus, and Mockery Ensues After USA Today Publishes “Is Math Racist?” Article
Nebraska Energy Observer: Scattershot Friday – Colonels & Pearl Harbor
Outkick: Longtime Broncos WR Demaryius Thomas Dead At 33, Second Female Penn Swimmer Steps Up, and TikTok – The Silent Abuser
Power Line: A Smollett Postscript, Meet Rachel Rollins, and How Bad Is The Democrats’ Latino Voter Problem?
Shark Tank: FL Democrats Upset With Salazar’s Maduro & Castro Pics
Shot In The Dark: Moving Forward, And Just When I Wondered…, and Sheriff Hutchinson
STUMP: Quick Takes – Homicides & City Partisan Control, Querying WONDER By Gender, and SALT Stuff
The Political Hat: Woke Reindeer Indoctrinates Kids About Pronouns, also, Firing Line Friday – The Idea Of The Great Ideas
This Ain’t Hell: Troops Deployed To Southern Border Do Deployed Troop Shenanigans, Valor Friday, and Senate Unanimously Passes Resolution Declaring 12/18 “Wreaths Across America Day”
Transterrestrial Musings: The Cabal That Foisted Joe Biden On Us, Abigail Schrier, and Elon Musk
Victory Girls: Inflation Is Real & Ugly, No Matter The Spin
Volokh Conspiracy: A Murky Decision In The Texas S.B. 8 Case
Weasel Zippers: Biden Refuses To Answer Questions On Russia, Ukraine, Stares Blankly, Secularist Group Targets Wreaths On Veterans’ Graves – “An Atrocity”, and Fake Doctor Jill Biden Claims Joe’s Mentally Fit
The Federalist: Five Biggest Takeaways From The Latest Review Of Wisconsin’s Rigged 2020 Election, Joy Behar Accidentally Admits Conservatives Were Right About Sex, and Bipartisan Campaign Launches To Pass California School Choice Initiative After Failed Recall
Mark Steyn: From Camelot To Coronalot

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GUILTY! GUILTY! GUILTY! GUILTY! GUILTY! Chicago Jury Convicts Jussie Smollett in Fake ‘Hate Crime’ Hoax

Posted on | December 10, 2021 | Comments Off on GUILTY! GUILTY! GUILTY! GUILTY! GUILTY! Chicago Jury Convicts Jussie Smollett in Fake ‘Hate Crime’ Hoax

It was “The Dumbest ‘Hate Crime’ Hoax Ever.” Because no intelligent person ever believed Jussie Smollett’s tale of being assaulted by MAGA-hat-wearing white men — in Chicago, at 2 o’clock in the morning, when the temperature was below freezing — his decision to go to trial meant that he was attempting jury nullification. Fortunately, he has failed:

A jury found disgraced actor and former “Empire” star Jussie Smollett guilty on five of six charges in a case where he is accused of staging an anti-gay, racist attack on himself nearly three years ago and then lied to Chicago police about it.
The verdict came after a roughly one-week trial in which two brothers testified that Smollett recruited them to fake an attack on him near his home in downtown Chicago in January 2019. Smollett repeatedly denied the claims. The brothers said Smollett orchestrated the hoax, telling them to put a noose around his neck and rough him up in view of a surveillance camera, and that he said he wanted video of the hoax made public via social media.
Smollett called the brothers “liars” and said their account was “100% false. He testified over two days about being the victim of what he said was a hate crime, telling the jury ”there was no hoax.”
Abimbola Osundairo, who worked with Smollett on the Chicago set of “Empire,” and his brother, Olabingo Osundairo, also testified that Smollett paid them $3,500 for faking the attack. Smollett said the money was for meal and workout plans that Abimbola Osundairo was providing so the actor could be more toned for upcoming performances.
The Jan. 29 assault was reported to police, prompting a massive investigation that a lead detective said included some two dozen officers and 3,000 staff hours. The investigation — which included video from surveillance cameras, GPS and taxi and rideshare records — led police to the Osundairo brothers, who told detectives Smollett had staged the alleged hate crime.
Smollett’s defense attorneys argued that the brothers attacked the actor — who is gay and Black — because they were homophobic and didn’t like “who he was.” They also alleged the brothers made up the story about the attack being staged to get money from Smollett, and that they told him they wouldn’t testify against him if he paid them each $1 million.
The class 4 felony carries a prison sentence of up to three years, but experts have said Smollett would likely be placed on probation and ordered to perform community service.

We have the receipts of Democrats who promoted this hoax:

Will there be any consequences for Biden, Harris, AOC and the other Democrats who pretended to believe this hoax? Because I don’t believe they ever really did believe it. As I say, every intelligent person recognized this as a hoax from the very moment it was first reported, and I do not think any of these people — not even AOC — is so stupid as to have thought this was really “an attempted modern day lynching.” No, they knew it was a lie, and deliberately amplified it, as a dishonest slander against every Republican (and every white person) in America.

“Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.”

Democrats routinely violate the Ninth Commandment.


In The Mailbox: 12.09.21

Posted on | December 10, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 12.09.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Better late than never.

357 Magnum: …And Christmas For All
EBL: SHUT UP WHEATON – Nobody Likes A Poser
Twitchy: The Atlantic Debunks The Moral Panic Around The “Nonexistent” Child Sex Trafficking Epidemic
Louder With Crowder: Mike Rowe Shuts Down Haters For Attacking Him Over Funny Omicron Variant Meme
Vox Popoli: They’re Getting Desperate, How To Build A Town, and 1,000 Videos On UATV

Adam Piggott: Make Grim Examples of Them All
American Conservative: The End Of Mass Tourism, also, A Conservative Vision For Albania
American Greatness: Devin Nunes Isn’t Done Saving Our Republic, also, 1/6 Police Beating Victim Speaks – “I Could Have Died”
American Power: Abigail Schrier, also, Schools Confront Wave Of Student Misbehavior
American Thinker: A Callout To Physicians, also, The Concentration Camp Olympics
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Nuclear News
Babalu Blog: Cuban Independent Journalist Beaten In Her Home, also, As The Omicron Virus Hits Cuba, The Dictatorship Opens The Door To Apartheid Tourists
BattleSwarm: Faster, Blue Cities! Kill! Kill!
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted Americans, NASA Issues Vague Update On Lucy’s Solar Panel Deployment Issue, and India Issues New Schedule For Lunar & Manned Missions
Cafe Hayek: What Free Trade Really Does
CDR Salamander: Diversity Thursday
Da Tech Guy: Cuomo Discarded But Harris Isn’t Going Anywhere Under The Fedora, Report From Louisiana – A Cantankerous Mood, and Is The Global COVID Tyranny Based On A Heap of Lies?
Don Surber: Democrat Policies Set New Highs For Murder, Voting With Their Feet, and Biden Calls For Unity While Shunning His VP
First Street Journal: The Powers That Be In Philadelphia Continue To Lie And Blame Each Other For Crime Problem
Gates Of Vienna: Ho! Ho! Ho!, also, An Outcast’s Christmas
The Geller Report: Mark Meadows Sues Pelosi’s 1/6 Committee Over Subpoena, Senate Votes 52-48 To Reject Biden’s Jab Mandate For Business, and Trump Says McConnell Holds All The Cards But Doesn’t Have The Guts To Play Them
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, A Surprising Exoplanet, and Ipse Dixit
Hollywood In Toto: Don’t Look Up – Insert Your Favorite Disaster Insult Here
The Lid: Violent Crime Hits Record Highs In Democrat-Run Cities
Legal Insurrection: College-Aged Democrats More Likely To “Despise” Republicans, 38% Of Americans Polled Have Positive View Of Socialism, and Jussie Smollett Found Guilty On Five Of Six Charges
Michelle Malkin:
Nebraska Energy Observer: Drives Me Wild!
Outkick: No, Simone Biles Was Not “Athlete Of The Year”, Trans Penn Swimmer’s Teammate Speaks Out As “Lia” Thomas Smashes More Records, and COVID Data Shows Infections Dropped Amid Booming SEC Season, Packed Stadiums
Power Line: Record Homicides In City After City, Now He Tells Us!, and Russia Hoax Whitewash Era Begins (4)
Shark Tank: DeSantis Takes Victory Lap – “Florida Democrats Are All In Favor Of People Losing Their Jobs”
Shot In The Dark: Imagine If You Will, Coffee, and This Is “Privilege” In Action
The Political Hat: Normalization Of Wokeness – Dispensation For Whites, Doubleplusungood Words & Phrases, And The Whiteness Of “Anti-Racism”
This Ain’t Hell: Mikey Strikes Again!, Thirty Purple Hearts Approved, and SFC Alwyn Cashe Finally To Receive Medal Of Honor
Victory Girls: Biden Team – Why Not Let Putin Control Part Of Ukraine? 
Volokh Conspiracy: California Stops Requiring Academic Prerequisites For Horseshoeing School
Weasel Zippers: Jussie Smollett Found Guilty, Rep. Tlaib (D-Jihad) Whines That Taxpayers Aren’t Paying Her Student Loans, and CAIR Puts Jewish Groups & Synagogues On Enemies List
The Federalist: As Students Struggle To Recover, Portland Teachers Demand Four-Day Work Weeks, Sheldon Whitehouse Squirms When Pressed On Hunter Biden, and D.A. Makes Excuses For Low Bail Freeing Man Accused In Parade Massacre 
Mark Steyn: Perpetual Boosters

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Who Should Kyle Rittenhouse Sue First? Let Me Nominate Colin Kaepernick

Posted on | December 9, 2021 | Comments Off on Who Should Kyle Rittenhouse Sue First? Let Me Nominate Colin Kaepernick

How much money does the failed ex-NFL quarterback have? Kyle Rittenhouse’s lawyers should first (a) research Kaepernick’s net worth, then (b) sue him for that amount, and (c) take all his money.

People are going to have be schooled about libel, and it seems appropriate that Colin Kaepernick should be front of the class.

Although I’m not a lawyer, permit me to explain the “public figure” loophole in U.S. libel law, i.e., the Sullivan precedent. This is important to know — if someone is a “public figure,” a category that includes politicians and pro athletes, you can write damned near anything about them and have little risk of losing a libel suit, because the plaintiff in such a case must prove “actual malice.” People who are ignorant of libel law (a category that apparently includes a lot of blue-check Twitter types like Kaepernick) are prone to think they have license to say anything about anybody. But you can’t lie about an ordinary citizen the way the media lied about Donald Trump, which is why Nicholas Sandmann (a high school kid, not a public figure) ended up winning settlements from the Washington Post and CNN. Anyone who thinks it’s fair game to accuse Kyle Rittenhouse, an innocent teenager who was acquitted at trial, of being a “white supremacist” engaged in “terroristic acts” needs an education, and forcing Colin Kaepernick to defend those libelous claims in court would be a splendid educational opportunity.

Whatever else the flaws of “our current system” may be, it ought to function well enough to bankrupt Colin Kaepernick.

Good luck with that jury in Kenosha, Mr. Kaepernick.


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